• Published 15th May 2012
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Be Human: the All-American Girl Sidestories - Shinzakura

Sidestories for the All-American Girl series

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The Stallion and the Girl, Part Two

“Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before”
- The Smiths

Erica was laughing hard. “Carlos, where do you even pick up this crap?”

He gave his friend a sloppy grin. “4chan, where else?”

Mike looked at him with feigned disdain. “Carlos, you poor, poor pathetic soul – no one goes to 4chan anymore, haven’t in years. You may as well say you hang out with your grandpa on Facebook.”

“Hey, I go there to read the weird stuff the druggies on ‘b’ come up with. Like check this little nugget of info out: officials in Ireland say that United Airlines Flight 3609 from Miami to Copenhagen had to make an emergency landing in Dublin yesterday on account of nearly…and get this…‘running into a pegasus.’ Can you get that shit?” He held his tablet, pointing to the story. “Man, where do they get that stuff?”

“Hey, looks like they got a picture.” Erica took it from Carlos, running her fingers across it until she brought up the picture. “DJ, you might want to see this.”

The humanized alien put down her burger, wiped off her “hands”, then took the tablet. Inspecting it, she then gave it over to Mike, who was sitting right next to her. “Seriously? I’m finding that laughable at best,” she shrugged.

Mike took it from her and looked at the picture. The picture was, as expected, grainy, fuzzy and blurred, despite the fact that it was supposedly taken with a state-of-the-art digital camera, the kind not attached to a phone and used by professionals. The pegasus, for the most part, looked as though it could be similar to DJ, with the same general body shape and size.

“DJ, I’m just saying….” Erica began.

She smiled. “Erica, you know how much I appreciate what you’re saying, but I doubt I’m some kind of pegasus. I’m in puberty right now; I think I would have grown wings or something if I was that. Besides, do I look like I have a neon green and hot pink mane and tail?”

“Uh, maybe the pegasus dyed it?” Carlos said, even though he knew it sounded stupid.

“Yeah, and maybe someone just took some rough images of me, made a CG model, added wings and a weird colored mane and tail, photoshopped the whole thing, and then said it was a pegasus. Next thing you’ll know, they’ll be trying to introduce my parents to ‘my long lost sister’ for ‘a small fee.’” She wiggled her hooves up and down as if making quotation marks in the air. “Trust me, my family’s been dealing with scam artists for years. If I actually had fellow members of my species show up suddenly, I’d hope they’d be advanced enough to not be stupid and nearly get sucked into a jet engine’s intake.”

“Look, I’m sure you’ll find out who your real family is,” Mike replied.

“No offense, but my parents, as far as I’m concerned, are my real parents – they’re my only parents. They found me abandoned in the backyard, which means I was a foundling, dumped by wherever I came from…and there’s no guarantee even on that. Heck, the government gave me a birth certificate, not a certificate of adoption, because no one could prove I’m not from this world,” she told him.

“I don’t think they abandoned you on purpose – your birth parents, that is,” Mike said. “I can’t see why anyone would do that.”

“Well, there’s the theory from the National Academy of Science that I don’t even have biological parents, that I’m just some sort of bioroid put together by aliens who somehow mixed up horses and people. I swear Dad wanted to throttle the person who wrote that report, because that person wanted to repeal my status and place me in petland.” She shrugged and said, “Regardless of what I am, though, I have parents who love me and I’m here to stay.”

He put his arm around her casually. “And we’re completely glad you did,” he said, giving her a casual hug.

“Thanks,” she said, blushing.

Carlos’ nose wiggled. “There – there’s that smell again, like someone farted up the Hershey factory,” he commented.

“Carlos, one, that’s disgusting,” Erica snapped at him. “Two, what the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s that smell of chocolate that’s been going on the past couple of days. Can’t you smell it?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Carlos pled with Mike. “Dude, help a brotha out here: tell me you can smell that!”

“Erica, as weird as he can be, he’s got a point: it does smell like chocolate all of a sudden.” He sniffed the air. “Smells great, too.”

“I’m not getting a whiff of anything.” She looked at DJ. “You’ve got the best nose out of all of us.”

DJ shook her head. “Not in the least. I think the guys are just imagining things.” Then a wicked smile broke on her face as she added, “Then again, Halloween’s next week, so maybe it’s just their juvenile minds at work.”

