• Member Since 11th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen April 29th

Spinner of Tales

Hi. My name is Tale Spinner, and I like to read about adorable ponies doing adorable things.

Comments ( 19 )

it may not be a Sequel but why write this if Summers End isnt even finished?

Spinner of Tales i am wondering why write this if Summers End isnt even finished too please finish it

6014561 this. YOur saying this is like a sequel but we have no idea what its a sequel about all we know is that the other one ends with twilight getting with cadance from the looks of it.

6015172 I wasn't so much saying that to you I meant "this" as in refering to what you said.

6014561 because he wanted to write a sex scene between the 2 of them but the story isn't ready for that yet?

Hey there, I did a reading of the story. Only the clop bits however since I have to keep my vids under 15 min.

6024180 You mean I get to hear people actually reading my work? Oh god.

XD I took a watch. Listen? Whatever, it was pretty damn nice ;D

You're the best.

On behalf of The Anti-Plagiarism Investigation REPORTS, I am sorry to inform you that an author over on Fanfiction.net appears to have ripped this fic off, as well as several others, and is claiming it as his own. We have created a file on this, which includes a form to be sent in to the Fanfiction.net admins to request the plagiarized fic be taken down.


6051410 Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've sent a message to the fanfiction.net legal team, and they'll take care of it.

You're cool, thanks.

Awesome story!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

That was nice, Twidance is good, but not as good as Twilestia or Twiluna.

I love Twidance, but it really isn't written enough. One of these days I'd love to see a full length Twidance story. 100k words and everything. I'd be happy. Very, very happy.

7444916 Well, I do hope you enjoyed the little bit that I wrote! :twilightsmile:

Indeed I did! Funny enough, I've been reading a Twidance story that's 90k. Loving it do far. It's called My Princess Alluring, if you're interested.

7445169 Already read it. One of my favorites!

7445334 i
Should of expected that. It's becoming a favorite of mine, too.

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