• Published 15th May 2012
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Be Human: the All-American Girl Sidestories - Shinzakura

Sidestories for the All-American Girl series

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The Stallion and the Girl, Part Five

“I love you whether or not you love me”
-Howard Jones

“So you’re absolutely sure it’ll work this time, Serena?”

Serena dusted her fingers off on her shirt. “Let’s just say that Mike will be getting both Thanksgiving late and Christmas early: he’ll get to unwrap his gift and then eat to his heart’s content, if you know what I mean.”

“I still think you should be watching Logan,” Brittney advised. “He’s really got eyes for you!”

Valerie laughed. “Oh, please. He’s a loser! For one, he’s joined the Alien Club, being a part of that ponyharem – sorry, I don’t do sloppy seconds. And even if that weren’t the case, do you know Sarah Brightwell and Jamie Morrisette saw him studying at the Library the other day? Studying! What kind of supposed hunk studies? If I were a guy and had his looks, I’d be flirting up the neighborhood to get every girl to give me the answers to the tests.”

“As opposed to what you do normally, which is terrorize them,” Serena commented haughtily.

“My, aren’t we getting catty,” Valerie snapped.

“Look, I’m just tired of having to deal with your guy problems when I’ve got better things to do.”

“Like what, get a butch haircut and move to San Francisco with all the rest of the lesbians?”

“I’m not a rugsniffer, got that?” Serena snarled. “Now, do you want help with your little Mike problem or not?”

“Yeah, okay,” the blonde said, chastened, and opting to pick up her tablet, bringing up the latest issue of Cosmo. “Just get it done, or you’re gone, got that? I won’t tolerate failure in my group.”

DJ watched as Erica tearfully watched Paul walk past her without so much as saying a word. It had been three weeks now since she found out and he didn’t even have the balls to admit it; they finally got the answer out of him indirectly when Logan went to secretly record the goings-on and Paul admitted it freely, unaware he was being caught on MP3. He gave the copy to Erica, who confronted Paul with it.

“He’s not worth getting broken up over, Erica,” DJ said, embracing her friend.

“Can’t believe that shit,” Logan said to Mike and Carlos. “He’d been dating Cheryl all this time and was only fooling with Erica just to get in her pants and take pictures?”

“Yeah,” Carlos said. “Valerie’s plan was to put Erica under her thumb or else the pictures would end up with whoever was running against her dad in the next election.”

“Okay, so trying to blackmail a senator and his daughter. Playing with explosives much? And this girl wants me?” Mike asked. “What does she think I am, terminally stupid?”

“You really don’t want me to answer that, Mike,” Logan replied. “I mean, I dated this girl for a year before I realized she wasn’t what I wanted, and what kind of girl in the middle of Eighth Grade starts mapping out exactly what future she’d like with you? I mean, when I get my driver’s license next year, she wanted to – and get this – take a scenic drive down the Skyline Ridge, then stay the weekend at the lodge cabin down in Woodstock. A pair of friggin’ 16 year olds, camping up like a married couple, really?”

Erica looked as though she were going to tear her heart out. “Paul said he wanted to do that with me….”

The three guys’ eyes went wide. “Oh, shit – I’m sorry I said that, Erica!”

“It’s not your fault, dude,” DJ assured him. “She was getting played hard and you spared her the pain and humiliation. We owe you for that.” Then she turned her head and saw Marcy walking towards them. “And speaking of playing hard….”

Marcy was wearing a one-piece dress, buttoned in the front. It looked like something an adult would wear to a business meeting. As she approached, she asked, “Mike, do you mind if we talk for a second?”

“Um, sure,” he said. While he’d been prepared for this talk, as Logan had told them for weeks what was going on.

Logan looked at his phone. “Well, that’s my cue to skedaddle; I have Spanish class next period and Mrs. Wilkins wants all of us to meet by the front of the school.”


“Yeah – gonna head off to the local tortilleria to see how they make tortillas and such. Should be interesting. Catch you guys later.” With that, he walked out.

“So, what’s up, Marcy?” DJ asked.

“None of your business, DJ,” she said with a smile on her face and unbridled venom in her voice; while she thought she was hiding it, it was blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain and an ear. Turning to Mike, she asked, “Can we talk in private?”

