• Published 29th May 2012
  • 10,631 Views, 660 Comments

Friendship, magic and pokémon - daniboyi

Ash accidentally ends in a new world with talking ponies, who can perform magic and fly.

  • ...

Chapter 6

I sat in a dark room, as I felt someone was watching me. I turned around slowly and looked out in the air and said with a cheerful voice “Oh hello! You probably already know me, but my name is Pinkamena Diana Pie! But you can call me Pinkie Pie! Or Pinkie Party Pie is also good now that I think of it. Maybe I should make a name change… Anyway how are you doing? Are you happy? Do you by any chance have any cupcakes?! IF you have one and I don’t get one I will find you!
So… You are probably wondering something a like with ‘how can she know we are here?’ or ‘Great! Another fourth wall break!’ For truth to be told. I always knew at some level you were there. Even if I can’t see you. My pinkie senses told me! So I can guess you are probably wondering why I would speak to you… Well to be honest I need to say something to someone without it getting revealed. I had one heck of a dosey week!

Let’s start from the start. Else it would be pretty confusing don’t you agree? It all started with this colt we found while me and my friends was following Twilight out to a forest to stop the meany Nightmare Moon, who wanted to erase the sun. Can you imagine that?! No sun means no corn, no corn means no flour and no flour means no cupcakes! Can you imagine a world without cupcakes?! It would be horrible! Well back to the story anyway…

It started as said with a colt, he is taller than me and have a light brown coat and a black mane, but in difference from other colts he have a long tale instead of a short one, which actually looked good on him, even if I’m not the fashion expert like Rarity. He also had a weird cutie mark and a weird looked animal next to him that looked funny. It was yellow large rat looking thing with red cheeks. The first thing I noticed was Fluttershy looking at the creature with interest.

The colt soon woke up and panicked when he saw us, it turns out he was from another world and not used to be a pony. The others were confused and Twilight didn’t believe him, but I did. My Pinkie senses told me he was speaking the truth.
Well, to make a quick summary since I know you might have a party to attend to and don’t want to keep your friends waiting. Ash returned, helped us defeating Nightmare Moon with his pokémons as he called them, which was a large eagle that could carry Twilight with one talon and that rat creature, which was named Pikachu by the way.

Later that night, after the giant party I held of course! Celebrating the return of princess Luna, who turned good thanks to the elements of harmony! Ash showed us his pokémon, one was a large dragon and scared poor Fluttershy. I liked them all, especially that big alligator looking thing! Maybe he and Gummy could become the bestes friends! Feraligator was he called?

Anyway! Ash needed a place to sleep and I offered instantly. I didn’t really know why and it was out of character to me. I just felt happy with him around, he made me feel good, like a warmth in my stommy. Like when you eat a nice warm cupcake or take a cup of warm chocolate! Yeah! Like that… That makes me think of his eyes… His dark brown chocolate eyes… I love chocolate you know that? All kinds of chocolate. Warm, cold, melted, frozen, light, dark. Chocolate is my favourite thing in the whole world! Except for parties of course, because they mainly brought chocolate and happiness.

Well… I was lucky the Cake family, my kind of adoptive family, gladly took him in and had sent him to the guest room.
That’s where the next day started.

I had planned to make a party for Ash, but also wanted to spent time with him that day… It just felt good to be near him for some reason my Pinkie senses didn’t tell me…

So I compromised and made a list for the others to do, while I offered to distract Ash. To say they were shocked would be an understatement, their expressions was hilarious! They all gaped like they had seen a ghostie. I just walked out of there with a smile, just ready to get back and wake up Ash. We had breakfast and wandered around town. I’m telling you all, he is very funny when you understand his jokes. Some are weird, but I like that. I’m weird too as you know by now.

