• Published 19th Jun 2015
  • 1,067 Views, 40 Comments

The Eighth Element?! - PaisleyPerson

What happens when two sonic rainbooms are performed at EXACTLY the same time? Why, it creates a parallel universe, of course. Only, this is a universe where things have gone terribly wrong. Can the Doctor and Ditzy fix it in time?

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Chapter 13

Chapter 13

“I’ve got a really bad feeling about this, Doctor.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“This isn’t right. Forcing them together? That’s not the way to do it.”

“In my defense, I did ask for other suggestions. You didn’t come up with anything.”

“Love takes time. You can’t just make it happen.”

“Sure you can. That’s called a love spell.”

“I don’t like this. It doesn’t feel right.”

“You’ll feel better when you’re back home in your own bed. In our own timeline.” The two finally came to a stop when they reached the train station. The Princess had agreed to meet them in Ponyville, and even offered to arrange for their transportation. But the Doctor didn’t want to leave his TARDIS in Canterlot, so he insisted upon simply meeting her at the station.

The Princess was one of the first off the train. Surprisingly, she was alone. The Doctor was used to dealing with dignitaries constantly flanked by bodyguards of some sort. Of course, this was Equestria. He should have expected as much.


“Time Turner. Ditzy Doo,” she nodded in greeting. “Where are your friends that so desperately need a love spell?”

“Hopefully, they’re still at Art Life,” Ditzy informed.

“The both of them in one place? I thought you said they were fighting.”

“Yes, well... Acrylic’s sister is in town with her fiancé. I believe they’re trying to negotiate,” the Doctor quickly put in.

“I see,” Cadance suspiciously squinted. “But if they are negotiating, then why am I here?”

“They aren’t going to get through to them. You haven’t been here these last few days. It’s gotten bad,” he assured. “Well, off we go, then. This way!” He and Ditzy started for Acrylic’s home and business, assuming Cadance would follow. That she did, silently taking in the town around her as they went. She didn’t look very impressed.

They finally arrived, and the Doctor crept up to one of the windows. Peering inside, he picked out Acrylic, Wild Flower, Cedar and Torchwood all comfortably situated around Acrylic’s work bench-slash-dining table to allow the girls time to catch up over tea.

“They’re still here!” the Doctor whispered, beckoning them over. Cadance also played along, creeping up to the window with the two of them.

“Which one is Acrylic?” she inquired, looking over the ponies inside.

“The gray one. The teal pony is her sister, Wild Flower. Cedar, the green and blue stallion is Wild Flower’s fiancé. And that brown one is Torchwood, there on the end.”

“See? They even sit at opposite ends of the table,” the Doctor dramatically whined. Ditzy rolled her eyes.

“Did you hear that?” The three ponies ducked down as Acrylic picked up on their conversation. The room went quiet, and stayed that way for a good long while. Heart pounding, Ditzy finally dared to peer behind her. That was a mistake.

“There!” Cedar practically jumped out of his seat.

“EEP!” Ditzy jerked back, now fully exposed.

“Ditzy, wait!” Acrylic was now on her way outside. The other thestrals tried to come with her. “No, stay here. I need to talk to her alone.”

“Run, Ditzy!” the Doctor hissed. She didn’t need to be told twice. “We should get out of here, too,” he turned to Cadance.

“And what of your love spell?”

“We’ll have to come back later. Let’s just go!” He crept through the bushes, careful not to be spotted by the others still inside. He and Cadance both made it behind the building just before Acrylic bolted out. Not that she would have noticed them anyway. She was too busy hunting down Ditzy.

“We’ve got to find Ditzy first. Could you fly overhead while I check the ground?”

“Very well. Good luck, Time Turner.”

“You too.”