• Published 15th Aug 2015
  • 2,733 Views, 246 Comments

SweetieMashMinecraftAdventures YAY! - CristalGalaxy

Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are transported to the video game they like so much... And things aren't as fun as you would think they are...

  • ...

1. Video Games!

Button concentrated.

He felt sweat trickle down his neck and fall to the floor.
His hoof was firmly pressed on his mouse, waiting to make the right move at the right time.
Buttons squinted his eyes and bit his lip in nervousness.

Slowly, he scrolled his mouse and got his regeneration potion in hoof.
His sword was ready to strike, shimmering under the enchantement that he had applied to it.
It looked the same as the one that the filly in front of him was holding. She had the same glowing armor as he did and looked as determined.

Suddenly she leaped forward, slashing her sword at him with all her might.
Button, quick as a flash, threw the pink potion on the floor, causing it to explode and give him thirty seconds of health. Then, he scrolled his mouse and got his diamond sword out to start fighting back.
He had already lost one heart due to the time he lost in applying his potion but it quickly came back.

Button ducked another attack from the white filly and hit her right in the left flank, causing her to flash red for a second.
She turned and jumped forward, her hooves squishing him and making him loose a heart. She leaned in and dug her sword in his neck, making him loose another two hearts.

Down to seven hearts against nine... Come on Button! Beat her!

The brown colt wiggled out of her grasp, pressing the W key twice and as fast as possible.
He jumped out of her way and took another two hits at her head before she turned and retreated.
Buttons took that as a sign of weakness and ran to her only to be hit by a poisoning potion.

He immediately turned the other way and gulped down some milk.

Six hearts against seven... Still not good enough. Probably shouldn't have wasted my health potion...

He charged back, remembering his flint and steel.
Button hit the block under her with the object and she was engulfed by burning flames.
The white filly quickly got a bucket of water out and dumped it on her head. Then she got out a bucket of lava.

Uh oh... I should've brought some water with me too!

He desperately tried to avoid the steaming lava and lunged at her.
She hit him and pushed him back into the hot consistance.

Button finally gave up as he watched his life points go down to zero.

"Dangit!" he yelled out of frustration, putting his mouse down and crossing his hooves.
He heard a giggle behind him and saw Sweetie Belle smiling.

"No need to rage quit Button! It's just a game!"

Button smiled as well, warmed up by her happiness.
"You're too good actually!"

"Ya can't beat the SweetBellSinger!" Sweetie Belle stuck her tongue out at him playfully, using her minecraft username.

"That's what YOU think! Rematch?"

"Only to see you loose again!" she chuckled.

"Button! What are you and Sweetie doing?" came a voice behind them.
Button spun around and saw his mother standing in the doorway, looking at them with a caring face.

"Just playing Minecraft!" he replied. "We're doing PVP!"

"What's that?" she asked, coming towards them.

"It's Pony vs Pony! Now we were going to play another game..."

"Of course! Sorry honey. Have fun!"

"Thank you miss!" chirped Sweetie Belle, turning back to Button. "Now about me beating you again..."

"Not a chance!" grinned Button, ready to get back in the game and win.

The moment they were about to play, Button's mother called him again.
The two foals groaned upon seeing Rarity step inside the room.

"Time to go Sweetie!" she smiled. "You've been here all afternoon!"

"But sis!" started to protest the white filly.

Rarity shot her a glare that meant 'You better not argue!'.

"Coming... See you tomorrow at school then Button?"

"Sure!" he smiled, energized at the fact that he'd see her again the next day. "Bye!"

"Bye!" she chirped back, hopping out of the room.

Rarity and Button mom gave a knowing smile to each other before stepping out too.

Button stayed in his chair, hearing the front door open then close behind them. He sighted as he felt loneliness creep over him.
Sunday afternoons were the best!
Sweetie Belle would come to his house to play minecraft and it would always be a blast!
It's just a shame everything has to end.

Might as well practice PVP...

Button focused his gaze back on his computer and noticed another one next to his. A pink one.

Just at that moment, Sweetie Belle jumped through his open window and landed next to him.

"S... Sweetie Belle?"

"Forgot my computer..." said a sheepish white filly.

She grabbed it and came back out the way she had come in, waving her hoof.

Button blinked.
Then grinned.

"She's so cool!"


All the foals stopped playing and ran towards the door of the school to line up.

Button stood next to Clearwater, one of his video games friends and looked over at where Sweetie Belle was.

She was jumping up and down with Applebloom and Scootaloo, whispering about 'bungee jumping cutie marks' or something.

Button sighted and hung his head. Never would he be able to show her his feelings! She just considered him as a good friend.

