• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,024 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Fade Away

The sun sinks behind dark misty mountains like a stone falls into water.

Two halves of the same mourn for their daughter.

For you were the sun that shined brighter every day

Though it pleased a dark cloud to take you away.

Three sisters, three balloons, smile their best

Because we know in our hearts, in heaven’s arms you rest.

As long as laughter is heard, your spirit will never die

From Maud, to you, my sweet sister Pinkie Pie.

“Whaddaya mean, you don’t know?” Rainbow demanded.

“Yeah,” Pinkie breathed, unable to take her eyes off the brand new cutie mark. “Fruit just appeared on your butt!

Applejack swished her tail in slight annoyance. “It ain’t my fault!”

Twilight winced slightly at the grammatical error. “Isn’t.”


“It isn’t your fault. This calls for an investigation.” She pulled out a notebook and pencil and started writing things down.

Rarity slowly began to panic. “This is awful! What would mom say? You brought a...a cutie mark into this house! This is a disgrace!” Applejack’s ears flattened. “Maybe if I could make a dress or something to cover it up—"

“No,” Applejack said firmly. She winced as she sat up, letting the washcloths slide off her back. “No more lies. It’s best if I tell her. She’s gonna find out sooner or later.”

Fluttershy clutched at Applejack’s foreleg. “B-But…what if mommy…”

Applejack fixed her with a glare, stopping Fluttershy short. “No more lies,” she stated firmly. “Lyin’s what got me into this in the first place…” She looked down at her cutie mark and turned away in shame. “M-Maybe she could fix it. Make it go away.”
The girls stopped to consider this. Applejack was right. Maybe mom could fix the cutie mark, and then everything would go back to normal.

“I guess so…” Twilight said carefully.

“What’s it like?” Pinkie blurted suddenly. This time, no one reprimanded her for even entertaining the thought of having a cutie mark, because everyone was secretly thinking the exact same question.

Applejack thought for a moment. “I don’t feel any different. It’s just there, I guess.”

“Well, you sure talk funny,” Rainbow said with a bit of humor.

Applejack gently rubbed her throat. “What happened to my voice? Maybe cutie marks automatically change your voice when you get it.”

“Cutie mark….causes ….voice change….” Twilight murmured as she scribbled it down on the sheet of paper. She stopped and looked her sister up and down. “Other than those things, you haven’t changed at all. Do you feel it on you?”

“Nope. I might have felt a weird tingle, but that was it.”

Rarity squinted her eyes. “But what does it mean? Three apples? That doesn’t make any sense!”

“Mom says that ponies get a cutie mark when they know their special talent,” Rainbow reminded them. “Maybe she’s an apple taste tester.”

“That’s a terrible job!” Applejack said, wrinkling her nose. “I don’t even like apples that much. They hurt my teeth!”

“Well your name is Applejack,” Fluttershy suggested. “Maybe that means something?”

“That’s actually a really good point, Fluttershy,” Twilight said, jotting it down. “Maybe it’s name related.”

Pinkie beamed. “Oooh! Maybe my cutie mark will be something pink! Sunsets are pink sometimes. Maybe my special talent is chasing sunsets! That’ll be fun!”

“I’m good at…being shy,” Fluttershy said.

“That’s every day,” Applejack pointed out.

“But... that doesn’t mean it would be any less good than yours.”

Rainbow looked at her own flank and scratched her head. “Uhh…maybe I…discover rainbows? Or…dash to places?”

Rarity snorted. “Some talent.”

“Oh, like your invisible talent? It’ll be rare alright!” Rainbow shot back.

Twilight stomped her hoof before Rarity could retort.

“That’s enough! Don’t you see what’s happening? Look at us! Already, we’re fighting over what kind of talent we’ll have! Just like mom said we would!” The girls stood in shocked silence and lowered their heads. “Soon, we’ll tear each other apart, our friendship ruined, and for what?” Twilight looked around at her downtrodden sisters. None of them dared to look her in the eye. “What?” Twilight repeated angrily.

