• Published 29th May 2012
  • 10,631 Views, 660 Comments

Friendship, magic and pokémon - daniboyi

Ash accidentally ends in a new world with talking ponies, who can perform magic and fly.

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chapter 13

Ash woke up next morning, groaning as he felt very weird and strangely uncomfortable in the bed, which have gotten weirdly smaller during the night. He kept his eyes closed and ran his fingers through his hair… Fingers? Fingers?! His eyes snapped open as he looked in shock as he held his now normal human hand in front of his face. He stared at it for a while in shock, but then he remembered yesterday and the poison joke. He groaned and thought “So I’m a human now… What will Pinkie and the others think of this?” Then he remembered, as he felt a soft breath against his chest, that Pinkie had slept inside here this night, he looked down and to his larger shock saw a human woman with fluffy pink hair and a soft smile on her face. Ash blinked a few times, before he realized that Pinkie was too turned human as an offer from the plant.

He gently ran his fingers over her shoulders and whispered “Pinkie. Pinkie wake up.” She snuggled closer to him and let out a soft whine as if she didn’t want to wake up, it was with the sudden movement he realized to his horror they were both naked. This might not have been a problem when they were ponies, but human anatomy is very different and right now he could feel her against him.

He quickly shook her a little harder and whispered louder “Pinkie wake up. The prank have taken affect.” Her eyes shot up at the mention of pranks and she grinned at him, before her look changed to one of horror.

She shot out of the bed and said in fear as she crawled away from him, completely obvious to her new form “W-Who are y-you and w-what have y-you done with A-Ash?!”

Ash sighed, he should have expected this of her as she had never seen a human before “It is me Pinkie. This is what the poison joke did to me. I have been turned into a human again. And so have you!” She looked at him with shock, before she smiled and looked down her own body with wonder. She looked at her hands as she held them up and moved her fingers, while she said “Wow… This feels so dozy! Like having small pieces of extra bones and skin on your hooves!”

Ash who blushing furiously, as Pinkie stood naked in front of him, muttered “Pinkie please get some clothes on…”

She looked at him with confusion and asked “Why?”

“Remember the first night I arrived here? About human anatomy and how certain gender related parts are clearly visible…” It took a moment, before she understood and then she blushed furiously and looked at the ground. Ash, who was luckily always prepared before he took out on his training section the day he found the portal, had an extra pair of clothes with him.

They weren’t exactly fashionable, but it was better than going naked. He grabbed his backpack, which had been laid forgotten on the floor for many weeks. He grabbed it, still getting used to have his legs back and his full height, which left him only a few inches from hitting the ceiling. He then picked out a T-shirt and a pair of underwear and pants and threw them to

Pinkie and said “Put these on. They will keep you covered until Rarity can manage to get your some better clothes.”
“T-Thank you…” She stuttered, still embarrassed. She quickly put her clothes on, as Ash did the same with his clothes, who had been laid next to his bed the day he arrived in this world.

Ash looked over at the door as he had put his clothes on and sighed, knowing it would most likely cause panic with him and
Pinkie being humans instead of ponies. He suddenly heard a loud thud followed by an “Oww!” He looked over and saw Pinkie sitting on the ground with a big grin as she said “I think I have some trouble walking on two legs.”

Ash couldn’t help but smile at her happy nature and helped her on her legs, while holding one of her arms around his shoulder. She grinned to him and threw her other arm around him and held him closely. He smiled softly to her and kissed her.

“Ash. It’s time to wa…” They both heard a voice behind them, they turned and looked at Mrs. Cake who looked at them with a frightened look.

Pinkie grinned nervously and said “Hello Mrs. Cake…?”

Her eyes widened as she heard Pinkie and asked “P-Pinkie? Is that y-you? What happened?!”

Ash smiled to her and said “We ran into a plant called the poison joke yesterday and got turned into this creature.” He couldn't reveal he knew they were humans as some ponies might not be so accepting with him being from another world as his friends were.