Mike would have added a retort to that, but then the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. As the students filed out of the cafeteria, Mike and Erica, who had history class together, headed off in the same direction towards their class; as they did, Mike ran into Marcy. “Heya, Marcy,” he said, waving. She, in turn, just ignored him and moved on as if he didn’t exist.

“Man, didn’t DJ warn you about that?” Erica asked, adding, “Damn shame, too – we both thought Marcy was cool, but when push comes to shove….”

Mike couldn’t believe how much changed in the span of a month and a half. When he first got here, Marcy and her friends had been cool and helpful. But as he drew closer to DJ, Carlos and Erica, it almost seemed as though the other four no longer wanted to be friends.

Or rather, they’re afraid of being friends with me, because it would imply they’re friends with DJ again, he sighed inwardly, and then ripe for more attacks. How the hell did a freshman like Valerie Anderson end up with such a lock on the school? Was it because every guy wanted to be with her and every girl wanted to be her? As for the former, he knew Carlos had no interest in her and he didn’t himself – much to her surprise, since she flirted with him on a regular basis. Almost as if she’s trying to rescue me from the “curse” of having a friendship with DJ.

He laughed inwardly at that. I’d rather be “cursed’ with DJ than have “paradise” with her! Valerie’s got what, her looks? Certainly not personality. DJ’s smart, she’s funny, she’s creative, she’s generous, she’s cute, she…. Wait – did I just say she’s cute? At that sudden thought, he blanked momentarily. She’s…she’s very cute, he conceded and then thought about that implication. Am I…?

“Hey, Mike, you okay?” Erica asked, pushing him. Mike looked and noticed he almost walked into the wall, missing the door by a full foot.

“Um, yeah. Thanks, Erica,” he responded. When she looked at him with an arched eyebrow, he said, “Sorry, had something on my mind.”

“Like what?”

“Um…the Safe Halloween party that DJ was holding for kids at the church – do you know if she needs any help still with that?”

Erica gave him a look that indicated she didn’t believe his excuse but was letting him off the hook regardless. “Well, she’s going to be holding a meeting afterschool for signups, if you want to join us.”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll be there.” Actually, I’d rather not, but now that I’ve put my foot in it….

DJ and Carlos, meanwhile, walked off to their algebra class.

“So, when are you going to tell him?” he asked.

“Tell who what?” DJ said, coyly.

“Dee, don’t give me that – you can’t kid a kidder. I’ve known you too long.”

Knowing he now knew, she dropped her guard. “So, you noticed, huh?”

“Well, I don’t want to get into your personal business, but…well, I was gaming with your little brother on Steam the other day, and he said the house smells like chocolate as of late and your parents can’t understand why.” She suddenly turned a shade of red, and he smiled. “I’m guessing it’s you, somehow.”

“Well, someone did pick up traces of PEA in my system, so that might have something to do with it.”

“What’s PEA?”

“I see you slept during science class this morning. PEA’s short for phenethylamine. It’s a major component of chocolate, and I’m guessing I’m…um…excreting it as a pheromone.” She looked completely embarrassed.

“No kidding. So that means you’re, ah….”

She blushed a furious shade of red. “Um, could we, uh talk about something else?”

“Sure. So you think…?”

She nodded weakly. “He’s…sweet and kind, and he doesn’t treat me like I’m some kind of monster, and he’s got a great sense of humor, and…well, he’s a total Alex, I swear.” Her voice was trailing, dreamy, completely lost in her fantasies.

Oh man, she’s got it bad, he thought, but instead of voicing that, he instead rolled his eyes and drolled, “Yeah, thanks for pointing out how completely inadequate I am in comparison.”

She tapped him in the stomach, pulling her punch because she knew she was much stronger than others. “Stop that. Seriously, though…I….” She blushed again before saying, “Yeah, I think I do. And it kinda scares me.”

Carlos stopped, then put his hand on her shoulder. “Why? All Erica and I have wanted is to see you happy, girl. You’ve got a tougher road ahead than anyone else on this mudball in space, so why let it scare you when you’ve got someone that gets you all hot and bothered?”

She gave him a glare. “I thought we weren’t going to talk about that?”

“It’s a figure of speech, DJ, ease off on the throttle. What I’m saying though, is, if you like him, why not go for it?”

