• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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Octavia sighed in relief as she enjoyed a delicious cup of tea. She may be a sex-crazed psycho, but she certainly knows how to brew a good cup, she thought to herself as she cast a sidelong glance at Ferham. The woman had gone from overly sexualized to excessively domestic in the blink of an eye. Octavia would have had a hard time believing it was the same woman if the apron she was wearing wasn't so form fitting. Pushing it from her mind, she turned her attention back to Epsilon. "So, you wanted to talk with me," she stated calmly.

"Indeed," Epsilon confirmed expansively. "While most of Giga City is against the Maverick Hunters on principle, I'm well aware of just how much the world owes to the Hunters, specifically to your family. I'm also well aware that whether Giga City welcomes the Hunters or not, anything major that happens here will bring them...and given the choice, I would rather not fight them."

"From your words, I gather you believe your plans will bring unwelcome attention from the world at large," Octavia observed curiously. "And given you were designed to be an anti-Sigma, you're concerned that might lead you to being presented as the Second Sigma, especially since Giga City was the source of the New-Gen Reploids that all have Sigma's data inside them."

"Which is why I'm glad I bumped into you," Epsilon confirmed happily as he took a sip of the tea. "My observations indicate that as far as your family is concerned, you are the driving force when it comes to policy. The Commander may dictate who is the Maverick to be captured or neutralized, but how that's handled is generally determined one way or another by you, officially or not. So if I can convince you that despite my goals I shouldn't be destroyed, even if conflict between my group and the Hunters arises, I can hope for a peaceful resolution...or at least one that doesn't result in rampant destruction."

"You said you were built to match Sigma," Octavia offered softly. "As far as your mind, it seems that was a success. But you also said that was your original purpose when being designed. Can I assume that purpose has changed since the world no longer believes Sigma to be a factor?"

Epsilon raised an eyebrow. "You do not believe he is no more?" he asked in surprise.

"Whether or not he still exists is a different matter," Octavia countered dryly. "But we toured this ruin before you approached us, and I counted nine capsules. If one of them was yours, that leaves eight plus a Commander. Some patterns never go away."

Epsilon chuckled softly. "That was actually deliberate as far as my original design. Sigma always took eight high level 'Mavericks' to act as his generals each time he attempted conquest. My eight 'generals' were meant to match his each time he arose, had we been activated for that purpose."

"I see," Octavia breathed in relief. She really didn't want to think about Sigma being back. Estimates indicated she'd soon start aging at a normal rate again as the influence of the stasis capsule fully cycled out of her, and she wanted to find Axl a girlfriend and get some grandchildren before she started turning old. For that to happen, a more or less peaceful world was required to give Axl time for romance. "If not for Sigma, what is your new purpose?"

"A meteor impacted this area shortly after the Eurasia incident," Epsilon explained. "It contained a new type of energy metal unlike anything ever encountered before. It has been dubbed Force Metal, and it can drastically improve the capabilities of any Reploid or Terran who installs it in their cybernetic systems. It is theorized this Force Metal may prove to be the key to the next stage of the Evolution of Life on this planet...if it is allowed to be fully explored."

"And what about humans?" Octavia asked curiously. "You only mentioned Reploids and Terrans."

A pained expression crossed Epsilon's face. "Octavia...the population of those who can be considered 'human' as opposed to Terran is rapidly declining as a result of attrition. Humans can only be born if a human mates with a human. If a human mates with a Reploid or a Terran, the result is a Terran. By all projections, humanity will cease to exist on this world as a separate species in two centuries, maybe three. For Reploids and Terrans, that's within our life expectancy." He sighed softly. "Humanity and Reploids have evolved into Terrans...and Force Metal could be the key to further Terran evolution."

Octavia sighed softly. "A sobering...but accurate assessment," she admitted. "Since you bring this 'Force Metal' up, am I to assume that you and your 'generals' have all been redesigned to utilize it?"

Epsilon nodded. "That's correct. Each of us has a Force Metal core...save for me. I am installed with one of two pieces of experimental Supra-Force Metal, which is made from highly concentrating Force Metal energy. It's currently in standby mode." He grinned widely. "I've been told that when I set it to active, my power can be felt, not just detected."

"And yet you're here in shadows," Octavia observed. "I take it the City has discontinued such research...and your goal is to see it continued even if the city - or the world - disagrees?"

"Yes," Epsilon stated firmly. "It is the destiny of life to evolve. We must grasp our future."

Octavia rubbed her chin thoughtfully. As far as she could tell, everything seemed on the up-and-up. And from what she could see in flashes, Axl and Scarface appeared to be enjoying their sparring session as they pushed each others' limits. It looked like Force Metal could allow Reploids or Terrans to evolve as X, Zero, and Axl were designed to do naturally. There seemed to be no reason to deny that. "And all your generals are united under your ideals?" she asked carefully.

Epsilon frowned. "Unfortunately, I can't be entirely certain of that," he admitted. "Ferham and Scarface...I know they are entirely devoted to me and my goals, I have no doubts about them. The others..." He shrugged his shoulders. "They follow me, but I doubt if most of them would follow my orders exactly if they thought they knew better, or if they disagreed."

Octavia nodded. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully for a time. Finally, she made a decision. "Canter."

"Beg pardon?" Epsilon inquired, caught off guard.

"It's my 'safe word'," Octavia explained.

"I thought Axl was the one who was looking," Epsilon teased.

"Not that kind," Octavia chided, rolling her eyes. "You know how some parents teach their children Danger Phrases, to let them know casually over the phone if they are in danger and can't speak freely?"

Epsilon nodded. "Yes, I am aware. And some also give code safe words the kid can know that someone can give them to show the parents actually sent them, in case someone the parents know but the kid doesn't needs to collect them from somewhere."

"Canter is something like that between myself, Father, and Uncle Zero," Octavia explained. "Work it into casual conversation while talking to them should you meet, and they'll know you have my tentative endorsement as someone reasonable, and not necessarily an enemy. Also have your hands on Scarface and Ferham's shoulders when you do. It'll set groundwork for that peaceful resolution you want, should your organization and the Maverick Hunters come into conflict before Axl and I head home."

Epsilon bowed from his seat. "My thanks for your confidence, Octavia. Cookie?"


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