• Published 15th Aug 2015
  • 2,734 Views, 246 Comments

SweetieMashMinecraftAdventures YAY! - CristalGalaxy

Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are transported to the video game they like so much... And things aren't as fun as you would think they are...

  • ...

5. Together

"Oh Celestia... Oh my Celestia! Please no! Please! Please! This can't be happening! You can't die on me like that! You can't! Celestia! Luna! Any pony! Just... some pony! Please help me! Button... Button! BUTTON!"

It's dark here... I don't like it. And it hurts. My body. It really hurts. I just want to be warm... Where is my friend? And my family? I miss them...

Button stopped shivering and looked up.
There was a light there. All the way at the end of the black tunnel.

He could see figures of ponies that he loved. And he could feel the warmth. It was really nice.
He took a step forward.
Then another.
The light was sweet and charming.

I want to go there and stay with those ponies. I missed them a lot.

As he got closer, he saw their faces.

Wait... You ponies are all dead! Grandpony? And... great - grand pony? I wonder if Sweetie Belle is here...
But he couldn't see her anywhere.
Good... That means she survived.

Closer. He was closer than ever.
That's when the voice came to his ears.

A sob. And it was getting louder.
He could barely make out the words.

"Please... Celestia!... No... Please!... Button... Button!"

Button flinched.
I'm sorry Sweetie Belle...
But her cries were tearing his heart appart.

Button stopped.
Then he turned towards the light and murmured a small "Sorry..." before spinning around and going back into pitch black darkness with a sight.

I promised I wouldn't leave you...

"It's all my fault... Why is it you?! I never did anything for-"
Sweetie opened her eyes wide.

Button was looking at her with a puzzled expression.

Sweetie Belle quickly jumped back, letting go of his body that she had held in her hooves.
"Don't... Don't tell me you heard that!" she mumbled, cursing the way her cheeks were reddening. And then she realized that he was alive. "Oh Celestia what am I saying?! You're not dead!"

"Of course I'm not... I gave you a promise didn't I? Couldn't just drop it at a few monsters!" he smiled while trying to get up.

"Don't you dare try to move Button Mash!" shouted Sweetie Belle, rushing back to his side. "You're injured because of me! Now, eat this!" she ordered, waving a piece of meat under his nose.

Button ate it up and after a few minutes, felt better.
He gave a happy sight as he got up.

"Thanks Sweetie Belle!" he chirped, looking at her. "Just... Why are you blushing?"

"Because you almost died that's why dummy!" she protested, quickly turning around.

Ponies don't blush because of that...

"Anyways, why don't we go back to our treehouse and find a better shelter this time?"

"Good idea!" Sweetie Belle giggled, all her stress becoming nervousness at the thought of adventuring back in the forest.

"So, I was thinking maybe we could mine tonight?" he asked while they were walking in the shadows of the trees.

Sweetie Belle tried to hide her fear.
"But its like... You know its dangerous right?"

"Don't worry!" smiled Button, "I'm right here to-"

But Sweetie Belle had heard enough. She spun to him and put a hoof to his lips.

"I've had enough of this Button! I just can't believe you still want to protect me when just a minute ago, you were agonizing on the grass just to save me! I admire your courage, but I don't ever want to see you go off alone again!" she shouted, her voice rising at every word. "How could you just leave me alone in the forest?! You brought out the worst in me! I actually thought about climbing the tree with the blocks that I had gathered and leave you to fight! How could you try and defend the weak and worthless thing that I am?
Why are you so... so... " amazing "nice?!"

Button froze. Never had he seen her so mad about something that he thought was natural?

"Hey... I'm... sorry. I really didn't think that you would be that scared. I just couldn't leave you to die. You... You're my very best friend and I couldn't just watch you die in the inside. Getting away from you was a way of protecting you, staying far away from me. I feel like everything that's ever happened so far is all my fault! I can't let anything happen to you!"

The two just stared at each other for a while.
Then Sweetie Belle continued walking forward.

Button sighted.
Did he hurt her feelings? How could he have been so careless?!
Now you've done it Button... You've hurt her again.

Little did her know that Sweetie Belle had turned away from him and started walking because she wanted to hide her tears of joy.
All these years I've been so close to some pony special... And I never realized it...

"So... You want to make the shelter here?"

"Yep! It seems well protected and if we put blocks back after we enter, then it'll be even better!" chirped the white filly.

"Yeah but I've noticed something... I feel like creepers and every mob actually are more intelligent. Like they've been updated to a better QI or something."

"Yeah you're right. Now that you mention it, that first spider we attacked didn't wait for us on the roof like it should've done. It was waiting in front of our door. And one of the zombies that I fought punched me first, then bit me..."

"How weird... Well, anyways I think we should get to work. I'm not sure how long the day and night last, but its no more than a good four or five hours."

"We won't ever have enough time to sleep!"

"Beds." simply replied Button, getting his pickaxe out and starting to mine into the mountain.

"Oh yeah right. Then... You want me to go get some wool?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Sure. And food too. Thanks" Button said with no concern.

Tears came up to Sweetie's eyes and she slowly retreated, holding back her breath so she wouldn't say anything stupid.
Why doesn't he care about me anymore?

Button held back his sadness when he heard her walk away.
He had decided to keep his distance with her.

I hurt her earlier. And I don't want that to happen again.

The brown colt continued digging in the rock, turning the smooth stone into messed up cobblestone. He reached some iron and coal at some point and smiled.
Luck seems to be on our side though!

He stopped about an hour or two later and admired his work.

He had created a tiny cave with torches and the chests. Small windows had been dug and he knew that they could be replaced by glass.
Finally, he chopped down more wood and created a sign.

When he was done, he put it above the entrance and smiled, happy to have slipped some humor on what was written on it.

This should cheer her up...

Sweetie Belle had already killed three sheep.
One more and we should be able to make two beds after what I saw in the chest...

She didn't even care about hurting them anymore or eating them. Survival had taken over.

"Helper! C'mere!" she called out, looking around.

The white chicken poked its head out from a dirt block and ran to her.
Sweetie had decided to name him 'Helper' for she always felt like he could cheer her up in her moments of need.

The chicken seemed to like his name too and had immediately remembered it, coming whenever she called him.
The white filly patted him on his blocky head before making her way home.

Surely I'll find sheep on the way there.

She hummed to herself, trying to forget how her friend had acted and saw something move in the trees before her.
Sweetie froze as she saw something white agitate the grass.

A skeleton?!

And then... a little wolf jumped out, giving her a cute look.
Helper cowered behind her but she curiously walked towards it.
The small blocky animal started to growl.

He seems loyal and defending. Plus strong too! He'd be perfect for Button... We can come back later and he'll tame him.

"Let's go Helper!" chirped Sweetie, turning around.
The chicken gave a happy cluck and hopped forward, knowing the way home.

Sweetie made it back in about fifteen minutes with all four wools. She approached the place where Button had started digging and gave a little whistle.

"Amazing! The structure seems safe and we still have light inside! Plus there's an iron door! That means zombies can't get in and that Button found iron!" she said to herself out loud.

Then she trotted to it and was about to pull the lever when she noticed a sign on top of the door :

Home to 2 survivors!
Ps : Really miss my hat :(

Sweetie Belle first just stared at it with a blank expression... then burst out laughing.

Button came out and smiled.
"I really do miss it you know! It was SOOO cool!"

"I... I can see that!" squeaked Sweetie.

"Ready to mine?!" he said with a defying expression.

Sweetie Belle almost jumped to the sky.
He had forgiven her!

"I so am!"

Author's Note:

I just realized that Helper kinda seems like the chicken in the anime 'My Little Monster' no?