A single tear ran down Fluttershy’s cheek. “I don’t know what came over me…”

“Cutie marks need to be stopped,” Rarity murmured. “It turned us against each other in just minutes! I’m sorry, Rainbow.”

"Me too, Rares."

“Girls! Time for dinner!”

Applejack felt her stomach churn. “I guess this is it, then.”

“Don’t worry A.J.," Pinkie said as they made their way to the main room. “Mom’s gonna fix everything, you’ll see…then you’ll be just like us again.” Despite her positive words, her voice lacked its usual enthusiasm.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “By the way…you don’t think you’re better than us, do you?”

Applejack sighed. “No. In fact, I feel worse. Who knows what else this mark is capable of.”

They trailed into the dining room where Starlight waited beside the dinner table. “Dinner’s ready,” she announced, looking at her daughters expectantly. The girls ducked their heads and looked anywhere but at her, cringing slightly.

Starlight frowned in confusion. “Is there something wrong?”

Her only response was the nervous shuffling of hooves. Starlight straightened up. “Is this because of what happened this afternoon? If so, do not go about thinking that punishing you is something I personally enjoy. I want you girls to know—"

“Mom,” Applejack squeaked, stepping forward. “I did somethin’ terrible.”

Starlight’s heart dropped into her stomach, and her coat turned three shades lighter. Her voice. Her southern accent. How? “W…what did you say, Applejack?”

With watery eyes, Applejack turned to the side, revealing her cutie mark. Starlight gasped and stumbled backward into the dinner table, knocking over a bowl of lukewarm soup. The girls visibly flinched at the sound of broken glass, shattering the atmosphere.

For the first time in years, Starlight felt hard cold fear wash over her. It’s not possible! I erased everything! EVERYTHING! Well…except for their knowledge of their own names…but even so, they shouldn’t be able to get their cutie marks back! It can’t be done! She nervously glanced at the other fillies, looking fearful and anxious. But most of all, they looked curious and expectant. The unicorn started to breathe heavily. What am I going to do? What am I going to...

Her eyes focused on Applejack and saw tears running down the filly’s face. “Why are you crying, Applejack?”

The young girl looked up, her eyes filled with regret and shame. “I…I’m sorry, mama. I didn’t mean to get…this. I don’t know how it happened or why…I…I….” Applejack flung herself into Starlight’s embrace and buried her face into her chest. Her tiny body wracked with sobs as she struggled with her words. “I’m sorry! P-Please don’t kick me out! I don’t wanna be different! I wanna be equal…I’m no better than anypony else…”

Starlight’s eyes widened slightly. Maybe…maybe this wasn’t for naught after all…it seems I still have her mind…but what about her heart? If I can convince her…make her see….

She gently pushed her daughter back and sat down on her haunches, gazing into Applejack’s red puffy eyes. “Do you truly wish that, Applejack?” she asked seriously, her expression slightly hopeful. “Are you truly willing to accept Equality into your life? Do you see cutie marks as I see them?” She took Applejack’s face in her hooves, brushing a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes. “I can help you, Applejack. My little sunshine. But only if you are willing.”

Applejack nodded quickly, her face still cupped in Starlight’s hooves. “Yes, mama! Please! Fix this! I’m not special. I know I'm not! We all are…with cutie mark, we’re different…and disagreeing…and fighting. I don’t want any of that...honest.”

An odd sound cut through the air. Before Starlight could open her mouth, Pinkie squealed. “Look!”

Everyone gasped as the three apples on Applejack’s flank morphed into an equal sign. Applejack’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she collapsed to the floor.

“Applejack!” the fillies shrieked.

Wasting no time, Starlight quickly scooped her up and placed the unconscious filly onto her back. “Twilight, keep them here,” she called, racing inside her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her and locked it with her magic. She gently placed Applejack on her bed and felt for a pulse. Starlight sighed upon knowing that Applejack was still alive. Still, her pulse is weak. She paced around in a circle, breathing heavily. Beads of sweat started to form underneath her bangs.

