• Published 18th Nov 2011
  • 1,299 Views, 20 Comments

Glitterglen - Khenal

Seven ponies set off into the wildernes to found a new settlement.

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Getting Started

Charity's journal 1st Granite 94

That was a close call. We had just decided that this place would be known as Glitterglen, when a flock of deadly Honey Badger Pegasi descended from the sky with murder in their eyes. I made the call to arms and we fought them off together, I even managed to kill one of the bastards myself. Stomped him in the head and smashed it's skull open, but that's nothing compared to that Earth Pony Miner, Cryptson I think his name was. He killed three of them with his bare hoofs, he's been awfully silent too. I think I'll be keeping my distance from him. But now I'm covered in blood, I wish we had some soap for nice bubbly bath.

Fortunately, there are no serious injuries from the attack. The Nurse and the carpenter took a bruising, but I've been assured their injuries are minor and that they will recover with no need for bed rest. Good, since we don't yet have any beds to rest in.

Charity's journal 1st Granite 94 addendum:

We tore up the wagon and used the wood to make a space for our carpenter. She made a wooden axe and has gone of chopping trees. That mason Pegasus has started building a couple of furnaces. When she's done our metalworker can make Cryptson a pick and he can get started digging out our new home, hopefully before something worse than a flying flock of Honey Badgers shows up.

Charity's journal 12th Granite 94

The pick is forged, and Crypton has taken to digging out what will be a space for us to move our goods to underground. I have also ordered the construction of a few bits of furniture that will make our new home a bit more livable.

Charity's journal 25th Granite 94

Crypton has finally finished the storeroom, and without missing a beat has gone off to dig out the dormitory area. The rest of us will have our hooves full moving the few supplies we have underground.

3rd Slate 94

Living quarters have been dug out. We moved a few tables and chairs in there, and are in the process of putting a few beds in as well. Now that I've got some space to work, I'm going to take an inventory of all the supplies we brought with us.

Cryptson came to me today, he seemed down, but no worse than usual. Told me he'd struck an aquifer and he thinks it's quite deep. He said we won't be able to get any stone until we find a way past it. This won't be easy.

14th Slate 94

Praise Gadan!* We took a chance, and it payed off. A little exploratory mining has netted us a way around the aquifer to the stone below. It is a bit of a walk down the new hallway to reach the staircase down, but it will save us months of work trying to breach the aquifer. This will do just fine for now. Now I have to tell Cryptson to stop hanging around the meeting hall with those Pegasus girls and to start digging out some workshop spaces. He's going to be in work for a long time.

8th Felsite 94

Not much has happened over the past month. Our metalworker, Cinderspark, has been keeping busy by constructing our last bit of copper ore into a suit of armor for Starkey, the Pegasus to wear, and a couple of weapons. Starkey seems content with the plate and his new axe.

I had Pillomino fly over to the river and construct a bridge, as I don't know from where our reinforcements will be coming from, and I don't want them stranded on the other side of the river.

We now also have the space to move our carpentry shop underground, along with a pile of wood. Additionally other work spaces are beginning to take form.

11th Felsite 94

How adorable, I noticed that cat we brought along to deal with pests seems to have taken a liking to Cryptson, it's been following him around for awhile while he works. I think he's gotten attached to the little thing, because I overheard him talking to it when he thought he was alone, he's apparently named it Rorul Larebsur. Maybe the little guy will cheer him up some. I know he gets lonely down in those tunnels.

4th Malachite 94

Cryptson and Rorul have broken through into a vast underground cavern. According to what I heard, they nearly fell in while digging out a new downward stair way when they hit the ceiling of the cavern. We will patch up this hole, in case of cave swallows, and then dig through one of the many columns in the cavern. Looking around through our tiny hole we have been able to see that the cavern has rich deposits of Cobaltite, along with gemstones lining the walls, and a small underground lake. I might order a well to draw from the lake. Just in case.

5th Malachite 94

A new batch of convicts and criminals approaches. I've been sorting them and here's what we've got: a male earth pony with no skills, hope he learns fast cause he gets the privilege of maintaining our fields now, he should enjoy that. Earth ponies like playing in the dirt. A unicorn bone carver, she also claims to be trained in setting broken bones, a worrying combination I feel. Another unicorn claims to be a damned legend back home, says she can glaze pottery better than anyone else. I told her that I hope she can carry stone half a well as she glazes them because that's likely all the work she's going to get here. We also, got a female Craftpegasus, a female unicorn weaponsmith, and most interesting of all a Royal pony**. He hasn't had to do a days work in his life and has no combat experience, however, he'll learn quick. Those Royal Ponies are damn clever, and I'm sure we can find some worthy task for him.


Author's Notes

On the bottom here I'll be putting in various little bits of information as they are needed. For example, the deity that Charity mentioned. Note will be done with asterisks, so that information can be easily organized.

* Gadan the Virtue of Angels is a deity of The Shells of Dance. Gadan most often takes the form of a male unicorn pony and is associated with happiness.

** Royal ponies are a rare caste in the pony fortress mod, and are alicorns.