“Then you explain to me why you won’t ask Wendy Sinclair out like you’ve wanted to all this time.”

“Uh, totally different set of circumstances there, DJ – in case you forgot, Wendy’s dad works for ICE?”

“Yeah, kinda forgot that, sorry.”

“Yup, that you did. But you have a chance, and if you like him, you should go for it. What’s the worst he’s gonna say, ‘no’? If then, that’s his loss. Trust me, I think you have a shot.”

They met in room 235 directly after school. As expected, there weren’t too many students showing up; most high schoolers, after all, had other things to do with their time than to watch kids. Fortunately, there were several generous – or, considering they were dealing with kids wanting candy, brave – teens that volunteered for that night and DJ managed to snag about seventeen to watch a crowd of five hundred from most of the churches and Christian schools in the area.

As Mike headed towards the classroom, he saw DJ talking to a huge, meaty, football player kind of guy. She seemed at ease talking to him, moreso than with others he’d seen, and laughing and joking with him. Something welled up within Mike suddenly, followed quickly by a sort of sorrow that seemed to blend with that other feeling; it took a second to go by before he realized, strangely enough, it was jealousy.

DJ turned and saw him, then waved. “Mike! Glad you could come!” She turned back to the other guy, saying, “I’ll call you later tonight, okay?” He nodded and walked off.

“So, who’s that guy?” he asked.

“Oh, Paul? That’s Paul Cooper – he’s Erica’s boyfriend,” DJ replied. “Her birthday is next month and he asked me for some suggestions for a birthday gift, but since she’s going to be here I told him I’d just call him tonight and we can talk about it then. Why, something up?”

“Uh…I just wanted to make sure someone else wasn’t picking on you,” he lied. “Didn’t want you to have to deal with another round of Valerie’s antics.”

She positively beamed. “That’s so sweet of you! Thanks, but Paul’s cool – I know he looks tough, since he’s a linebacker on the JV football team, but he’s really just a big pussycat.” She blushed slightly, and then strangely enough, there was that scent of chocolate again, and it hit him like a ton of bricks…something in him just wanted to….

“So, um,” she stammered as she recovered, “you…uh, here to help with the plans for the Safe Halloween Party?”

He nodded. “Yup. I attended something similar thrown by MWR when I was just a kid, so I figured it’d be my way of paying it forward.” Earlier, he’d lied when he told Erica he wasn’t interested, but over the course of the remainder of the day, he’d thought it over and decided it’d be a good idea to help after all.

She would have said more, but Carlos decided to yell from the other end of the hall. “Heya, the party man is here!” He walked over, a grin on his face a mile wide as he saw both standing together. As he got within reasonable volume distance, he commented, “Hey, DJ, remember that article from this morning? About the pegasus?”

“About the fake pegasus, you mean?”

“Yeah, that – well, sounds like you already know, but yeah, it looks like it’s a fake. The photographer swears it’s the real deal, but some guy on my Diaspora feed pointed out this was the same camera guy who was caught doctoring pictures of the Paris riots back in 2019, so naturally even just pictures of trees by this guy are suspect.”

“Toldja,” DJ said. “But I appreciate you looking out for me.” She noticed that Erica and a couple others were now coming to join them, so DJ called into the classroom for everyone to shut up so they could start.

“Okay, so why am I helping you carry your books home from school when you have a perfectly good boyfriend for that?” Carlos grumbled to Erica as they headed home from the meeting.

“Because I think you and I need to talk about our pal DJ and about the guy who’s got the hots for her,” Erica commented. “I think it kinda unnerves him a little bit, but I think our boy Mike is starting to feel a little awkward around her.”

“Really? That would make two of them.” Carlos explained everything about the chocolate scent and DJ’s uncomfortable admission that she might be the origin of them. “So, yeah, pheromones.”

Erica blinked, not believing. “Weird. I wasn’t even aware pheromones could affect humans, since all the science books I’ve read say humans are immune to them.”

“Well, as much as we disregard it normally, DJ isn’t exactly human so maybe the kinds of pheromones she puts out do affect humans; I did some reading on the subject and it turns out that PEA has a definite effect on humans, a euphoric one.”

“See, I knew you were smart on occasion,” she laughed and was met with a definitely nasty look. “But seriously, if it affects all people, then why didn’t it hit me?”

