• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,024 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Lesson Number One

Things have not been the same without you, dear Twilight. I can only hope that you and your friends are safe out there, somewhere. Please come back to us, Twilight. We love you.

Four year old Twilight Glimmer opened her eyes and moaned in slight annoyance. She turned over to her side to look at the pony that just woke her up.

“Morning, Twilight!” Pinkie chirped.

“Good morning, Pinkie,” Twilight yawned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“I thought I would wake you up earlier today so that you’d have time to get ready! You know how mommy likes to see us with a big smile!” She demonstrated, giving Twilight a wide toothy grin.

Twilight smiled back and gazed outside the window. When they were two, Fluttershy almost fell out and killed herself, so mommy had installed a toddler-proof glass that covered the hole. Every day, they had the same view of the snowy mountains...and today, the morning light looked so pretty...morning….

Her eyes snapped wide open as she gasped, realizing what day it was today. “Oh! Oh!” She sprung out of bed and hastily smoothed out her bed with her hooves. Today was the day that mommy started ‘school.’ And Twilight loved to learn new things.

On their side of the room, she and Pinkie were the only one’s awake. On the other side, Rarity and Fluttershy were still in bed snoring, with the exception of Applejack’s empty bed. “Pinkie, can you…”

The little filly nodded eagerly and inhaled deeply. “WAKE UP!”

Rarity sat up with a startled yelp while Fluttershy fell out of her bed in a goat faint. Rainbow Dash mumbled something and pulled the covers over her head. Twilight ran past her bed and Pinkie’s and shook the stubborn lump under the blanket. “Rainbow, wake up!”

“Five more minutes,” the lump replied groggily. Twilight climbed on the bed and began to jump up and down.

“Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up, it’s the first day of school! First day of school!”

“I hate school!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and removed the blanket from her sister’s face with her magic. “How do you know if you hate school? It hasn’t even started yet!”

Rainbow opened one eye and threw her an indignant look. “I just know!”

Twilight jumped off the bed, kicking the blanket over with her back hooves as she did so. “Come on, you guys!”

Rarity moaned and moseyed over to the indoor bathroom. She pushed against the door, but it didn’t budge. “Who’s in there, I need to brush my mane!”

“Just a minute!” Applejack replied from the other side of the door.

“Well, hurry up in there! I need to get ready!”

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down in one place. “I’m ready! I’m ready!”

Fluttershy lowered her head and poked the floor with her hoof. “I’m not,” she mumbled, her pink forelock falling over her face. “I’m so nervous…”

“Don’t be nervous!” Pinkie encouraged, giving Fluttershy a hug. “I know you’ll do great! Besides, we’re only four! How hard can it be?”

As Applejack opened the bathroom door, Fluttershy continued on her melancholy monologue. “But what if I get a question wrong? What if I’m not smart enough? What if class lasts all day?

“Are you kidding? That would be amazing!” Twilight gushed before yanking Rarity’s tail back. “Just a minute, Rarity! We’ve got seven minutes until mommy calls us down! Share the bathroom!”

“But it’ll be cwowded,” Rarity complained, her lisp slipping in. It often did whenever she was overly excited or upset.

Rainbow Dash flew in out of nowhere and brushed past the two unicorns. “Hey!” they both shouted as she zipped inside the bathroom.

“You snooze, you lose!” Rainbow laughed. Twilight used her magic to keep Rainbow from slamming the door, and pushed her way in, followed by Rarity.

“Hey, I have to go!”

“Wait a minute, Rainbow,” Rarity said, picking up a brush and running it through her purple mane.

“Mmm-hmm,” Twilight agreed, brushing her teeth.

After a few more minutes of getting ready, Starlight’s cheerful voice reached their ears. “Time for school, ladies, rise and shine! Single file now!”

The six fillies rushed to the doorway; Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to get out all at once, but ended up being squished together at the entry way. “Can I go first? I want to be first!” Rarity said.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Why should you be first?”

“Because I’m a lady, that’s why! And I never go first!”