She looked at Ash and said “And you must be Ash then…” She sighed and said “I go get Twilight, she might know what to do…” Ash nodded in agreement.

They sat down in the bed and waited for Twilight to arrive. Pinkie smiled to Ash and leaned against him, he smiled gently as he pulled an arm around her and held her close to him. She rested her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes with a small smile. Suddenly the door opened and Twilight stood in the door and looked at Ash and Pinkie with big eyes. After a minute she said “Ash… Pinkie is that you?”

Ash nodded and looked around in the room, happy that they were alone he said “Twilight, it might not be a good idea that this information gets out in public, but Pinkie and I have been turned into humans by the plant.”

Her eyes widened in shock and she said “So this is what humans look like? I was wondering about that for so long! Let’s get over to the library! I get the others and I think Celestia also wants to see this.” Ash and Pinkie nodded with a smile and with a quick teleportation spell, they were in the library. They landed in the middle of the library, actually right in front of Spike who jumped back in shock and looked at Ash and Pinkie and asked “W-Who are you?!”

“Shush Spike, its Pinkie and Ash who have been turned into humans by the poison joke! I need you to send a letter to Celestia, asking her to get here if she has time.” Spike nodded with a salute and went over to write the letter as Twilight teleported away again.

Ash and Pinkie sat down in the couch and Ash sighed, while Pinkie lay down and placed her head on his lap. He smiled gently down to her as she closed her eyes, still feeling a little tired, and began to run his fingers through his hair. She purred in approval and leaned closer into him.

After a few more minutes, or half an hour Ash had lost time of the clock by now, arrived his friends as the door opened. Ash looked up and saw Rainbow Dash walk in, she instantly noticed them and flew over and said “Wow! This is so cool! So this is what a human looks like. They look weird! How is it to have hands?”

Ash chuckled and pushed her away with a light shove and said “Can we wait with the questions until Celestia arrives?”
The others nodded and Twilight asked “So are you hungry? You didn’t exactly have time for breakfast…”

Ash was about to answer as his stomach growled, he blushed embarrassed as the girls giggled “Y-Yeah I guess I am…” He mumbled as Pinkie continued to giggle at his misfortune.

After a few minutes Twilight returned with two plates of daisy sandwiches. Ash looked at it with a little distrust and was about to say something when Pinkie spat out “EEW! Why does it taste so bad! I like daisies!” She had apparently tried to eat the flowers.

Ash noticed Twilight’s mildly hurt look and quickly said “It’s not your faulth Twilight. It is just against human nature to eat flowers or grass. We can eat things like fruit, vegetables and bread, but we get easily sick of things like flowers. Our stomachs can’t take it.” Twilight nodded with a smile and went in to the kitchen again to get some apples. She returned a few seconds after with four apples, two to each Pinkie and Ash, who happily ate them.

As they were done eating the door opened and Celestia stood in the doorway with a smile and next to her stood Luna, who looked nervous around, almost afraid. Twilight smiled as she almost ran over to Celestia and said “Princess Celestia. It’s nice to see you again!”

Celestia smiled and said “It’s nice to see you again Twilight. I hope there is nothing wrong with I took Luna with me?”
Twilight shook her head and turned to Luna and said “It’s also nice to see you again princess Luna. I hope you are feeling well.”

She looked surprised at her and said “We art feeling well, thank you Twilight Sparkle. We hope thou art feeling good?”
“I’m fine, but its Ash and Pinkie who might have a minor problem.” She could barely contain a giggle, Celestia looked up and her jaw dropped as she now saw the two humans, who one of them was a pony and the other was a human, turned into a pony, then turned into a human again by accident.

Luna looked equally surprised and asked with a whisper to Celestia “Dear sister… What art those creatures?”

Celestia turned her head and smiled to her sister and said “This, Luna, is simply Ash and Pinkie who have been in contact with the poison joke. You remember how I told you that Ash is not from our world, but accidentally dropped in on that night.” Luna winced at the mention of the night where she returned and was cleansed by the elements. “Well. To be honest, before Ash came here he was not a pony, but a human, which is one of these creatures.”

