• Published 29th May 2012
  • 10,631 Views, 660 Comments

Friendship, magic and pokémon - daniboyi

Ash accidentally ends in a new world with talking ponies, who can perform magic and fly.

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Luna vs Pink-i-Pie!

Author's Note:

SRYY!! Writers block! I couldn't find motivation and now I finally back and rolling!

”Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Where are you?!” Rainbow cried out, worried for her friends emotional state of mind as she flew through Ponyville. She looked around rapidly, trying to spot her longtime friend as she knew the shy pegasi could not have gone very far.

She gritted her teeth in frustration as she reached the end of the city and turned around, flying around and trying to spot her friend. She could be very good at hiding, if she wanted to be alone. That was one thing Rainbow Dash knew very well of her friend.
As she flew through Ponyville she heard a faint whimper, just as she passed the town hall. She looked up with a grin and almost laughed as she saw the cloud with a pink tail poking out of the end and flew up. She landed on the cloud, which brought a whimper from the pony inside and she said “Come on Fluttershy. Wanna talk about it?”

“N-No…” she said with a little voice “I-I just ran… I-I was so scared…” she said with an ashamed voice.

Rainbow looked around, checking to see if there was anypony else, before she smiled as nopony was there and said “Come on Fluttershy. Nopony is around.” Fluttershys head poked out gently and looked at Rainbow with a small hopeful smile

Rainbow Dash nodded, and was instantly tackled into the cloud as Fluttershy hugged her tightly and said “I’m so sorry I left! I know I shouldn’t have run away, but I was so scared of the ponies being angry at me for stopping the match!” she began to tremble slightly as Rainbow hugged her back and slowly rubbed her back.

You see. Rainbow Dash always had a soft spot for her pegasi friend. In a friendly way of course! They had been friends since flight school and Fluttershy was her longest friend from her childhood and same was Rainbow Dash for Fluttershy. They shared a bond that was stronger than the others. True they became annoyed at each other at times, but in the end they were the best of friends. Rainbow only truly allowed herself to go soft around Fluttershy or in other special situations.

Rainbow smiled, hugging her shy and nervous friend, rubbing her back “There, there Flutter. It’s going to be ok and if anypony is angry with you, then they have to get through me.” Fluttershy smiled up at her closest friend, despite sometimes she was a bit scary or mean, and hugged her tighter as she mumbles.
“Do I have to go back…?”

Rainbow laughed softly and said “Sadly yes. You can’t just leave. You can give up when we get back if you want to. I support any decision you make. Now remember our deal about me being soft like this?” she added with an amused grin.

Fluttershy giggled and said “Never tell anypony. I know I know.” She said amused and hugged her a bit more, before releasing her
“I’m ready. Let’s go back… You stay with me right…?” Rainbow nodded to her friend willing to stay with her through it all, if she needed her.
They both smiled and nodded to each other, before they took off, heading back towards the stadium.

The crowd looked as Fluttershy flew into the arena, Rainbow right next to her. She looked around nervously and said in a loud voice “I-I…. I give up!” the crowd gasped, but didn’t seem to react that badly “I am no fighter. I just prefer to take care and heal animal and Pokémon alike.” There were a few smiles from the crowd, mainly from her friends.

“Then I declare Twilight Sparkle the winner!” Brock called out and the crowd cheered out as Twilight teleported over and hugged Fluttershy.

“I’m so sorry Fluttershy.” She said with a sad smile “It was not fair of us to just pull you into this without asking. Can you ever forgive us?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded “Of course Twilight. You’re my friend.”
The crowd cheered even as the ponies left the stadium.

Brock smiled and looked around “Time to pick our next contestants!” as Celestia again performed the spell to pick two battlers randomly and out came the face of Pinkie Pie with a happy grin and the image of Princess Luna, looking high and regal as ever. The crowd gasped as Brock called out “Will Pinkie Pie and Princess Luna take the field!”

The crowd was still surprised that a mere earth pony had to battle against the princess herself, most of them already believing to know who will win this match.

It didn’t take long before the bouncing Pinkie was standing on one side, while Luna, who was completely serious about this situation, was standing at the other “Let’s have some fun!” Pinkie called out excitedly.

Luna nodded and said regally “Yes. We shall make sure this battle shall be of our both best enjoyment,” as she looked at Brock, who nodded and called out loudly.

“The match between Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie shall begin! Luna. You start with calling out the first Pokémon!”

“We call upon thee, Hypno. Take the stage!” The large psychic Pokémon appeared, yellow with a white fur around his neck. The ring swaying back and forth as it looked directly at Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie giggled and said “He looks funny!” Hypno looked mildly offended, “GO Krokorok! Time for a paarrtyyy!”

Ash grinned and said, as the crocodile Pokémon appeared on the field “She made a good choice. Krokorok is a ground and dark type combo. Immune to psychic attacks. Now we see if Luna remembers this.”