Applejack snorted. “You’re not a lady!”

“Yeah!” Rainbow grinned, going back and grabbing Rarity’s tail between her teeth.

Rarity yelped as she felt herself being yanked back. “Leave my tail alone!” she wailed.

“Me first, me first!” Pinkie sang.

“Come on, we don’t have time for this!” Twilight said impatiently. “I don’t care who goes first! Somepony go already!”

Starlight surveyed the living room/ Equality school with a critical eye. She had made sure that there were six grey pillows for her daughters to sit on, since they would be sitting for awhile.

She had set up a chart a few feet away, and a stick that served as a pointer. It would be exactly two hours of presentation. Inside, she was bubbling with excitement. Today was the day that her daughters would finally learn the benefits of true friendship. They would become true Equalitists. For Starlight, it felt like the dawn of a better Equestria.

It wasn’t long before she heard the patter of hooves, tiny voices overlapping with excitement and anticipation. She was surprised to see Fluttershy at the front of the line when they entered the living room but smiled upon the proud look on the pegasus’ face. “Come over here girls, and let’s get started!”

Everyone quickly claimed their pillows and sat in a circle in front of Starlight. “When’s breakfast, mommy?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Now, Rainbow, in school, when you have a question, you raise your hoof. Try again, please.”

The filly blinked. “Oh.” She raised her hoof. “When’s breakfast?”

“Rainbow, you have to wait until I choose to call on you. Then you can ask the question.”

With a confused expression, Rainbow raised her hoof once more.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash?”

“When do we have breakfast?”

“As soon as the lesson is over.”

“Oh. How long’s the lesson?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”

The cyan filly pouted and put her hoof down. “I knew I wouldn’t like school,” she muttered. “Too many rules already.”

Pinkie looked up with an excited grin. “What are we gonna do today, mommy?” Her smile quickly faltered at her own outburst. “Oh. I’m sorry. I forgot to raise my hoof.”

Starlight nodded serenely. “It’s alright, Pinkie. In fact, I’m glad you asked that. Today, girls, we’re going to be learning about Cutie Marks.”

She flipped to the start of the chart, revealing a picture of a regular cutie mark—three music notes.

The girls regarded it with awe.

“Cutie marks," Starlight began, pointing at the mark with the stick, "Are symbols that appear on your flank that reflect your special talent, and they only appear when you make a self discovery. Then, and only then, will you officially ‘earn’ it.”

After raising her hoof, Twilight asked, “Like yours?”

The rest of the fillies gazed at the mark on their mother’s flank.

An equal sign.

Starlight looked down at the mark and smiled. “This is a different kind of cutie mark, Twilight,” she replied. “You see, while cutie marks might seem like a good thing, they are terrible to have.”

Confused murmurs rippled throughout the circle. “But…” Fluttershy cautioned, “Wouldn’t having a special talent of your own be a…good thing?”

“Yeah,” Rarity said slowly. “That one looks pretty! I wonder what mine would be like…”

Starlight shook her head. “And that’s what society wants you to think.”

Applejack scratched the back of her head. “What’s society?” Living under Starlight, her voice no longer consisted of her old southern twang.

Before Starlight could open her mouth, Twilight was quick to answer. “A Society is like a mass of ponies living together in an ordered community.”

Everyone stared at her.

“Whoa,” Rainbow finally said.

Twilight blinked. “What?”

Applejack smiled. “I knew you were smart, Twilight, but I didn’t know you were that smart! How’d you know that?”

“I..don’t know,” Twilight replied, blushing modestly. “It just came to me, I guess.”

Starlight frowned as Twilight’s sisters continued to give her praise. “Settle down, ladies. Let’s get back to the lesson, shall we?”

“You’re like a dissionary!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“That’s ‘dictionary’ Pinkie,” Twilight laughed.


“What else do you know, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked eagerly.

Starlight smacked the stick against the chart with a resounding thwack!