Luna looked a little surprised, but then smiled softly and said “This human creature thou speakest of sounds most interesting. We would enjoy being a part of the research group.”

Celestia smiled brightly and said “Perfect. If Ash and Pinkie don’t mind of course, then Twilight and Luna will begin to make some research about humans.”

“I don’t mind at all your highness.” Ash said with a smile, while Pinkie nodded excited next to him, still holding support on him, since she wasn’t quite used to walking on two legs yet. He suddenly smirked and with one motion he swooped Pinkie up in his arms as he held her in bridal style.

She let out a surprised squeak and quickly threw her arms around his neck to balance her in his arms. She looked amused up at him and said “You don’t have to carry me.”

“I know.” Ash said with a mischievous smile “But I wanted to. Besides then I can do this.” With that he pulled her head up too a deep kiss. All his friends ‘d’aaawed’ and Celestia smiled, while Luna stood a little uncomfortable with the show of affection.

After a minute Ash pulled away from the kiss, leaving Pinkie lying in his arms with a goofy smile. He looked at his friends and asked “So did you want to research about humans?”

Twilight immediately smiled brightly and was in a second in front of him with a parchment and a ink covered quill, she looked up at him, as he was about as tall as Celestia, and began to ask so many questions so fast, that Ash found it impossible to keep up. He quickly brought his hand down and covered her mouth, preventing her from speaking as he said “Slow down a little Twilight. I will answer all questions, but I can barely hear what you’re saying.”

She blushed a little in embarrassment and took a deep breath, before she looked up and asked, still with excitement in her voice “What kind of food do humans eat? I figure that would be important, since you have to spend at least a day as human.”

Ash smiled to Twilight and answered “Well… If you remember the night after we met I told you that humans are mainly omnivorous, which you know means we can eat both meat and vegetables.” He noticed Luna’s distressed look and added quickly “But we don’t need meat to survive. So you don’t have to worry about that. Humans can do fine with vegetables and fruits. On the other hand we can’t eat things as flowers and grass without it being handled in a special matter, or else it makes us sick, well we can’t but it doesn’t really taste all that good.” He looked down at Pinkie and said “This means no daisy sandwiches Pinkie.” She pouted playfully, but grinned again soon after.

“Just as long I can still eat cupcakes!” She said without any room for argument.

Ash laughed and said “Cupcakes are more than fine, even if they aren’t so healthy.” The girls giggled at Pinkie’s new pout over her coltfriends light, friendly scolding of her eating habits

“How long is a human’s normal lifetime?”

“A normal healthy human lives around 60-80 years, some reach up to around 90-100 years and I think the oldest human ever recorded was around 130 years old. Give or take a few years.”

Rainbow Dash let out a low whistle and said “That is sure old…” She winced instantly and added hastily “No offence princess’!” Ash chuckled, knowing she might have insulted them since they were well over 1000 of years old.

Celestia just smiled at Rainbow Dash and said “None taken.” Luna nodded in agreement, not saying anything. Celestia then looked at Ash with a curious look and asked curiously “I wonder. How does humans politic works? I assume you have some way of politics?”

Ash smiled to her and said “Yeah, but it is different compared to where you are in the world. Some places there are several people who have been chosen in agreement by the people to decide the things for the country, other places they have queens and kings who make all the major decisions and takes the rule alone, but that is rare in the human world these days.” Celestia nodded with a smile.

Then Luna broke into the conversation to everyponies, and temporarily humans, surprise and asked, still using her older language a little “Does humans possess any kind of magic?”

Ash shook his head with a smile, as Pinkie now had fallen into another sleep in his arms. He felt himself grow tired in his arms and sat down on the couch, which was a little so small for him, but would have to last for now. He smiled warmly as Pinkie curled closer to him and let out a soft breath. He looked at Luna and answered her question “No Princess Luna. Humans do not have any magic, but we have several things that can be called some kind of magic. We can put together several ingredients which will have magical affects, few trained humans have physic powers, which allow them to move things with their mind. I have even met a girl, which is what you call a human female, who was able to teleport like Twilight, just without the large flash of light. Then there is the even rarer aura users.”

