• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 8,295 Views, 345 Comments

The Royal Fillies - blazikenking

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have alicorn fillies. One is normal, the other, not quite.

  • ...

Re: Birth

Life on Earth is interesting. It is a miracle of natural chemistry and time. It is a force to be reckoned with, for it can choose how to shape the world around it. It can do and create almost anything it wants to, whether by direct means or through the use of tools. Without life, a planet may as well be dead.

Life on Earth is boring. I wake up, feed my cat, Notch, and either get ready for work, get ready to take care of errands, or start doing things around the house. Today was not a work or errand day, and I had nothing planned with anyone either, so I decided to work on a few projects of mine.

The first of these projects was making sure my bed didn't go anywhere. I did this by keeping my full weight on it. I most certainly did not decide to simply sleep in until noon. That would be silly.

After I had made sure my bed wasn't going anywhere, I got started on my next project: sketching out designs for fantastic armor, weapons, and machines. Among my favorite designs were armor mounted weapons and giant robots.

My day from there on consisted of me listening to music, posting some pictures of my designs on my modestly followed blog, amusing Notch when she wanted attention, and snacking occasionally. It's not difficult for me to get wrapped up in these designs and spend hours at a time on them.

Eventually, I had to get to sleep for the night. I was getting tired and I had work tomorrow. I finished up my current sketch and then went straight to bed. I did not pass Go and I did not collect $200. I did find a quarter, though.

As usual, Notch claimed her spot on the bed shortly after I was comfortable. Tonight, she stretched herself across my neck. An odd position, but she's a cat, they do what they want, and it's not the first time she's slept there. Sleep came just as it had thousands of times before for me as well.


"Greetings, human" a booming voice said, pulling me from fully asleep straight to fully awake. The first thing I noticed was a lack of a sleeping cat near me, followed immediately, almost simultaneously, by the space I was in. It was a pure void; truly colorless, lacking black, white, or anything. A moment later, I saw a giant, scary looking robot with menacing red eyes approach me. The giant dual bladed scythe it carried did not help it look friendly at all. "I am Death, and you are here for a reason."

I couldn't muster up enough courage to even vocalize a simple greeting, let alone a coherent question.

"Your time has come to leave Earth and move on to your next life." Death continued. "I must congratulate you though. Very few have managed to avoid everything that would have killed them just by staying home for the day."

With great effort, I managed to get my brain to work and devised a most eloquent response to Death's statement. "Huh?"

"I had set up multiple instances of fatal car crashes that would only happen if your car was there, tainted food that, once again, would only happen if you were there, and even had situations where a bullet would be what did you in. But you managed to avoid all that by staying home. As a result, I had to make a hard kill with you. Do you have any questions for me?"

I was speechless for a bit before I spoke. "Why me? What's going to happen now?"

"You are going to be reborn as royalty on a planet not too far from Earth. I do not know why you got chosen for it, just that you did." I didn't even see the scythe come at me and only figured that it had from seeing that I was now held in the crook where the blades attached to the shaft. "And our time here is done. Never again shall we meet, and never shall you remember your time with me." With that, Death swung his scythe, flinging me away to somewhere in the universe. Before I could see where I was going, everything went dark and my mind seemed to fragment and shatter.


It's warm and dark here, if a bit wet. I feel. . . safe. Like nothing can hurt me. I'd love to just stay here forever. However, a part of me seems to not be fully in here, like the space is just a bit too small for me.

"Alright Princess, we can see the second one's horn. Just push a bit and she should come out." Huh? What was that sound? And why do I feel like I'm moving?

After a minute or so, I feel a strong force push me out of my warm and dark area into a cold and bright one. With my eyes shut, I started to cry, wanting to go back to the warm, comfortable darkness. Not even being dried by something soft and warm helps; it's still bright and something else is getting at me. A sound, I think?

Even as I'm put in an oddly comfortable embrace, the sound does not stop. I continued crying.

"Inova, please stop crying" a different, more comforting, and strangely familiar voice pleaded. I can't stop crying though, that sound is still there.

The sound seems to get quieter as I get more tired. I have just enough energy to start opening my eyes, and a multitude of voices speak up at once, and I can't make out what they're saying. As I adjusted to the light, I saw a lot of faces in many colors looking at me. The pink one seemed to be looking at me a bit differently than the others.

I mustered up the energy to look from them up to a different, lighter pink face. Something about it calmed me and before long, I was asleep.


*Canterlot Times*

Princess Cadence Gives Birth to Twins

At 10:04 PM on April 30, 1015 ANM, in the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence gave birth to twin alicorn fillies. These future princesses have been named Skyla and Inova. Skyla is darker pink than Princess Cadence, her wings become purple towards the tips of her feathers, her mane and tail are violet and light yellow, and her eyes are light blue. Reportedly, nothing interesting happened with her delivery, which was the first of the two. The second filly, Inova, has a coat and wings of all orange, her mane and tail are black with light blue stripes, and has slightly darker blue eyes than Skyla. Apparently, she cried for about thirty minutes after delivery, not even stopping when given to Princess Cadence. She seemed to quiet down due to exhaustion before falling asleep in her mother's loving embrace.

The former bearers of the elements of harmony were all present. We asked each of them for a short opinion of the foals.

"They are both positively adorable" Ms. Rarity said.

"Ah don't know what to tell ya. I like them both" Applejack said.

"Um, I'd be willing to foalsit them" Fluttershy said.

"I think they're cool" Rainbow Dash said.

"I have extra curricular material planned for them already" Princess Twilight Sparkle stated.

"There's some greater force at work here" Pinkie Pie said, before putting on a tinfoil hat and running around like a madmare. We here at the Times love her antics.

We surveyed all of our staff members on this topic as well. General consensus is that the foals are adorable, we're curious about how they'll grow up, and that the bearer of laughter is crazy. Our reporters will conduct surveys throughout Canterlot for opinions, which we will present the results of next week.

Author's Note:

This chapter was proofread by a friend of mine over at dA, JFPierre.

You can still get your OC in this story. Go to the Professional Logue for details.