• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,024 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

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Chapter 21 - Itsy Bitsy

“Eeeeek! A spidew!” Sapphire screeched, flinging her doll across the room. The spider scurried across its soft, plush body, unfazed. “Kill it, somepony kill it!”

“I got it,” Sunshine grinned, crouching on her hooves, ready to pounce. Buttercup immediately flung herself onto her sister, pinning her to the floor. Sunshine blinked in disbelief. “Buttercup? What gives?”

“How could you hurt an innocent little spider?” Buttercup chastised. “He hasn’t done anything to hurt you!”

“He?” Sunshine questioned.

“Who cares, it’s hideous!” Sapphire said. “And it was on MY dolly!”

“Maybe he liked the way your dolly looks,” Buttercup reasoned, straightening up and taking a step back, allowing Sunshine to wriggle out from under her. She looked out toward their bedroom window and eyed the ledge. “He must have seen it from out there. Don’t hurt him…” She raised her little wings and flew over to the spider, scooping him up from Sapphire’s doll. “I’ll just put him back where he belongs.”

Sapphire’s tongue lolled at the sight of a spider in Buttercup’s hooves. “Eww!”

Buttercup rolled her eyes. She never understood her sister’s disgust for tiny helpless things.

Flapping her semi-neglected wings, Buttercup flew over to the window and frowned at the sheet of snow blanketing the sill. She couldn’t put Mr. Spider here. He was too delicate. She strained her wings as she flew higher, eyeing one of the mountain ledges further below. The surface was smooth and dry. Perfect.

“Buttercup,” Sunshine said, her tone somewhere between curiosity and warning. “What are you doing?”

“Putting Mr. Spider back,” Buttercup replied. Her wings were already growing tired, so she resorted to a hover as she inched outside the window. Buttercup and Sapphire called her name several times, but her attention was solely on her goal. As she floated further out, the two and a half-year-old gulped at the sightless bottom below. She never realized just how…high up they were before. With a brief huff of air, Buttercup shook her head slightly and steeled herself. “Don’t worry,” she told Mr. Spider. “I’ll have you back home in no ti…!” Suddenly, her wings went from aching to stiff, the cold winds rendering them almost useless. Alarmed, Buttercup frantically tried to flap her wings, but she was falling, falling.

The wind whistled loudly in her ears as she plummeted.

Down, down, down she fell.

And then she stopped.

Opening her eyes, Buttercup felt something wrap around her. The sensation was familiar, but no less startling. It did save her from falling any further, however. In fact, it was carrying her back up. Before Buttercup could make heads or tails of what was happening, she found herself face-to-face with Starlight. “Mommy!”

Using her aura, Starlight abruptly pulled Buttercup back inside and straight into her embrace. A strange, foul-sounding word hissed its way out of Starlight’s mouth, making Buttercup’s jaw drop.

“Mommy!” she repeated, this time in astonished reproach. “Such language!”

Starlight pulled her back, her eyes blazing. “Don’t you EVER do that again, do you hear me!?” Buttercup flinched at the frightening harshness in her mother’s voice. “What in the wide world of Equestria made you think that was okay to do?”
Buttercup opened her mouth, but she was too shocked to utter an explanation.

After a few tense moments, Sunshine spoke up from behind. “She was trying to rescue a spider,” she said quietly. “Me and Sapphire almost killed it, so she tried to take it back outside.”

The rest of the girls had rushed into the room, each eyeing the scene before them with curiosity. “A spider?” Starlight said incredulously, though most of the ferocity had gone out of her voice. “All that for a spider…don’t you realize that you could have died?”

Buttercup’s ears folded back as Starlight’s words hung in the air.

Sunshine and Moonlight looked somber, while Sapphire, Prism and Pearl simply stared. Even though Starlight had taught them what death was, the three of them didn’t seem to have a full grasp of it yet.

“I’m sorry Mommy, but Mr. Spider—Mr. Spider!” Buttercup looked back at the window, horrified. “I…I dropped him! I dropped him when I fell!” She quickly burst into tears, whimpering softly.

Starlight sighed as she held a crying Buttercup close. “H-He’s gone, isn’t he?” Buttercup said between sobs.

“Yes, my starling. He’s gone.” She cupped her hoof around Buttercup’s head, allowing the small filly to cry into her neck. “But your life is much more important…do you know that? Think of how sad Mommy would feel if you were the one that fell instead of Mr. Spider.”

“I know,” Buttercup said after a few hiccups and sniffles. “But Mr. Spider’s Mommy might be sad too. Maybe he had brothers and sisters.” She bit her lip as more tears streamed down her face. “J-Just because he’s small and can’t talk, doesn’t mean he’s not important…right?”

An odd, almost tearful smile spread across Starlight’s face. “Sweet girl.” She kissed Buttercup on the cheek. “You’re absolutely right. But Mommy loves you and your sisters a lot more than Mr. Spider. Besides…his family can learn to move on without him…but I don’t think I have that kind of strength. Do you understand?”

Wiping her eyes, Buttercup nodded. “But I still feel sad.”

For the first time, Moonlight spoke up. “We could have a funeral.”

Buttercup looked down at her. “A funeral?”

Starlight brushed a stray pink lock behind Buttercup’s ear. “Remember what I told you about that? When a pony passes on, his or her loved ones gather around to say one last goodbye before the pony is buried.”

“We can’t bury Mr. Spider,” Buttercup said sadly.

“No, but we can still have a funeral. Sometimes when there isn’t a pony to bury, their friends and family can still pay their respects. It can be a symbolic burying.”

“As in representing,” Moonlight clarified.

“Would that make you feel better?” Pearl piped up hopefully.

Buttercup sniffed again. “Okay.” She looked up at Starlight to ask to be put down, but the question quickly died in her throat when she got a good look at her mother. “Mommy…why are you crying? Are you hurt?”

Starlight cleared her throat, giving Buttercup another squeeze. “Just be more careful from now on, alright?”

“Oh…okay.” The filly hugged Starlight extra tight in hopes it would make her mother feel better. “I love you.”

“I love you too, starling.”

Smiling, Starlight finally set her down and suggested that they go and discuss funeral ideas in the living room for a while. As she and her sisters left the bedroom, Buttercup was able to catch Starlight’s mutterings about installing a toddler-proof glass in the window.

Fluttershy stared at the spider spinning a web in a corner of the ceiling. The small insect worked tirelessly on her creation, spinning her silk and weaving it together.

“Are you happy with your job?”

“Ehh…. It’s a living.”

“I have a feeling you want something more than catching robbers.”

“There’s action here and there I guess. But...I kind of…always wanted to be a daredevil or a stunt pony or something.”

