• Published 18th Nov 2011
  • 1,301 Views, 20 Comments

Glitterglen - Khenal

Seven ponies set off into the wildernes to found a new settlement.

  • ...

The ponies start making plans

Khenal's Account

I am such a foal! I was returning from fishing with a rather nice mussel and I decided to stop for a moment on the retaining wall. I never facehooved so hard as when I realized I didn't have enough room for takeoff!* Luckily, the others noticed and helped me down. I've never been so embarrassed in all my life.

Khenal's Testament

Bleh, "testament" is defiantly not the word for this book. Charity came by to ask how the managing was going. I tried to play nonchalant, but she could see right through me. We talked for a while and I told her how I just wanted to be treated like everypony else. She still seems a bit unsure of this, but was kind enough to assign somepony else to managing the work orders and asked me to talk with Starkey about military training.

Starkey, there's one scary pony. He's the main martial pony around here, with several kills to his name. He's a bit gruff, and a tough teacher, but it makes sense. I mean, this is a deadly serious profession he's trying to get through my thick skull. He's gotta be hard so I don't just panic when ponies need protecting, and I appreciate that I get no special treatment from him. After training, I try to help with other tasks around also, but I'm usually even more exhausted than when I helped with the farming! It's a good exhausted, though.

Khenal's Record

Deadly serious profession indeed. A magma crab managed to get into the fortress and had several ponies trapped! Lolum, a recruit from the other squad, was the closest military pony and didn't hesitate to come to the defense of those ponies. Details of the fight are sparse, the witnesses say there was a lot of smoke and fire. Lolum defeated the magma crab and saved those ponies, though it cost him his life. Everypony is doing what they can to honor him, setting up his tomb and beautifying it. Me, I'm doing my best to live up to his legacy: to do my best to protect those ponies of Glitterglen, no matter the personal cost.

Friesden's journal

New plan. Pegasi have a short runway requirement. What if I were to make the wings larger? I'll try the first experiment on Khenal....just need a donor for the wings....That craftspony doesn't look like she's doing anything important. How to arrange an... 'unfortunate' accident, though?

The diary of Nicolta Tesla

3rd Sandstone, 94

Today I arrived at Glitterglen with two other ponies. The overseer asked me what jobs I could do, so I started telling her about my current death-ray project. She seemed glassy-eyed until I began explaining the work I had been doing on cutting gem lenses. At this point she interrupted me, saying she was glad the fort finally had a gem cutter, and galloped off.

The journal of Cap'n Starkey:

26th Limestone, 94

Well, our badger-pony problem doesn't appear to be getting better anytime soon. Not that they're much more than a nuisance, really - I made short work of this batch. It's actually quite the thrill, getting up close and personal with the enemy. I've been thinking I might hold off on taking up the crossbow again, stay down on the ground for awhile.

When I got back, Miss Charity took one look at me and told me to see Doc Friesden straight away. I told her I felt fine, but she insisted. I get that she worries about us, being our leader and all. But I'm a big colt and a soldier besides, I think I can take a few hard knocks.

- - - - - -

Just got back from a visit with the good doctor. I take back what I said about Miss Charity.

And the badgerponies.

And the crossbow. We could do with our own little Skyguard out here, and I told Miss Charity as much. She agreed, and said she'd see what she can do.

I wonder how hard it would be to put an axe on a crossbow? Or maybe a sword, swords are nice too...

*the rest of the page is filled with doodles of pegasi dealing death to badgerponies with a variety of crossbow-hybrid weapons*

3rd Sandstone, 94

Miss Charity introduced me to a couple of prospective recruits for our Skyguard: a filly I vaguely remember meeting in basic back home, and some new colt who just showed up this morning. I set her up as my first squadron leader, with the new kid - Lolum's his name - on her wing. Not much else we can do until we get some weapons and ammunition.

4th Sandstone, 94

Miss Charity is either exorbitantly overprotective, or she's got a thing for me. She sent me another rookie today, and this one's a doozy: a royal pony, direct descendant of the Goddesses. I spoke with this Khenal kid, and turns out he's the one who got stuck up on the wall the other day. I asked him how a pony with wings gets stuck on top of anything, and he told me he didn't have room to take off. Asked him if he knew how to hover, and he gave me a blank stare.

Yeah, you're with the ground squad, kid.

Or maybe not? God-kin can fly and use magic. I wonder how many crossbows he can levitate? Oooh, maybe he can carry a ballista like ol' Primrose used to do back home?

18th Sandstone 94

I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Lolum went after a magma crab that cornered some ponies in the underground. Not sure how it went down exactly, but I saw him as they were rushing him up to the hospital. Poor kid was scarred up and bleeding all over, his mane and tail were burned clean off. Found out later he didn't make it. His wingleader took it real hard. She said she'd never lost anypony before, told her it happens to us all eventually. Asked me how I got over it, I told her I still haven't.

We said a little prayer to Kulet for him together, and I guess that made her feel better. I'd write a poem, but neither of us is any good at poetry. I hope Lolum doesn't mind.

Friesden's Diary

Well, somepony seems to be keeping an eye on the craftspony. Can't find any simple methods for tricking her into amputating her wings.

Wait. New idea. Poison the booze. She'll have to drink from the well, and will 'accidentally' fall in! It can't fail! Time to do it right away!

Friesden's diary

The booze is poisoned. Only have to wait for our plans to succeed....wait...idea! Let's chop off the horn of a unicorn and attach it to a pegasus! What could go wrong with that? Who to cause an unfortunate accident for? That's the question....

