• Published 15th May 2012
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Be Human: the All-American Girl Sidestories - Shinzakura

Sidestories for the All-American Girl series

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Welcome Home, Finale

It had taken five months since Lyra’s discovery to bring a close to the whole affair. The weather had since turned, and the crowd was gathering on an overcast autumn day. The news had made it out into the public about the smoozed ponies and though he hadn’t been responsible, the popularity ratings of the current president were now so low he would have no chance of winning reelection had he chosen to do so; the same with his vice president. Oddly enough, Princess Celestia had somehow escaped blame for everything, as it was believed that rogue elements of the Crown were at fault for this; Potato Chip, the head of the Mage Guild’s Division of Law Enforcement, swore to “spend every resource” at his disposal to uncover the conspiracy, but considering that most felt that fairly or otherwise this would point at the hooves of the Royal Family, the matter was given little concern by the Equestriani public, the commons unsure if anypony would ever stand trial.

One change, heralded in a joint press conference by Senator Tyson McAllister (R-VA) and Governor Bob Davies (D-OR), was that the pair had worked with the Departments of State, Justice and Homeland Security to ensure that the ponies that had been smoozed would be allowed to remain as legal residents of the US or to return home unimpeded as they desired. Both politicians had been so instrumental in their action that it virtually assured that they would both win the nominations of their respective parties and face each other in the election in two years – to have clearly defined front-runners for an upcoming election so early was unprecedented, to say the least.

“How do I look?” Rainbow said, as she looked in the mirror in her hotel room. Youth, where are you now? she thought. She was never really vain, but every time she looked in the mirror, looked at the faded mane that was once a full spectrum of color from which she got her name, she missed the days when she could do a Triple Rainboom in seconds, straight up, without even breaking a sweat. Now, she was lucky if she could pull off a Double and that was usually in a high-speed dive, assisted by gravity. No, nowadays, all her speed came from time spent behind a fighter’s HOTAS whenever she had to fly an F-23A or F-35D to keep up with her yearly flight qualifications so she could keep drawing flight pay. No, the skies were no longer hers or Soarin’’s; those belonged to her similarly-colored son.

But on the bright side, it could be so much worse. As a mare in her early sixties, she could be in much worse shape; Twilight and Rarity, being unicorns, aged slower than the other pony tribes, and both looked as if they were in their forties, as did the younger Sweetie. But Pinkie, Fluttershy, AJ and herself would normally not be so lucky; one only had to look at Bloomie or Scoots to see how a normal pegasus or earth pony aged. Fortunately, the four non-unicorn Bearers were blessed by their Elements and aged as slowly as their unicorn counterparts; though neither unicorn ever mentioned it, Rainbow suspected if Twilight or Rarity used their magic in concert with the power of the Elements, they could restore their youth all the way back to around when they all first met. But they were a matched set, the six were, and as such neither unicorn would unintentionally bring hurt on their sisters by doing that, even if it cost them the opportunity of a lifetime – literally.

“Get over yourself, Rainbow – for cryin’ out loud, you look younger than me!” Scootaloo commented drily.

“I know, I know, I just have to look my best today. It’s been a while since I’ve worn my full dress uniform, so I have to look my sharpest.”

The younger pegasus rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, the great REAF General Rainbow Dash, Minister of Defense for Equestria, has to look so buckin’ spiffy.”

“Well, somepony has to look totally awesome,” she teased. Scootaloo, also in her dress uniform, looked somewhat nonplussed. “Even you.”

“You’re in an odd mood today.”

“Do you really need to ask why?”

“I guess not.” Scootaloo fiddled with the tie on her dress uniform briefly then adjusted her epaulets. “We’re never going to escape this, are we? We’re going to have to live the rest of our lives making up for a big mistake.”