“Why don’t you? You’re a young mare, you still have plenty of time to do it.”

“Well…ever since…you know…I never liked to be far away from home. Me and the girls…we’ve always been tight that way, but after the night you guys were taken, we were all we had. I wouldn’t feel comfortable, not being able to check up on them. Besides…our home base is here. And my cutie mark is focused on helping other ponies get their cutie marks. Not doing stunts.”

Fluttershy blinked back into awareness. “What?”

Twilight’s brow furrowed, and she leaned halfway toward Fluttershy. “Are you alright?” she asked in a low voice.

Fluttershy opened her mouth, and her eyes trailed over to a concerned-looking Scootaloo. Her lips pursed back together and managed a tight smile. “I’m fine. I’m sorry, Scootaloo, what were we talking about?”

“Too much about myself,” Scootaloo said. “I’m sorry—this is about you guys, and here I am, blabbing on and on about me and my life.”

“We want to know about your life, Scootaloo. Believe me, we’d rather be hearing about somepony else’s life rather than ours.” Twilight looked back and sent Fluttershy an overly bright smile. The pegasus returned it, but only because Scootaloo was there.

She had grown, but she was still around the short side, a little smaller than the average size of a full-grown mare. Her bushy, feathery magenta mane was longer, but it only reached down to her chin in choppy lengths. The police badge pinned to her shirt uniform glinted brightly in the otherwise dimly lit hospital room.

As lovely as she was, Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness whenever she looked upon her. Scootaloo was always a bright and happy little filly. Her eyes sparkling with glee and mischief when crusading, her tiny wings buzzing with excitement whenever she was alongside Rainbow Dash.

There was no sparkle now. No happiness, no excitement, no enthusiasm. In fact, she wasn’t sure what it was. Scootaloo didn’t look sad, but her spirits didn’t seem lifted either.

She seemed…. casual? Maybe that wasn’t quite it. There was no telling for sure; after all, Scootaloo was a police officer now. They’re trained to deal with these types of situations.

“I can’t imagine what you guys went through,” Scootaloo said, switching a small toothpick to the other side of her mouth. “This whole thing Is just…bizarre. Like something out of a horror movie. I mean if…” Her teeth clenched over the toothpick. “If Rainbow Dash is in that bad a state, then it had to be horrible, right?”

“Not always,” Fluttershy murmured. Twilight’s smile slipped, and the pegasus bowed her head, letting her long pink mane shield most of her face.

Scootaloo looked in between the two ponies before her and awkwardly cleared her throat. “I, um…I’m sorry about your injury, Fluttershy. I know what it’s like not being able to use your own wings. I could…help you with that if you want.”

Fluttershy only gave a slight nod. “Thank you.”

An ear-shattering crash made them all jump. Twilight’s eyes grew into saucers. “What was that?”

Less than a second later, a shrill scream pierced the air. Scootaloo instantly zipped to wall next to the door and crouched down low. She poked her head out into the hallway. “Ohhh, buck.” She turned to Twilight and Fluttershy. “Back up. Back up against the far side of the wall! Both of you, do it now!”

Diamond Tiara just couldn’t catch a break. Ribbon Slice, her assistant, kept insisting that they should be thankful that at least nopony got hurt. Still, it did little to soften the blow. Throughout the rest of the night, Diamond had to watch as royal guards searched every house in Ponyville. Countless citizens stood out on their front yards looking sleepy and confused. Naturally, she was the one who had to assure and comfort frightened ponies as they combed through the town.

So far, the suspect that had thrown the brick had not been found. Diamond would have preferred to wait until dawn to perform such an invasive search at such an hour, but she quickly found herself being overruled by Silver Shield and his band of loyal guards ponies.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to find who had done it. A search was all well and good, but now she would have to deal with the aftermath. The last thing she needed was a panic on her hooves. She had seen enough of it back at the hospital.
The girls were obviously shaken by the whole ordeal; some of them didn’t think that they were safe anymore. Diamond didn’t blame them one bit—the hospital was supposed to be guarded.

The girl’s loved ones, who had been present during the incident, were inconsolable. Doctor Horse quickly ended visiting hours and tried to usher the families out, but they refused to leave the building. Of course they would—their loved ones are still in apparent danger. Starlight Glimmer or no, somepony out there has something against them.

A small verbal fight had broken out between visitors and hospital staff until Diamond had had enough and suggested that the families have a temporary place to stay in the downstairs lobby. That way, they could keep an eye on things without getting in the way. Doctor Horse was highly against it. “I understand, I completely understand that these are special circumstances,” he had said. “but by the moon, there are protocols!”

The debate between them was intense, but in the end, Diamond was successful in getting what she wanted. Sure, rules were being bent, but she didn’t doubt that it would help the girls sleep more soundly if they knew their loved ones were close by. “One night,” Diamond had said, patting the shoulder of Doctor Horse’s crisp white coat. “You’ll live.”

Hours passed as the search continued. And with it, lots of coffee. By the time the first signs of morning began to appear, Silver Shield finally trotted to her side. “Well?”

The General gave a jerk of his head. “No sign of Starlight Glimmer. Or any strange characters lurking about.” Unlike her, he didn’t show any signs of fatigue despite pulling an all-nighter. If anything, he seemed to be standing even straighter under the pale blue dawn.

“Great.” She glanced over and saw two of her best officers approaching them. “What about you? Find anything?”

“Nada,” Snails said. “Our squad searched all over. If Starlight threw that brick, she musta high tailed it outta here quick.”

“So we go after her,” Scootaloo piped up, her bushy purple mane tousled and frazzled. “We go after her, and we take her down for good.”

“Scootaloo, all of Equestria’s finest are already out looking for her,” Diamond said tiredly. “Besides, how do you suppose we find her, hmm? She could have teleported away for all we know. Can you trace a teleport?”

“Well—” Scootaloo blinked a few times. “Well, I don’t know! But I’d find a way! We should all find a way! You didn’t see them, Diamond. You didn’t see the absolute terror in their eyes when that brick crashed the window. You didn’t hear Rainbow Dash screaming her head off. You didn’t—”

“No, but I saw enough. More than I wanted to see,” Diamond interrupted. Her blue eyes burned as her hoof poked Scootaloo’s chest. “And don’t think for one second that I don’t care about their well-being. I didn’t hang out with them as much as you did when we were kids, but I care about them too. We all do.”

“And, if I may,” Silver Shield spoke up carefully. “It might not be Starlight Glimmer.”

Everyone turned to the General with blank stares. “What?” Diamond said.

“This sort of attack doesn’t seem her style. Starlight has been a mother to these girls for eighteen years. If she were to come here, she would most likely want them back. And if her plan is to get the girls back, she would have handled it more quietly. Throwing a brick does nothing but cause a scare.”