Twilight joined us later and we had a good time, before Twilight had to leave to get the last part of the party ready. I lead Ash back to the barn at Sweet Apple Acres and as soon we walked in, we all jumped out and yelled surprise. He was happy and I felt happy for making him happy. We partied a long time and Ash managed to get a job at Sweet Apple Acres. I felt a little disappointed that I could not see him all day anymore, but smiled, knowing he needed a job to live.

Well… You probably want to hear the reason I tell you all of this of course. It all started five days ago, when I finally decided to confront someone with my warm feelings in my stommy. It was the pony who knew most about that kind of mushy stuff. Rarity. I wandered, or what ponies preferred to call ‘bouncing’ they’re so silly some times! Towards Rarity’s shop and didn’t even bother to knock as I entered. I quickly found her working on a dress and asked “Can I speak to you Rarity?”

She turned to me surprised, it wasn’t that we didn’t talk. It was just rare we did it without our other friends. She nodded with a smile and offered me some tea, which I happily accepted, and poured two spoon full sugar down in it, when she didn’t look, as she sat down again she smiled to me and said with a happy tone “So what did you want to talk about Pinkie?”

I looked at her with a grin, happy to see her smile and said “I have gotten this itchy weirdie feelings in my stommy lately”

Rarity looked a little worried and said “Maybe you should go see a doctor then Pinkie. You are not getting ill are you?”

“Nope!” I said with a smile “It’s not a bad feeling, it’s a good warm feeling! Like a small balloon of happiness if swelling inside me!”

Rarity took a sharp breath and looked at me with a gleam in her eyes as she asked carefully “Pinkie…? When do you get these feelings?”

I thought about it for a moment, before I smiled to her, not able to keep a little blush from appearing on my cheek as I said “I mostly get them around Ash…”

She immediately gasped and said with a new happy voice “Pinkie. Sounds like you have gotten a small crush on our dear friend Ash”

I tilted my head in confusion and said “Crush? Silly Rarity. I don’t want to crush Ash!”

She sighed and said “No I mean you like him in a romantic way”

I opened my eyes in shock and looked at Rarity as I thought ‘Can I really be in love with Ash? That will explain all this warmy feelings I have around him and why my knees turns all mushy each time he accidentally bumps into me or hugs me’
I looked at Rarity with a smile and said “I think your right Rari! Heh. Who would have thought I would turn all lovey dovey on Ash” I giggled a little. Suddenly a stray thought hit me and I asked a little nervous “Do you think he likes me to…?”

Rarity smiled to her and said “I can’t say for sure, but he certainly cares a lot about you and he also talks a lot about you when you aren’t here. So I think the chances are pretty good, that he likes you too. He just haven’t realized it yet”
I smiled brightly to her, thankful for her help and said with an excited voice “So how can we make him see that we like each other?!”

Rarity smiled and whispered something into my ear, that I instantly grinned at the idea.


A week had gone for our hero and he wandered through the town after a hard day work on the farm with AJ as he thought back on the week before. There had been several adventures and troubles, he remembered with a fond smile. One of them involved AJ and her stubbornness, as she had to farm the whole farm alone as Big Mac was injured, Ash had been refused to work at that time as AJ declared she would do it all for herself, Twilight had tried several times to talk her out of it. It always ended with AJ saying "Ah can do this on my own! Ah don't need no help!"

Twilight had even said that she was stubborn as a mule, which amused Ash greatly as there was an actual mule behind her, without her noticing him. The adventure ended with Applejack was cornered by Twilight one day and just as she thought she had bucked the last tree, came Big Mac and revealed she had only bucked around 1/3 of the whole farm in three days. She broke down at that and finally admitted she needed help, with the combined help of them all they had the whole apple farm cleared by the end of that day, and they celebrated it all night, except Applejack who finally succumbed to the lack of sleep she had the last few days.

After that the rest of the week had gone relatively rested, maybe except for a shocking offer the day after the Applejack episode.