“Um, sure,” he said before she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him off, ignoring DJ’s stares. The two headed off towards the part of the school that was being rebuilt, and so no student was allowed in there; thus a lot of students often went in to do things that weren’t exactly allowed by staff. Somehow the faculty remained oblivious about this and so the antics continued.

“Tell you what, let’s stop in here,” he said, pointing to a particular room. “That should give us some privacy.”

The moment they went in, Marcy attacked him savagely with her lips, kissing him with the passion of the desperate. To her surprise, Mike joined in the kiss, just the way she knew he would. As she pushed him back against the wall, she unbuttoned her dress, and let it open in front of him. “Like what you see?” she said, kissing him again, taking his hand and placing it to her in a very interesting location.

“Now,” she said, whispering in his ear, “I’d love to let you have this now, but I want it to be special.” She produced a small card, scented with perfume and writing on it. “Be there tonight, and you can have all of this and more. I’ll show you what your little horsey girl can’t.” Nipping him sensually on the ear, she then moved away, buttoned her dress and then walked out, proud as a peacock and smiling victoriously.

She had him, and she wasn’t going to let go.

DJ, Serena, he’s mine, he’s mine and I won’t let you anywhere near him!

“DJ, look, I’m sorry,” Mike said.

She looked at him with love. “Mike, for the thousandth time already, I forgive you, not that there’s anything to be forgiven as far as I’m concerned. We all saw what you did – or didn’t do, actually – and you’re innocent, okay? I know what I saw – you didn’t kiss her and she took her hand and put it there; if you’d flinched, it might have signaled something was off.”

“Speaking of seeing, oooooooooh yeah, so did I!” Carlos said gleefully. “Dude, you had it in the hand and you didn’t give a little—”

“CARLOS!” Erica snarled, smacking him on the back of the head. “Think with your upper head!” Turning back to Logan, she said, “But good idea to catch her in the act. I just wasn’t…well, you know, expecting to catch anything else on vid.”

The four had met afterschool at Logan’s house, since he lived the closest to school. Once they knew what Marcy was up to, they set up the cameras in the particular room Mike had led her to. They had expected her to kiss him and proposition him. They hadn’t expected Marcy to go as far as she did.

“But…man, she’s got a body for being a ‘Plain Jane’,” Carlos moaned.

“Carlos, would you like to insult me any further?” DJ said, somewhat irritated about it. Mike kissed her on the ear in response and she giggled. “Well, truthfully, for the most part I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that kind of stuff. I’m going to have an, ahem, ‘athletic’ build for the rest of my life and I just have to adjust.”

“Actually, if you want to know, I’m kind of worried – where’d she get that kind of outfit? That’s some pretty hookerific stuff – like she went shopping in the ultra-slutty section of Frederick’s of Hollywood,” Logan said. “Mike, seriously, this kind of stuff, as far as I can see, is a signal that she’s not going to stop until we embarrass her utterly or she gets what she wants.”

“Not gonna happen,” Mike told him. “Even if I wasn’t with DJ,” he said, putting an arm around her, “I’m a big believer in abstinence until marriage. Call me old-fashioned, but that’s what I’m sticking to.”

“So what’re we going to do about her?” Carlos said, now serious. “All joking aside, you can’t ask me or Logan to be your stunt double, Mike.”

“Well, first thing is that you’re going to have to erase that video file. That kind of thing’s gonna get someone in trouble – the legal kind,” DJ pointed out. “Secondly, someone’s going to have to confront her.”

“I’ll do it,” Mike said. “She’s expecting me, and I need to be the one to do this.”

“No!” DJ said.

“DJ, please. You love me and trust me, right? I won’t leave you. She could offer me everything and anything and it would never amount to a second of being with you.” He kissed her, holding her close. “You have me for the long run, babe.”

“So, we should start planning the wedding then, huh?” Carlos joked, and everyone stared him into silence.

“So…then what’s the plan?” Logan said, erasing the file, then typing some extra commands into the computer to reformat the drive.

Mike grinned. “It’ll go like this….”