That transformation nearly killed her. How is any of this possible? I mean…them being equal is what I’ve always dreamed of, but I’M supposed to give them the mark…when I decided they were ready. But she developed one of her own…. She turned to look at Applejack’s her eyes wide with realization. Because she believed in it. “Of course!” she said out loud. Noticing how loud she was, she lowered her voice.

“She gave herself the mark. Because she now knows the truth. But nopony can do that…although, she’s still an Element of Harmony. And from what I’ve read, the Elements of Harmony can defy all odds, defeat all those in its path….” A slow smile crept across her face. Except for me. I’ve changed their way of thinking, given them a new purpose in life…

Starlight sat on the bed and stared at Applejack for a long time. After a while, she slowly reached down and stroked Applejack’s cheek.

…But at what cost?

“I’m scared, mommy,” Rarity said quietly, her bread untouched. “What if she never wakes up?”

Starlight sighed and rubbed her temple. She had been asked that difficult question several times. Not knowing the answer made it worse for all of them. Applejack had been unconscious for three days now; the only sign of her being alive was her slow and steady breathing. Not one twitch, grunt, or even a snore.

The dinner table had quieted down considerably, and even though that silence during meals was a rare treat, Starlight found herself almost missing the noise. “I don’t know, Rarity,” Starlight said tiredly. “Your sister’s just…sleepy. That’s all. Just think of it as a long nap.”

Twilight silently watched her mother from across the table. She couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy when Starlight said that.
That’s not true, a little voice said inside her head. Not all of it, at least. Applejack’s in a coma. You know what coma means. Tell them. Tell them what you’ve learned. Tell mom you can read, and write, and count, and spell. You can even sound out big words now!
Twilight immediately pushed that thought to the back of her head.

I’m not better than anypony else. I’m average, and that’s a great thing to be.

“I wish I could sleep for days,” Rainbow Dash said, her voice cracking slightly. “Then I wouldn’t be bothered all the time.” She swung her hind legs under the table, swallowing the lump in her throat. “A.J.’s fine. You’re all worry warts.”

Fluttershy, who had been sitting silently throughout the entire dinner, pushed her plate back. “I’m not hungry,” she murmured. Everyone watched as she quietly slid off her chair, pushed it under the table, and slunk to the girl’s bedroom where Applejack slept.

“I’m done too,” Twilight said succinctly, using her magic to clear her plate. Rainbow was quick to follow.

“Me too.”

“Me too.”

One by one, the girls picked up their still full plates and left the table, save Pinkie.

Starlight sighed heavily and buried her face in her hooves. What am I doing? Although she would like to think of her daughters the same, she couldn’t deny that Applejack was the most level headed filly in the house. She was the glue that held the group together. Now she could see that her sisters were lost without her. Lost without each other.

Pinkie took one look at Starlight and got off her chair. She crossed over and placed her tiny hoof over her mom's. Starlight lifted her head and looked down at the five year old in surprise. A bright and reassuring smile adorned her little face. “Don’t cry, mommy. Applejack’s gonna get better soon. We just need to keep hoping. She wouldn’t want us to be afraid. She’d want us to be strong…just like her.”

Starlight stared at the pink filly, her mouth half open. Without warning, she pulled Pinkie to her chest and buried her face deep into her mane; she was ruining the filly’s braids, but didn’t care.

Twilight stared at the cover of her book, the one she had kept secret for a whole year.

Star Swirl’s Properties of Magic.

She inhaled through her nose and opened the secret door in the living room. While mom was still busy in the dining room with Pinkie, she took the opportunity to get rid of the book for good. As much as she cared for it, it made her an individual. Something that set her apart from the family. It was hard, not just for her, but the others as well. It was the only secret the little Glimmers had shared. They had learned to read and write, and it was the only colorful thing they owned. But after what happened with Applejack….

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. Books don’t make me smarter at all. It only made me a terrible sister.
She opened her eyes and put the book back and concealed the opening for the last time. She gave a broken hearted sigh, but deep inside, she knew she had done the right thing.