“Aura users?” Asked Twilight confused, yet interested.

“Yeah. You see Twilight, I don’t know if this applies here, but in my world is every living being and every single life of the planet holder of an aura. Everyone have a different aura and no one really knows how humans got it. Few, and I mean very few, humans can control the aura and use them for their own needs. I am one of these people, but the most common excuse for magic humans use would be plain electronic and things we invent to make life easier.” They all looked at him shock, except Pinkie who was still sleeping with her head on his lap.

“Can you show us?” Asked Twilight excited, and even Celestia and Luna couldn’t help but look very interested too.

“Later Twilight.” He said, when she pouted a little he pointed down at Pinkie who was still sleeping and she nodded in understanding,

“What kind of inventions have humans made?” Celestia asked.

Ash looked at her with a bright smile and said “This is actually one of the more interesting answers. I know you have trains driven by electronic power. Now imagine a pony pulled cart, but instead of being pulled by ponies, they are gaining power from a motor and fuel like the trains.” Everypony looked at him with surprise and Celestia couldn’t help but mutter

“Ingenious… Can’t believe we haven’t thought of that…” Twilight looked at the same thought line as her mentor.

“Other things we humans have invented will be advanced healing systems. We don’t have magical healing so we use medicine and other things.”

“What can humans heal compared to magic?” Asked Fluttershy all the sudden, interested in the subject of healing.

“Well…” Ash began in deep thoughts “Some of the major things a humans can do would be that, if you have a donor, you can receive an internal organ if one of your own is destroyed beyond repair.” He paused for a moment and then continued

“Another thing humans are capable off would be X-rays.”

“X-rays?” Asked Twilight.

“Yeah.” Ash answered with a quick nod “X-rays are used to take a picture of your bones, it allows you to see through the skin and flesh on the picture and get a good look at the bones without having to remove anything.”

Celestia smiled and said “That sounds like the spells doctors uses, when ponies have broken a leg.”

Ash's eyes then widened, finally realizing that he had completely forgot about Pikachu and the rest of his team in the middle of all the confusion and quickly asked “Have anypony seen Pikachu?!” Just as he asked this question the door flew open and

Pikachu stood in the doorway with a belt full of pokéballs in his mouth and a mildly annoyed look. He glared at Ash and ran over and on to his shoulder, before he whacked him over the head and said harshly “Pika! Pi pika pi chu!”

Ash grinned guiltily and said “Sorry buddy. Kind of got lost in the moment when I realized I was human again…” Pikachu just sighed and rolled his eyes, earning a light giggle from Fluttershy.

“How about ya let the other pokémon out Ash. I think they will need it, besides they might be happy to see ya like this again.” Pointed Applejack out with a raised eyebrow.

Ash smiled to her and said “Good idea AJ.” With no wasting more time, he took all the pokéballs at once and activated and released his team. Soon they all stood in the library again, tall and proud, sending of a radiation of power. Charizard looked around and then noticed Ash, again in his human form, he raised an eyebrow, before growling softly and making a perfect face palm motion with his claws.

Ash just laughed at his fire pokémon and said “Live with it Charizard. You should know by now that there is not a single moment of boredom with me around.” Charizard grunted annoyed, but unable to keep a smirk of amusement of his face.

Suddenly Ash felt something move and looked down at Pinkie, who looked sleepily up at him and asked with a sleepy voice “What is all the noise about?” Suddenly her eyes lit up excited and she jumped up on two legs and asked “Are we having a party! Why didn’t you girls wake me up? Why didn’t you wake me up Ash!?” She turned around and saw Luna, she let out a gasp ins surprise and suddenly the princess of the night found herself in one of Pinkie’s famous hugs as she said excited

“Princess Luna! Whatareyoudoinghere? NotthatIdon’twantyouhere! We should hold a welcome party for Luna!” Princess Luna looked panicking at the silently laughing Celestia and silently begged for help.

