• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 10,501 Views, 1,942 Comments

A Lost Sunset - KingJoltik

Sunset Shimmer has betrayed Celestia and entered the mirror to another world. However, the first day in this new world would change everything when an accident causes Sunset Shimmer to lose her memories.

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That Kind of an Encounter

Mornings. It's something that exists that Sunset doesn't exactly agree with. Especially if she doesn't have her 'Applejack does not approve' pear cider. As her eyes creaked open from the early hours of the day, a giant yawn blasted out of Sunset's mouth. Her hand rubbed down her face with a slight moan. “Ugh...why do I have a feeling this is gonna be a long day...” she turned her head to the nearby desk. “And no pear cider to help me...great.” Her eyes slowly drifted to the magic book as her mind began to wonder. 'Oh yeah...never got to ask Twilight if she found out last night due to Rarity's extended 'fashion extravaganza'...meh, whatever. I can always find out later.'

After several scratches on her back, she slowly shifted through her morning routine. She soon found herself in the kitchen, where Celestia looked exactly like her. “Rough morning Sunset?”

“Yep. You?”

“You have no idea.” Celestia said as she sipped a cup of coffee. “Turns out, the new transfer student is coming in today. On Halloween.” She began flailing her arms up and down. “I mean, come on! What kind of parents send their kid to a new school on a holiday?!”

It had been a while since Sunset had seen Celestia in a bad morning mood. Over the past two months of staying with her, she knew that Celestia was definitely a morning person. That being said, there were times that Celestia would have a bad morning. And by bad morning, Sunset found out it meant a really really horrible morning. No in-between or anything. Unless there was some cake in the house. Unfortunately, no such thing was currently available, so a small gulp went down Sunset's throat as she decided to try and continue talking. “Um...so Celestia, are you coming to the school party tonight?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes Sunset.” Celestia said as she inhaled a whole cup of coffee. That was another sign of a bad morning. “You're helping the music club for the party, right?”

“Yeah. Thankfully Rarity was able to get me a costume that I could use with the club's guitar.”

“That's good...say, I never got to see the costume Sunset. Is Rarity still making it?”

“Yeah. She said she'll have it done before the party.”

“Hmm...cutting it close, isn't she?”

“Yep. She told me that she's used to it though. Something about her younger sister always interfering or something...”

“I see...” another sigh from Celestia as she went back to her papers. “Could you get me another cup Sunset?”


“GOOD MORNING CELESTIA!!!” Luna suddenly yelled as she entered the kitchen. “How are you this morning?”

“Be quiet Luna.” Celestia barked. “Just...just be quiet.”

“Oh come now Celestia,” Luna said with a pat on Celestia's back. “It's Halloween! Be happy sister!”

“If you don't stop being so cheery right now, I'll tell Sunset about the 'Sweet Lemon Tea' incident.”

“You wouldn't dare!” Luna shrieked.

“I would.” Celestia smirked. “Now go drink your coffee and then we're leaving for school.”

“But I've already had thirty-seven cups.”

“Oh...well, we'll leave after I'm done with my cup, got it?”

“Okay! I can't wait to go and see everyone's costumes!” Luna cheered. “Yay!”

Sunset could only blink as she watched Luna dance around. Her mind tried to wrap around what she just saw, 'What's the 'Sweet Lemon Tea' incident? Why do I have the feeling I really shouldn't find out what that is...'

Later at school...

“Did you hear darling?” Rarity asked as she stroked her hair in front of Sunset. The two were grabbing their things from their lockers. “Despite all this excitement about Halloween, a new student is supposed to coming to our school today of all days.”

“Yeah, I know. Principal Celestia told me about it.”

“Oh that's right, I forgot she was your guardian.”

“Yep.” Sunset said as she put her last book into her bag. She began to remember this morning and told herself to not tell Rarity all the details. “She told me all about it.”

“I see...I wonder what kind of person the-”


“Eeeeek!” Rarity yelped with a leap backwards. Sunset quickly looked up, only to see Applejack in a scarecrow costume with a pumpkin mask on.

“Ha ha! You should see yer face Rarity!” Applejack laughed. “Ah scared the skin off of yah!”

After her body shook for a bit, Rarity quickly composed herself and said, “Yes darling, very funny.”

“Oh come on Rarity.” Applejack said with a pat on Rarity's back. “It's just fer fun. It's Halloween after all.”

“I know darling...I know.” Rarity deadpanned. “Now stop touching me.”

Sunset giggled at Rarity's response as she began scolding Applejack. She quickly put her backpack on her back and bid goodbye to her two friends. She made sure to ask Rarity about the costume only to be told that she'll have it ready right before the party. Seeing this as a sign to get going, she began to walk down one of the hallways. As her footsteps began to make noise at a nearby corner, she quickly turned the corner only to-

“Oooga Booga!” yelled a voice behind a zombie mask as it leaped in front of Sunset.