“So, it’s a random lowlife,” Diamond concluded.

“Ehh, could be some knucklehead paparazzo,” Snails supplied. “It’s a big story, probably the biggest in our lifetime. Wouldn’t be surprised if some wackadoo snuck in and did all this just to make more tabloids. Y’know how crazy they get.”

“That might not be the case either,” Silver said. “I’ve got a few teams surrounding the town’s borders. All reports came back the same. Not a single pony came or left Ponyville over the last several hours.”

“Wait…” Scootaloo shook her head. “What are you trying to say?”

It took a moment for the gravity of the situation to hit them. “You…you don’t think any of the towns ponies did it, do you?” Ribbon Slice breathed, making everyone else jump. She had been so quiet; the others had completely overlooked her.

“But…it can’t be,” Diamond said, frowning. “Why would anypony do this kind of thing to their own neighbors…their friends? No, it has to be somepony else. A stranger, maybe.”

“We…didn’t find any non Ponyville citizens,” Snails said, looking a little sad. “No strangers at all. Maybe he’s right, Di.”

“Great,” Scootaloo said with disgust. “Even better. Nice that the ponies in this town cares about them so much.”

Diamond’s mind whirled. If that were true, then what about the Element Bearers? If they’re not even safe in their own home town, are they really safe anywhere?

“Mayor Tiara, what’s going on?” asked a half-asleep citizen with curlers in her mane. She yawned as she rubbed a hoof across her eyes. “Can me and my kids go back to bed or what?”

“Yes, yes, go on back, Love Bug,” Diamond said distractedly, waving a hoof. “I’ll explain everything later in the day.”

“Well…what should we do? Move ‘em?” Snails questioned as Love Bug trotted away.

“I don’t think we can,” Diamond said. “At least not now. Doctor Horse told me he could clear most of the Element Bearers in a couple of days and have them see their psychologists elsewhere—their injuries aren’t physical. But Rainbow Dash is staying put as far as I know.”

Diamond didn’t bother adding that no matter where they go from now on, things will always be difficult for Twilight and her friends. Even as heroes of Equestria, the six of them were still able to live out their lives in peace and relative privacy.

That won’t be the case anymore.

Scootaloo clicked her tongue in irritation while Snails scratched at the spot under his police hat. “Uh, hey, what about Discord? Y’think he’d show up by now, eh?”

Diamond gave an exaggerated shrug. She was too tired for this. “Haven’t seen him. Not for a long while.”

“I know he’s not the mushy type, but I’d at least hope he’d show up for Fluttershy,” Scootaloo said, looking a little concerned. “They used to be close back in the day. Well, as close as Discord can be to somepony.”

“Well, we can’t worry about him right now,” Diamond said. “Look, we’ve been up all night, and we haven’t found anything so far. It looks like there’s nothing more we can do for now, except keep our eyes open. And Silver Shield…I know your orders come from the higher ups, but I’d prefer it if you’d…I don’t know…kept a better eye on things? Including windows?”

The group shifted uncomfortably. It usually wasn’t a good idea to speak to a royal guard in such a manner—especially a General. Silver Shield’s eyes narrowed a little, but his lips quirked up in a smile. “My orders are to protect, Madame Mayor. On my honor—not a single hair on their heads will be harmed if I can help it. I’ll be moving my post to the girls’ floor for now.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Diamond replied with a terse smile. “You’re here to keep them safe…so I’ll leave you to it.”

Silver Shield gave a curt nod. “Good. Now if you’ll all excuse me.” With another nod, the General turned about face and trotted off to address a few of his guards ponies.

As soon as he left, Diamond turned to her officers with a weary sigh. “Well, you’ve done all you could. I suggest getting some rest. Today’s going to be jampacked. More families are going to be coming in. Reporters, press…ugh.”

Snails put a sympathetic hoof on her shoulder. “Well, you know where I’ll be. Apple Bloom and Big Mac are gonna be sent back to the Apple Farm soon, so I’m gonna hover by the hospital for a while, make sure everything’s okay. I know the guards are probably stepping up security, but I’d still like to hang around there.”

“Same here,” Scootaloo said with a nod. “I know it’s unprofessional, but I can’t sleep soundly at home while my friends are all in there.”

“Good. That’s what I’m counting on.” Diamond glanced this way and that before leaning in closely. “I was going to tell you two to stick by the Bearers anyway. Don’t make a big fuss or anything. Just keep it casual; fly under the radar, if you catch my drift. Keep a close eye, no matter what.”

Snails peered at her above his dark sunglasses—why he still wore them at night, Diamond never knew—and raised an inquisitive brow. “What is it? You don’t trust the guards or something?”

Diamond snorted. “Of course not, I’m in politics. I don’t trust anypony, much less the royal guard. When monsters attack, who saves us at the end of the day? Not the guards, that’s for sure. My father always said that they were only for show. Not once has he been proven wrong yet.”

“Aw, come on, Diamond,” Scootaloo said. “You know they work hard.”

“Oh, I’m not denying that. But they’re not very helpful when it comes to large matters. Up against real foes, they can be as weak and helpless as anypony else. Even as corruptible as anypony else.”


“Not saying they are,” Diamond said quickly. “But I’ve known you two for a long time. Those guards have a duty, but none of them know them or even care about them like we do. I’d just feel better if I knew the two of you were to keep an eye on them while I deal with everything else.” Her gaze lingered on Scootaloo. “I need you both here. Less stress on my part, you know?”

Scootaloo huffed out a breath and chuckled. “Alright. No going off after teleporting kidnappers. I get it.”

“Yeah, we get your meaning, Di,” Snails said. “Don’t you worry. We’ll take care of it.”

“Good. See you in a few hours.” Snails and Scootaloo nodded and started back down east. The sky grew lighter, bathing the town in a pale blue color. The birds would be singing soon.

“Mayor Tiara?” came Ribbon Slice’s small, mousy voice. Aside from Fluttershy, she was easily the quietest mare Diamond ever knew. “Word will be getting out soon…about the brick. But I’ve already sent word to Canterlot. I felt like somepony there should know what happened.”

“Ohh,” Diamond groaned, putting a hoof to her head. “I didn’t even think about that. Thanks, Ribbon. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Certainly,” Ribbon replied, as if it were no big deal at all. “Shall I brew you another cup of coffee?”

“Sure, in about two hours.” The two began the long trek back toward Town Hall. “Until then, I’ll be sleeping under my desk. You should go home and get some rest.”

“Oh, I’ll be alright. I hope we can find the suspect soon.”