Applejack galloped through the dark forest, bumping and crashing into twisted trees that towered high above her. The wind howled over her terrified cries for help. Up in the darkened sky, high above the branches, storm clouds swirled around above her like an upside down whirlpool. The outline of a terrifying creature with wings and a horn appeared behind the thickness of the clouds and grew sharp teeth as it screamed her name. Applejack gasped in horror and ran faster, avoiding golden coins that scattered along the path. As she went deeper into the forest, her ears suddenly perked up.


She skidded to a halt and whirled around. “T-Twilight? Is that you!?”

“Applejack! Help me!”

The filly reared back and ran towards Twilight’s frightened voice. “I’m comin’ Twilight!”

The creature, the storm, nothing else mattered anymore. What mattered was getting to her sister. She came to a clearing that had a long cliff at the end of it. Twilight desperately hung on to the edge, her eyes wide with terror. “Applejack!” Her hooves began to slip, but Applejack dove forward and grabbed her hooves before she could go over the edge.

“I gotcha, Twi,” she grunted.

“Applejack,” Twilight strained, glancing over her shoulder at the bottomless void below. “What do we do?!”

“I’ll think of somethin’. Don’t you worry, sis. I’ll get us out of this!”

“Are you crazy?!” Twilight shrieked.

Applejack was surprised by Twilight’s words. “Whaddaya mean? If you got a better idea, I’d love to hear it!”

Twilight looked at her, but this time it was not an expression of fear. It was almost like her face had been erased of all emotion. Before Applejack could question, Twilight spoke, her eyes clouded. “We’re slipping.”

Applejack blinked in confusion. “What?” Then, a split second later, Applejack said something else. But it wasn’t her, it couldn’t be. She didn’t even feel her mouth open and her lips didn’t form the words. She wouldn’t, couldn’t say those awful words, even if they had no chance of surviving.

“Let go.”

Applejack’s scream lodged in her throat as Twilight tumbled down to the sharp rocks below.


“Applejack!” Twilight shook her crying sister. “Applejack, wake up! Wake up!”

Applejack’s eyes snapped open and bolted upright, gasping. “It’s alright!” Twilight said shakily, hugging the trembling filly. She made soothing sounds as she stroked Applejack’s mane, which was damp with sweat. “It was just a dream. Only a dream.”

Applejack slowly pulled back to look at Twilight. Her wide eyes drank in every bit of the little unicorn’s face. “You’re…you’re okay?”

Twilight blinked and let out a laugh. “Of course I am! It’s you we’re so worried about!”


She looked past Twilight and saw the rest of her sisters standing two feet behind with frightful expressions. Applejack raised an eyebrow. “What’s eating you guys?” The young girl was immediately blown back by joyous screams; countless hooves wrapped around her body, squeezing the life out of her.

“You’re alive!”

“Are you okay?”


“You must be awfully hungry!”

“Ugh! Give her room, everypony!” Twilight grunted, squished in between Fluttershy and Pinkie. The fillies backed off sheepishly, but only by a few inches.

Rainbow gave a weak grin. “You really had us going there, doofus,” she said, messing up Applejack’s bangs. “Don’t ever do that again, okay?”

Applejack smirked and poked her in the chest. “Wouldn’t count on it, brainless. But…what happened?”

“Ooh! Ooh! Lemme tell her!” Pinkie shouted before anypony else got a word in. “Remember when we accidently broke the stick and mom found out about it and everything?”

Applejack nodded.

“During naptime, you earned your cutie mark—"

“Cutie mark!?”

“Yeah, but after you told mom it disappeared! I guess she made it go away with her super eyeball powers, she’s that good! But then afterwards, you were like ‘Uuuugh’ and fell to the floor, and then we were like ‘Aaaaah!’ And you didn’t wake up for like three whole days—"

“Three days!?”

“Uh huh, and were really really scared!” She crawled forward and nuzzled her lovingly. “But you’re okay now, Applejack. I knew we wouldn’t lose you.”