“Maybe it doesn’t have an effect on the XX set,” Carlos theorized, “and that’s not important right now anyway. The problem is gonna be getting them to admit how they feel to each other.”

“Wow…DJ getting a boyfriend,” Erica said, with a whimsical smile. “Our pal is growing up.”

“Yeah,” Carlos said with the same caring tones before adding, “Now, if we can just get you to do so, things’ll be great around here.”

Once home, DJ knew where she needed to go for advice. Dropping her bags by the door, she went to give her mom a hug and ask what was for dinner before racing downstairs to where her parents had their respective offices. Once by her father’s, she knocked.

“Heya, furball,” Matt Martinez said, looking at his daughter. “How was your day?”

She went to hug him and give him a kiss. “Great, Dad, but…I need some advice.”

“I’m always ears for my little girl. What’s up?”

“Um…how do I say this….” She tapped her “hands” together as if she were kneading her fingers.

“You need advice from your old man because you think you might be falling in love and you need to talk to someone but you don’t want to talk to your mother because even though you love her you think she’ll make Another Stupid Mistake like the time she was talking to you about the Birds and the Bees?” When DJ looked at him, completely stupefied, he laughed. “For what it’s worth, when I had this talk at your age, well…let’s just say that you’re going to get better advice than I got and we’ll leave it at that. Pull up a chair.”

DJ went to grab the spare chair by the wall and sat next to him. “Well,” she started, “I’m really not sure how to start.”

“Guy or girl?”

She looked at him oddly. “Guy. I’m straight, Dad.”

He shrugged. “Had to ask. I’d still love you regardless, but there’s different ways of approaching things. So…is it that new kid you’ve been hanging around lately? The one from Rota?”

“Mike?” She nodded. “He…he makes me feel special. He doesn’t look at me like I’m some sort of thing, he treats me like a person. He’s funny, he’s charming, he’s smart.” She sighed tenderly. “I just feel like I’m on top of the world when I’m with him.”

“Well, that explains the pheromones.” She looked at her father with surprise again. “Your mother and I knew about it; it was in that biological report that the NIH did on you when you first started puberty. Just do me a favor and don’t tell your brother about it; he’s still a little too young to understand. But in case he asks, we’ve just been telling him we’re using chocolate-scented incense.”

She smiled in relief; she had no idea how to explain what was going on. “Thanks, Dad.”

“So, does he feel the same way about you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just too clueless to notice, or he genuinely doesn’t, but he at least likes me as a friend, and he’s been there several times to defend me from the Valerie Squad.”

Matt grunted. “Is that still going on? I thought she’d have grown out of it by now.”

“I think I’m going to have to put up with it until college,” she moaned. “But I talked with Carlos about it and he thinks I should go for it.”

“Well, I think you’d need to find out first before you do anything. You don’t want to scare off a friend because you came on too hard; likewise, you also don’t want to look like you’re throwing yourself at him.”

“You mean like Valerie’s been doing?”

“She’s hitting on him too, huh? How’s he reacting to that?”

Her face contorted into a bemused grin. “Well, from what I can tell, he looks embarrassed. But I can’t tell if it’s embarrassment because he thinks she’s a slut, because he thinks I’m going to take it the wrong way, or all of the above.”

“Well, let’s get something straight right now: if you decide to go that far, protection – I mean it. I’ll buy the damn condoms myself, but I want you protected.”

“DAD!” DJ’s face was a furious shade of red. “That never even entered my mind!”

“Maybe not, but…look, sweetie, I’ll be honest: this is a unique situation for everyone. We don’t know what you’re capable of insofar as hormones, reproduction and the like.”

“I thought I had more chromosomes than humans.”

“Yes, but the researcher also said that he doesn’t know if your body can play chromosomal match or whatnot. In any case, the point I’m trying to make is that yes, we raised you to be a proper young woman, and I know you’ll probably wait until marriage, but saying you’re going to and actually being in that situation are two different things. Your mother would probably not want to talk about this, but I prefer to because I want you to think about the situations you’ll be in.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought this through.”

“DJ, when I was your age, I was an asshole. Slept around with all my girlfriends – hell, in one case, slept with one girlfriend and then slept with her sister since she was available. And no, I’m not proud of that now.” He took off his glasses as he tended to do when he was being his utmost serious with her. “And then I think about all those girls and how things could have been different if their fathers had talked to them about things like this, like when your grandfather talked to your mother, which is why she was a virgin until we got married.”