The class entered the school building and sat down in their seats, talking and laughing.

"Alright my little ponies! Settle down, settle down" smiled Cheerilee, waking in. "Today we have a very special guest!"

"Please tell me it isn't one of Filthy Rich's speeches about economy again..." muttered Button to his friend.

Clearwater nodded with a frown.

"It's a visit from Mr.GameSpark, the successful video game creator!"

Button's mouth gaped open.

No. Way.

"THE GameSpark?" chirped Sweetie Belle, two rows in front.

"THE creator of League of Ponies?"
exclaimed Clearwater.

"THE assistant that helped create Minecraft?" Button was overwhelmed with joy.

"Yes THE everything" chuckled Cheerilee. "He'll be here in just a few minutes I think."

"Ugh. Another boring day..." murmured Diamond Tiara to Silver Spoon, loud enough to be heard by every foal in the classroom.

"The most borin' day I ever lived through was the day when ya dad came in and said his speech about econo whatever!" defended Applebloom for her video game lover friend.

"Miss. Cheerilee! Applebloom is insulting my dad after the brilliant educational speech he gave us on economy!" whined Diamond.

"She wasn't insulting him! She was just saying the truth!" Scootaloo earned a few nods from others.

"See Miss?" complained Diamond.

Cheerilee just sighted and was about to reply when a stallion with a faint yellow coat and an orange and green mane stepped in.

He took his shades off and flashed a smile at the foals gathered in the classroom.

It was at that moment that the fillies experienced their first crush and the colts experienced the first time at feeling less awesome then somepony else.

"Hello class!" GameSpark made a stool appear next to him and sat down. "How are you all doing today?"

"Good!" the class replied in unison.

"Do you know why I'm here today?"

"To make us learn stuff about video games?" suggested Sweetie Belle.

"Not just to make you learn stuff! To show you all the wonders that our technology has developed!" GameSpark looked through his attaché case and took out a weird looking camera.
"Like this!"

Exclamations of surprise and wonder were heard in the class.

"What is it?" Twist asked curiously.

"It's a camera that can transport you into any game... You just take a picture of yourself and of the main menu of the game you wish to go in, and it'll do just that!"

A shocked but respectful silence made way as all the foals were now fantasizing about such a device.
Whispers of enthusiasm could be heard everywhere as they all stared at the camera.

It was glowing cyan and white. It's lenses seemed to be shimmering and the strap was imprinted with the logo that matched GameSpark's cutie mark- which was a shiny computer.

"That would be so cool!" grinned Clearwater. "When do you think it's going to be on sale?"

"No idea" replied Button, admiring it before putting his hoof up.

"Yes?" Cheerilee encouraged him to speak.

"When can we like uh... buy it?"

"That's going to take about a few months more. It's still a little glitchy and we need everything to be perfect on the release date."

"And are you going to let ponies test it first?"

Good question Sweetie!

"Yes! But those will be older and more experienced ponies."

Sweetie Belle frowned and nodded.

"I think that is all I have to tell you..." murmured GameSpark, his eyebrows arched. "Ah yes! One last thing! If you wish, I can come to one of your houses this Sunday to see what you would like to see more in the camera."

Cheers of approval were heard and Cheerilee had a hard time silencing the students.

"The thing is," GameSpark put on a sad face, "only one of you can answer my questions. And to know who it will be, I propose that we play a good old fashioned PVP in minecraft?"

Cheerilee looked devastated but she simply couldn't resist against the pouty faces of dozens of students and gave in.

The foals that wanted to invite him over the next Sunday all took their computers out of their saddle bags and logged onto the same server.

Twist, Clearwater, Sweetie Belle, Button and Rumble were all in the game.

"Ready?" smiled GameSpark. "Go!"

Buttons shot a quick look at Sweetie Belle and saw that they had the exact same plan in mind. Buttons focused back to the game.

He darted towards her and stopped next to the white filly without causing any harm, immediately creating an alliance.

Buttons fired his arc and shot five deadly arrows at Twist.
Her player disappeared and he turned to the next one.

Sweetie Belle was stuck in a battle with Clearwater and seemed to be winning.
The colt saw that too and retreated to regenerate.

Button was having trouble beating Rumble and had no idea what to do when he remembered Sweetie's technique last time she beat him.

The brown colt focused and tried to ignore the looks that the whole class was giving him.

I've got to win this!

He suddenly jumped backwards and put a pool of lava in the exact spot where he was standing a second ago.
Rumble jumped straight into it and burned to death.

Sweetie Belle caused the tree where Clearwater was hiding to burn and managed to kill the light blue colt.

Then, the two friends turned to each other, their alliance disappearing like smoke.