The toddlers all gasped and fell silent. “Twilight,” Starlight seethed through clenched teeth. “Isn’t smart.”

The small fillies looked at each other in bewilderment, but didn’t dare speak. “That is, she isn’t any smarter than any of you.” Knowing she had their full attention, Starlight continued. “The pony that had this cutie mark became a singer. She followed her dream and became a star."

The fillies smiled.

"But then she became greedy and vain, putting ponies beneath her--because she believed that nopony could sing as beautiful as as she could."

The smiles vanished instantly.

"Cutie marks are the bane of all existence. They signify individuality. Cutie marks are what separates us from others. You see, children, when a pony gets his or her cutie mark, they become arrogant. They get the notion in their heads that they are superior in what they do. They think that their special talent makes them better then everypony else.”

The room remained silent as the girls mulled over what they were just told in their minds. “Really?” Fluttershy whispered, looking heartbroken. “That sounds… awful!”

Exactly, Fluttershy. And what ponies don’t realize, is that there is a better way to experience friendship and unity.”

Starlight flipped the chart to a new page. This time, it was a picture of an equal sign, exactly like the symbol on her flank. “Equality. This symbol is the beacon of hope to pony kind. Equality brings peace and happiness. You never have to worry about the heartache that comes with cutie marks. With Equality, you’re never the slowest, the least fashionable, or the pony with the lowest IQ. You have the same status and the same amount of rights as everypony else. And you’re never last place.”

Rainbow smiled. “I like the sound of that!”

“I knew you would, Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity thought for a moment and then raised her hoof.

“Yes, Rarity?”

“All ponies know about e…equ-a-i-ty …don’t they?”

Starlight’s expression turned sad. “I’m afraid not, my starlings. Some do, but… they refuse to believe that being one with other ponies is beneath them. They just haven’t…seen the light yet.”

Pinkie’s eyebrows furrowed. “So…what’s our special talent, then?”

Starlight straightened up with a smile. “Equality is our special talent, Pinkie. We each get to have the same talent as everypony else!”

“…But, we can still get cutie marks.” Applejack half asked, half stated, a tone which you would rarely hear from a four year old. Starlight was taken aback by this. Applejack’s sisters regarded her with surprised expressions.

After a minute of thinking, Starlight replied, “You are able get them, yes. But you should know, Applejack, that that sort of thing is forbidden in this house.”

Fear and apprehension etched each of their features. “W-W-Would you be a-angry with us i-i-if we did get o-our cutie marks?” Fluttershy stuttered, clutching her tail.

A deafening silence followed as Fluttershy’s words hung in the hair. Starlight’s hardened gaze pierced their souls before she finally spoke. “No. I wouldn’t be angry with you,” she said calmly. “Though, I’d be very disappointed.”

The word ‘Disappointed’ burned through them like a piece of paper upon an open flame. “You’re all my daughters, and I want nothing but the best for you all. I’m telling you this because I love you; all of you. And all of you have my undivided love and attention. Trust in me, and you’ll experience more love and happiness than you can ever imagine. Do you understand?”

The girls slowly nodded their heads, with the occasional “Yes, mommy”.

Starlight’s cheerful demeanor returned. “So! That was the first hour. Why don’t we take a break and have some breakfast?”

Everyone brightened at the mention of food.

“But before we do that…” Starlight knelt down in front of Rarity and ran a hoof through her shiny mane. “That’s an interesting style choice, Rarity.”

The filly’s face lit up. “Do you like it, mommy? I brushed it myself!” She fluffed up the slightly curled ends with her hooves. “I think it looks…darling!

Starlight’s smile wavered for just a second. “Yes, but I think you’ll like what mommy has in mind even better.

Fluttershy stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror, trying to get used to her new look. Her powder pink mane was now tied into a neat bun, with only a few strands of hair escaping at her forehead.

Rarity appeared next to her with the exact same style as her sister’s. She glared at Fluttershy through the mirror. “This is not bettew,” she mumbled, her lisp returning.

The pegasus offered a kind smile.