“And I take it Abuelo didn’t give you the talk?”

“Oh hell no – Dad was a purist about that sort of thing. Unfortunately, my Uncle Salvador was anything but. What I got was the Porn ‘n’ Player lecture, stuff like this.” He leaned forward, whispering something in her ear. She listened at first, and then her face went slack as she went completely white.

“Your uncle told you that?” When Matt nodded, she said, “Um…no wonder you wanted to have this talk with me.”

“Exactly. But ultimately, DJ, I want you to do what you feel is right after you’ve considered all your options. You might end up with a boyfriend; you might end up with heartbreak. But it’s all a part of growing up. I wish you didn’t have to deal with the Sturm und Drang, but it’s part of the process everyone goes through when they go from kid to adult.”

“So it wouldn’t be a problem if I had a boyfriend?”

“Well, whomever you end up with, I think your mother and I would want to meet him. And though I probably don’t need to say this, we still expect you to keep up your grades; I think we can also increase your allowance, just in case. And remember, no matter what, we love you, okay?”

She leaned forward, hugging him. “Thanks, Dad. You’re the greatest.”

He hugged her back. “Only because I have the greatest daughter. Now, scoot; I’ve got to get this first draft done before my editor starts another ‘you’re late’ shitfest.” Matt waited until the footfalls of his daughter walking up the stairs finished before he said aloud, “Did I miss anything?”

“Not that I can think of.” Anna leaned against the door, where she’d been listening the whole time; DJ had never noticed. “Though I still would’ve preferred you didn’t go over the sex part – I still think she’s too young to even think of that.”

“Love, our daughter is a growing 14-year-old woman, and as you well know, that’s hard enough. But she’s the only one of her kind and I won’t let her walk into morally dangerous territory because I didn’t do my job as a father. Maybe if other fathers did theirs, I would have taken advantage of a lot less girls when I was her age.”

He knew he couldn’t turn to his parents for advice. His mother, although supportive, would probably tell his dad; and his dad, for reasons that he had yet to fathom, just couldn’t quite comprehend that DJ was of no harm to anyone – if Carl Hengst was joking, the joke had long gone stale. Fortunately, being the youngest of three kids had its advantages.

“So, Mikey, what’d you want to talk about?” Unfortunately, his older brother Chaz, a programmer living in San Jose, was too busy at the moment; thankfully his older sister Shelby always made time for her baby bro.

“Look, I’ve got girl problems—”

“And you didn’t want go to Dad because he’ll give you the whole ‘when I was a young Sailor’ crap and you didn’t want to go to Mom, because she’d tell him, am I right?”

He laughed. “You know it.”

“So, tell me all about this girl. I’m guessing that since you guys are living in Mom’s hometown, you guys are living in Grandma and Grandpa’s old place?”

“Yeah, especially since they have that retirement condo down in Miami, so they didn’t need this place anymore. Anyway, she’s very special. Well, she’s special to me, but this is one of those occasions where she’s special all around.”

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense – who’d you hook up with? Some Senator’s daughter?”

“Well, actually, one of my friends is the daughter of a Senator, but she’s just a friend. As for her, well….” Mike took a big breath, then went over everything he could about DJ, what he liked about her, what her positive and negatives were, and the impact of “The War of the Worlds.” He continued for several minutes before finishing with, “And lastly, no, I don’t think this is some goofy crush. I don’t know how she feels, but…as strange as it is I think I’m in love with her.”

“I see.” Shelby was quiet on the other end, clearly composing her thoughts. “Well, this is going to sound stupid, but…are you compatible? And no, I don’t mean in the sex way, so don’t get your jimmies in a rustle. I mean, are you going to wake up one morning and suddenly she’s talking about ‘yellow perpendicular with making blue bisector’ or some incomprehensible shit like that?”

“As far as I can tell, and from talking to her best friends who have known her since she was a little kid, she’s got a thoroughly human mindset. And this is going to sound crazy, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was so, well, human before. It’s almost like she’s trying to be the perfect image of what being a human’s all about.”

“Well, considering she’s not one, that’s kinda understandable. So, next question, if you kiss her, are you going to melt into nothingness?”

He groaned. “Please don’t say that; I get enough of that shit from Dad.”

