• Published 19th Jun 2015
  • 1,067 Views, 40 Comments

The Eighth Element?! - PaisleyPerson

What happens when two sonic rainbooms are performed at EXACTLY the same time? Why, it creates a parallel universe, of course. Only, this is a universe where things have gone terribly wrong. Can the Doctor and Ditzy fix it in time?

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

“Pardon me, but I don’t suppose you could point me in the direction of Midnight Armor Sector Two?” It took a moment, but the TARDIS was soon under heavy barrage by a multi-colored wave of flames. Just like the last five times he’d tried to ask for directions. “Sure, Doctor. Just ask for directions. Can’t be that hard,” he grumbled. How was he ever going to find Torchwood like this? He didn’t know where any of the sector borders were, so it was impossible to sneak up on them. It had been sheer luck that he’d stumbled upon the last few. But he couldn’t exactly scour the whole Everfree on hoof and still make it back in time for the dinner date.

“Fat lot of good time travel does me now,” he huffed. The TARDIS jolted in protest. “Oy! Behave!” He kicked back. “These ponies won’t give me the time of day! They gang up at the sight of me. Now, if I could catch somepony one on one...” He considered waiting around in the middle of the Everfree and wait to bump into one of their patrols. But that was just as dangerous. The patrols were out there to protect their sectors, and may very well see him as a threat.

“Maybe Ditzy was right. Who could I ask...” His eyes bulged. “I’ve been such an idiot! A blind idiot!” He charged in his excitement, and almost crashed into the console. “Come on, Sexy. We’ve been trying to talk to the wrong ponies. We’ve been looking in the Everfree, but we should be searching in Baltimare!” The familiar *VWORP* *VWORP* rang in his ears, and the whole ship swayed. “That’s my girl!”

Finally with a destination in mind, the Doctor was able to park his ship just where he wanted- right outside of Wild Gardens. Nopony had noticed the noise, so he trotted up to the door and knocked. Loudly.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” the voice he knew belonged to Wild Flower shouted. She jerked the door open, but whether that was due to a rusty hinge or sheer agitation the Doctor couldn’t guess. “Can I help you?” Definitely agitation.

“Good afternoon, Wild Flower,” he grinned that crazy grin of his, trying to look as innocent as possible. “Is Cedar Wood in? Or better yet, could you tell me where to find Torchwood?” Wild Flower froze, not scared so much as perplexed.

“Sorry, do I know you?”

“Yes. No. Well, not yet. Is Torchwood here?” She skeptically peered back into the room behind her. Now that he was listening, the Doctor realized that he could hear two male voices inside.

“Boys? Could you come here for a minute?” she finally called back. The voices hushed, but the sound of chairs scooting out and hoofsteps plodding near replaced them. The very tall shapes of both Cedar and Torchwood eventually appeared behind her.

“Hello?” Cedar posed it more as a question than a greeting.

“Torchwood! Thank goodness! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” The Doctor nearly toppled, giddy with relief.

“Do I know you?” Torchwood squinted at the strange stallion.

“Yes. No. Sort of. Just come with me.” He tried to push past Cedar to drag Torch out from the back, but the larger pony wouldn’t budge.

“Just who are you, exactly?”

“I’m the Doctor. You probably don’t remember me, but we’re friends, the lot of us. In the future. Well, another future, really. A future that won’t exist unless you come with me right now.”

“A loon, that one is,” Cedar whispered to Torchwood. The brown stallion chuckled in agreement. The Doctor flattened his ears.

“I’m right here!”

“Alright, sir, thanks for stopping by, but you can leave now.”

“Not without Torchwood,” he defiantly stamped.

“Where, exactly, do you intend to take me?” Torchwood chortled, playing along more for his own amusement at this point.

“Ponyville,” the Doctor answered. “You’ve got a date waiting for you.”

“A date?!” Wild Flower cackled, literally rolling on the floor. “That’s a hoot!”

“It is indeed, Wild Flower. Especially considering that she’s your sister.” Wild Flower was no longer laughing.

“What did you just say?”

“Acrylic! Acrylic Storm! Your sister, and Torchwood’s future wife. Tell me, have you and Cedar gotten married yet in this reality?” Cedar protectively nudged her behind him.

“I don’t know who you are, but you need to leave. Now.”

“What do you have to lose? If I’m telling the truth, your sister will be waiting for you. And Torchwood gets to meet the love of his life.”

“I don’t need somepony else to play matchmaker for me,” Torchwood’s eyes burned. “I’ll decide who I love.”

“We always said it was destiny. I mean, what are the chances of two thestrals meeting each other, both in a world where they’re supposed to be extinct?”

“How do you know about that?!” Cedar shouted. The Doctor decided that he had outstayed his welcome. He bolted for the TARDIS before they could catch him. He then realized that he and Ditzy hadn’t actually set a time, but took his best guess, anyway.

“Ponyville Park tonight at seven, if you’re interested!”