• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 10,501 Views, 1,942 Comments

A Lost Sunset - KingJoltik

Sunset Shimmer has betrayed Celestia and entered the mirror to another world. However, the first day in this new world would change everything when an accident causes Sunset Shimmer to lose her memories.

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A Day with a Dress and a Friend

Sunset wasn't sure what to think when she entered Rarity's house. She knew that she had only entered one other house in this world, but she wasn't expecting a home that was half house, half boutique. As Sunset walked inside, she stared at the several mannikins, all with different dresses on. 'I knew she said she was a dress maker but...wow...this is a lot of dresses...' she thought as she tried to count all of the dresses on display. Sunset gave up after reaching thirty.

“Alright dear, before we start...” Rarity said as she took her backpack off, “Would you like some tea?”

“Some tea? Uh...sure.” Sunset said, not fully paying attention.

“Very well, just give me a minute darling. Don't worry, I make a fabulous green tea!” Rarity said as she skipped into the kitchen. While she went in there, Sunset sat down in an available chair and took her backpack off. She looked inside, staring at the magic book. Sunset sighed as she thought, 'Hmm...I can't stop thinking about that...it just sounds so...so crazy...'

As Sunset began to stare at the book more and more, another girl entered the shop. The girl spoke up, “Rarity! I'm here!”

Rarity poked her head out of the kitchen. “Coco! It's so good to see you! I'm so glad you could come down from Manehattan!”

“Yes! I'm so glad I could come!” Coco said with a huge smile. “I can't wait to show you my new fashion ideas!”

“Indeed darling!” Rarity said with a grin. “Now, if you don't mind dear, I'm making some tea right now. Would you like some?”

“Sure!” Coco nodded. She turned her head and saw Sunset sitting there, still lost in thought with a huge frown on her face. “Um...are you okay?”

“Huh?” Sunset said as she lifted her head. “Oh...um...”

Coco gave a bright smile. “Hello there, my name is Coco Pommel!”

“Oh...I'm Sunset Shimmer.” muttered Sunset. “Nice to meet you...”

“It's nice to meet you as well! Are you a customer today?”

“Well...I guess you could say that...” Sunset said as she scratched the back of her head. “To be perfectly honest...I'm not really sure...”

“What do you mean?” Coco asked with a face filled with confusion.


Thankfully, Rarity entered the room with a tray filled with cups of tea. She put the tray down and sang, “The tea is ready!”

“Thank you Rarity!” Coco said as she took a cup. Sunset slowly grabbed one as well. “Thanks Rarity...”

“Not a problem dear!” Rarity said as she took the third cup on the tray. Sunset stared at the cup and thought, 'Green tea...I don't think I've had that here...or I don't remember it...' Sunset took a small sip, 'Hmm...not bad.'

“So Rarity...what are we going to do first? I mean, I don't want to interrupt if you're making a dress for her.” Coco asked. Rarity merely gave a small smile, “Actually Coco, would you like to help me with her dress?”


Sunset drank the cup and said, “Um...are you sure Rarity? I mean, it's obvious you were already doing something with her and...”

“That's enough Sunset!” Rarity exclaimed. “I am tired of you saying that I don't have to do this! I told you I was going to make you a dress and I'm going to make you one!”


“No buts!”

Coco tugged on Rarity's shoulder. “Um...you know she doesn't have to accept the dress...you shouldn't force her Rarity.”

“I...” Rarity wanted to retort but stopped herself. Rarity sighed and said, “You're right Coco. I'm sorry Sunset.”

“It's fine...” Sunset said as she slowly stood up. “If you don't mind...I'll try the dress.”

Rarity's eyes shined like stars. “Of course! Oh, I can't wait!” She turned to Coco, “Let's get started, shall we Coco?”

“Of course!” Coco said with a nod. “I'll be glad to help you with any dress Rarity!”

'Wow...they sure like making dresses...' thought Sunset as she watched the two drag her to the center of the boutique. They put her in front of several mirrors and Rarity pulled out some measuring tape. “Alright dear, I need to measure your sizes so I need you to stay still...”

“Okay...” Sunset said as she stiffened up. Rarity quickly went around Sunset several times, her eyes filled with determination. She gave the numbers to Coco and she said, “Wow Sunset...you have a good figure.”

“I do?”

“Oh yes darling.” Rarity said as she put some glasses on. “You're both slender and fit.”

“Thanks...I guess...”

“You don't know how to take compliment very well, do you dear?” Rarity said with a chuckle. “Please...just relax Sunset, we're all friends here.”

“We are?”

“Of course! I mean, aren't you and Fluttershy friends? That means you're my friend too!”

“Well...I guess...” Sunset said as her head lowered. She then thought, 'I just...why would anyone want to be friends with a screw-up like me?'

Coco saw Sunset's expression and gave Rarity a worried glance. A few seconds later, Rarity picked it up and said, “Sunset...may I ask you a question?”


“Why are you afraid of being friends with Fluttershy?”

A chill went down Sunset's spine. She tried to hide her worry but couldn't. “I...uh...um...”