“Hey, as strange as it is, Dad’s just worried about you. Remember that he was studying to be a marine biologist before he decided to join the Navy, so he’s heard about things that make people freak. You know about anglerfish, right? Male tries to mate with female; he literally gets dissolved into the female’s body until there’s nothing left but sperm.”

“What the hell has that got to do with DJ? She’s not a fish.”

“Mikey, not arguing with you on that; you know by now that if it has nothing to do with the Fleet Dad overreacts. But let me ask you two things, because in the end it really boils down to that. One, are you really sure about this, and that it’s not just some attraction because she’s a kindred soul – I know plenty of guys who like the same things I do, but fuck if I’m ever giving them the time of day. And two, if she were human, would you go for it?”

Mike was silent for what seemed like forever, so much so that Shelby had to ask if he was still on the line. “Yeah, I’m still here; sorry, was just really giving thought to what you were saying.”

“The fact that you are makes me smile, little bro – I’d rather you do that than just jump in and do something stupid.”

“No, it’s not just that. There’s just something about her that makes my heart go wild, and makes me just want to spend…well, I’m not going to say the rest of my life, obviously; that’s too melodramatic and whatnot. And if she were human, yes, I would have just jumped in and done something stupid.”

She laughed. “At least you’re honest about that. But do you know if she feels the same way?”

“Honestly? No, and that worries me. She’s a friend and I don’t want to lose that friendship even if she doesn’t want to be my girlfriend. Plus, there’s something else that I have to think about. I’ll be the first human who has ever dated someone outside the species.”

“Shit, I hadn’t even thought about that. Look, I can’t even begin to help you on that one, Mikey, sorry – as much as I joke that my current boyfriend’s an alien just because he’s from California, you’re about to have me beat by a country mile.”

“No, but you’ve given me plenty of things to think about, so I appreciate that.”

“Look, I gotta go; I’ve still got a crap ton I need to do for my senior thesis, otherwise I’d listen. Tell me how it turns out, okay?”

“Yeah, will do.”

“Love ya, Mikey! Take care! Bye!”

Mike hit the off button on the phone, then lay back on the bed, thinking. In the space of just a month and a half, he’d gone from thinking of how much he’d hate the place to being on the verge of getting a girlfriend quite literally unlike no other. To say she invaded his mind was an understatement: all he could think about were her eyes, her smile and the lips he wanted to kiss.

Before he knew it, he’d drifted off to sleep, mind constantly dreaming about his teen angel, the girl with the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. And in his dreams, and hopefully they mirrored reality, those eyes looked only at him.

“Look, Valerie, just write it off, okay?” Valerie’s best friend told her. “That Mike guy might be a total Alex, but he’s hanging around with the Freak and its buddies.”

The blonde huffed, clearly in command of her little clique. “And that’s why we need to make sure that we save him from the Freaks! I mean, look at the guy: who wants to hang with a stuck-up bitch, an illegal and a…fuck, even after all this time I don’t even know what that thing is.” She sighed. “Look, Brittney, if there was a guy you liked and you wanted to make sure he didn’t make a mistake that he’d pay for later on, wouldn’t you want to do something?”

“Well, yeah, but….” Brittney became quiet, the gears of her mind straining mightily to turn. “Look, all I’m saying is that there are better fish in the road and Logan really wants to go out with you again.”

“Logan made his bed when he said he wanted to take a break from the relationship,” Valerie said haughtily. “I don’t care if he quote unquote ‘made a mistake.’ I’ve got my eyes set on a new guy now and I’m not going to rest until I’ve got my arms around him like I deserve.”

“Look, Val,” the third member of the clique, Serena, spoke up. “How much of this is because you like the guy and how much is because you want to deny the horse another friend?”

“Well, both, actually,” she said. “Humans deserve friends; things like whatsitsname deserve masters – I mean, I don’t care if it talks; parrots talk and no one’s about to let one of those go to school.” She grinned. “Eventually I’ll get my hands on Mike, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think we should let him stay around those freaks a second longer: I mean, what happens if that thing goes into heat?”

“You know, I might have a plan on how to get rid of the problem,” Serena commented. “It means that Mike will temporarily go with someone else, but you can easily steal him from her later.”

“Oh?” Valerie said, her interest piqued. “Do tell.”

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