“Sometimes that’s all a part of being a mare, kiddo,” Rainbow said. “All I wanted to do was bring the smile back to Rarity’s face when I talked Roughwind’s centuria into making the rescue attempt. All I was doing was trying to make you feel that I trusted you when I asked you to steal that intelligence. And all I ended up doing was hurting our family that much more so, as well as shaming the both of us and wrecking several lives. There are days where I think the only reason I’m still standing is because of my duties to the Crown, and because I’m the Element of Loyalty. Other days, I wish I could just give it all up, resign my commission and duties and just go live the rest of my life in the old cave in the Lonely Spire.”

“You still have me,” the orange mare pointed out. “You still have your husband and your son. And at the end of the day, you’re still the Bearer of Loyalty – you bolster everypony’s dreams.”

“Trying to keep my spirits up? Not today, Scoots, not today. Today…today I have to crush the dreams of that unit that got smoozed.” She sighed, leaning against the table, her tie suddenly feeling way too tight. “They’ve wanted to come back for fifteen years now, and when Lyra found out about them last June, she really got the wheels going. But here’s the part where I have to end it for them.”

“I don’t see the problem – why can’t they come back? If the smoozing was a mistake, why can’t they come back?”

“Colonel, what’s easier to train: a fresh new recruit out of boot camp or the officer’s academy, or someone who was trained in a previous style of warfare that’s hundreds of years outdated and been out of the loop for the past fifteen years? Plus, from the briefings I’ve gotten from the Chicago consulate, these ponies are more used to police duties where they’ve been living for the past decade and a half. They’d be more suited to stay there and join the local police departments than to try to get back into a military they’re totally unsuited for.”

“But…we’re breaking their hearts all over again, Rainbow!”

“I know, Scoots,” she replied. “Don’t you think I can’t see that? Don’t you think I hate having to be the bad mare again, all because of Loyalty? Everything I’ve ever done is either because of our family or for the Crown. I’m supposed to be Rainbow Dash, the Heroine of Equestria. What am I really, Scoots – The Schemer, the Backstabber, the Buddybucker. Half the family doesn’t trust me anymore; the other half just wants to see me happy. And why?” She seethed, “All. Because. Of. My. Damn. Loyalty!

Scootaloo went to nuzzle the other pony. “I’m just as guilty, Rainbow, and I’ve never not trusted you.”

“I know,” Rainbow whispered, kissing the younger pony on the cheek. “And I’ve loved you for that, little sister. You’ve always been there for me.” She paused for a second to right her feelings, before standing upright. “Now, time to go be professional.”

“As if you weren’t before?” Both pegasi looked and Twilight and Sweetie stood at the door, upright as well, wearing business suits. “You weren’t answering the knock, so I came in. I hope you don’t mind.”

“You heard everything then, didn’t you.”


“Do you think that you two are the only ones who love Sandalwood? Or Rarity? That we don’t give a damn?” Scootaloo snarled.

“We never thought that,” Sweetie Belle responded. “Am I disappointed in the actions you two took? Yes, and you paid for it – more than any of us ever expected, since you almost lost Soarin’, Rainbow. And while I can’t speak for the others, I think I can speak for Twilight and myself, and that we know your hearts were in the right place even if your brains weren’t.”

“What’d you mean by that, Sweetie?” Rainbow growled. “That I was a coward for not stepping in myself? That I should have been the one to lead the rescue? That I should have been the one to hurt Sandalwood?”

“Her name is DJ,” Sweetie replied. “Why can’t you accept that? Is it because Rarity won’t? Or because doing so cements you—”

“Not now, Sweetie,” Twilight said. Walking up to Rainbow, she said, “Rainbow, we are all sisters here. We shouldn’t be fighting against one another.”

“Easy for you to say, Twilight,” the rainbow-maned pegasus retorted a bit too angrily. She realized what she said and was expecting to be bucked in the face.

“Rainbow, how long have you hurt?” Twilight went over and embraced the other mare. “Is it because you saw your son grow up and knew that would never be the way for Rarity and her oldest foal?”

“My fault,” Rainbow whispered. “I failed Rarity. I failed you all.”