In the house, Marcy grinned, doublechecking her corset; the jade green brought out her eyes and accented the parts of the corset that weren’t there. All the assorted “entertainment” was upstairs in the guest bedroom, and everything would go perfect tonight. She had everything set, the perfect way to keep Mike and keep him away from those harpies DJ and Serena: she’d given him a little taste of what was going on tonight and then this evening would seal the deal. Then in nine months, she’d have him and their child, and things would be great.

Sure, there would probably be some complications: they’d probably have to attend school at City High, since a parochial school frowned on pregnant teens or teenage fathers; his parents would probably be mad at him and, truth be told, so would her aunt and uncle – especially her aunt and uncle, since she’d “be repeating the same mistake” her mother did when Marcy was born.

But Marcy knew this wasn’t a mistake: she didn’t know the kind of man her father was, but with the baby she’d have with Mike, she’d know exactly who the father and her husband would be. They’d have a perfect life together, just like the one she was supposed to have. He might be surprised to be a father at first, but knowing him, he’d take responsibility and from that point they’d be a happy couple, with baby to come eventually.

There was a knock at the door and she knew time was ready. Turning off all the lights in the house, she removed the last bits of garments needed, then walked towards the door, opening it. The streetlights gave him an angelic, loving halo. “You came,” she cooed, stepping forward and kissing him. “You came for me, and me alone, and I’ll make you happy forever, Mike.” She took him by the hand, pulling him forward, slipping off his coat while kissing his neck. “So shy, huh? Or letting me do everything. Well, tonight is yours, cutie. Tonight, I’ll be whatever your heart desi—”


She heard that sound and her heart froze. She looked up at the man she was passionately kissing, her Mike…it wasn’t Mike.

“Marcy, you’re cute, but I won’t have you throw yourself at me,” Logan said, picking his coat off the ground. “Mike, all yours.”

Marcy looked at those who were coming into the house: Erica, who’d turned on the light; Mike, Carlos…and DJ. It didn’t dawn on her that the way she was dressed left quite literally nothing to the imagination. It did, however, the moment Mike took Logan’s coat and covered up Marcy with it, saying, “Don’t do this to yourself, Marcy. You’re better than that.”

“Mike,” she whispered, “Please, take me. There’s still time! Please, make a baby with me!”

Mike looked as though he’d been slapped. “A what?”

“A BABY?” the others shouted. DJ strode forward to claim her boyfriend, only to find Marcy slugging her straight in the face.

“Stay away from him, you bitch! He’s mine!” Marcy said, stepping between Mike and DJ as if she were protecting him.

“Marcy, what’s gotten into you?” DJ said, feeling her nose fill with blood; of all the places Marcy hit and it was a lucky blow. “I thought we were friends!”

“I HATE YOU!” Marcy screamed. “You’ve taken everything from me! The top grades, my friends and now the guy that I saw first! You’re a thief and an abomination and I. HATE. YOU!” She turned to look at Mike, desperate. “Mike, please, stay with me! I’ll be a good wife and mother! I’ll be anything you want me to be but stay with me!”

Mike shook his head, not sure about what she was saying, but knowing he had to say something. “Marcy, I’m with DJ. And I…I don’t love you. I don’t know where you got that idea. I’m sorry, but I don’t.”

“YOU TOLD HIM TO SAY THAT!” Marcy launched herself at DJ, punching the humanized alien repeatedly in the face while DJ just lay there and took it, only turning her head to prevent her eyes being hit. “YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!” She kept swinging even as Carlos pulled her off DJ, sobbing.

Mike picked DJ up off the ground. “You okay?”

“No,” she said, sadly, looking at the broken wreck Marcy had turned into. “No, I’m not.”

Carlos held the girl as she cried uncontrollably, the wail of someone who had just lost everything, her final shreds of sanity now abandoned to the wilds of psychosis. When the sobbing was done, she murmured silently, “I’ll be a good mommy, Mike. I’ll be a good mommy for our baby….”

“What the hell is going on here?” Erica asked. “This isn’t just some sort of ‘Get Back at DJ’ moment. We just watched her mind snap.”

At that moment, David and Jack raced into the house. “God, I shouldn’t have let her do this,” David said.

Mike walked by Jack as David bent down to pick up his destroyed cousin. “What the hell’s going on?” he asked.