“AAAAAaaaahhhh!” Sunset screamed at the sudden scare.


“Augh!” yelled the voice as its whole body fell to the floor in pain. As the individual began to yell while wallowing in the floor, Sunset quickly realized what had just happened. In the moment of pure surprise and fright from the individual, Sunset's flight or fight response activated. Unfortunately for the culprit, the fight response won.

“Why?!” the individual yelped while still crawling on the floor, its hands covering the lower part of it's body. The person's mask fell off, revealing the face of a boy. “Why did you kick me there?!”

“Oh my-I'm so sorry!” Sunset exclaimed, her hands over her mouth. “I didn't mean to-I mean, you just surprised me and-”


“Well uh...reflexes?” Sunset bent down, presenting her hand. “Here, let me-”

“Stay away from me!” the boy exclaimed, his hand swiping by to knock away Sunset's. “Just....just stay away!”


“All I wanted to do is scare some people for fun! It's freaking Halloween! You should be expecting-ugh...the pain.” A huge cringe appeared on his face as he began moaning again. “Why...why did you kick me there?”

“Uh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-”

“Just go away...”

“Okay...” Sunset squeaked. She quickly broke into a break neck pace, trying to flee from the mess. It wasn't long till she got to her next class. The following classes were a slight blur for her, as she wanted to forget what she had done, despite it not really being her fault. Unfortunately, things weren't that simple when classes ended. Sunset soon returned to her friend Rarity, where the costume was ready and waiting for Sunset. One changing session later...

“Oh, you look fabulous darling!” Rarity said, clapping her hands. “The costume looks like it was made for you!”

“Thanks Rarity...I hope the Music Club likes it.” Sunset said as she put on some fingerless gloves. She quickly began to stretch her arms. “This thing is quite flexible.”

“Of course it is dear, I made it that way!” Rarity said with another clap. “Now remember, I made it slick black so even if you get a bit dirty, it shouldn't be too visible.”

“Okay...” Sunset looked in the mirror. After a few seconds, a smile grew on her face. “Thank you Rarity. It looks wonderful!”

“No problem darling. Anything for a friend.” Rarity said as she patted Sunset on the back. “Now...remember dear, when the party starts, I want you to get up there and knock them dead!”

“Yeah, thanks. See ya at the party Rarity. And...thanks again.”

“Of course darling. Now, I need to change into my costume.” she said with a wink.

Sunset waved goodbye and proceeded down to the clubroom. She got a few thumbs up and compliments over her costume while passing by several students. As she got close to the clubroom, she decided to take a quick detour to Celestia and Luna, showing her the costume. After a few more compliments, (And a cup of coffee from Luna) Sunset finally got to the clubroom.

“Yo Sunset!” Vinyl yelled as she tried to signal her from behind a makeshift mix table. “Come on over here!”

“Hey Vinyl.” Sunset waved as she got closer. “How's it going?”

“Everything's cool.” Vinyl said as she adjusted the table. Sunset noticed Vinyl's costume, a type of techno outfit with neon-like lights on the clothes. “Say, you ready for tonight?”

“You bet.” Sunset replied. She had found that out of all the people in the club, Vinyl and Bon-Bon were the easiest for her to get along with. Bon-Bon was easily the most intelligent and calmest of the club. She found Bon-Bon to be a sort of candy loving version of Applejack, a calm honest person but was really smart as well. Vinyl on the other hand, was always so cheerful and easy-going. She was a calmer Pinkie Pie in love with music. “So...when are the others gonna arrive?”

“Not sure. They said they were bringing a new member. Apparently the guy is joining today of all days.”

“On Halloween? Odd day to do it, huh?”

“Yeah. No kidding. I think Lyra told me that whoever it is, they're also the new transfer student.”

“Really? Then that's even stranger...” As the two began to talk some more, the door to the clubroom suddenly shoved open. “Hmm?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived! And she has arrived with our new member!”

Sunset and Vinyl glanced at each other and then back to Trixie. Trixie shuffled away from the door, slowly letting in more members. Lyra, Bon-Bon and Octavia walked in, all with smiles and costumes on. Then finally, the new member arrived, only to make Sunset's heart sink as she watched him enter the room. It was the guy she had kicked earlier. Lyra shined a wave as she began to speak up, “Hiya Sunset and Vinyl! Let me introduce our new member! I present to you, Flash Sentry!”

'Oh no...' thought Sunset as she saw the fear on his face from looking at her. 'He's the new transfer student?! And I kicked him there on his first day here?! Celestia's gonna kill me if she finds out...'

Author's Note:

He's finally here...I asked the fans a long time ago if I should bring him in and...the response was: 'It's my choice'. Because of this, it took me a long time to think of way to bring him. And he's here...and his first moment is him getting kicked in the balls. Let's hope I don't get a giant flood of hate comments. I promise that there will not be any romance, at least there isn't any planned at the moment.

Also, no one guessed it was him! Though I didn't leave any clues...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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