“No you didn’t. You were loyal to us, loyal to Rarity to the end. You made a mistake and it wasn’t a small one either, but it wasn’t as though you intended to hurt anypony. And even DJ forgave you.”

A few seconds went by before Rainbow realized Twilight had paused in her speech, not finished. “And you were planning to ask me something else, weren’t you?”

“Who smoozed them?” Twilight asked, crossing her forearms.

“I did. My failure. There.”

“And who really did it? You didn’t have that kind of authority back then, Rainbow.”

“Twilight?” Rainbow asked. “Do you trust me?”

“You know I do.”

“Do me a favor and cut the horsefeathers, Twi. Do you really trust me?”

“Do you remember when Spike went on that dragon migration despite being too young? Who came with me?”

“Well, Rarity, because she kinda felt sorry for the little guy—”

“—and you, because you wouldn’t ever leave someone you cared about in the lurch,” Twilight finished. “And don’t deny it. Even before we all became a family, you knew it in your heart. You knew my little brother belonged with us, not dragons. And knowing you like I do, you wouldn’t be covering for whomever did it unless there was a good reason.”

“Twilight, these are questions you don’t want answered,” Rainbow warned, “and not because you’re the head of the Mage Guild or the Knight Commander Elemental or the Duchess Shetland or anything like that. I’m telling you this because I want you spared the pain.”

“I have to know, Rainbow. The Crown can’t keep covering up this kind of stuff if Celestia or Luna stuff this.”

“Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, please wait for us outside,” Rainbow Dash replied. “This is Knight business.”

“Rainbow,” both younger mares started.

“Trust me,” Twilight told her protégé. “We’ll talk about it later.”

The pair departed the room, standing outside by the car. “What’s with these human motels?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s set up so they’re close to their car,” Sweetie answered. “No different than Cloudsdale’s floatels – just a different means of locomotion.” After a few minutes, she asked her old friend, “What do you think they’re talking about in there? Really talking about?”

“What Twilight’s not supposed to know,” Scootaloo said, staying silent for a second before answering, “And please don’t ask me about it either, Sweetie. I know it’s your job to, but secrets are secrets for a reason.”

“WHAT!” Twilight’s shout was loud enough to be heard through the walls. A split-second later, the shout was met with another. “Don’t come in, we’re coming out!” A second later, both mares walked out of the room.

“Guess I’m driving,” Scootaloo said, as Rainbow tossed her the keys.

“Yeah, military decorum and all that, Colonel,” she answered.

“We should have brought Blitz,” she grumbled good-naturedly as she got in the driver’s seat. Sweetie Belle got in the passenger’s seat and the older mares got in the back. Both looked in the rearview mirror, noticing Twilight was visibly shaken.

Watching her mentor, Sweetie Belle wanted to ask, to say something to assure Twilight, as the older pony was very shaken up. But Twilight’s eyes connected with her apprentice’s via the rear view mirror and there was nothing else to say as the car drove the short distance from the motel to the recently renovated town hall, where Rainbow Dash would be giving a speech in front of the assembled ponies and humans.

As the car pulled up by the stage, personnel from the Chicago consulate were there to open the doors for the four senior ponies. Standing by the stairs to the stage were Lyra, Paul, Carlos, Bree, Zadi, Loren and a pegasus named Pinwheel, who was the head of the Chicago consulate. “Heya, Rainbow,” Lyra said, hugging her old friend.

“Long time no see,” Rainbow replied. “Diplomatic life keeping you busy?”

“Just as much as running the Ministry of Defense keeps you,” she said, smiling as she brushed a lock of her mane out of her face. Lyra then went over and hugged Sweetie and Scootaloo, but gave Twilight a concerned hug as she added the final embrace. “Twi, you okay?”

“No, I probably won’t be for a while,” she said. A sudden thought came to the unicorn mage, and she closed her eyes as she horn flared with magic. She bent her head down, her horn connecting with Lyra’s. Lyra’s flickered green, accepting the spell, and then the face of the celeste mare was nothing but utter shock.