*Start Flashback*

It had been a normal day as Ash had walked down the town, towards Sugarcube Corner to spend some time with Pinkie and maybe get a cupcake or two, something he had quickly learned to love. That was another thing him and Pinkie had in common, they could eat cupcakes until they passed out. Pinkie was just defying logic as normal and Ash always had a huge appetite.

It was just as the famous bakery came into view he heard a voice behind him "Ash wait!"

Ash stopped immediately and turned around to see Cheerily running up to him, she was the teacher of the local school and had a bright mind and a even better personality to add to it. She was kind to Ash those few times he had met her, but they were friends to an extent.

He smiled to her and asked "Something I can help with?"

When she finally reached up to him, she shook her head and asked him with a smile returned "No help needed. I would rather ask you a favour Ash. Pretty much everyone knows about those creatures you have from a foreign country called pokémons. But not many knows about them in details. So I would like to ask you, if it would be to much of a bother to come to my school one of the days in the next week and give a lesson or two in pokémons?"

Ash was a little shocked, he had tried to teach before and it went well actually, people said he had a talent with kids, but to think to teach pokémons to a new world would be interesting. He smiled to her and said with a cheerful voice "It would be a pleasure. Just say when and I will talk to AJ to get a free day off to teach the children about pokémon. I'm sure she will understand"

"Then it's a deal?" She asked with a cheerful and hopeful voice as she extended her hoof to him.

"Deal" He confirmed and shook her hoof. She gave him one last smile and returned home.

Ash smiled at the thoughts of teaching pokémon to a whole new world, it was sure a hard task, but he would enjoy it much as he got a chance to show off his pokémon and maybe even hold a match between two of his team members, it was quite some time since they had any real matches and he could see Pikachu was getting a little bored, even if it meant he could play around constantly.

He entered the sugar cube corner was immediately met by Pinkie Pie smiling brightly to him as she said "Hey Ash! What are you doing? What was you speaking with Cheerily for?" The last part was asked with a little suspicion, which surprised Ash a little.

He looked at her with a confused look and said "She only asked me if I could offer a lesson in pokémons in the next week to the children at the school"

Her suspicion immediately faded away and her bright smile was back as she exclaimed "Oh! Silly me. How would you like some of my newest cupcakes? I haven't tested them yet, but would you like to be the first?"

Ash couldn't suppress a small laughter and said with a smile "Yes. I would like that very much Pinkie.

*End Flashback*

Right now he was walking towards the stone fields where he was expected to meet Cheerily and her students for a show off of his pokémon and explain of their natures and ways of living. He hummed happily and Pikachu was on his back, excited about the prospect of finally being able to train a little and maybe having a battle against of his fellow team members. They excited the town and quickly was at the edge of the fields, he looked around and saw no pony near them and smiled, a good time to release most of his pokémons. He would release Charizard later as he was most likely to scare the children away. He grabbed the pokéballs one after one with his tail and laid them of the ground, and pressed each of the after that. His pokémon was released from their balls and looked at Ash with a smile, except Sceptile who was still trying to look cool as ever, even if he did acknowledge Ash with a look at his way and a nod.

Ash turned towards them with a smile and said "Ok guys and girls! We have a small change of schedule today, a class of children is coming to watch us train and ask a few questions and study you, as you are quite the news around this area" He looked at Sceptile who rolled his eyes in annoyance and continued with a smile "I can understand some of you do not quite enjoy this, but please just go with it, you don't have to play with the children if you don't want too. Hell I even let you take a round against me if you want to after"

Sceptile looked up hopefully at this, it was a long time ago since he had a match against Ash and Ash knew them all so well, so even if he was human he could last a good fight against each of them, it did help with his secret weapon, though he rarely used it.

He just smiled to Sceptile and turned to them all again "So now we wait for the class to arrive, if you want you can start to train some of your moves at the rocks nearby, just don't wander far away" The team nodded and Sceptile moved at a rock and his leaves on his arms began to extend and glow white. He moved with incredible speed towards the rock and swiped his arms at it. No longer than a second after he was behind the rock, which was now parted in two pieces that slowly fell for each other.