Today had been an eye-opener for all of them. What their true purpose was, how other ponies were probably like in the real world…and most importantly, the real truth about cutie marks.

“It is different,” Fluttershy admitted. “But I’m sure once we get used to it…”

“Speak for yourself,” Rainbow Dash muttered. Her rainbow colored mane was loose; one section, though, had been pulled back into a neat pin. It was also slick with gel to keep her wild locks under wraps. “I’ll never get used to this.”

“But Rainbow, you look just like Rarity’s dolls!” Applejack snickered. “Now, why would you want to ruin that?”

Rainbow’s magenta eyes flashed. “Oh yeah? Well, look who’s talking, pigtails!

Applejack frowned and stuck out her tongue. She and Pinkie had their manes braided on both sides. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.”

Twilight, who had the same style as Rainbow, frowned deeply. “Stop it! Ever since we came back here, you three have done nothing but complain! I’m tired of it!” She climbed up on her bed and let her head fall against the pillow.

“We can’t help it, Twilight!” Rarity said, looking back at the mirror. “I know mommy thinks this looks better, but…I liked the way my mane was before!”

“It’s change. That’s all it is,” Fluttershy said, curling up on her own bed.

Twilight threw her a grateful look from across the room. “And at least we can see your eyes now!”

Fluttershy ducked her head bashfully.


Everyone stopped and looked over at Pinkie, who sat at the window. “Do…do you think that’s what ponies are like…out there?”

The fillies stared out the window at the icy mountains. “If mommy said so, then it’s true,” Applejack said.

Rarity shook her head. “That’s too bad. At least we have somepony that can teach us all about e…eqa…that thing.”

“Mommy knows better,” Twilight agreed.

Rainbow poked her hoof at the floor. “Mommy says a lot of things.”

Twilight shifted her gaze to her younger sister. “What do you mean?”

“I mean…we’ve never actually seen other ponies before. What if cutie marks…arent as bad as she thinks it is?”

The others gasped.

“How can you say that?” Fluttershy whispered, her eyes wide with horror.

“She’d never lie to us!” Applejack frowned.

“I didn’t say that! I just meant…I don’t know. I just don’t think we can all be the same at the same time. I mean, look at Twilight! She’s really smart, isn’t she? What’s wrong with that?”

Twilight sighed. “No I’m not. I don’t want to think I’m better than everypony.”

“And you’re not! You just…have a different mind that’s all! And we’re cool with that!”


“Uh huh!”

Pinkie raised her head. “So does that mean I can go back to being the funnest?”

“No,” Rarity said succinctly. “At least not when mommy’s around….” She yawned. “Now can we go to bed, please? It’s past our nap time.”

"But I'm not tired!"

"Too bad, so sad."

Starlight waited next to the doorway for a few more seconds until all her daughters were silent before trudging to her room. She had heard everything. Just my luck, she thought bitterly. They had taken in her lesson, but she knew that they weren’t fully committed. At least not yet. By the time she reached her room, she realized that she had been too hard on herself. She had read more about the elements' special power, and how they had a knack for resisting mind control. But she still had plenty of time to make it stick.

That was just their first lesson, after all. In a year or so, they’ll be breathing Equality. I just have to make them understand

She reached under her mattress and pulled out last week’s newspaper.

Shining Armor Refusing To Give Up on Search For Lost Princess.

Starlight rolled her eyes. It’s time to let go, captain.

In the past four years, there have been many threats against Equestria. Ponies from the east have been suffering from attacks from a creature called Lavan. Canterlot almost fell to a giant called Arabus. And just last month, Ponyville had to fend against Grogar with the help of Discord, who seemed to be Ponyville’s new protector.

How does it feel, Princesses, to actually have to clean up your own messes?

Starlight smiled to herself as she collapsed onto her bed. Raising and teaching six children took a lot out of her. She stuck the newspaper back under the mattress and pulled up the covers. I have 20 minutes until play time. Then snacks, and…and then I’ll cook soup for dinner…She fell asleep, exhausted by her own thoughts.

