• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

Comments ( 66 )

6114423 If you think this is weird, go actually look at videos of pipa pipa toads.
That...that is a thing, that is...

I have to say, weirdest clop I've ever read. I am trying to imagine those hybrids, but they don't actually seem all that ugly.
Also, never going to look at those toads.


My god...it's...ugly.

I died laughing. That was too good. It also reminded me of this:

The morale of this story; never have unprotected sex unless you're willing to accept what follows

These were the single most wretched authour notes I have ever seen. I am now gonna go try and stop the crawlys from all over X_X'

I miss the worst thing people trolled you with was "google meatspin" or the like X_X

very odd...... still not as bad as sweet apple massacre, actually this was a good story, somewhat to a certain extent :eeyup:

You sir, write some of the weirdest syay. :fluttershyouch:
But then again, i like weird things.

I moderately intrigued. :trixieshiftright:
Go on.

Consider yourself gaining an additional stalk... -i mean follower.

10/10 would vomit on.

God, that mental image is horrifying.
Even worse than the pipa pipa toad.
Which is pretty damn bad.
But I'd rather some non-nauseating reading now (and forever), thank you very much.

Trigger warnings, man! People want to know if a story has rape, incest, or excessive gore beforehand--guess what? They also want to know if they'll be seeing the squalling, hideous simultaneous live births of hordes of little freaks from pimple-eggs! At least warn the reader that what lies within is horrifying and/or grotesque, not just weird.

Spare someone that pain, please.

It started good, but the end was somehow bad. I am not sure if it was the overused vomit,(first time was okay), but it seems really werid in the end.

See's comment section.

Reads story anyway.

I found the video very fitting.

6118308 Considering I'm quite fond of that movie, I'm ok with this!

Can I be the dad?

That story was literally art.


Welp, you can't stop the vomit this time. With a gurgle, you throw up all over your new progeny who promptly begins to cry.

Puke all over the new born child? Icky way to greet them. Or just welcome them in your pre-digested love.:heart:

Crying openly, you set down the vomit covered baby and tug out one after another of your offspring. They pop out, wriggling and slimy, and instantly begin calling you daddy. They climb up on your legs, tug at your clothing. By the time you're done, you're practically wearing pants made of changeling-human abominations.

I wonder what human-changeling abominations look like.

This is horrible:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
This is ART "in the making!"


What in all the feces and gore filled hello could have possibly possessed you to write this utter shit?!


6118442 Are the little ones up for adoption.:scootangel:

...hmmm. Nah, but I'd sell em to ya.

6122415 Would you like to own the soul of an orphan?

6122464 ...more than you can ever guess.

...I think I like you. You can stay.

6124770 ...welp I did not know that existed.
I feel informed.

>see an intriguing story in "also liked"
>read description
>i feel soft rustling. hmm
>check comments just to be sure that was a false rustling
>pipa pipa toad
>Google pipa pipa toad
>close Google
>open Google again
>google "fear of holes"
TIL i have Trypophobia but it's kinda selective.

HOLY SHIT then do NOT read this!
I did mention the Pipa Pipa toad in the author's note too.

6124770 FUCKING NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!!:pinkiegasp:

The douche's name is Thegreatmopking

10 out of fucking 10

Oh my god... I don't think i have laughed that hard in a long time XD

I want to read this, but I'm scared.

I'll add this to my read later list.

> M rating.
> first chapter title mentions slime
> asked to Google pipa pipa toad
> Googles pipa pipa toad
> should not have Googled pipa pipa toad!
> re-reads description
> this is a bad idea
> reads story anyway

This was an adventure to say the least. 10/10 would subject myself to something of a similar nature again.

This add to my list of wtf moments

Pipa pipa huh? Ok..
*searches on youtube*

Oh damn no.. oh damn no. Oh damn, NoooooooOOOOOOOO!!! :fluttershbad::fluttershbad:
*1 minute later*

Ok let's read this :pinkiesick:

I feel a despereate need for brain bleach and a rusty fork to gouge my eyes and rip and flay my skin apart. O_O

6267609 i read your comment right before i saw the description and the authors note... i should've believed that this really was as 'WTF' a moment can get.

I did a parody of this story Here. For those who are truly masochistic.

This exactly.
Thank you.

ahaha nope nope nope nope not my thing oh my god not a bad story at first but then ohgod *gos to vomit* PLEASE NO JUST NO NEVER WILL I FUCK A CHANGLING EVER NOT IF THATS A POSSIBILITY!!!!

>pipa pipa toads
I know exactly what those are!
*nopes the fuck out before reading the story*

I really have to congratulate you on making that logical leap. I'm going to go outside and start screaming, now. :rainbowlaugh:

Enjoy! Give a shriek for in my honor!

*looks up pipa pipa toad*
Huh, neat.

*Anon vomits*
Heh, puss.

*Changeling/human abomination*

If I we're in his shoes I'd be pretty fascinated cause I just watched that pipa piapa toad give birth on YouTube and it's pretty funny there like get me out a here!!!

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