Pikachu was on the other hand relaxing, so he could play with the children later, he knew he would be the main target, because of his small and cute appearance. He did eye Sceptile with a smile, almost hoping for a battle against the grass type just to prove his worth.

The other pokémon was too training, each of them targeting their own set of rocks, destroying them to particles. Pidgeot was probably having the hardest time as Flying types was not very affective against rocks, but even she destroyed the rocks with no trouble.

He distantly heard low hooves behind him, walking over the rocky ground through all the noises of his pokémon and turned around to see the class walking over to him, the children shocked over the pokémons destroying the rocks completely and Cheerily also quite taken back, she looked at Ash and asked "What are your pokémon doing?"

"We are training" He replied happily "I will explain to what later, but right now let's start with what they are. Come on over guys!" All the pokémons turned around instantly and walked over to him, each of them smiled to the children, except Sceptile, who gave them a look. The children looked nervously at them all, slightly frightened by their enormous size and their appearance. Other looked at them with wonder and excitement, Applebloom included in that group. Pikachu had gotten quite a lot of attention as well, mainly from the fillies as he was the smallest and cutest the in group. Ash chuckled as Pikachu sought retreat at his back and looked warily down at the group of children, who stared with adoration at him.

Ash smiled to them all and said "Hello, as your teacher Cheerily has told you, you are here today to learn about Pokémon, who is unknown to this land as they are from very far away. From where I come from, is pokémon in contact with ponies and stallions all over the land, we live in harmony with each other, help and seek friendship with each other and even lives together in small families. There are over five hundred known pokémons, but many more are to be discovered and there are several mysteries around pokémon in my land there are yet to be solved and studied. You may not believe this, but in my land Celestia is unknown"

This caused an outrage from the students and even a shocked look from Cheerily, who asked "If that is so, how do you explain how the sun and the moon raises?"

"Natural phenomenon" He answered with a smile "And we also have other believes, for example do we believe that a legendary pokémon named Arceus was the one to create the world with his thousand hands and that two pokémon named Palkia and Dialga is the ones to control time and space. There are other three pokémon named Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf who rules over something each. Uxie is known as the being of knowledge, Mesprit is famous for being the spirit of emotions and Azelf is the being of willpower. Two other pokémons named Groundon and Kyogre is the rulers of sea and land. A legendary pokémon in another words, a rare pokémon. A pokémon that only exist one of and is extreme strong, those I just spoke of, Groundon and Kyogre, is each immensely powerful. Groundon is able to destroy a mountain with a single punch and Kyogre is able to flood a whole land with his water powers"

"Water powers? What do you mean by that?" Asked a confused Pipsqueak, who was slightly shaken by hearing of the immense power from another land that could destroy mountains and flood whole lands.

Ash smiled to him and said "Ah, that's where the interesting comes in, as you maybe have seen can some of my friends here use different power and control of different elements. For example my buddy Pikachu here have a certain power to shoot electrical attacks and have great speed, unbelievable to many"

Cheerily looked very interested in this as she asked "Can you show us these 'powers'?"

"With pleasure!" He exclaimed excited, Pikachu looked also very happy to be able to show off and jumped down and ran around ten feets away from them all. Ash looked at Pikachu with a smile and yelled "Ok Pikachu! Show them what you got! Full power!"

Pikachu gave him a thump up, before moving down at all four paws, he got a pure look of concentration and control on his face and you could almost see his cheeks spark with electricity and the power that radiated from him. Ash who could easily feel Pikachus power, smiled proudly. He waited a few seconds, before he could feel over the bond with his pokémon that he had reached his limits of power collection and called "Pikachu! Release now!"