In the girl’s bedroom, Twilight continued to stare at the ceiling, her sisters’ loud snoring filling the air. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t make herself fall asleep. She knew what was keeping her up, yet she didn’t. She worried about getting her cutie mark. She would surely shame the family and ponykind if she did. What if I get kicked out? Where would I go? I don’t even have any bits! Would anypony hire a kid for a job? She moaned and turned over to her side. I hope I never get that stupid cutie mark…

She pulled her blanket over her head. If only I knew what my special talent is supposed to be, I can avoid doing it, and then I won’t get my cutie mark! But what if it just appears? What if I woke up one day with…

Twilight sat up gasping. I need air! I need air! She slid out of bed and went over to the door. She cracked it open, just a little. The fillies weren’t suppose to leave their room during nap time, that was the rule. And Twilight never broke any rules. However, she was this close to suffocating, so a step outside wouldn’t hurt. Seeing that the coast was clear, the unicorn quietly opened the door a little more and quickly slipped out. She took a few gulps of air and wiped the sweat from under her bangs, hoping against hope she wouldn’t get caught.

When she finally caught her breath, her ears perked up at another sound, a sound that managed to bounce off the cave walls. It was snoring, but not her sisters’. Mommy seemed to be sleeping too. Twilight sighed in relief, her shoulders relaxing. Now that she was sure she wouldn’t be found out, Twilight decided to get a drink of water before going back to bed. She tip toed down the long halls, feeling like a spy.

Twilight entered the living room and looked up at the opening of the cave, high up in the ceiling. They liked to call it ‘Skylight’. The mid afternoon sunlight shone down through the opening, casting streaks of golden light across the room.

Twilight smiled at the beautiful sight as she kept walking. She wished she could feel the full warmth that the sun had to offer—to feel its caress against her fur. It would be a nice change from the constant winter chill that swept in with the wind...

Lost in her thoughts, Twilight tripped on the corner of large carpet and landed on her face with a thump!

“Owww….” She slowly sat up and rubbed her nose, blinking the tears of pain from her eyes. She held still, in fear that she woke up mommy, but the snoring continued. She sniffled and looked down at the edge of the carpet she had kicked over due to her fall.

Twilight stood up with the intention of fixing it, when something on the floor caught her eye. A crack. Not just a random crack, but a neat one that went into a straight line.

Slowly, Twilight stepped over and carefully poked the area just past the crack. It moved. But only slightly. Her sensible side screamed at her to leave it alone and go back to bed, but her curious side reigned supreme as she used her magic to carefully roll up the rest of the carpet. It was a door. A door in the floor!

Twilight’s smile crossed between nervousness and excitement. Where did it come from? How long has it been here? Did mommy know about this? Should she tell the others about her discovery? Another thought crossed her mind. She had to know what was inside. She had to. If she didn’t, it would bother her for the rest of the day. With one last glance around, she lit up her horn again, and lifted the tiny door handle. Twilight winced when the door creaked as she opened it. The filly gasped at what she saw.


Tons of books that sat in five neat little rows. They all had shiny covers, and fancy wording that Twilight couldn’t quite understand. Her eyes fell on a lime green book with a large text. With a pounding heart, she picked it up with her hooves, and squinted at the cover.

“S…Star…S-Star Swirl….”

Her heart stopped when she heard quiet mumbling from down the hall. She was awake! Quick as a whip, Twilight closed the door and rolled the thick wool carpet over the secret door.

Hoof steps.

Twilight hastily smoothed out the carpet and ran off with the lime green book still in her grasp. Panting, she slipped back into her room and closed the door. She practically launched herself onto her bed and hastily stuck the book under her pillow.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Applejack asked. They had just got back from dinner, and everyone was preparing for bed. Twilight simply sat on her bed, staring into space, thinking about her latest find. “Twilight!”

The unicorn snapped out of her trance and looked at Applejack. “What was that?”