Twilight, who had been in quite a shock over how Pinkie suddenly hugged the moon princess, decided to help and pulled
Pinkie with her magic as she said “Pinkie the princesses are only here for a visit to study humans for a while. Besides we already help a party for Princess Luna. Remember?”

“Oh yeah…” She said with a thoughtful look, but then she pouted and sighed “Guess that means no party…”

Ash, unable to help feeling a little mischievous, said “How about a ‘Pinkie’s first time as a human-party’?” Her eyes lit up in excitement and all the girls groaned loudly and sent a few annoyed, but friendly, glares at Ash, who smiled cheekily back.

“That’s brilliant!” She cried out and gave him a quick kiss, before she bolted out of the door, completely forgetting she was a human and would most likely spread panic around Ponyville.

They all looked at the door, which still stood wide open and Twilight sighed and said “Guess we better catch her and inform the people in Ponyville before they go into to much panic…” Celestia nodded in agreement and they all ran outside.

They were shocked when they arrived outside, that instead of running ponies around in panic or a completely empty street, stood Pinkie in the middle of the street surrounded by ponies, who looked at her with wonder and awe over the new creature. They all turned as Celestia cleared her voice and noticed Ash immediately. One of the ponies, who had a teal fur and a mixed teal and darker blue mane and a golden lyre as a cutie mark, her name was Lyra. Ash had met her a few times around Ponyville, but not of those ponies he talked to everyday. She looked excited and said “There is another one of those creatures!”

Ash laughed at the excitement and said “We are not any new creatures sadly Lyra. It is just me and Pinkie, who ran into a couple of Poison Jokes in the forest. This is just a joke played on us.” They all turned to Princess Celestia who nodded, indicating his words were true and they let out a sigh of relief, but were still excited about this whole new creature thing.
“And the effect isn’t permanent. We got a specialist working on a cure for us at this very moment.” Ash continued, but was interrupted as a voice behind the crowd said.

“To that I may have a bad news to you,
To make the cure, I need some bark from a tree of blue.
But the trees of which I speak,
Does not grow around this peak.
So this tree I have to find,
A few more days, this joke will be on your mind.”

Everypony turned around and saw Zecora standing at the edge of the town, most ponies that weren’t familiar with Zecora froze and a few panicked and ran into their homes. Celestia looked at the scared crowd and asked confused “What is all this about?”

Zecora looked at Celestia and bowed in respect and said “It’s good to meet you again, princess Celestia.
Ruler of Equestria.
To your question, my appearance and unusual home.
Have caused panic and terror in this town to prone.”

“Wait!” Said Twilight surprised “You met the princess before?”

Celestia turned to Twilight and smiled warmly and answered “Yes. I had the pleasure of meeting Zecora as she had a meeting with me personally, asking me for permission to move into Equestria to seek further knowledge on her subject of healing.” She turned to the ponies, who was still scared of Zecora and said “No need to be scared my little ponies. Zecora can be trusted and have earned my permission to seek around Equestria for intelligence on her work of natural healing.”
The ponies now looked a little ashamed and nodded to their princess.

The major of Ponyville walked over to Zecora and said with a apologetic smile “We are sorry for the treatment we gave you Miss Zecora. We hope you can forgive us and Ponyville.”

“There is nothing to forgive Major of Ponyville.
If I had been smarter, I had been clear and told my intentions was nothing of ill.
But now I must leave to find the remedies for the cure to Pinkie and Ash,
In a few days I’ll be back, I promise it will be over in a dash.” With that she turned around and walked out of Ponyville with a smile as the ponies waved goodbye to her.

Just as she had left eyesight was Ash turned around forcefully and stood face to face with Pinkie who smiled brightly. He was about to ask what she was so happy about when she said with the same excitement that shone through her brilliant smile and clear blue eyes “Ash. I challenge you to a pokémon battle!” A deep silence followed.