An odd expression etched the other girl’s features. “What did you call me?”

The girls glanced at one another. “Uhhh….Applejack?” Pinkie repeated unsurely.

“What are you talking about? I’m not Applejack. I’m Sunshine, remember?”

“You see, mom?” Rainbow said, gesturing to Applejack. “She’s a total whack job!”

Starlight directed a stern gaze towards her. “What did I say about name-calling, Rainbow?”

“I’m sorry mom,” Rainbow said in a high, somewhat pleading voice, “But she’s acting like one!”

“Why do you keep calling her that, mom?” Applejack asked. The other fillies noticed that the accent from before had gone away. “You know her name’s Prism.”

“Yow not making any sense!” Rarity said exasperatingly, her lisp slipping in. “I’m stawting to think you hit yow head too hawd!”

“APPLEJACK,” Pinkie shouted, gripping said girl’s shoulders. “IT’S ME, PINKIE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!?”

Twilight irritably pulled her off. “She just lost her memory, she’s not deaf!”

Starlight, who had been silently watching them, finally spoke. “And your mark?” she inquired carefully. “You don’t find it…odd?”

Applejack glanced at her flank and looked up with a curious expression. “You mean this? I’ve always had this…didn’t I?”

The other fillies stood in shocked silence. They had never seen their sister this way. Her demeanor hadn’t changed, but she had a very confused way about her. Applejack was still here, yet she wasn’t. Some threw Starlight anxious looks, silently pleading her to do something—anything to heal their sister.

Starlight ignored them all, and walked over to Applejack, her hoof caressing her face. “Sunshine…why don’t you go to your room and lie down a bit, okay?”

Applejack stared at her mother and nodded. “…Okay. Maybe I do need a nap,” she mumbled, rubbing her head as she turned away. “I don’t feel too good…”

“It’s official,” Rainbow sighed as soon as she disappeared down the hall. “She’s lost it.”

Fluttershy’s ears flattened against her head. “I feel so bad for her…I wish there was something we could do…”

“There is something we can do,” Starlight said suddenly with her back turned.

The girls shared a surprised look. “There is?” Twilight asked hopefully.

“Yes.” Starlight turned to face them, smiling oddly. “Come with me, children…single file…”

The girls formed a line behind their mother without hesitation and followed closely from behind. “We’re going to mother’s room,” Fluttershy whispered. “We’re barely allowed in there.”

“Then it must be serious,” Rarity said quietly.

“Don’t worry,” Rainbow said to her. “Mom always knows what to do.”

Starlight opened her bedroom door, letting the girls inside. “Come right in, my starlings. Mommy’s going to make everything better.”
The girls drank in every bit of the room as much as they could. It was the only room in the cave that was off limits to them. It was quite simple with a bed, a side table, a closet, and a picture frame with an equal sign inside that hung above the bed. Everything about the room was very big and adult-like to them.

“It even smells grown up,” Rainbow whispered to Fluttershy.

Starlight wordlessly closed the door and turned to her five daughters, all lined up against the wall. She crossed over to them and let her eyes fall on each filly, one by one. “I’ve…I’ve been a good mother to you, haven’t I?”

The girls shared confused looks, perplexed at their mother’s odd question. “Well, of course you have,” Twilight answered with a smile. “You’re the best mom a girl could ask for!” The others nodded, backing up her words.

Starlight shifted slightly. “And…do you truly understand what it means to be Equal? Do you believe it with all your heart?”

“We understand, mommy,” Fluttershy said. “We know that equality brings peace to the world, even though not everypony understands that yet.”

“And that cutie marks cause hate,” Rainbow added. “Nopony sticks up for each other.”

“Differences bring selfishness,” Rarity said. “Equalness helps us be better ponies.”

Twilight nodded. “Everypony has the same talents, and the same strengths. It makes us stronger, being together.

And,” Pinkie chimed in, “We always, always, always greet each other with a grin, because it’s so much better knowing that you’re just like everypony else! That’s something to smile about!”