Button was panicking.
He couldn't win this or Sweetie would be upset! And if he lost, then he'd regret it!

On the other hoof, Sweetie Belle seemed determined to show no mercy.
Button gulped as he charged towards her, slicing through her armor as fast as he could.

She replied by throwing as many poisoned bottles at him and making him loose half of his hearts.

Button was about to retreat when GameSpark asked them to stop.

All the foals casted a surprised look at the stallion.

"I've seen enough!" he smiled.

"But then who won?" asked Sweetie doubtfully.

"Both of you!" GameSpark seemed to be overjoyed. "I just thought that two ponies instead of one would be better for the development of my product.
They have different visions of the game and that would be a great boost!"

"So... we both won?" Button couldn't believe it! That was the perfect way out of his problem!

"Yes you did!"

Cheers of congratulations erupted in the classroom as Button and Sweetie Belle smiled at each other, relieved to be in the adventure together!

"Is he late?" asked Button for the hundredth time.

"I don't know!" muttered Sweetie Belle for the hundredth time as well.

"Mom is he late?" yelled Button.

"STOP. ASKING." shouted his mother, apparently exasperated.


And two minutes later :

"Is he late?"

"I don't know!"

"Mom is he-"

"He's here! He's here!" shrieked his mother at last before muttering something like 'thank Celestia he's early'.

Sweetie Belle gave an exited smile to her friend that he immediately gave back.

Finally, GameSpark entered Button's room with his usual class and elegance, carrying an attaché case as usual.

"Hello sir!" Sweetie got up from her chair while Button brought the stallion another one.

"Heya kids! Ready to work?"

"Yeah!" Button cheered.

"Good! Now I'm going to ask you two questions and you just have to answer. Got it?" said GameSpark once he was seated.

The two friends nodded and the questions started.

"Goodbye sir!"

"Bye mister GameSpark!"

"See you kids later!"

Button and Sweetie Belle waved the stallion goodbye as he walked out of the house before returning back to Buttons bedroom.

"Phew! That was long! It's night time!"

"Yeah" approved Sweetie, hopping back onto her chair. "But it was fun!"

Buttons nodded. "Hey wanna play minecraft?"

"Sure! My sister's out for the week and I'm left home alone for now."

"I thought she didn't like leaving you alone?" Button raised an eyebrow.

"She realized she could trust me when we did an event together... But never mind that! You want to play with other players or create a world with just the two of us?"

"A solo world seems good" shrugged Button, opening minecraft.

While the game was loading, he took a look around his room, feeling funny.

"Hey Sweetie? I kinda feel..."

"Weird?" completed the filly. "Yeah I feel like that too..."

"Maybe we've been playing video games for too..."

Buttons paused, his gaze haven fallen on something.
It was GameSpark's attaché case, laying horizontally and facing them, just waiting to be opened!

"Sweetie!" he excitedly whispered. "Look!"

Sweetie Belle followed his gaze and let out a cry of surprise.

"GameSpark forgot his case!"

"Surely he'll be back to get it... What if we took a peek inside?"

"You kidding?" Sweetie Belle suddenly looked scared. "What if we get caught?"

"And what if we discover super secrets?!"

The temptation was too strong and Sweetie Belle joined Buttons next to the case.
"Go on! Open it then!"

Button gulped and undid the latch.
The second he did that, a bright flash blinded him.

He heard Sweetie's scream and felt himself fall into a pit of fire.
His whole body was burning.

Then the world became black and Button's last thought was to wonder whether Sweetie was okay or not.

Moo. Moo. Moo.

"Sweetie... Stop it! I'm trying to sleep here..." muttered Button.

Bêêê! Bêêê!

"And don't do the sheep either!" complained the brown colt.

He heard a moan close to him.

Right. I got it. Gotta wake up...

Buttons sat up and opened his eyes.

Immediately the sun blinded him and burnt his eyes.

"Gah!" he protested, putting his hoof in front of his eyes to protect them.

Wait... Something's not right... I don't remember sleeping outside yesterday! Actually... I don't remember anything but the camera... The camera!

Button took his hoof off of his forehead and, ignoring the burning sun, he looked around.

What he saw left him speechless.

A world of cubes and blocks was bestowed upon him.
Blocky sheep and cows were walking around and he could see rectangular flowers moving in the wind.
A calm breeze was blowing through his mane.
The beauty of the place mixed with his stupor was enough to make him stand up in fear.

I'm... I'm in Minecraft!

Author's Note:

Wow... Writing stuff on a phone is just... torture!
So please point out any errors you see.

It'll take a while to update this fic, gotta finish my others.