“Believe me, you and I both.” Diamond sighed. “I sure do miss Princess Celestia.”

Ribbon Slice nodded. “You and I both.”

It wasn’t until the early afternoon when Fluttershy roused from her slumber. It was surprising that she had slept so late, given the whole brick incident the night before. After that, she feared that she would never get any sleep. But as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light.

Day two, she thought with a sigh. It was hard to believe that so much has happened in such little time. It almost felt like yesterday when they first left their home in the caves for good. Warm and grey.

Breakfast came quickly, followed by her friends coming into her room. They were still a bit rattled from the night before, but all of them seemed to be feeling a little better. Their loved one’s presence helped.

They informed all they could about what happened after the brick incident, but it seemed that none of them were told very much. All they could piece together was that the suspect wasn’t anywhere to be found, but they were still safe, at least for now. Applejack suspected that it was Starlight’s doing, but most of them had their doubts, even Twilight. It was too strange, too bizarre for this to be Starlight’s plan. And, while Fluttershy didn’t voice it out loud, the pegasus strongly believed that Starlight wouldn’t do such a thing. Not to them. Not to her.

In any case, the security had tightened. Pegasus guards now flew by the windows, occasionally peaking inside for any suspicious activity.

Doctor Horse had informed them that most of them could be cleared to go in a day or two, but Rainbow Dash was a different matter.

During the early morning, a few more family members had managed to arrive despite all the massive crowds and security measures: Twilight’s family, Fluttershy’s parents, and Windy Whistles and Bow Hot Hoof—Rainbow Dash’s parents. Since Twilight’s family mostly consisted of royalty, the entire hospital staff went into a frenzy, practically tripping over themselves to make everything as accommodating as possible.

Fluttershy caught a glimpse of them in the hallway but didn’t say hello. She would see them at a different time. Right now, her parents were here. “I’m sorry about the security,” Fluttershy said after their joyful—yet habitually reserved—reunion. “Things have been hectic lately.”

“Going through a few guards is a small price to pay if it means seeing you again, dear,” Mr. Shy said with a smile. The crow’s feet around his eyes deepened as he did so. “I can’t tell you how thankful we are that you’re here, safe and sound.”

“We know we’re luckier than most,” Mrs. Shy added, adjusting her green rimmed glasses. “We were with Windy and Bow when the doctors told them about Rainbow Dash.” She shook her head with a soft click of her tongue. “Poor girl. She was always like a second daughter to us.”

Any traces of a smile fell from Fluttershy’s face as she gazed out of the window across the room. It was a gorgeous day today, even more glorious than she remembered. She didn’t doubt that that the weather team had made it that way on purpose. Outside, she could see the beats of two pegasi guard wings on either side of the glass as they guarded the top floor. “How are they? Windy and Bow?”

“Well, the head Doctor told them that they may have wait a few days to see Rainbow Dash, but of course they wouldn’t hear it,” Mr. Shy said with a sad sigh. “I think they might let them see her for just a little while, but we’ll just have to see how that turns out.” He attempted a smile. “They’ve been a lot stronger than we have these past eighteen years.”

An image of her weary and distraught parents materialized into Fluttershy’s mind. She could practically see them holding back tears as they stood outside Windy and Bow’s house, trying to decide weather or not to bother the other couple with their burdens when they surely had their own sorrows to deal with.

“Oh, they’ve been our rock,” Mrs. Shy affirmed, resting a hoof on her husband’s shoulder. Fluttershy suddenly found herself dearly missing her mother’s cherry-red mane, which was now an attractive silvery-grey. “Rainbow Dash certainly gets her strength from those two. She’ll find it again, I’m certain.”

Fluttershy glanced away from the window. “I’m sorry. You’ve all been through so much.”

“You’re not the one who should be sorry, Dear.” Mrs. Shy’s smile was demure as always, but her lips tightened.
When Fluttershy’s eyes dropped, her mother stepped forward and pulled her in for a gentle side hug. “It’s going to be all right. Everything is going to be alright.”

“Zephyr isn’t,” Fluttershy said in a low voice.

“Honey, we don’t know that for sure,” Mr. Shy said, crossing over to them. He was a lot slower now; he had to depend on a crutch to walk. “Zephyr has always been…well, dependent. But he’s also very creative and ambitious. I’m sure once he hears that you’re returned, he’ll come right back in no time.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Something’s wrong, Dad. Zephyr wouldn’t just leave you two all alone and make you grieve by yourselves. He just wouldn’t!”

Mrs. Shy sighed. “We knew it would cause a bit of damage in our relationship once we finally told him to leave the house. Normally, your father and I wouldn’t make him leave so suddenly, but…your passing made us realize that something needed to change. We only wanted him to go out into the world and make his own decisions and live a life that all of us would be proud of. And we knew that you would have wanted it that way.” She reached up and massaged her temple. “It wasn’t a very good day.”

“So he just…left without contacting you again? Not even a letter?”

“We figured that he needed time to find himself. He would let us know how he was doing when he was ready,” Mr. Shy said. “And we waited….and waited. By the time Hearth’s Warming came around, we started to get worried.”

“The police couldn’t find anything?”

“He’s a grown stallion,” Mrs. Shy offered up with a weak shrug. “There was only so much they could do. They had more pressing matters than to worry about two doting parents waiting for their adult son to send them a letter. Given our situation, they told us he would show up when he wanted to.”

“But…but why didn’t you come see the Princesses?” Fluttershy asked, perplexed. “I’m sure they would have helped.”

With a grunt, Mr. Shy hobbled from his daughter’s side and sat down on the hospital bed. “Oh, honey, you know we’re not the sort of ponies to bother the Princesses with our problems. Despite the service they extended to us at the funeral, we couldn’t disturb them like that. After all, they had other things to worry about—Monster attacks and whatnot. It’s probably nothing. For all we know, Zephyr could be living a fresh and exciting life out in the city somewhere. Mad at us, perhaps. But at least it’s a life of his own.”

“He’ll be back honey, I know it.” When Fluttershy didn’t answer, Mrs. Shy held her closer. “Come back with us, dear. We can wait for Zephyr together.”

Fluttershy’s eyebrows knitted together at the request. “You mean…come back home? Home to Cloudsdale?”

“Everypony’s been eagerly waiting for your return,” Mr. Shy said with a bright smile. “We know how much you don’t like surprise parties, but all your old friends are putting something special together for you!”

Fluttershy frowned at that. As she recalled, she never had friends in Cloudsdale. Everyone there either never acknowledged her presence or bullied her to tears. Besides her own family, Rainbow Dash was the only pony who truly cared about her. Along with Bow Hot Hoof and Windy Whistles of course.