“Marcy stopped taking her medicine a few months ago; doctor said it was okay and that she was stabilized. But I think the problem is that she stabilized by thinking there was someone to stabilize on, namely you,” Jack commented.

“Jack, take her up to the guest room and let her sleep – and throw away all that shit she bought,” David asked. Jack complied and David faced Mike. “Look, I’m sorry about this, but whatever’s going on, I want some answers. My cousin’s like a little sister to me, since Mom and Pop have been raising her since Aunt Sandra abandoned her.”

“If you want to know, someone used your cousin to get back at her,” Mike said, motioning to DJ.

“DJ, should’ve known it was you,” David said. “Look, I know you tried to be friends with Marcy, but what you don’t know is that she’s hated you since Sixth Grade. Don’t ask me why; doctors think it was part of her psychotic episode.”

“Psychotic episode?” Mike asked, his temper rising. The Valerie Squad had just destroyed this poor girl for no other reason than to get at DJ, and that was something he wouldn’t stand for. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw an equally serious look on DJ’s face.

“Look, you promise to keep this under wraps?” David said, before he added, “Well, yeah, I know you can, DJ. You’ve been putting up with shit your whole life. So maybe you’ll understand what I’m about to say when I mention that Marcy’s life is worse.” He then told them everything and by the time he was done, the five members of the so-called Alien Club were aghast. “That kind of shit makes being gay and hiding it from my parents a walk in the park by comparison,” he said.

“Oh God, poor Marcy,” Erica gasped, turning to cry in Carlos’ shoulder. A second ago, Marcy had been a pawn in a game no one but Valerie wanted to play. Now? She was possibly even more a victim of fate than DJ.

“DJ,” Mike began.

“No,” she said, tense. “I’m going to end this.”

Valerie felt the teeth in her mouth rattle as she was slammed against the wall in one of the empty rooms in the part of the school that was being rebuilt. “DJ, you’re just a little bitch. What can you do to me other than slam me against the wall? I’m the Queen Bee here; I rule supreme!”

“You want to understand power, Valerie?” DJ hissed. “Allow me to show you!” With that, DJ punched the wall – and then punched through it. She grabbed a section of the wall on the outside, then pulled, yanking a bigger portion of the wall apart; it crumbling as though it had been hit by sledgehammers.

“W...what?” Valerie gasped, not believing the little alien had just ripped apart the wall in seconds.

“I’ve hidden my strength for all these years,” she snarled. “I was willing to put up with your bullying for years. But you and your fucking pet dog Serena fucked up Marcy, and that I won’t stand for! I won’t let you bully anyone else, ever again, got that?” There was a look of rage in DJ’s eyes, a murderous glance. “And I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“What’re you going to do, kill me?”

DJ shook her head, an unreadable look in her eyes. “Oh, no – that’s not what I have in mind for you at all. You see, when I went to John Hopkins, the studies showed I was growing into my true nature. And you know what that is?” DJ at that point very much invaded Valerie’s personal space.

“N-no,” Valerie said, DJ’s face very close to hers, feeling the breath of the thing on her lips.

“There was a novel that came out when my dad was young called The Third Ones,” DJ said, her voice barely above a whisper. “It talked about a race of aliens who had three sexes: male, female and interpreter. The interpreter had an organ that worked with both male and female and was meant to allow the species to reproduce. Well, guess what? Air Force documents were just revealed that showed my species is very similar, and I can mate with men and women to breed the eggs my species needs to survive.”

“E-eggs? You’re going to feed me to your babies?”

“Oh, no,” DJ said in a sultry voice. “You see, I’ve had my eye on you for years, the only female who is a match for me. So there will come a day – probably soon – when I’m ready to have my first spawn. And I’ll mate with Mike so I can collect the first part of that, and then you…and…I….” She sighed lovingly. “Once you and I mate, you’ll be a future mother to thousands of my kind. Yes, they won’t be purebred and will have some human genes, but I’m willing to accept that for the future of my species. So, whenever you’re ready, let me know and then you me and Mike?” DJ whispered in Valerie’s ear, “I can’t wait to see you lay your first clutch of eggs! I hear it’s very sexy.”