“Listen darling...I have never met a more kind person than Fluttershy. She is the kindest person I know.”

“Well I...I just...” Sunset muttered with a sigh. “I don't know...”

Coco looked at Sunset's face, it showed nothing but confusion mixed with depression. She decided to speak up, “Um...Sunset? Can I ask you something?”


“I...I know I just met you, but could you be my friend too?” Coco said with a little smile. Sunset merely looked at her and tears went down her face. Sunset wanted to ignore the two as she continued to think about all that had happened to her. The memories, the book, the fights, everything. All those things rushed through her head and she tried to contain it. But it was too much and tears began to appear. Coco gasped, “Oh! Um...I'm sorry! I didn't mean for you to cry!”

Sunset fell to her knees and began to bawl, “Why? Why is this happening to me?!” she yelled as tears flowed down her face. Rarity and Coco looked at each other in concern. Before they knew it, they both hugged Sunset. “I don't know what's going on...” Coco said in a gentle voice. “But it'll be okay Sunset!”

“Yes darling, just let it out!”

A few minutes later, Sunset stopped crying. Rarity told Coco where the tissues were and soon Sunset sat there, blowing her nose in despair. The two patted her on the back and Sunset slowly spoke up, “Um...Rarity?”

“Yes darling?”

“Can I tell you and Coco something?”

“Of course.”

“Yes. You can tell us anything.”

Sunset stared at the floor and said, “Um...what I'm about to tell you...I've only told Fluttershy and...”

“You don't want us to tell anyone else, right?”

“Yeah...” Sunset said with a small nod.

“Go right ahead.”

“I...um...I don't know who I am...”

Rarity and Coco looked at each other in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I...have amnesia. I can't remember who I am.”

“Amnesia?!” Rarity said with a gasp. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah...” Sunset head went down more and more. “A little over a month ago, a certain incident happened to me and I lost all of my memories. I'm not even sure if Sunset Shimmer is my real name...”

“Oh dear...that's awful.” Rarity said as she began to hug Sunset. “I'm so sorry that happened to you...”

“Yeah...I couldn't begin to imagine what that's like...” Coco said with a face of concern. “I'm sorry that happened to you Sunset.”

“Well...that's...” Sunset let out a sigh. “I...”

“What dear?” Rarity asked. “Is this why you started crying?”

“No...its just...” Sunset began to tremble as the words came out of her mouth. “Recently...I've been wondering if I should get my memories back or not...”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...its just...I think I was a horrible person before all of this...and I'm afraid if I got my memories back, I would become something even worse.”

“Oh darling...” Rarity said with a generous smile. “You don't know that.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Well...” Rarity gave a pose of deep thought. Coco put her hand on Rarity’s shoulder. “Let me handle this Rarity.”

“Alright darling.”

Coco turned and gave Sunset a shining smile. “Listen Sunset, a while back I worked for a girl named Suri Polomare. I looked up to her because she was able to make a success out of anything. She tried to teach me that it was every girl for themselves and told me to push everyone away. She would do anything to win, lie, cheat, steal, anything. For the longest while, I believed her and I even tried acting like her.” Coco looked at Rarity and gave a bigger smile. “But then I met Rarity, and she showed me what it meant to look for something better. She helped me realize that there's always a better way to look at things.”

“She's right darling.” Rarity said with a grin. “Even if you lost your memories, there is still plenty of great things out there. You don't have to settle on believing no one should help you. Tell me, what do you think of yourself?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean...what do you see yourself as?”

“Oh...a screw-up. A failure.” Sunset said in a grim tone.

“Oh darling, you're not a failure.” Rarity said as she patted Sunset on the back. “There's no need to think that.”

“There isn't?”

“No. Nobody deserves to call themselves a failure.”

“But...” Sunset wanted to retort but wasn't sure what to say. Rarity put her hand on Sunset's shoulder and asked, “Why do think you're a failure?”

“Well...all I've done since I got here is get into fights and cause trouble...” Sunset muttered. “That and...”

“And what?” asked Coco with a face of compassion.

“I...I don't know...” Sunset said as she began to think about everything Celestia had wrote to her. “All I know is...I'm afraid I'll be a failure no matter what happens...”

“Oh, you don't know that.” Rarity said as she hugged Sunset again. “Don't even think that.”

“But...” Sunset slowly hugged Rarity back. “How can you be so sure?”

“Oh...I'm quite the people person darling. I know a good egg when I see one.” Rarity said with a wink while Coco gave her usual bright smile to Sunset. As Sunset looked at the two, her heart felt like it was going to melt because of their kindness and generosity. “Thank you...”

“No problem darling.”

“Yes!” Coco said with glee. “Now Sunset, would you like us to finish your dress?”

“Well...I guess so.” Sunset said with a small smile.

The next hour was quite the spectacle for Sunset. She only knew that she was going to have a dress made for her but what she was watching was something else. It looked like a blur as the two rushed throughout the boutique, grabbing fabric after fabric, string after string. She watched the two debate which colors to use with surprisingly little disagreement. Before she knew it, the dress was done.