“Oh, Twilight…I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I’m sorry,” Lyra said, nuzzling her friend.

“I’ll be okay, Lyra, but thanks for the concern,” she said, dully. “It’s something I have to face alone.”

Sweetie Belle felt hurt for a moment – she told Lyra but not me? – but then realized whatever pain it was, it was now Lyra’s cross to bear as well, as evidenced by the look on her face. Sweetie then realized that Twilight was trying to protect her from whatever the secret was; even as it was tearing the older unicorn apart, she was protecting her protégé.

The four took their seats even as Rainbow Dash took to the lectern. By agreement, there was no raising the flags or playing of the national anthems; doing so might be construed as salt in the wounds of the former 37th, and so it was left out. As she approached, she looked out at the crowd, and noticed that all the ponies had very much gone native. All of them wore human clothing, and she’d heard even a few of them, her old friend Roughwind included, had changed their names to human ones. Maybe this was the way things were meant to be; if so, it was cruel.

“Hello,” she started, her voice loud enough to cause feedback from the microphone; a human tech supplied by the town quickly rushed onstage to adjust the volume before jetting back offstage. “I’d like to welcome you all to the last official gathering of the 37th Combined Guard Cohort of the Equestria Guard.” Murmurs started going through the crowd in waves. “Many of you know who I am; for the rest of you who don’t, I am General Rainbow Dash, Royal Equestriani Air Force, Duchess Jennet, Minister of Defense, and Knight Elemental of Loyalty.”

Someone in the back shouted, “Some loyalty you’ve shown us!” and he got stared back into submission.

“I….” she began, before pulling the microphone away from the lectern and just walked away from it. “No, you’re right. Regardless of the fact that I am not technically in charge of your unit – that belongs to ERG Chief Golden Shield, though she couldn’t be present today – I am partly or completely to blame for many of you being here, and there’s nothing I can say to make it better, though…I apologize to you all. I’m sorry.” The crowd remained silent, and she continued. “Some of you are friends, like Roughwind or Nightstreak. Some of you I’ve never met, like Indigo Horizon or Sable Wing. But you are all the responsibility I must bear personally.

“You may not like this, but I brought a decree with me from Director Shield, formally disbanding the 37th Cohort. As of now, all of you may consider yourselves retired from the Equestria Royal Guard, the successor to the original Guard. You will receive retirement pay equivalent to the rank you would have made in a twenty year career with the Guard and ERG or one of the modern Royal Equestriani Armed Service branches. But the fact is, you are all well beyond the age that would be reasonable for you to be retrained in modern military methods and customs, and none of you deserve to start out as lower ranked serviceponies. The only reasonable choice we have is to retire you all.” The crowd broke out into angry murmurs now.

Rainbow raised her hooves, pleading for calm. “However, thanks to the dedication of the Embassy and Ambassador Phillips here,” she said, gesturing to the seated unicorn, “We have not abandoned you. Those who wish to return to Equestria will be allowed to do so. Your name and identity will be restored upon return, and while we can never make up for what you lost during these years, the Crown will in all cases, provide c…no,” she said, pausing. “The compensation will come directly out of my paycheck and stipend for House Jennet. I will ensure you all will receive something.”

Seated in the back, Twilight and the others looked at her in shock – why hadn’t she said anything about this? Hearing Lyra’s gasp, Rainbow turned around briefly, flashing them all a smile.

Scootaloo grinned, whispering, “Now let them have it with the other barrel, big sister,” as everyone then turned their eyes to the younger mare’s words.

“Furthermore,” Rainbow added, “we are setting up a scholarship for the foals and children of those members of the 37th with kids, so that we will continue to provide. Those with college-age students already attending locally will be recompensed from the fund.” She paused. “The funds for that will directly come out of the paycheck of Colonel Scootaloo, Royal Equestriani Air Force and the stipend for House Tolfetano.”

