• Published 19th Jun 2015
  • 1,067 Views, 40 Comments

The Eighth Element?! - PaisleyPerson

What happens when two sonic rainbooms are performed at EXACTLY the same time? Why, it creates a parallel universe, of course. Only, this is a universe where things have gone terribly wrong. Can the Doctor and Ditzy fix it in time?

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Chapter 20

Chapter 20

“Cedar? Hey, Cedar, wake up! It’s me!” Wild Flower desperately waved her hoof in front of her fiancé’s face. “It’s not working, Acrylic!”

“Try reminding him of something special the two of you did- that worked for me.”

“We don’t have time for that!” Time Turner had already worked his way up onto a ledge. The other girls, who had wings, were hovering up above.

“Well, what do you suggest I do?” Wild Flower huffed.

“Kiss him!” Cadance and Ditzy both exclaimed. Wild Flower and Acrylic exchanged glances. The gray thestral shrugged.

“Go for it.”

“Fine...” Wild Flower’s teal cheeks turned crimson. “D-Don’t look.”

“Give them some privacy,” Cadance agreed, obligingly turning her back. Ditzy followed her lead, but the Doctor gave a few grumbles of protest before obeying. Acrylic tipped her hat over her eyes, but peeked out just in time to catch a glimpse.

“Woo hoo,” she whistled with a childish giggle.

“Why, you little... I told you not to look!” The redness of her cheeks grew to change the hue of Wild Flower’s entire complexion. Despite the dire circumstances, Acrylic nearly toppled over laughing.


“Cedar!” Forgetting about her annoying troll of a sister, Wild Flower leapt for Cedar, sending both ponies sprawling.

“Two down!” Ditzy cheered.

“One to go,” the Doctor grimly reminded.

“Right,” Acrylic turned to face the rather terrifying, blank-eyed monster creeping for them. Or rather, her, specifically. “Hey, Torchwood. Remember me? I’m Acrylic, Wild Flower’s friend.” Torchwood didn’t acknowledge her at all. In fact, he turned away, his focus drawn to the ponies hovering above him. His own leathery appendages began to unfurl.

“We need to get out of here!” Cadance declared, eyeing the best escape routes.

“She’s right. Come on, Ditzy.” The Doctor beckoned his friend before realizing that he was standing on a rather high ledge, and had nowhere to go.

“Here,” Cedar offered, hovering below him and offering passage out. The Doctor took him up on his offer, leaping onto Cedar’s back and clinging tight.

“Ditzy, come... Ditzy?”

“No, Doctor. Not yet,” Ditzy pleaded. “Just a little longer.”

“In a little longer we’ll all be toast! Literally! Hurry up!”


“Hey, hey! Torchwood! Back to me,” Acrylic physically turned Torchwood back to face her. His wings remained spread and prepared for flight. “Don’t focus on them. Look at me.” She subtly gestured for the others to get out. Cadance led the charge, escorted by Wild Flower and followed by Cedar and the Doctor.

“I can’t leave without Ditzy,” the Doctor urged his mount to stop.

“Fine,” Cedar sighed, turning back and attempting to forcibly remove the pegasus.

“No! Not yet!” She jerked away and landed rather sloppily behind Acrylic.

“Ditzy, you’ve gotta get outta here,” Acrylic hissed.

“Torchwood?” That stubborn, thick-headed mare still wasn’t listening. In fact, she did the exact opposite as if to spite them all, pushing past Acrylic and giving it a go herself. Well, at least Torchwood hadn’t moved. That was a good sign- it probably meant he was fighting... this. “Hey. It’s me again. I know you’re probably still angry with me and Doc for trying to set you up before... I understand that. I would be angry too. But I promise, we won’t do it anymore. From now on, you decide who you want to be with. Doctor and I had no business interfering.”

“Ditzy! What are you doing?” the Doctor hissed, jumping down off Cedar’s back.

“Hey, I thought we had to...” Cedar stopped himself mid-sentence upon realizing no one was listening.

“It’s his life, Doctor. Nopony but Torchwood can decide what to do with it,” Ditzy flatly informed him.

“But-!” Ditzy’s burning eyes told him that there would be no negotiations on this one. The Doctor bowed his head in defeat.


“But you really should give Acrylic a chance,” Ditzy resumed, turning back to Torchwood.

“Ditzy?” Acrylic was confused at this point.

“She’s sweet and kind, and she’ll support you in whatever decision you make. She’s a hard worker, and never gives up. And no matter how many times you fail or mess up, she’ll be there to pick you right back up again.”

“Ditzy...” Acrylic’s hoof found its way to her chest, truly moved by the mare’s words.

“She’s a great friend,” Ditzy went on, a small, bittersweet smile curling her lips. “And a great mare. Give her a chance, if not for us, for her sake.” Ditzy proceeded to edge closer and whisper in his ear. “Besides... I think she really does like you.”

“D-D-Ditzy!” Acrylic’s cheeks turned so red, it was obvious Ditzy had been right. The pegasus just giggled.

“See? Well, it’s your choice, but... you’d be missing out.” She ended her performance with one last wink to the blank-eyed stallion, then calmly trotted up to the Doctor’s side. “I think we can leave now.”

“But what... how did... what?” The Doctor shook his head in confusion. “I will never understand you, Miss Doo.”

“So... like Ditzy said...” Acrylic sheepishly played with her mane, still trying to wake Torchwood. “I... I’d, uh... r-really like t-to... to get to know you better. Heh,” Her face was as red as a beet, and her whole body trembled with a mixture of nervousness and embarrassment. “A-And not because they want us to, either. Just because... well, just because. I-If that’s okay with you, that is.” She quit playing with her mane. “Well? Is it? You kind of have to wake up to answer me.”

“Mmm...” Torchwood groaned, shutting his eyes tight.

“Is... is that a ‘no?’” His head bowed, and his brow kneaded in concentration. A couple more grunts sounded from deep in his throat. “Or... a yes, maybe?” Acrylic hopefully piped. Orange and green flames began to spark at his hooves. Acrylic’s ears flattened. “Oh dear.”

“Everyone out!” The Doctor cried, grabbing Ditzy by the hoof and dragging her out behind them.

“T-Torch?” Acrylic’s voice wavered. She wanted to run, but fear had anchored her to the spot. “C-Come on, Torch. Stop playing around. It’s me... it’s Acrylic. And Wild Flower and Cedar are here, too. You’re going to hurt your friends.” In actuality, Acrylic could no longer see her sister or her fiancé, but she was hoping that the memory of his other friends might bring the real Torchwood back; she wasn’t sure if his feelings for her alone were yet enough to revive him.

The embers had exploded into a full-on inferno at this point. The heat radiating from the flames was startlingly intense, even to a supposedly heat-resistant thestral. Acrylic could barely see or hear her friends calling for her above the crackling wall of fire. The only way out was through it.

‘Better go now, before it gets any hotter,’ she gulped. Torchwood’s wings were still stretched, blocking her passage. He was so busy trying to keep Chrysalis out of his head, though, that she thought she could get past. ‘Here goes nothing.’ She bolted, hopefully with enough force to push past him. Just before she reached his wing, however, it jerked forward, slamming into her chest. The wind was knocked out of her. Rendered immobile, she toppled backward into the hot, hungry flames. Her vision blurred, and faded altogether.