Luna smirked and said calmly “Start this battle with using Calm mind!” Hypno obeyed, closing his eyes and a blue field of psychic powers began to form around him as Pinkie grinned and said as a comeback.

“Let’s play some hide and seek Kroko! Use Dig!”

Luna’s eyes widened in surprised, but soon narrowed in annoyance and said “stay calm Hypno. Soon she will have to reveal herself and then we attack.” Hypno nodded in understanding, accepting the plan from his trained.

Pinkie giggled again and said to Luna “ohh silly pants! Why should I go up there? The point with hide and seek is for you to find me! Use Magnitude while underground!”

Luna gasped in shock as Twilight said “Can one do that?!” in surprise.

“Oh yes they can. A brilliant strategy and while many think it is a cowards way, I disagree. I think it is clever and a tricky thing to do.”

As Ash stopped explaining the whole stadium began to tremble from the power of the attack of the ground-type. The tremors began to make Hypno stand unsteady, before he fell to the ground and cried out in pain as another piece of earth shook loose from the ground and hit him in the head. He grimaced and Luna said quickly “Use Psychic to hold you steady!” Hypno obeyed and used his telekinesis to stop himself from falling, causing Pinkie to frown.

“Hmmm so Luna is being a smarty-mac-smart-pant.” She suddenly grinned and said happily “I know! Dig up under him!” The ground beneath Hypno instantly began to crumble as Krokorok blasted out of the ground and hit Hypno hard in the jaw, making him fall back in shock as he cried out in pain, glaring at the dark type as he growled amused, smiling.

Luna frowned and was about to call an attack, as Pinkie yells “USE THE PARTY TRICK!” with a grin.

“Party trick?!” Luna repeated shocked “Is that even a real attack?!”

Twilight looked at Ash, expecting him to answer, as he grinned and said “No it isn’t, but battles don’t have to be done with official attacks. This should be fun!” As Krokorok took the arms of Hypno and pulled him underground, as the psychic cried in protest.
“HYPNO!” Luna cried worried as the stadium was silenced, suddenly a yellow blur shot out of a hole and Hypno landed on the ground, eyes swirling as he was unconscious, groaning lightly.

“Erghh… Hypno is unable to battle. Krokorok is the winner!” Brock called out after a moment of confusion, before Luna gritted her teeth and called out “Lunatone! Take battle position and levitate into the air!”

The moon-shaped pokémon appeared in a white flash as Pinkie said “Pretty!” while it began to levitate into the air. Its red eyes focused on Krokorok.

“Lunatone use Rock Throw!” Luna called to her pokémon, which began to levitate several thick and huge pieces of the ground that had broken free from the magnitude. It threw one big piece down at Krokorok, who barely dodged.

Pinkie looked a tad worried for her pokémon, but easily called out with a grin “Use Swagger!” as she giggled out randomly, making Luna frown more as she thought Pinkie wasn’t taking this seriously yet. In the meantime had Krokorok performed the attack, making Lunatone physically stronger, but also horribly confused. The moon-Pokémon began to fly and float around in unsteady movements as Luna called out in worry.

“Snap out of it Lunatone! Use Rock Polish!”

Lunatone was too confused to hear its trainer and randomly charged out towards a wall in a state of confusion and mild panic attack from the random yell and it hit the wall hard with a grunt in pain, damaging it a small amount.

Pinkie was too busy giggling at the sight, so she didn’t notice Lunatone getting back to normal, as Luna called out “Use Stone Edge and then Future Sight!” Lunatone obeyed, hundreds of sharp small rocks began to spin around him, before its eyes glowed blue and they were all shot towards Krokorok at an incredibly and dangerous speed.

“No! Krokorok!” Pinkie cried out as she snapped out of her amused behavior as her Pokémon was hammered into the ground by hundreds of rocks raining upon him. The audience could hear with a gasp as the ground Pokémon cried out in pain, before he fell silent. As the smoke cleared the Pokémon was unconscious on the ground and Luna smirked victoriously.

“Grr!” Pinkie growled frustrated “You hurt my kroko! Teach her what Pinkie does to party-poopers!” as she threw a pokéball into the air and released Torterra into the field, as the grass Pokémon landed with a heavy thud on the field with a deep growl.
“And Pinkie Pie has called upon Torterra for the battle!” Brock called for the whole stadium to hear and quite a few ponies cheered.

“Start this battle with a Razor Leaf attack!”

Torterra immediately blasted the hundreds of leaves towards the moon-rock Pokémon, who immediately formed a barrier on Luna’s order, which blocked the attacks. Pinkie pouted and began to rapidly try to think of a way to defeat the Pokémon she had been challenged with.

“Use Psychic!”

Lunatone’s eyes began to glow in a blue light, which confined Torterra in its snare and began to try and lift it. It soon became apparent that Torterra was too heavy for the powers of Lunatone’s mind as the ground/grass Pokémon refused to move, despite the effort put into it.

“Time for a different approach…” Luna muttered, before grinning “USE barrier and then use reflect!”