At this point every individual present went quiet. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had just publically announced they’d bankrupt themselves for the sake of making things right. To say this was an attempt to make up for things was an understatement. Were it not for their respective husband’s own livelihoods, both would have just committed financial seppuku on stage.

Twilight looked at Scootaloo. “Why?” she whispered.

Scootaloo, as she’d done so often in her life, looked at her mentor on stage with a look of love. Not looking at Twilight, she answered, “Because if nothing else, Rainbow is ever loyal, and I will never let her go into danger without somepony at her wings.”

But Rainbow wasn’t done yet. “I will now introduce Elizabeth Windham, the Attorney General for the State of Missouri. Attorney General Windham has a request for all of you.” With that, she handed the microphone to the woman walking on stage, and then went to walk off it, just needing to get away from it all.

She hadn’t made it as far away as a block from the stage when Twilight, Sweetie and Lyra teleported in front of her. “Rainbow…you didn’t have to go that far,” Twilight said.

“Yes, yes I did,” she said, pulling a pair of shades from her suit jacket pocket and putting them on; it was hazy at the moment, but she didn’t want to see her friends react to her own tears. “I had to, Twilight. I made Roughwind suffer for what he did, at my request—”

“And he forgave you a long time ago,” a voice said behind her. Roughwind walked towards them, a smile on her face. “I could never be mad at you, Dashie.”

“‘Dashie?’” those present gasped.

She nodded. “Who else could I trust to go to lengths for me, and who would I go to bat for more than anpony else than an old flame?” she said, as the stallion put a pair of arms around her; she, in turn, gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry for everything, Roughie,” she told him.

“You know, either your husband’s going to get jealous about this or my wife,” he laughed.

“Soarin’ already knows about you – I told him a long time ago.”

“Yeah, so does Nocturne,” he told her. “Truth was, Lyra, Twilight, Sweetie, the whole bit about me being under the sway of the old Shadowbolts spell was a lie I cooked up so she would never get in trouble for this. I was willing to march into Tartarus for Dashie here, because I still had feelings for her at the time and couldn’t really abide seeing her with Soarin’, no offense against him or nothing. But I hadn’t expected the 37th to get wrapped up in this, much less Indy.”

“I told Twilight everything,” she told him, and he nodded.

“Wait...wait wait wait….” Twilight said, shaking her forehooves in denial. “When did you ever date him, Rainbow? I think you would have said something.”

“Twilight, you’re a sister to me, but even I like my own privacy at times. It’s the same reason you didn’t know Soarin’ and I were dating until we were very comfortable in our relationship.”

“As for me and Dashie,” Roughwind replied, “she was the day and I was part of the Night Guard, so it never would’ve worked. Didn’t mean I didn’t love her any less; only that I had to give her up for her own good. But my feelings have never really changed, though you’ll have to excuse me if I say I’m more inclined towards my wife now, Dashie.”

“I’d be worried otherwise,” she said, favoring him with a grin.

“So now what happens?” Sweetie asked. “The wrong just get away with it? The guilty party just gets away scot free?”

“It was my brother,” Twilight said, her eyes feeling lost. “Shining Armor gave the order to smooze them.” Twilight looked as though she were about to lose her footing, but Lyra moved to support her.

“Huh?” Sweetie said, not believeing. The stallion she knew would never do something like that.

“I know what you’re thinking, Sweetie,” Rainbow said, “I thought as much when the letter came to me from him, asking me to take the blame should it ever come public. He knew the status of the two missing princesses would rock the Throne, especially with both mares having no interest in their true identities.”

“But there had to be a better way! That wasn’t like the Shining Armor I knew!”

“I know that, you know that – Twilight, most of all, knows that,” Rainbow answered. “But unless he left some explanation behind, it’s a secret he carried to his grave and one he never shared with me.” She took a deep breath. “You know, for the first time in ages, I feel like I can breathe easy. Who’s up for lunch? It’s on me.”

