• Published 15th Aug 2015
  • 2,733 Views, 246 Comments

SweetieMashMinecraftAdventures YAY! - CristalGalaxy

Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are transported to the video game they like so much... And things aren't as fun as you would think they are...

  • ...

4. Trouble

Author's Note:

I'm releasing these too soon x)

"Sweetie Belle!"

Button's scream awoke her from her terror.
All determination and challenge had disappeared, leaving room for paralyzed legs and fear.

She tried to focus her eyes back on the monsters in front of her but it was no use.
Her breath was already unsteady for falling off the tree (which had hurt quite a bit), so it certainly wasn't getting better considering her current state of panic.

The ground seemed to move and the forms approaching wiggled.

"Sweetie Belle! I'm here!"

The voice of her friend was close now.
Sweetie shifted her gaze to him and finally seemed to notice the brown foal.

A hoof on hers started to pull her backwards, away from the danger.

"Come on! Walk! Or running would be better!"

"Yes... I'm coming..."
You can't die like this... Remember everything Button did for you...

Sweetie suddenly got up, doing her best to clear her panic away and gave Button a look that meant she was fine now.

He led her away, running towards the tree were their house was located.
That's when Sweetie Belle remembered that she had crawled away from it, waiting for the pain of her fall to die down.

She then looked up a bit to stare directly at Button's mane.
She saw bits of his sword sticking out from either side of his head (which made her realize hers was still on the ground behind them) and admired his courage.

Why can't I be more like you? How do you manage jumping off a tree and plunging strait into danger just to save me?

That's when it hit her. She curiously stared at him.
I've never met somepony so nice and loyal to me...
Who are you really to me Button?

"This way!! The tree is right there!" shouted Button, pulling her away from her thoughts.

"Do you have blocks to pile up?" asked Sweetie, looking up.

"No... I didn't really think about that when I jumped down..."

"Mine are all in the chest! What are going to do?!" The white filly turned around to see a spider jump at Button.
"Careful!" she screamed, unconsciously shoving him out of the way and punching the blocky insect.

"I'll help!" Button slashed his sword at the thing, making it go for him. "You gather blocks! I'll distract the monsters for now!"

"What?! Wait!" But Button was already running towards the plain were he hopefully would have a better view of the attackers.

Sweetie shook herself.
Be brave!

The white filly quickly gathered some dirt around the tree and when she had arrived at six, she turned around... only to face a green, disgusting face.
It was bloody and smelled like rotten food.

The thing opened its mouth :


Sweetie Belle turned away and started running, barely noticing her Fluttershy-like scream.

That's when another one showed up in front of her.

My sword... I need to find my sword!

Sweetie went straight pass the second zombie, knowing they were too slow to catch her.

She zigzagged through the trees, scanning the ground for her weapon.
Sweetie Belle tried to ignore the purple particles that would ever so often appear next to her.

Come on... I'm not going to be able to resist them much longer... Where is my-
There! Okay run to it... And got it! Now... Come at me monsters!

Sweetie turned around to face the woods when she realized that zigzagging through a forest at night caused a lot of enemies to follow you.
A lot.

About five to six zombies were slowly making their way towards her and she could see more glowing purple eyes seeking her, waiting for her to lift her gaze up a little too high so they could attack her.

Behind the big group were the shiny bones of skeletons with their bows.

I didn't mean come at me like THAT! thought Sweetie, cowering away as an arrow hit the tree next to her.

She darted the other way, rushing to find her friend.

Oh Button... Where are you?! Where am I?! Did I get lost?

Sweetie suddenly approached a familiar tree and remembered the blocks she had in her inventory.

Then she shook herself, revolted at the idea that had took place in her mind.
Yeah right brain! Like I'm gonna abandon my friend!

The white filly immediately knew where to go from there and she rushed through the leaves, hitting every monster she encountered.

And finally, she saw the plain and a little figure in the distance that was battling.
Yes! I made-

The punch made her fall to the ground.
She felt her breath become unsteady again as she realized that a zombie had made its way to her.

It fell to its knees and with a growl, opened his mouth to start chewing at her flank.

Never had Sweetie experienced such pain.
It was like electricity was traveling through her whole body, and that a million shards of ice were digging into her wounds.

She screamed and kicked her back legs hard, taking the zombie's head off its body.

Ha! If Applebloom had seen me...

But reality caught up to her as an arrow landed into her shoulder.

The pain... The pain was horrible.
She closed her eyes, hoping to be in a better place but the pain remained.

It was it. She was alone this time.
No Button.
No happiness.

She was just going to die here, tortured by gaming codes and virtual monsters.

I'm sorry Rarity... I'm sorry... Button... You did so much for me and I... I...

Sweetie dared to open her eyes one last time to look in the distance and saw it.
At that very moment, the thing was called 'hope'.
It was amazing.
In the darkness of the night, past the nightmares, pass the glowing eyes and pass the monsters, was light.

The sun... I have a chance! I...
"I have a chance!" she screamed, tears coming to her eyes.

She heard a growl behind her and gulped before trying to get up.
No way was she going to let that chance pass.
Plus, there was a cute idiot that probably needed her help out there.

Sweetie Belle did another attempt to get up and almost did it that time.
Just a little more and...

She felt something tug on her mane. Or bite it to be exact.

"Oh no you don't!" she shouted, putting all her strength in her hooves and getting up, turning around violently and forcing the thing to come off.
"You shouldn't have messed with the SweetBellSinger!"
At those words, the white filly picked up her sword and smashed the zombie's head to pieces, picking up a feather and some rotten flesh.

She then quickly gulped down some meat -that seemed delicious- and ran towards Button.

He was staggering and his movements weren't precise. They were slow.

Sweetie wondered where his sword went when she realized that it probably broke.

Tears came back to her eyes as she truly saw what the brown foal had done for her.

He almost fell while punching a skeleton and she saw three arrows already implanted in his body.

Sweetie Belle tried her best to ignore the pain in her shoulder and especially flank but she still wasn't going very fast.

The sun was slowly but surely rising behind Button.

He threw one last punch at a skeleton and fell to the ground, ignoring the loot that the monster had just dropped.

Sweetie sighted in relief.
That seemed to be the last monster and she wasn't that-


The green thing was coming up behind him.
No... No! Come on!! Faster... Faster!she begged her legs.

Button turned around and saw it the moment it started flashing its first streak of white.
But he didn't move.

Sweetie was only a few hoofsteps away...


Button collapsed to the floor, feeling weak and sweaty.
He couldn't even feel his legs anymore.
I just hope there are no more monsters...

Button was looking at the forest and wondering if Sweetie Belle was okay when he heard the grass shift.

He quickly turned around and saw the big, green and imposing form of the most feared creature of Minecraft.

A creeper...

Button didn't move.
He just didn't have the strength.
The thing was towering down on him.

He powerlessly watched as the thing flashed white a first time, it's expression forming an evil frown.

Button looked past it and saw the orange sun.

Well... At least it's a beautiful way to die with the sunrise in front of me. I should consider myself lucky?

The creeper flashed a second time.

Then, a white figure jumped literally out of nowhere and punched it.

The green monster flew a few feet into the air and exploded.

The power of the deflagration blew Button away and he closed his eyes, feeling the darkness creep over him.