• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,286 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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5: Deep Ones

CiCi clung tightly to the Ride Chaser as it sped along the damaged terrain. Even for her, trying to walk through that area would have been a really bad idea, since the Viral Energy had seeped into the cracks in the ground. Even if that energy couldn't influence her, too much exposure could still damage her systems. It was even damaging the Ride Chaser's systems as she passed over.

Thankfully, she didn't need all her limbs to grip and control the Ride Chaser. Several spare limbs were available for blasting apart obstacles and collecting the Energy Items scattered through the air as she passed. She wasn't sure what they were, but they had a Light Tech energy signal, so she judged it a good idea to grab all of them.

Seeing a wall approaching, she tried to brake the Ride Chaser, only to find the braking systems had failed. Leaping free, she spread her limbs to catch air, letting the Ride Chaser slam into the wall and blast open a path into the ground. Before moving on, however, CiCi examined the wall the Ride Chaser had slammed into. "Hmm...this is a door," she murmured. "Looks like those Energy Items are resonating...must be sealing a Light Capsule." Slamming the Energy Items into the door, she watched as it collapsed inward, dissolving. "Alright then..."

She rapidly approached the capsule, scanning it with her sensors. "Hmm...the helmet program for X's Falcon Armor...reduces special weapon energy consumption. Looks like I'll have to hack the security again..."

"Or you could just ask nicely."

"Or I could-" CiCi froze. "...Dr. Light..."

"Not exactly," the hologram replied. "You are the one who hacked the capsule in the area overseen by Morph Moth, correct?"

"Yes, that was me," CiCi replied. "I...had my reasons for ensuring I was the one who faced that Maverick."

"Is there a reason why Morph Moth emitted energy readings similar to those released by Web Man?" the Light hologram inquired.

"What makes you think I know anything about the FART?" CiCi demanded.

"Well, the fact that you know Web Man was a part of that," the hologram countered, smirking.

CiCi blinked a few of her eyes, cursing her mouth. "...alright, yes, there is a reason. He was one of hers."

"I take it she has been dealt with, then?" Light asked.

"That's my job," CiCi stated, not wanting to explain further.

"Fair enough," Light allowed. "I've uploaded the proper security codes to your systems to download this set of armor programs. Good luck."

"I'll need it," CiCi muttered as the hologram vanished. As she downloaded the armor program, she thought to herself, Father's not going to be happy with me about this...

Dropping down, CiCi spotted a lab scientist who showed no signs of infection. Unfortunately, he was being held hostage by an infected mechanaloid. Fortunately, said mechanaloid was rather lightweight, and easy for CiCi to seize in her tendrils and toss aside. Grabbing the scientist, she attached an evac beacon, sending him back to HQ.

Other mechanaloids proved little obstacle to CiCi as she reached out and tore them to pieces. The damaged lock systems proved more problematic, as she was forced to hurl chunks of mechanaloid at them to push the damaged circuits back together, since she didn't have a buster of her own to use. Thankfully, the mechanaloid chunks weren't that heavy for her.

As she progressed, she came across several other civilians she needed to rescue with the evac beacons, glad at this point she'd packed so many. She was also grateful that there were enough mechanaloid pieces to open all the locked doors, enabling her to make it to where Squid Addler was waiting.

"Hmm...I wasn't expecting you to arrive," he murmured, his tentacles waving in the air. "I could have sworn it would be X or Zero."

"X is meeting with Izzy Glow," CiCi explained. "Zero went to meet with Duff McWhalen. Colonel is dealing with the Arms Merchant. So I guess I get to ten-Tango with you."

"...hilarious," Addler grumbled. "So what brings you here, then?"

"I'm here for the Energy Cartridge." CiCi narrowed her eyes. "And unlike my teammates, I have no qualms with eliminating a former comrade to accomplish my goal, should it prove necessary. I'm well adjusted to the idea of collateral, or acceptable losses."

"You also seem a bit bloodthirsty," Addler chided. "Leaping to offers of violence so quick?"

"That's because my sensors have already shown you've installed the Energy Cartridge in your own systems," CiCi countered. "If I don't miss my guess, you're using it to keep the Viral Energy from entering your systems."

"You miss your guess," Addler corrected. "It is keeping the energy that has already infected me suppressed. So you are asking me to sacrifice myself to madness and death to save the world."

"You were a Maverick Hunter," CiCi offered, shrugging some of her tentacles. "That's the job."

"Not my job anymore," Addler growled. "No matter how infected the world becomes, the Energy Cartridge will keep me intact down here."

CiCi sighed sadly. "If that's how you feel...then infected or not, you are Maverick, and standing in the way of saving the world."

"Then fight if that's what you feel you must!" Addler proclaimed, launching arcs of electricity at CiCi as he took to the air.

"It's no fight," CiCi corrected, slithering between the bolts and seizing Addler's limbs and jetpack in her tentacles, ripping them from his torso. "Merely a brief struggle."

"You...!" Addler growled out through the pain. "Do you think I will surrender?"

CiCi picked up Addler's torso and head. "I don't think it matters, since I have what I came here for now. It'll be up to you whether you let Lifesaver extract the Energy Cartridge, or if we plug you into the Enigma."

"Fiend!" Addler snapped. "Monster!"

CiCi stared into his eyes, her own crimson orbs unblinking. "Objectively correct," she allowed at last. "But I came to terms with that long ago."

With her last piece said, she activated her teleport circuits, returning to base.

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