No one, except the pokémon and Ash was prepared for the next that happened, instead of an expected small release of electrical power, a gigantic tower of pure lightning and power shot directly up, the stream of electricity was at least five feets wide in every direction and the limit to it's highness was not able to be seen as it continue to shoot through the air. If you listened and looked closely you could hear the earth and stone around Pikachu crack out of the pure electrical power. Most of the students was watching the lightning storming tower with awe and open mouths, a few cowering in fear behind the others. Cheerily was in complete shock and awe over the demonstration of such raw power. After a minute the lightning storm ended and Pikachu stood in the middle of the place, earth around him laying in ruins and was cracked into a million pieces as a small earthquake had just been there. He stood there panting heavily, but not completely out of power, he walked over to a tree and lied down under the shadow as he fell asleep with a tired "Pika…" Ash laughed lightly and turned to the class.

"Well? What do you think?" He asked with a bright smile.

It took a few minutes of mouth gaping and repeatedly opening and closing of mouths, before Cheerily looked at him with a awe look and said "That was fantastic! How in Celestia's name can such small creatures contain such brilliant display of power and electricity?"

"I have trained him to that" He said as he looked at Pikachu with a smile "It took long, many years actually, but we managed, beat every opponent on our way and finally became champions"

"Opponents? What do you mean?" Asked another little colt that Ash didn't know the name of.

Ash just smiled to him and said "In my land we have these contest and tournament called the pokémon league. It's a place where pokémon trainers meet each other and with their pokémons fights each other to prove who is the strongest. I won that tournament when I was 20"

"You use pokémons to battle?" Asked a shocked filly, she looked a lot like Derpy and he remembered something about her having a daughter.

He smiled to her and asked "You are Ditzy's daughter aren't you?" She quickly nodded with a proud smile "Ok just wanted to check. As for your question, yes we do, it may sound barbaric, but ask any of my pokémon and I bet you a 100 bits they would say they are happy with this. They enjoy proving themselves and becoming stronger, besides I never let them fight a battle I know it lost. They are my friends, my family. We fight for each other and with each other, I have sacrificed myself for their health, threw myself in front of others attacks if there was a sign they were going to be hurt" The children looked at him with awe and Ditzy smiled brightly to him, glad he treated the creatures well. Ash looked at all of them with a teasing smile and said "But don't tell Fluttershy about this, if she ever hears about pokémon battles, she'll have my head" The students laughed, knowing Fluttershy's love for animals of all kind, since they once had a day at her place, learning about animals.

"So any other questions, before I show you each of my pokémons special attacks or powers?" A few raised their hooves, excited.

Ash smiled warmly to them all and pointed at a young filly with a rose as a cutie mark "Why are they all so big, except the yellow one?" she asked a little nervous as she looked at the giant form of Feraligator, who smiled to them all happily.

Ash laughed and said "It's because they are all fully evolved, evolving is a thing pokémons go through when they reach a certain level in their power, they gets surrounded in a bright white light and begins to grow rapidly and get new powers. Take for example Feraligator here, before he evolved two times, he was just a little Totodile, only half my size, and loved to dance around" The giant alligator smirked brightly at the memory of his time as a Totodile.

"Are there any way to show us this?" Asked a curious Cheerily. Ash nodded quickly and not even a few seconds later, walked Pikachu over to him with his pokedex ready.

Pikachu opened it and pressed a few buttons, Ash looked at the class and motioned them to get closer and they did, each of them able to see the screen.

"You have chosen the evolution of Charmeleon to Charizard" The screen turned on and revealed a middle sized red lizard with sharp claws and fangs that made the students shiver lightly. Suddenly it let out a roar and began to glow brightly, it changed it physics, grew taller and expanded, the biggest change was it suddenly started to grow wings and when the light faded a large orange red dragon stood there, it looked up in the skies and let out a roar and let out a blast of flames from it mouth.