“What about the ceremony still going on?” Lyra asked. “They’re going to wonder why we left.”

Rainbow grinned. “This is between them and Missouri now; no longer between them and the Crown. If what happens happens, I think we can safely say ponydom has given humans its first gift in return for all they’ve done for us. So…who’s up for Whataburger?”

Windham’s offer, made by the Governor of Missouri himself, had been enticing, one that nearly all ponies present had accepted: join a Missouri law enforcement agency, and after five years of service, the Department of Homeland Security would fast-track the ponies in question for citizenship. Given jobs they wanted, were already experienced with, and were sorely needed, the newly-developed “Ponies of the Law” program fielded eight hundred law enforcement officers for various agencies within Missouri, bringing crime within the state down drastically.

In the end, out of the thousand exiled 857 ponies chose to remain in the United States while thirty-four had expressed a desire to return to Equestria. Of those remaining, they were so distrusting of either nation that they appealed to other nations for asylum. So far, the Republic of Donkonia had accepted four, Canada welcomed ten, twelve were headed to the United Kingdom, and the remainder opted for Australia, New Zealand, or Ireland – one, a pony whose cutie mark made him a translator, opted for Germany.

Three months later, Lyra was invited to the wedding of Jesse Stiles, owner of the Ellington Diner, and his bride, Indigo Horizon, Senior Deputy for the Reynolds County Sheriff’s Department, which she happily accepted. To the shock of the bride, the performer at the wedding was Lyra herself, performing with pop star Midnight Moondust, who was happy to reveal that she and Indigo were sisters, separated by their individual adoptions. Indigo cried tears of joy as she was now married and reunited with the sister she never thought she’d meet again. Lyra, watching the scene, thought of another adopted pony she knew and wondered if she’d ever reunite with her biological siblings.

Well, the world’s a magical place, she said to herself, as she played the Gran Valse on her lyre, and miracles are bound to happen.

“You almost did yourself in, Father,” Prince Silver Platter looked at his father, Prince Blueblood. “You opened yourself to investigation by announcing the secret money, then leaving the trail to point right back to you.” The gray unicorn looked shocked at his father’s casual concern. “Aren’t you worried you’ll be arrested for treason?”

“Son, someday you will learn,” the white stallion replied, “the cosmos favors the Unicorn Dynasty to retake the throne from the Alicorns. Why else would I be blessed with such a freak incident of fortune?” His horn lit with azure light, and the aura wrapped around a silver pen on the table. As it jotted down onto the page, it wrote a name, a signature. When it was done, Blueblood floated it over to his son. “See?”

“But this….” Silver Platter replied, “This looks…this looks like Shining Armor’s signature!”

“It does, doesn’t it?” he said. “Out of all of millions of ponies in this world that my handwriting has to be a match for, and it turns out to be the former Captain of the Royal Guard and Minister of Defense, Prince Consort Shining Armor. The world will forever see him as the one who exiled the 37th Combined Cohort to the human world, and none will know it was to get rid of my half-sister Nightsky.”

“I would have still had them killed,” the younger prince responded.

In a rare glance, Blueblood looked at his son with disappointment. “There’s a price to be paid by killing those of royal blood, especially when they’re my sisters,” he commented. “And in truth, I bear them no ill will; but half-breeds like them don’t deserve to sit in a princely house. It was bad enough your grandfather decided to humiliate himself by rutting with their mother; I would not embarrass our house further by bringing them into the family. From what I understand, neither Nightsky nor Ebon Eve have any interest in reclaiming their true identities and would rather be known by their common selves. Thus, they are harmless and are free to rut with disgusting humans as much as they’d like. Not everything needs a strong touch, my son – sometimes all deception needs is a golden breeze.

“No, to the end of their days, everypony will wonder why Shining Armor acted so oddly, and in the end, they will just assume it was the poison in his veins killing him from his wounds at the Battle of the Hive and sadly affecting his judgment. After all, dead ponies tell no tales, especially those they never knew about.”

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