Valerie’s mind reached overload at that point and she slumped on the floor, completely in shock. She felt something wet soak her skirt, but her mind was elsewhere at the moment, terrified of being the mother of a species of freaks like DJ.

“Well, I’ll leave you to think about it, Valerie,” DJ said. “Just remember: when the time comes? I’m really turned on by blacklights.” With that, she walked out of the room, leaving the “queen bee” in her growing yellow puddle of embarrassment.

Once outside, DJ took off the mic, handing it back to Logan. “Thanks!”

Mike hugged his girlfriend. “DJ, as much as I love you, I’m not into threesomes.”

She laughed uncontrollably for several minutes, as the rest joined her. “How the hell can she mix up mammals and egg layers?” She then reached over to Mike to kiss him, adding, “I’m a one-man woman, Mike. Trust me: you’re more than all I need.”

Leaning against the wall, Carlos and Erica couldn’t stop laughing. “Where the hell did you get that idea?” Carlos finally asked, once he was able to regain some air.

She shook her head. “It’s actually from a novel that a colleague of Dad’s wrote. Mr. Crenshaw asked me to read it ‘for a non-human perspective’ and honestly? It’s the most whacked-out piece of shit I’ve ever read. Plus, I grew up human, so I have nothing other than a human perspective!”

“And that’s why she underestimated you, DJ.” The group turned around and looked at Brittney. The “dumb girl” of the Valerie Squad now had a very perceptive and shrewd look on her face. “And that’s why she’ll always be nothing more than a queen bee in junior high who doesn’t realize she’s not even worthy to be a drone in high school. And as for me, I can finally stop playing dumb and be myself.”

“So you’ve been faking it all this time,” DJ said.

“Not proud of it, but I wasn’t as mature back then as I am now,” Brittney nodded. “Plus, I’m not taking acting classes so I can have a glamorous career as a porn star. Someday you’ll see me on Broadway. Which is more than Valerie will ever amount to. Oh, and Logan, good job doing what you were doing even while I was telling her otherwise.”

“Wait – you were the one telling her that I wanted to get back with her?”

Brittney shook her head. “No, I was the one telling her exactly what you were up to while wording it to seem on the surface as if you wanted her back. But if she actually thought about it for a second or had Serena do her thinking for her as usual, she would have figured it out. Anyway.” She offered a hand to DJ. “I think it’s time I got myself some new friends. You don’t harm me and I don’t harm you, we cool?”

DJ accepted. “Perfect. So…what about Valerie?”

Brittney shrugged. “She can walk out of there on her own, pissed skirt and all, for all I care. Not my job to fight her battles for her anymore; she’s supposedly a grown woman.”

Mike was at DJ’s house, helping her family set up the Christmas ornaments when David came over. “I just thought I’d come to say goodbye to you guys and to thank you for all the help you’ve offered,” he said, his breath crystalizing in the late fall air. “Really, nobody in my family is Google-fu qualified, so we never would have known about it.”

DJ looked sad. “Will Marcy be alright?” It had been DJ that had found the facility in question, a mental health facility in Wisconsin that specialized in working with mental patients of a particular stripe. “Is she with you? Can I see her?”

“That’s not a good idea, DJ – I know you mean well, but when Pop was talking about a deejay the other day – the radio kind – Marcy went batshit, picked up a knife and tried to stab herself before you ‘stole her soul’ quote unquote.” David shook his head. “I’d be lying to you if I said she was okay after that. Right now she’s in a catatonic state, claiming that Mike’s her husband now. This morning when I went to check on her, she kissed me and said she was ready for our second child.” David wiped a tear from his eye, whispering, “I hate seeing her like this. She’s like my little sister, and I hate seeing her like this.”

DJ went and offered a hug. “If you ever need anything, give us a call.”

Mike offered a handshake as well. “You heard the lady. Give us a call and we’ll do what we can.”

“Yeah, thanks. I’ll be seeing you.” Nothing more to say, he went back to his car, and DJ shut the door.

“Mike?” she asked, worriedly. “If we weren’t together, would you have?”