Once the video ended the students looked in awe, some in a little fright over the pokémons appearance. Ash turned towards them with a smile and said "Any other questions?" They all shock their heads and Ash smiled brightly as he began to explain about every of his pokémons, just from Pidgeot and her hundreds of times she had flown him through the skies, to Feraligator and the millions of times he had carried Ash over large docents of water.

One student looks a little confused and asked quietly "Mr. Ketchum? You said a normal trainer had six pokémon right?" Ash nodded with a smile "I only see five here" He stated as a fact, the others also looked a little confused and Ash sighed.

He looked at them all and said "Ok… Before I release my last pokémon I want you all to stay calm, and I will also have to say that even through my pokémon will not harm any of you, two of my pokémon are meat eaters, those two are Feraligator" He pointed at the large alligator who smiled embarrassed, the children looked a little frightened and Cheerily looked a little disturbed that something could eat meat "The second is my last pokémon" He wrapped his tail around it and threw it up and gave it a swift kick and opened it "Say hello to Charizard!" Out with a bright white light popped the huge dragon looking, orange red pokémon. It let out a roar to make sure of its presence and looked around at the children and then looked at Ash with a raised eyebrow.

Ash smiled to the pokémon and said "Sorry for the surprise buddy, but we are here to teach some of the children about pokémon and I thought they would maybe like to see a battle between two of my pokémons?" Charizard smiled to him and nodded, happy to get some action "Ok Charizard, you are up against Pidgeot, at least try to keep it to a minimum, I don't want anyone hurt" He leaned in and whispered "But give them a show they can remember" Charizard growled in amusement and gave a quick nod, before he turned to Pidgeot and gave the female eagle a quick look that basically said 'let's dance'

Pidgeot gave a quick screech already in battle spirit and gave her strong wings a quick flap and was lifted at least twenty feet into the air. Ash just smiled and said "Begin!" The first move was made y Pidgeot and her incredible speed as she zoomed towards Charizard with a speed unlike anything seen by the ponies and several would have sworn it could out fly Rainbow Dash, even if Scootaloo would deny it to death. It gave a loud screech and was just about to slam into Charizard with a powerful tackle attack, before Charizard flew out of the way, making Pidgeot barely able to prevent slamming into the ground. She looked up in confusion and annoyance and was just able to dodge a large pillar of flames shot at her, now burning and slowly melting the smaller stones on the ground. His flame thrower was ended with Pidgeot suddenly appeared next to him and gave him a quick Air Slash to the side, making him grunt heavily in pain, the ground area where the flames hit where now glowing bright orange from the heat.

Charizard quickly revenged the attack with turning around, ignoring his pain, and give the gigantic bird a quick slash attack, sending it flying back wards a few feet. The students at the ground was silent in awe with open mouths, nearly forgetting to breath normally as they watched the intense battle up in the skies. Even Cheerily was too captured by the intense spirit of the battle high above them.

Charizard continued the attack with sending a strong blaze of fire against Pidgeot, making her screech in pain over the intense heat that surrounded her entire being. Some of the students looked a little worried, but Ash just smiled and called out "Come on Pidgeot! Show that overgrown lizard what the queen of the skies can do!" Pidgeot let out a large screech and with a single powerful flap with her enormous wings all the flames vanished and in the next second she vanished from sight.

One of the students looked around in shock and asked "Where did it go?"

"Extreme Speed" Ash said proudly "One of her most powerful moves, at this moment she is so fast it is impossible to see with the eyes"

Most students looked at him with a new kind of awe and Scootaloo couldn't help but mutter "Sweet Celestia… That thing is even faster than Rainbow Dash…"

Ash looked at her and said "First off, Pidgeot is a female, not a thing. And second Pidgeot is probably the fastest pokémon known in my land. Her speed is one of the biggest reasons I won the championship" The student nodded, understanding and completely awestruck over the speed of the bird.