A wide grin traveled over Starlight’s face as symbols began to flash upon their flanks. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

A burst of blue light shot up from Starlight’s horn; a surge of magic swept around them, growing larger in size as it swirled about. The girls cried out and huddled together, some clinging to each other as the magical storm intensified.

“M-Mommy?!” Twilight shrieked. “What’s happening? What are you doing!?”

The mare stood with her eyes rolled back in euphoria, her calm yet crazed grin chilling Twilight to the bone. “I’m making it better, dear Twilight. Just like I promised.”

“I’m scaaaared!” Pinkie wailed, her face masked with tears of fright. Rarity and Fluttershy screamed at the top of their lungs.

“Don’t be afraid, my starlings,” Starlight smiled, tears running down her own cheeks. “You’re serving a higher purpose for your country….Equestria….will thank me.”

The five fillies latched onto one another and held on.

“I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?”


“Let me guess. You’re Rainbow Dash.”

“THE one and only!”

“Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why Rarity, you are a talent!”

“Surprise! Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!”

"I love you, Twily..."

Twilight opened her eyes, droplets of tears soaring skyward. “….Who are we?”

“Sleep, my dears. A new era is coming…”

Eight years later

Moonlight turned to her sister with a deadpanned expression. “You must be joking.”

But Pearl’s hopeful expression immediately trumped that idea. She was actually serious. Moonlight rolled her eyes. “Pearl, you know full well that we’re not allowed outside the cave walls.”

Pearl scuffed her hoof against the kitchen floor. “I-I know, but…we’re thirteen now. We can take care of ourselves!”

Moonlight went back to stirring her pot of porridge with her magic. “Our birthday was last week. Besides. Thirteen, eighteen doesn't matter. Mother would never allow it. We have everything we need right here, Pearlie. We have each other, that’s all that matters. Pass me that salt, please?”

The pink pony sighed and handed her the small glass container. The salt did nothing to improve the food, it was always fun to add…at least it used to be.

She trotted out of the kitchen and made her way to the bedroom, where she found Prism napping. The pegasus turned over on her bed and threw her an annoyed but sleepy glare. “Don’t you ever knock?”

“It’s my room too, you know,” Pearl replied, secretly happy that she disturbed Prism’s nap. She bounced over to Prism’s bed and leaned in. “I’m planning to do something that’s really dangerous, but exciting at the same time!”

Now, Prism was awake. “Yeah?”

“Mmm-hmm. I’m going to ask mom if we could go with her outside the cave.”

Prism snorted, shaking her head. “Yeah, right. You won't have the guts!”

“I am! And I will! Now that we’re teenagers, she’ll have to say yes!”

“You do remember the last time we asked, don’t you?”

“Well, that was a long time ago. Aren’t you the least bit curious? Don’t you want to know what it’s like outside?”

Prism leaned back onto her pillow and shielded her eyes with her forearm. “Of course I do. But rules are rules, Pearls.”

Pearl turned her head and gazed outside the window. The brilliant pink and violet sky stretched out for miles over the snowy ice capped mountains. Birds soared towards the sun, free as spirits.

“Dinner’s ready!” Moonlight called.

Prism leapt out of bed and scampered out the door. “Finally!”

Pearl slowly followed suit, but not before stealing another glance outside. "I am going to ask. At dinner. Just wait and see."

Author's Note:

Yo! Finally back from camp, and it feels great to be back writing again. Starlight had figured out how to change their names, through their now firm beliefs, and their elements. She drew out the last bit of core memories they had, giving her more power over them. Starlight, you crafty villain, you. As I said before, I kept the mane six's names for a reason.

I'll try to update soon, though college welcome week is coming up next week. But my schedule is pretty rad, with three classes on Mondays, and only two classes for the rest of the week. I'm sure that'll give me more writing time then :pinkiehappy:

This is pretty much the turning point for the whole story arc. Next chapter, we're going into a whole new atmosphere, as hinted at the end of this chapter...but not in the way you think.

Thank you!