• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,285 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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7: Investigations

It didn't take long for Octavia to get Axl settled into the interrogation room. Once there, she sat down to begin questioning. "Now then, what do you know about all the Mechanaloids that were running amok on the Central Highway? Between the dropships, the Deerballs, the Bomb Beens, and that giant scorpion, the entire area's taken massive damage. And despite your show of good character in thinking of my safety over yours when you thought I was in danger...you were still the only Reploid in the vicinity with any sort of armaments, and you aren't an official of any sort." She steepled her hooves as she stared at him across the table. "So...what can you tell me?"

Axl sighed ruefully. "I'm afraid that actually is because of me...but honestly, I had no idea they'd send all that after me! I'd have been more careful if I'd known!"

Octavia nodded. "Alright. Now who are you talking about? Who sent all that after you?"

"Red Alert," Axl explained. "I was a member. It was pretty great for a while, going after the Mavericks and protecting people. But recently...something's changed. Red's changed. They..." Axl shivered, eyes closed tight. "They've started going after innocent people now, too. They...used me...I had to get out. I joined up because I wanted to protect people like a Maverick Hunter...not..." He tensed his face, obviously trying to keep himself from crying.

Octavia nodded understandingly. "Yes, I can understand your reasoning. But this raises a rather significant question." She looked gravely at Axl, her eyes boring into his. "What is so special about you that Red Alert was willing to send so much after you to keep you from leaving? And what can we expect as far as their attempts to forcefully retrieve you in the future?"

Axl frowned nervously. "I'm not sure about anything they might try to do in the future...but as far as why they want me..."

At that moment, an intercom signal interrupted the interrogation. "Octavia, we have an unknown incoming signal," CiCi explained quickly. "Patching it through."

A holoscreen on the wall lit up, revealing a Reploid in makeshift armor, patched together well in grey, purple, and red. Large red shoulder pauldrons stretched out to either side like spikes, and two green power cores were embedded in the armor itself, much like how Zero's armor was designed. His face was mostly hidden by his red helmet, but a scar was plainly visible over his right eye socket, which sat empty of optic. White blonde hair slicked back from his head to form a spike of its own.

"You getting this Hunters?" he called out from the screen, his voice calm and somewhat charismatic, very in control of himself. "I am Red, leader of your friends at Red Alert. I never imagined our little friend would end up in your hands, but in any case, I want Axl back."

"What's so important about one Reploid that you would go up against the Maverick Hunters directly to get him back?" Octavia asked curiously. "Hardly seems like a well thought out strategy."

"I don't see why that's any concern of yours, Octavia," Red countered. "I see you there, Axl. Why don't you just come back, hmm? Make this easy on everyone."

"Considering he ran away from you, I doubt he wants to go back," Octavia pointed out logically. "Beyond that, the fact that he's come to us makes it our business what happens to him. As witness, victim, or suspect has yet to be fully determined, but we're hardly about to let you shanghai him in the meantime."

"Well in that case, how about this?" Red offered. "Like you, we're Hunters. We've trashed our share of Mavericks. So how about a duel? A duel to determine who the real Maverick Hunters are. I'm sure you won't mind if we use the Mavericks that we've captured. So the last one standing wins." He grinned as he continued. "You win, we surrender Axl to you. And if we win, well...I'll leave that to your imagination."

Octavia rolled her eyes as she gave off a theatrical sigh. "Let me guess, eight Mavericks of different sorts with different elemental aspects?" she asked pointedly. "Taking control of different areas where they're going to wreck havoc until we go to eliminate them? Seriously, that never worked for Sigma. What by the Makers makes you think it'll work any better for you?"

"How about the fact we've managed to isolate the areas where X and Zero are on their honeymoons with natural seeming communications and teleporter network breakdowns so they won't be able to come back to assist you?" Red countered simply.

Octavia blinked for a time. "Huh. You've managed to make our two biggest hitters unavailable without actually hurting anything or anyone, so they won't have any reason to be suspicious enough to cut their honeymoons short. That's actually rather clever." She smiled softly. "Maybe this will actually be fun."

Red chuckled softly. "Well, well, well, it seems like you actually know how to handle this properly." With that, the signal cut out.

"They're already on the move," CiCi informed Octavia. "As you assumed, eight Mavericks attacking the surrounding cities. Are you ready for this, Octavia?"

"Let me help!" Axl called out. "Please! This is happening because of me! Let me help clean this up, and show you I have what it takes to be a Maverick Hunter!"

Octavia looked Axl over for a time. "...Signas!" she called out finally. "I want to deputize Axl as a provisional Maverick Hunter under my direct supervision."

Signas sighed over the comm. "Alright, Octavia. But you're responsible for him."

"Alright!" Axl crowed happily, leaping into the air with fist upraised. "Don't worry, Octavia! I won't let you down!"

"I'm sure you won't," Octavia replied, returning his blasters. "Now, I'm sure you know what it means to be Provisional and under my direct supervision means, right?"

"Yeah!" Axl agreed eagerly. "It means I do whatever you say while fighting the Mavericks, and if I do a good job I might get a position with the Maverick Hunters?"

"Precisely," Octavia confirmed. Before Axl could react, she leapt to his shoulders, gripping the back of his head as she rested her chin on top of his helmet. "Now let's get to Central Command where the teleporters are. Mush, Axl."

Axl frowned. "What do I look like, a pony?"

"Remember what 'direct supervision means?" Octavia tutted chidingly.

"...whatever you say..." Axl whimpered.

"Precisely," Octavia teased. "Now mush."

Axl groaned as he made his way towards Central Command under Octavia's directions. "Is this hazing or something?" he groaned.

"You can think of it that way if you like," she offered, patting the spherical focus crystal on Axl's helmet with one hoof. "Especially if it gets you moving faster."

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