The battle continued as Pidgeot was able to land quite a few hits on Charizard with her superior speed. Charizard, wounded and tired of the tries to hit the bird all the time, finally got enough and his whole body glowed orange and he sent a massive heat wave out in every angle around him, and sure enough was there a sudden screech in pain as Pidgeot was hit by the wave of fire, it quickly lost a little balance and was just able to come up again before she hit the ground.

"What was that?" Asked Sweetie Bell with wide eyes.

Ash frowned a little and said "That was Overheat, a very good move that causes a lot of damage, but it also weakens the pokémon that uses it, this means that Charizard either wants to end this quickly or is getting desperate…" She nodded understanding the basics of the attack.

It didn't take long before both pokémons was panting heavily and Pidgeot was having a hard time staying in the air, while Charizard had landed on the ground to save some energy. He looked up, sweating slightly and gave a smirk as he fired another flame towards the bird. Pidgeot responded with dodging it and fly down towards Charizard with high speed, letting the gravity help her to gain speed and power to the attack. Charizard looked at the incoming attack with a smile, and took an attack position, ready to take on the last challenge from the gigantic female eagle. He moved his claws up and his eyes narrowed in concentration. His fist began to glow in a yellow light and a small amount of sparkles and electricity could be seen from it, Pidgeot didn't notice this as she flew with incredible speed towards the target, believing she would hit him perfectly and win this match.

All the students held their breath as the eagle zoomed closer and closer, Ash smiled brightly, knowing Charizards last move and equally surprised that Charizard had learned it, he certainly hadn't told Ash about that one.

It was just as the last few feets between the two fighters closed in, noticed Pidgeot the glowing fist and widened her eyes in fear and realization. She had walked, or flied, right into a trap. The game was lost. She felt the punch suddenly hit her directly in the back and powerful electricity storm through her body, before darkness overtook her and she fell unconscious. Lowly muttering a weak "Pidgeot…"

Some of the students looked a little worried for the big beautiful bird and stepped forward, Ash just smiled and said "Don't worry, she is fine. A quick nights rest and she is back and ready to fly. So any more questions or are we done for today?"

"I think we have seen enough" Cheerily said with a kind smile "Thanks for your wonderful presentation Ash, I doubt any of us will forget this show in many years to come"

"What in the hay is going on out here?" Yelled a shaken voice from a distance, Ash turned around and saw a shocked Twilight standing with her friends and Fluttershy looked particular scared, mainly because of Charizard.

"Just showing of a little and teaching the children of pokémon on a request from Cheerily" Ash said with a smile.

"But what was that lightning tower that appeared from the ground?" Rainbow Dash asked bewildered, not able to understand since lightning came from the skies and down, not opposite.

"It was the start demonstration. Pikachu just showed his maximum powers off in one strike" He replied happily, looking proud at the pokémon sleeping peacefully under the tree.

"W-Was Pikachu able to summon so much electricity?" Asked Twilight, a little scared and shocked.

Ash nodded with a smile as he said "That he was, sorry if I caused any panic in Ponyville I just wanted to give the kids a full show. I will try to keep my training sections to a low level to prevent to much damage or panic"

Twilight let out a sigh and said with a tired smile "That would be wonderful…" She then looked annoyed "Now I only have to explain what made such a panic state in Canterlot. The Princess wrote me and asked and I quote 'Twilight Sparkle, can you please find out what was able to create so much power if sent the whole town into a panic attack?' She was quite upset"

Ash sweat dropped a little and smiled apologetic "Sorry for creating such a ruckus… Didn't really think…"

Twilight smiled to him and just shook her head as she walked away, her friends gave Ash an amused look before they followed her, except Pinkie who stayed behind, who smiled brightly to him. He smield back and asked "What's up Pinkie?"

She gave him a smile and said "Oh just wondering if you would like to go to a party with me!"

"Sure when" He replied happily, always enjoying Pinkie's party

"NOW!" She yelled excited and before he knew what was going on, he was pulled away, hearing his pokémons laughing behind him.