“Slept with her?” He shook his head. “I meant what I said when I said I’m waiting for marriage. Maybe I would have dated her; maybe I would have even tried to help her when she had her meltdown. But there’s nothing I can do to help her with what she’s going through. She’s got scars that aren’t my destiny to fix – she needs someone else for that.”

DJ nodded; Mike took her in his arms and they just stood there, holding each other for a very long time, not saying a thing but drinking in each other’s presence.

Finally, she broke the silence. “So, waiting until marriage?”

“Yes, that’s the plan.”

She pouted. “But what if we…?”

“DJ, I consider it a commitment. Anyone I’m going to sleep with I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. We’ve only been together for a couple of months, and I’m not changing my mind, not even for you, DJ. Sorry.”


“But,” he said thoughtfully, “Maybe a long-time girlfriend might change my mind.”

“Long-time as in, years?”

“Yes, years. That is, if you could wait that long,” he said, kissing her on the crown of her head.

She snuggled up to him. “So, what, is this a marriage proposal or something? I think we’re a little too young for that.”

“What made you think I was proposing?”

“You weren’t?” she said, downcast.

“Well…we’ve got years ahead of us. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. No one can see that far ahead, DJ.”

“No kidding,” she laughed, kissing him. “You’d have to be insane to marry me.”

It was now March, and their fight to keep their relationship going had been a success. By now, most people had accepted DJ and Mike’s relationship or had wisely shut up now that public opinion had turned against them. The Valerie Squad, in particular, was now accepting new recruits, as Brittney started hanging out with the kids in the Drama Club instead and Serena had enough of Valerie and started hanging out with her cousin and some other friends. Valerie now had some new buddies, a Chinese girl named Madison and another blonde named Michelle, but both of them were clearly second-stringers and wouldn’t have been “promoted” to Valerie’s new bestest buddies had the other two originally remained.

Mike grinned, laying on his girlfriend’s bed, laughing with the rest of them, save for Logan, who had caught a bad case of the flu and couldn’t come over to celebrate DJ’s 15th Birthday with them. He’d apologized and gotten her a gift, so all was forgiven there.

“DJ, PM Dawn? Really? PM Dawn? PM Dawn is elevator music, even back when our parents were our age!” Erica teased. “PM Dawn is for people who drink Metamucil to be regular!”

“Hey, I like PM Dawn, okay?” the humanized alien snarled half-angry; DJ was long used to none of her friends having any interest in the same music she did. “Besides, I thought you guys wanted to talk about the quinceañera.”

“Yeah, what is that, anyway?”

“Something that all Hispanic girls turning fifteen go through – yeah, I know Hispanic hardly applies to me, but Abuelita says that with a last name like Martinez I don’t have an excuse not to have one. So anyway, I dress up in this big frumpy dress like I’m some kind of throwback to days of Spanish California and there’s mariachi music and a whole bunch of other stuff. She’s supposed to be here Saturday to go over everything.”

“I hope no one’s expecting me to dress in a Spanish matador outfit,” Mike said. “I love you, DJ, but that’s just a bit on the weird side.”

“No, no one’s expecting that.”

There was a knock on the door, and Anna poked her head in. “Okay, kiddos, 10pm. Time to wrap things up. Besides, the guys’ll want to get home soon before the rain starts again.”

“How’s the weather looking outside?” Mike asked.

“I’ll drive you and Carlos home,” Matt offered. “Kinda foggy out there; nasty weather to be out there in.”

“Well, as for us, we’ll have to stay here and still work on plans,” DJ said, “but we’ll see you tomorrow at school, okay?”

Mike grinned. “Always, sweetie, always.” The teens walked out of the house, followed by Sam, who was still up and Matt, who had the keys. Clicking the car active, he said, “Okay, boy-types and girl-types only get one last chance to kiss each other goodbye for the night.”

“Dad!” DJ pouted before turning to look at Mike. “Thank you,” she said to him, as she leaned against the railing by the steps to her house.

“For what?”

“For being the best gift a girl could ever have: the best guy there is,” she said with a winsome smile. She got on her tiptoes to kiss him once more—

—and two black arms suddenly snaked around her, pulling her towards the sky as she heard a voice rasp out, “Contact Dash – we’ve got the Lost Foal.”

DJ screamed.

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