A few minutes later, Rarity dragged Sunset into a fitting room. Sunset slowly put the dress on and walked out a few minutes later. Rarity and Coco's eyes began to shine like stars as they saw Sunset come out in the dress.

“Oh darling!” exclaimed Rarity with a cheer of joy. “You. Look. Fabulous!”

“Yeah! You really do!” Coco said with a huge smile.

“I...I do?” Sunset said, her face redder than the reddest tomato. “I mean...um...”

Rarity grabbed Sunset's hand and pulled her into several mirrors. “Look darling! Look at what you are!”

Sunset stared in the mirror for a few minutes. 'This...this is me?' she thought as she looked herself over. The dress was a combination of purple, orange and fiery red. The dress glittered as Sunset stared at every inch of the dress. Sunset's eyes shined as she looked the dress over and over again. 'Amazing...' she thought as tears began to flow down her cheeks again.

“Oh dear darling, do you not like it?” asked Rarity with a face of despair as she saw the tears.

“No...” Sunset said with a lump in her throat. A huge smile began to form on her face. “I love it!”

“You do?”

“I DO!” exclaimed Sunset. “Oh....it's so beautiful Rarity...” She put her hands over her mouth as more tears formed. “Thank you...”

“Of course darling.” Rarity said with a giant grin. “And don't forget to thank Coco as well.”

“Oh you're right!” Sunset said as she turned around. “I'm sorry Coco, thank you so much!”

“It's fine Sunset. I'm glad you love the dress!” Coco said with a big grin. Rarity gave a small nod and said, “Now Sunset, this dress is yours now.”

“I...I don't how to thank you...”

“It's fine darling. Besides, it would be a crime to not let you have that dress after the smile you gave us.”

“Thank you...thank you...” Sunset said over and over again. It was then that she realized this was the first time she had seen something she had liked about herself. She loved seeing herself in that dress.

A few minutes later, Celestia arrived at the boutique. As she walked in, she saw Sunset in the dress and said, “Oh my, I must say Rarity, you've really outdone yourself this time.”

“Oh I know Principal Celestia. Doesn't she look amazing?” Rarity said as the two watched Sunset stand in front of the mirrors, still smiling. “Indeed she does Rarity. I've never seen her smile like that...”

Rarity turned and asked, “Um...if you don't mind me asking Principal Celestia, why are you here? Do you need a dress done?”

“No.” Celestia said as she shook her head. “I'm here to pick up Sunset.”

“Pick her up? Wait...she lives with you?”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “Did she not tell you that I was coming to pick her up?”

“No...I had no idea.” Rarity said as she tried to comprehend the information she had just obtained. Celestia walked over to Sunset with her usual smile. “Hello Sunset, you look really happy.”

“Miss Celestia!” Sunset gasped as Celestia walked up to her. “Oh...um...”

“It's fine Sunset. No need to panic.” Celestia turned to Rarity. “Um Rarity...could you get us something to transport this dress? Also, how much do I need to pay you?”

“Oh...um...” Rarity stuttered. “I'll get you something...and you don't have to pay. The first dress is always free for a friend.”

“You don't have to do that Rarity.” Celestia said as she pulled her purse out. “Please, just tell me the amount.”

“Nonsense dear.” Rarity said with a generous smile. “I meant what I said, It's free.”

Celestia wanted to say no but she could tell that it was pointless. “Very well...” she turned to Sunset, “Alright Sunset, go ahead and get changed back to your regular clothes. I'm sorry to say, but we need to go ahead and get going.”

“Okay.” Sunset said with a nod. She turned to Coco, “Thank you so much Coco and thank you for being my friend.”

“Of course!”

“Indeed darling.” Rarity said as she patted Sunset on the shoulder. “We're both your friends!”

“Yeah...thank you!” Sunset said with the biggest smile she had ever given. After a few minutes of changing and talking, Sunset said her goodbyes and left with Celestia. Rarity and Coco sat there for a moment afterword, both relieved their work had not been wasted.

“She sure is a nice girl.” Coco said with a small smile.

“Yes. I hate that she lost her memory...but with that smile she gave us, I have feeling things will turn out for the better for her...” Rarity turned to Coco, “Don't you agree?”

“Yes...I sure wish I could stay here and go to Canterlot High...I have the feeling that me and her could become the best of friends.”

“Still going to that Manehattan school?”

“For now...” Coco said as she stood up and went to her bag. There, she began to rummage through the bag, grabbing multiple papers. “Now, about those fashion ideas...”

Rarity's eyes began to shine once more. “Oh yes! I can't wait to see them!”

Author's Note:

A while back, everyone voted Coco Pommel to appear in the story...and here she is! She'll be back for more later, so don't think this is a one time deal. Also, there may be a slight delay(Not too much) in chapters because...I got a very mischievous idea in my head recently and it will change the story a bit three chapters from now.

Also, big thanks to Lord Nopony for pre-reading this chapter!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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