Rainbow Dash, who was in the middle of a pillow fight with Pinkie, threw Twilight a strange look. “What’s with you today?” she asked, her voice cracking.

Twilight leaned back, trying to seem casual. “What are you talking about?”

Pinkie delivered a hard whack to Rainbow’s face before speaking up. “You haven’t said a word all day! Not even during play time—ow! Heeey!” Rainbow had grabbed the pink earth pony and gave her a noogie. “Rainbow! Quit iiiiiiit!”

“No can do, little sis!” Rainbow laughed.

“STOP IT! Applejack!

The blonde filly didn't take her eyes off her equality blocks. “Rainbow, stop it, or I’m telling.”

Said pegasus scowled at Applejack, but released Pinkie. “Tattle tail,” she muttered.

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

Rarity ignored the argument that was taking place and sat herself on Twilight’s bed. “Twi, are you really okay? Are you sick?”

Fluttershy also climbed herself onto Twilight’s bed and felt her forehead with the back of her hoof. Twilight groaned inwardly but allowed it, since she loved to play doctor. “You don’t feel very warm, but maybe mommy could—"

“No no, I’m fine. I just…” She looked around the room at her little sisters. They never kept anything from each other, but this was a really big secret. But since it’s so big..did she really want to keep it to herself? “I found something today,” she finally announced.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her. “Do you guys absolutely promise to keep this a secret?”

The fillies burst out into excited chatter and neared closer. “We promise! What is it, Twilight, what is it?” Rainbow squeaked as she, Applejack and Pinkie joined the others on Twilight’s bed.

With a smile, Twilight reached under her pillow and took out the book.


“What is it?”

“It’s so bright…and colorful!”

“Where did you get it?”

Rainbow looked at it with a deadpanned expression. “So what? It’s just a book.”

Twilight looked appalled. “Just a book!? Look at it!” She opened it and flipped through the pages.

“Look, it has actual words in it!”

Rainbow scooted up and rapped her hoof on Twilight’s head. “But you’re forgetting one thing, smart one! None of us know how to read!”

The unicorn rubbed her chin. She had a point there. “So...so I’ll teach myself how to read! I’ll teach all of you!”

The five other fillies looked at each other wide-eyed. “I’m not sure mommy would like that,” Fluttershy said, her ears flat against her head. “She said she would teach us when we’re older.”

Twilight looked at the pages with a determination in her eyes. “I have to know what’s in this book. It’s like…It’s like we were meant to find it. I know we are. We just won’t tell her, at least for now.” She looked up hopefully. “So…Are you guys with me? Please?”

Rainbow’s wings buzzed as she did a mock salute. “I’m with you. Even though it’s just a book, it means a lot to you. I won’t tell a soul!”

Pinkie bounced up and down where she sat. “Me too! I mean, I won’t tell.”

Rarity and Fluttershy shared a look before nodding. “We won’t tell either,” Rarity said.

But Applejack looked doubtful. “So…we’ll be lying to her?”

Twilight winced a little. “We won’t be lying, really. We just… won’t mention it.”

Applejack glanced back at the doorway with uncertainty. “I still think it’s lying…I hate lying to her, guys!”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “I think it was a bad idea letting the snitch in on this, Twilight.”

Applejack whirled around. “I’m no snitch!”

Rainbow shrugged. “Prove it.”

Applejack looked around at the rest of her sisters, their eyes pleading. She bit her lip.

“Please, A.J.,” Twilight said softly. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

Applejack closed her eyes and sighed. “…okay…”

“Aw, yeah!” Rainbow shouted with a grin. “All in!”

The six fillies piled their hooves on top of each other before throwing them up in the air.

“Whoo hoo!”



Applejack felt sick.

Author's Note:

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who reviewed and supported this story! :twilightsmile: Some of you, I'm aware, really wanted alternate names for the mane six, but I kept the names for future reasons that I cannot reveal just yet. So for now, it's their middle names, if it's any consolation :twilightblush:

Next chapter, things go down, and not in a good way for the baby mane six.