“I…I’m sorry, I…can’t. I do miss Cloudsdale…but I can’t leave Ponyville now. My friends need me. Most of them are so lost and scared…I can’t bear to leave them right this minute.”

“But…but what about Starlight Glimmer?” Mrs. Shy said, her coat going pale. “What if she comes back for you? Somepony threw a brick through the window last night for pony’s sake! If we take you to Cloudsdale, she can’t possibly reach you there. And sweetie, we know we’re not the strongest of ponies, but you can bet your tail that your father and I will protect you.”

“And Zephyr too, when he comes back,” Mr. Shy added.

The rare looks of fierce devotion and determination on her parents’ faces was enough to make Fluttershy’s heart swell. They meant every word they said, but she knew deep inside that there was only so much they could do if it came down to it. They could always end up surprising her of course, but up against Starlight Glimmer, her aging, docile, mild-mannered parents wouldn’t stand a chance.

Fluttershy smiled sadly. “She’s more powerful than you think. Believe me. If she really wants to find me…she will. I’ll have to take my chances down here.”

Mrs. Shy’s eyes closed. Then she let out a long, shallow breath.

As her hoof fell away from Fluttershy, the older mare turned and faced the window. “I’ve always respected what you did, Fluttershy. Going out there, saving Equestria... it’s than I’ve ever done in my entire life. You were always the bold one. You knew what you wanted, and we’ve never stood in the way of that, ever. But this…”

She stared long and hard at the birds flying out west before turning back to her daughter, jaw clenched. “Why does it have to be you? Why, out of everypony…when you first moved to Ponyville, I thought you would be safe! Taking care of animals and nursing them back to heath, that was supposed to be your job. Happy and healthy and safe. That was until that Princess friend of yours came along and dragged you out into that wretched forest—”

“That was my choice,” Fluttershy interrupted sharply. Twilight had been both a close friend and a sister for as long as she could remember. She wouldn’t let anypony talk about her that way, not even her own mother. “I couldn’t just let Twilight go out into the Everfree by herself. I wasn’t very brave at the time, but I needed to do something. I needed to help in whatever way I could.”

“And I am so, so proud of that,” Mrs. Shy said, nodding her head. “But honey, this isn’t like those other times you’ve gone out to save the world. You weren’t even out there saving the world that night. Starlight came here, she knew where you lived.”


“Flutteshy, from the moment Princess Luna showed up on our doorstep and told us that you were missing, our life has been a living nightmare. And even though you’re alive and well, I know she’s done something to you. She must have.”

Mrs. Shy pursed her lips, hard. Tears glittered her long lashes as she blinked. “You don’t even look at me the same way anymore.” Her hoof went up before Fluttershy could protest. “I know it’s true, don’t deny it. But it’s not your fault, sweetie.”

Involuntary shivers traveled up and down Fluttershy’s spine. “Mom, no. No, I—”

“Please, Fluttershy, don’t. Just don’t.” She swallowed thickly, but her face held a stern, serious expression. “I know I can’t make you do anything. But I don’t plan on leaving here today without at least saying my peace.”

Fluttershy didn’t have to guess. “You want me to move back.”


“Well, I…I’m sorry, Mom, I really am. But I can’t do that. You know I can’t.”

Mrs. Shy looked on the verge of screaming, but her voice remained calm and steady. “Then what would convince you? What would you have us do…have me do to make things better? Because you know I’d do anything for you.”

“It’s not you.”

“It has to be. Because I know you wouldn’t just…just put yourself in danger like that. Fluttershy…my Fluttershy wouldn’t do a thing like that. Young lady, be reasonable! You may be bold, but you’re not reckless!”

A dark red color flooded Mrs. Shy’s face from her outburst. With a faint huff of breath, the elder mare paused to fan herself. Fluttershy looked over at her father. Still seated on the bed, Mr. Shy purposefully letting his gaze wander around the room, not once making eye contact with his wife and daughter.

Back in the early days of Fluttershy’s youth, silence was a common guest in their Household. When Zephyr Breeze was napping or out of the house, the other three would seize the moment and engage in their favorite activities in peace. Mr. Shy would reorganize his cloud collection. Mrs. Shy scrapbooked. Fluttershy took up sewing. Hours upon hours would pass by without a single word spoken between them, and that was just fine with the Shy’s.

To them, silence was never awkward or stifling. It was comfortable. Soothing. A family bonding experience. But now, in this small, confined hospital room, a cold and unwelcoming quiet had settled over them all.

“I know I look like a little girl,” Fluttershy finally said, quietly. “But in case you’ve forgotten, I’m in my forties. And I will make my own decisions. You can come visit me anytime…you can even stay over for as long as you want. But I won’t move to back to Cloudsdale.”

An even longer silence followed. Mrs. Shy shuffled around, and her eyes shifted from place to place, as if she were lost. Eventually, she came to a decision and made for the door. “I’m just going to get food,” she choked on the way out. “I’ll be right back.”

Fluttershy watched her go, helpless. She hated seeing her mother so upset. Mr. Shy cleared his throat and glanced down at his wool sweater, inspecting the threads. “You think I’m wrong,” she said to him softly.

Mr. Shy rubbed at the spot close to his right temple. “I know that it’s not ideal, dear. But please, try to put yourself in your mother’s place. You must understand. These past eighteen years…” He shook his head and stood up, leaning heavily on his cane. “You and I both know that your mother doesn’t put her hoof down very often. This means a lot to her.”

“My home is in Ponyville, Dad. I need to be here.”

“No, you want to be here,” Mr. Shy said, surprising Fluttershy with his curtness. “There’s a difference. If what you said about Starlight Glimmer is true, then there’s no stopping her from trying to take you away again. Would it be so bad if you were somewhere safer, until it all passes?”

Fluttershy turned from the door and stood face to face with her father. “Dad…please. I just…I need things to get back to the way they were. I don’t need to be coddled. I just need it to be over.”

“Well, it’s not over, Fluttershy, far from it. Starlight Glimmer is still out there, and until they manage to find her, you’re still in danger.”

“I can handle myself! I know these years have been hard for you and Mom, but—”

“No, I don’t think you do. I don’t think you truly understand what kind of pain we went through. What we all went through. Just wait until you have children, Fluttershy, if that’s your wish. Maybe then you’d understand!”

There was a pause in the air, and after a few tense moments, Mr. Shy held a hoof over his chest. “Oh, dear stars,” he squeaked.