The Pokémon put up the two shields, lowering both special and physical attacks from any source of power, to which Pinkie grinned and said happily “Use sunny-funny day!” to which Ash rolled his eyes amused.

Torterra immediately blasted the golden orb into the air, and it exploded and suddenly the sun began to shine more brightly over the field and the surrounding area. A few ponies began to sweat and get really warm. Luna raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was planning. She was about to call out another attack, when a source of energy was heard, and she smiled and says “Looks like my surprise of my own is here! Prepare for future sight!”

Pinkie turned surprised towards the source of the noise and saw a powerful wheel of pure psychic power spin towards Torterra.
“Torterra!!” she cries out, but it was too late as the attack hits the slow grass Pokémon head on and creates an explosion of dust and small rocks that flies around.

The crowd gasped and watched as the dust slowly began to lower and it reveals Torterra in the middle, looking a bit hurt, but nothing majorly due to he’s major defense. Pinkie grinned and says “Good boy Torterra! Now use Solar Beam!”

“Solar what?!” Luna cries out in shock, as the grass Pokémon began to form an orb of pure energy from the sunlight in front of his mouth, before releasing it towards the Pokémon levitating in the air “Try to dodge!” Luna cries out, but again the attack was too fast and it hits the Pokémon directly, blasting through the barrier and reflection shields as Lunatone cries out in pain from the super-effective hit.

As the beam stopped, the crowd, Luna and Pinkie saw Lunatone hanging in the air, swaying lightly and looking weak and hurt as Luna frowns and calls out “Use Hypnosis!”

“Counter with Razor Leaf,” Pinkie yelled instantly, as the Torterra got up, "and use Mega Drain!” Torterra obeyed instantly, sending a wave of sharp leaves against the hypnosis attack, deflecting it effectively, and the Pokémon began to glow in a green light as several strings of the green energy shot against Lunatone and began to drain the life from the Pokémon.

“Get out of the attack!” Luna yelled worried “Try using Psychic!” but it was too late, as Lunatone, which finally succumbed to the power of the Mega Drain, fell to the ground unconscious. Luna growled angrily and returned her Pokémon “You fought well Lunatone. Have sweet dreams.” As she pulled out another pokéball and said “Come on out Umbreon!” as the black cat-like Pokémon with the yellow marked circles around her body appeared in the field.

“Start quickly! USE FEINT ATTACK!” changing to the royal canterlot voice on accident, making a few ponies wince at the loud noise.

“Take it and give him a nice tight hug.” Pinkie said with a grin, as Torterra merely stood there as Umbreon appeared behind him and slammed into his back with the dark-type attack. He grunted and glared, suddenly the tree on his back fired a few seeds into the air, which Umbreon dodged skill-fully and quickly, before jumping back into place in front of Torterra, smirking. Torterra glared annoyed, but waited for command, which Pinkie was happy to give.


“WHAT?!” Luna cried as Torterra raised itself up and suddenly slammed full weight down into the ground, creating a shockwave of pure energy through the ground that caused the earth to shake and crack heavily, several large chunks of earth was ripped free and sprung up directly under Umbreon and hit her in the jaw, sending her flying backwards with a cry in pain.

“Umbreon!” Luna yelled worried for her Moonlight-Pokémon, as she gritted her teeth in frustration and said loudly “Use confuse ray and then Quick Attack!” Umbreon nodded in midair and did a twist, landing on all four and her eyes began to glow in a blue light as the golden rings over her body lightened up as well and a blue circle was shot towards Torterra.

“No! Try to dodge it!” but with the speed of the attack and the slow speed of Torterra, it was impossible as the attack hit perfectly and Torterra began to stumble around heavily, creating small trembles with each step as it was confused and couldn’t get a thought straight.

He grunted in pain as the quick attack hit perfectly against his chin, a place he was not armored, and he stumbled back and growled angrily, shaking his head. Still confused but not fighting it at least.

“continue attacking with Feint Attack!” knowing it didn’t do much damage, but more than Quick attack. Umbreon obeyed and disappeared into the darkness and reappeared behind Torterra, slashing against his back and making him cry out in pain and try harder to get rid of the confusion.

After about three more attacks, all inflicting damage upon him, his eyes suddenly sharpened and Pinkie yelled “GOOD BOY! Finally you are not confused!” she grined as Luna paled a bit “USE WOOD HAMMER!”

“TRY TO DODGE!” Luna yelled rapidly, but it was impossible, as Umbreon was right in front of Torterra and found herself slammed away by a physical attack from the huge Contienent-pokémon. She cried out in pain, before she was slammed into the shield with another cry in pain. She fell to the ground unconscious.

“AND THAT CONCLUDES THE FIRST PART OF THE MATCH BETWEEN LUNA AND PINKIE, WITH PINKIE TAKING A LEAD! We will have a pause and then continue the battle!” Brock yelled out, as the ponies cheered, amazed and excited about the fight, barely believing that their Princess was losing.