Fluttershy let out a short gasp and immediately took her father between her hooves and hurriedly guided him back to the bed. “Oh no no no, Dad! Are you alright? I’m sorry! Should I call for a Doct—”

“No, no. I’m fine dear,” Mr. Shy panted, waving a hoof. “I just…need to get my breath.” He inhaled an exhaled a few times, then nodded, patting his daughter’s shoulder in reassurance. “I’m alright. I’m sorry for flying off the handle like that, Fluttershy. I shouldn’t have raised my voice.”

The yellow pegasus sighed in relief and gave a small shake of her head. “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get upset. It’s just…things might be happening soon. Things that won’t exactly be pleasant. I guess I just feel like I need somepony on my side.”

Smoothing out the edges of her father’s collar, she decided to change the subject. “When Princess Celestia gets here, I’ll see about how we can find Zephyr. Something about all this doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Your brother will be here soon,” Mr. Shy said with a smile. “I just know it.”

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Fluttershy’s parents stayed with her until lunch and promised that they’d be back the next day. There had been a small disturbance in Rainbow Dash’s room, but the doctors had prevented them from seeing what the trouble was. Instead, they were strongly advised to go downstairs to the cafeteria while they handled things.

Nopony was happy about it, but they didn’t seem to have a choice. “Why can’t they just fix her already?” Rarity said as they rode down the elevator. Two guards rode with them, creating a slightly cramped space. “She sounds like she’s in so much pain. I wish we could just take it away!”

“It ain’t that easy, Rares,” Applejack told her. “It’s not like they can find some magical cure overnight.”

“Princess Celestia could do it,” Twilight said. “If there’s a way to heal Rainbow, or even bring her peace of mind, the Princess will find it.”

“Where is she, anyway? Now that…you-know-who is gone, somepony’s gotta take charge, right?”

Fluttershy stole a small glance at the armored stallions that stood with them. She found it strange that they were expressing themselves so freely in front of royal guards, even though the guards themselves didn’t seem to care. Her friends didn’t look like they minded either.

Pinkie, who couldn’t really participate in the conversation, simply looked up at the arrow pointing to the declining floor numbers while bobbing her head to the elevator music.

Weeelll,” Rarity said, purposefully drawing out the word. “I happened to hear some of the nurses talking this morning. But I don’t know if it’s true or not. I wouldn’t want to go out spreading gossip.”

Oh, but she did. The sparkle in Rarity’s eyes betrayed any attempts of playing coy. Back before Starlight’s spell, Rarity took care of every pony’s fashion needs, from creating a fancy designer dress out of nothing to replacing a lost button.

Something juicy would always come up during appointments and sessions. This was Rarity’s territory—it had been almost two decades since the last ‘slip of the tongue’.

The others knew it too, sharing knowing looks. “Well, go on now,” Applejack smiled, shaking her head. “Don’t leave us hangin’ out to dry.”

Rarity’s face lit up. “Well,” she repeated with a sly look. “I heard that Princess Celestia has already returned. From where, nopony knows.”

The elevator dinged, and the doors parted. “This way,” one of the guards said, leading the way out.

“Luna was released too,” Rarity continued as they walked through the main lobby.

Doctors, nurses, receptionists, trainees and custodians gave them a wide berth; some even stopped and bowed to Twilight as they passed. Twilight ducked her head and put more speed into her walk.

There was a slight shift in Twilight’s demeanor, Fluttershy was beginning to realize. Her family’s visit had ended a little while ago, but Twilight hadn’t said anything about it. Curiosity nipped at her, but Fluttershy wasn’t one to pry. “I’m sure things will start to get back to normal soon,” Twilight said with quiet confidence. “Sunset said that Princess Luna’s going to get Spike back and I’m sure the royal council will want Princess Celestia back as ruler.”

“Well, they better decide on it soon,” Applejack said, lifting her eyebrows. “We’re in enough trouble as it is.”

The others nodded grimly. No one knew for sure if Princess Celestia was coming back into power or not, but one thing was for certain. Equestria had to have a ruler, and a capable one at that. The nation itself was facing a whole new set of problems, now that it was revealed that they had put a criminal mastermind in charge. Some expressed fear that their country would become a laughingstock of all the other nations and kingdoms.

Equestria had always been respected because of Princess Celestia and Luna. And the ponies hoped to keep it that way.

“I’m sure things will work out,” Fluttershy said, even though she herself wasn’t entirely sure. Still, something positive ought to be said. Since their constant source of optimism couldn’t speak, Fluttershy felt obligated to pick up the slack.

“Perhaps,” Rarity said airily.

When they reached the cafeteria, the guards allowed them to disperse and choose their meals. There weren’t many ponies there other than a few tired surgeons on break. They were clearly trying to act casual, but Fluttershy caught some of them sneaking looks.

Her friends paid little mind and lined up to get food. Fluttershy followed suit and grabbed a lunch trey between her teeth.

But as soon as she did so, she saw two yellow eyes peering at her through the lime green walls.

Fluttershy blinked twice.

The eyes disappeared.

Very odd.

The mares filled their trays and spread out on the tables. Fluttershy made a split decision and sat down next to the spot where Pinkie was sitting. “Hello, Pinkie.”

Pinkie glanced up and smiled her usual smile. But careful attention showed that it was lacking that special sparkle. This smile had a more subdued look. It was small detail that anyone could easily miss, if they didn’t know Pinkie well enough.
Fluttershy couldn’t blame her—she was the one who saw the brick fly through the window. But Pinkie had adamantly insisted that she was fine, so Fluttershy let it be. She set her trey down and looked over at Pinkie’s pile of desserts. “Is the ice cream good?”

Pinkie nodded and inclined her head. Fluttershy could practically hear her voice inside her head, voicing Pinkie’s would-be reply. ‘Of course it is, silly! Ice cream is ice cream!

“Good. You deserve something sweet, with all that’s happened.” Pinkie slid her plate over to Fluttershy, offering to share. “Oh, no thank you.” She fidgeted a little. “To be honest, I don’t think I’m quite ready for deserts yet. I mean, it’s been a long while.”

Of course, now that she thought about it, all of them had been served small helpings of deserts along with their food since they had arrived, but Fluttershy never saw any of her friends eat any.

Starlight never allowed sweets.

“Pinkie, I’ve been wanting to ask you something. It’s about…what we talked about on the train before we got here.” Pinkie blinked in surprise and risked a glance around them. Their other friends either seemed to be having deep conversations with one another, or were too invested in their lunch. The guards that had been watching them were talking quietly. No one was paying specific attention to the two of them.

Fluttershy made sure to whisper anyway. “You haven’t told anypony, have you?”

Pinkie shook her head quickly.

“Good. I’m not entirely sure about your feelings, though. Especially after seeing the Cakes. And your family’s going to be here soon.”

Pinkie reached up and rummaged around in her curly mane before pulling out a small pink notepad and quill. She flipped it open and wrote down a response.

Well, I’m really angry, but I don’t really hate her, I don’t think.

Fluttershy nodded slowly, then looked into her eyes. “Do you love her still?”

There was a long pause. Then Pinkie wrote carefully, Maybe? I don’t know yet.

Fluttershy let out a breath and whipped her head from side to side, making sure that no one was eavesdropping on them. “Listen, Pinkie,” she said in a low voice. “There’s a lot of ponies that want to hurt her. Our friends included. I don’t disagree that she needs to be punished for what she’s done. But there’s been some talk. Talk of…” She swallowed, upset at even the thought of such a word. “An execution.

Pinkie’s eyes grew impossibly wide. Can they do that!?

“If ponies are angry enough,” Fluttershy said gravely. “Remember, not only did she steal a Princess away, but she also hindered the process of saving Equestria from threats. In the first few months since our kidnapping, the monster attacks kept coming. We weren’t there to help anymore, and things were much more difficult to manage.” She looked down and rubbed at her foreleg. “When we were in Canterlot, I overheard something. Lots of ponies got seriously hurt during those attacks, Pinkie. Some…some even didn’t make it. Ponies that the Princesses weren’t able to get to in time. That was when Discord decided to step in, to help.”

Pinkie’s hoof went to her mouth.

“I know. We can’t win all the time, I know that…but what if we could have saved them? Oh, Pinkie. I don’t know what to do. She needs to endure the consequences, she needs to. But I don’t know if I can handle her dying. There’s been so much bad lately. So much pain, so much sadness.” Her eyes welled up with tears and her voice broke as she spoke.

“I don’t know if I can handle anymore…”

Pinkie bit her lip, hard. Her nose twitched as she wrote in her notepad. It won’t come to that. I promise. Whatever happens, I’ll be with you.

Fluttershy nearly burst into tears. She and Pinkie shared a small smile, tinged with apprehensiveness. It was more than likely that they would be overruled when the time came. But they would be remiss if they didn’t at least try.

Later that night, Fluttershy lay awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The hospital was quiet and still. Not even a peep from Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy dearly hoped that she would be alright. Things weren’t the same without her.

Suddenly, the window flew open, and a breeze blew through her blankets and sheets. She sat up with a gasp, her mane blowing in every direction. “S-S-S-Starlight!?” she cried, trembling all over. She had imagined that the unicorn would come for them, but not this soon. What was she going to do with them? What was happening to the guards she had to have gone through? And what—

A figure emerged through the window. The shivers slowly began to subside…and on her face grew the biggest, brightest smile she ever had in weeks. Her eyes sparkled as she leapt out of bed, just as the figure came floating down to meet her. “I didn’t think you’d come.”

Discord’s tooth gleamed in the darkness as he smiled. “Now, who in Equestria gave you that silly idea?”

Fluttershy beamed. In a flying leap, she launched onto Discord in a tight hug. The two of them laughed and embraced as Discord spun her around. By the time he finally stopped and put her back down, Fluttershy was dizzy with happiness. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

Discord chuckled fondly. A rare look of pure respect and humility graced his narrow face. “Far too long for my liking.” His voice had a soft rumble to it. “You look well, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy glanced down at herself and draped her good wing across her torso. Her head bowed a little. “I look like a foal.”

“All ponies are foals to me,” Discord replied. “I’m very old, you know.”

Fluttershy stared up at his face, studying it. She smiled softly. “You don’t look so old.”

“Well, now. That’s just one more thing we have in common, isn’t it?” He grinned again. “What’s say we get out of here?” He tilted his head toward the window behind him.

“Wh—you mean leave? Discord, I can’t just—Doctor Horse said—’’

“Oh, it’ll only be a moment. You could use some fresh air.” In one swoop, he lifted Fluttershy onto his back.

“Oo!” she squeaked.

“Hold on tight,” Discord advised as he flapped his mismatched wings and flew out into the starry night. Fluttershy gasped and clung to his neck for dear life. She hadn’t been in the air since the Tiger attack, and being up this high wasn’t much help to her stomach.

Thankfully, Discord was able to sense Fluttershy’s apprehensiveness and slowed his speed. Fluttershy breathed in and out a few times and tried not to look down. “Where are we going?”

“Not far,” he assured her, looking up ahead. “Ah, yes. There’s a nice one.” With a flick of his long tail, he flew over to a fluffy night cloud and floated down, landing on all fours. He gently lowered himself down so that Fluttershy could get off as carefully and easily as possible.

“A cloud,” Fluttershy murmured, stepping onto it. “Hmm. I haven’t felt a cloud under my hooves in years.” She took a few slow, deliberate steps, feeling its familiar texture and weight. “Oh…oh my…” Her heart rose to her throat. “This brings back so much…so many memories. It feels…it feels like home.”

“I thought it might,” Discord said, lying on his stomach. His tail flicked lazily in the air as he casually observed the sight below. Fluttershy followed his gaze and sat on her haunches beside him, her eyes misting.

Ponyville was silent under Luna’s pale moon. It didn’t look too awful different, now that Fluttershy had the chance to take it all in. More than a few old shops seemed to have been replaced with new ones, and more houses had been built. Lamp posts lined the different paths in the road, giving the town a soft, warm glow.

It reminded her of the quiet parts of Manehattan, except Ponyville was far more peaceful and small.

A few ponies were still out and about. Some were still out shopping or eating dinner on mushroom tables, while others simply strolled the streets, enjoying the night. Despite the years, it was still the close-knit town that had Fluttershy always loved, and it gave her comfort.

“You’ll be quite safe here,” Discord said, studying her expression. “It’s mild, unlike the town’s borders. Royal nimrods stretched out from here to the Everfree Forest.”

Fluttershy eyed him curiously.

“And,” Discord said, rolling his paw in the air. “I may have put up an invisible protection shield around the entire town. Only ponies with good intentions can pass through—or rather, intentions that don’t include taking you girls away.”
Fluttershy let out a light laugh. She knew her friend all too well. “Thank you, Discord…” She looked back down at the town she loved so dearly. “Why didn’t you come and see me sooner?”

A look of uncertainty crossed Discord’s face. “When you…disappeared…my connection to the six of you...ended. Like a branch cut off from a tree. Harmony and Chaos, they balance each other out. I knew from the moment it happened that something had gone terribly wrong.” His voice dipped in earnest, sending chills up and down Fluttershy’s spine. “There were only a claw full of reasons why that would happen. And none of them were good. I scoured every existing corner of the world, of course. But the search was hopeless from the start.”

Fluttershy thought back to her father. He had told her about the pain everyone had gone through over the years, and how it affected them in the long run. Another weight settled upon her heart. She couldn’t imagine going through something like that. Even the Master of Chaos seemed to have had a hard time with it.

“I would have dreams sometimes,” Discord went on. “Visions of the six of you. And one night, a few weeks ago, I even felt you. Here…” He pressed a paw against his chest. “Right inside. That was my first hint that you were alive, but I couldn’t be sure at the time. It happened to me every night. And with each passing night, the thought of you living grew more and more likely. To me, at least.”

“And when we gained our memories back…” Fluttershy said. “That’s when you knew for sure?”

“The connection righted itself. Yes.”

“But I don’t understand. Why didn’t you come and see us? Ponies said you’d gone missing. Where have you been?”

Discord looked a little embarrassed. “Well…you ponies are rather unpredictable when you go through something…unpleasant. While I knew you were alright, I didn’t know…how you were. I followed you discretely, from Canterlot Castle to here. Looking at you and the others…I figured that you needed the space. That you needed time to…I don’t know…make sense of things, I suppose?” He scratched at the top of his head with an odd frown on his face. Despite being centuries old, he still didn’t seem to understand the true nature of ponies.

“When you disappeared, I was…angry. I made a vow to myself that if I ever found out who did this to you, I would…” He trailed off, seeing the unease growing in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Ahem. Well, you get the picture. The thought of avenging you was the only thing keeping me going. Helping the little ponies here had some reward, but it didn’t quite…feel the same. Not like our friendship.”

Fluttershy could have sworn that she saw a hint of color flushing his cheeks. He really was soft at heart. So few ponies would ever know it.

“And when the truth revealed itself…when I realized it was just another little pony...I was dumbfounded. And it fueled my anger even more. A simple little unicorn…who would have thought? I thought about going after her, just as I had promised. But then I thought, and thought, and then thought some more. I was thinking about you, and how you would feel about me going after the unicorn. If it wasn’t you, Fluttershy, I wouldn’t have thought this at all. But when I found out about what she had done with the six of you…something told me that you wouldn’t be too awful pleased with me if I killed her.”

“Oh, Discord—’’

“I can kill her if you wish,” Discord said rather eagerly. “At first it would have been difficult for me to look for her—I need to be near a pony to sense their personal magical print. But luckily for us, there’s traces of her print all over you. And now that I have a sense of it, I could track her down like that.” He snapped his claw in emphasis.

Fluttershy flinched at the sound and looked away.

Discord sighed. “I thought as much. Which is why I put my primal desires on hold and returned home. You’re the only thing she could want, so I thought it better to stay closer to you just in case. I planned to remain there until you needed me. But then I sensed a disturbance. A throwing of a brick.

“It couldn’t have been Starlight,” Fluttershy said, turning back to him. “Could it?”

“No, it wasn’t her. Not at all.” He gave her a side look and raised a bushy eyebrow. “But between you and me, I’d keep a close eye on your fellow towns ponies if I were you. I feel something stirring amongst them. And it’s not their usual cheer.”

Fluttershy looked down at Ponyville. Trouble amongst their neighbors? Already? She wrapped her good wing around her torso again. It was unavoidable, she supposed. She could only imagine the possible anger and confusion bubbling beneath the surface. Maybe it was foolish to think that things could go back to the way they were before. Maybe her parents were right after all. But she couldn’t leave her friends, especially not now.

“I’m getting released from the hospital tomorrow,” she said. “All of us are, except for Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, you’ll be happy to know that your cottage had remained unchanged,” Discord said. “I made sure that nopony ever moved in, or removed anything from its place. When you go back, you’ll find everything just as you left it.”

“You mean…you kept it there all this time?”

“Well…yes. It was a piece of you, after all.” He scratched the back of his neck, looking awkwardly off to the side.

The pegasus responded with a warm hug. “You really are a true friend, Discord.”

The Master of Chaos only chuckled before clearing his throat, patting Fluttershy on the back. “I don’t…” his jovial mood darkened a little as he paused. “I don’t suppose…you’d want to talk about what happened during that time.” He looked uncertain again. “Ponies are sensitive about that sort of thing too. But you can. Talk to me, that is. But only if you want.”

“Not right away,” Fluttershy said with a small shake of her head. “It’s all moving so fast. I don’t think I’ve had time to really think about things.”

She looked up at the bright moon. “I did have a thought today. I think it’s my first memory of her—as her daughter, I mean. She saved me from falling out of a window. I was at least two, maybe three years old.” She looked at Discord. “By then, I’m sure you were all accepting our deaths. It’s funny—I remember us calling each other by our real names, but the different names she gave us seemed to blur into it. I think something happened later on, something she did to make us forget. I-I don’t know. It’s all so confusing.”

Discord had listened quietly. “Do you want me to go after her, Fluttershy?”

Now that was the question. Discord could probably find Starlight faster than all the guards in Equestria ever could. Part of her admitted to wanting to see her again. But on the other hoof, the thought of looking into Starlight’s eyes again made her want to vomit…not in revulsion, but in pain, emotional pain. No, she needed time, she just needed a little more time to come to terms with her feelings.

Besides—the punishment that was sure to await the unicorn would arrive much faster than Fluttershy was comfortable with. She looked at Discord, who stared at her intently, but patiently. She could tell that he was just itching to grab Starlight and make her pay for every wrong she had caused, but she herself was the only one holding Discord back. He didn’t want anything to potentially damage their friendship, especially now. He knew Fluttershy would be reluctant in delivering a severe punishment to a pony she had spent a lifetime with. He knew it would be important to her. And so he stayed. This was a welcoming change in Fluttershy’s eyes.

“No,” she finally said. “Everypony else is already out looking. They will find her, sooner or later.”

Discord gave a nod, though she could tell that he was disappointed. “Very well, my dear. Shall I take you back to your room?”

Fluttershy nodded. As they stood up, Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Actually, Discord…there is somepony you can find for me, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“For you? Not at all,” Discord said, though he looked surprised. “Who’s the pony?”

“My brother. Zephyr Breeze.”

Author's Note:

(Insert sorry for the long wait here). I have a job now, and school so things got delayed. Don't worry about the other reunions, like the last few chapters, these will be happening at the same time. Once we get through the reunion part, we can barrel down the path to the end, and I'm excited to get to it.

Itsy bitsy wasn't itsy at all because I'm insane that way. It wasn't intended to be this freaking LONG, but it ended up that way. Fluttershy's perspective is very importantm because she's the only one to have the strongest love for Starlight.

Oh, and uh, speaking of reunions, feel free to drop a comment and click on over to the next chapter. That's right, we're going double time, because I'm insane. I'll express more thoughts at the end of that one.