Khenal's Diary

Wait, did I use diary already? Ah well, this booze is awesome and everyone needs to know about it! I have to compliment the brewer, usually it takes sunshine** to even make me feel anything, woo!

From the diary of ThunderSplinter,

Circa late Limestone***:

I've examined the wall where Khenal became stuck when returning from fishing and it seems obvious that he needs to lose weight; in the meantime, I'll suggest to Charity that we install some simple ramps.

Early Sandstone:

Pony migrants! A new pegasus presser makes 5 of us now. Might have to nominate the most qualified as our air traffic controller and designate proper landing areas - and make sure that Khenal knows how to use them. Even royals need to follow the basic rules of flight.

Mid Sandstone:

Our first casualty....... Lolum will be missed, but his selfless bravery certainly saved several others. If only we had had more time to get to know him so we could honor him properly. This area we have settled needs to be tamed, so I am going to volunteer my axe for service and defend our burgeoning colony.

Signing off for now,

Khenal's Ugh

Is this what a hangover is? I woke up with Feiesden giving me this strange look, and my horn is sore. In fact, my everything is sore. What did I do last night? Oh clop, my training! Starkey is going to give me hell!

Friesden's Journal

Success! I've not managed (yet) to get another pegasus' wings to extend onto Khenal's, nor a horn to create another royal pony....but I've stolen some wood and used it to make additions onto Khenal's wings while he was knocked out by the alcohol. Now to arrange for that unicorn's unfortunate accident....hahahaha....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Friesden

The Journal of Cap'n Starkey:

Private Khenal never showed up for practice today. I didn't see him until late this afternoon. I would've scolded the lad for skipping out, if I had been able to stop laughing at the ridiculous wooden shit tacked onto his wings. Oh goddesses, he looked like a bucking peacock, it was just grand. I imagine the hangover, plus the trouble of getting those damn things off will be punishment enough. Dammit, why didn't anyone tell me we threw those kinds of parties here?

Khenal's Tragedy

What? Tragedy is a valid thing to call you, my book. My life lately has certainly felt like the tragic tales of long ago. I had never been hung over before, and through the haze I didn't notice these...things on my wings! I had expected Captain Starkey to make me do 100 laps of the walls, or 2000 push ups, but he just laughed. I was confused, until he managed to say "wings" while gasping for air. And I thought the wall incident was embarrassing.

Khenal's Report

It's been a few days since the peacock incident, and things are going well. In hindsight, it was a good prank. I even kept the things, they might make a good silly costume later. I think I might ask Thunder Splinter about woodworking, see if I can make the things easier to wear. Right now they are pretty rough, I had to pick several splinters out of my wings after getting them off.

Friesden's diary

Curses! And we would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for that meddling pony! Good news is that the patient is trying the experiment himself, too. We can observe his results and improve on them ourselves! Now, to try our next experiment: Dropping him from a cliff and seeing if he can fly!

From the diary of ThunderSplinter.

I've heard some daft ideas in my time but the latest ....um....idea (? if you can call it that) from Khenal takes the cupcake: working wooden extensions to his wings! Has he not considered the extra effort that will be required to take-off with all that extra weight - even now he has difficulties taking off from a wall with his existing wings.

Seriously, Khenal, paint them in pretty colors and put them over the lintel of the gatehouse so that everyone knows this is a flier friendly area.

In possibly unrelated news, whoever is stealing my wooden logs, knock it off! There are much more important projects for that wood than whatever you are up to.

Signing off for now,

There is a small unassuming brown leather bound book, worn down with age and use. This book is kept by our overseerer Charity, and she is never parted from it, always hidden under the journal she normally keeps records in. She can be seen scribbling in it when she thinks nopony can see her, and has never let anypony see it. Inside the book is, among other things, the following entries.

Charity's Secret Diary 15th Malachite 94

That earth pony Cryptson came down to my working area in the dining room during his break today. He tried to start up a conversation with me. I told him I was busy but he kept trying to talk anyway, so I took my break early and chatted with him some. He's pretty smart, for an earth pony. We talked about our lives back in Tailentranced before Princess Dizesh Hugwax sent us to this gods forsaken land. I enjoyed talking to him, I hope he comes back to talk again soon.

Charity's Secret Diary 17th Malachite 94

Crypston came back to visit me again today. I hadn't noticed before how blue his coat is, and how pretty his eyes are. If only he weren't an earth pony...

Chairity's Secret Diary 14th 94

Gods what's happening to me? Cryptson keeps visiting with me, and I think I'm falling in love with him. The way he carries himself, the way his beautiful violet coat shimmers in the candle light. The way he acts. Back home he would be considered a legend as strong a miner as he is, and yet he's as modest as they come. He is a good man, I know my father wouldn't approve, me a daughter of the Kindplays family, and he a common earth pony, of a common profession, but I love him all the same.

Charity's Journal 21st Opal 94

Our magma forges are properly up and running now. Ironya and Cinderspark are ecstatic. They can't wait to get to work, as soon as we have some proper materials imported. I have made sure that precautions are taken to avoid another Magma crab climbing into our (A line streaks across the page as if the book had suddenly been ripped from the hooves of the writer.)

Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan. Lolum Abrasenshal and Zuglarolan.

(On the next page)

A frightening thing just happened. My book was torn from my hooves and thrown across the room. Upon investigating, I saw that the words in red on the previous page had appeared. It seems as if Lolum is unhappy with the speed at which we are setting up his resting place****. I will go down personally and make sure that burial is achieved right away, hopefully that will be enough.

Charity's Journal 6th Obsidian 94

No additional sign of the apparition that visited me has been seen since we finished the tomb of Lolum. I hope this means he is gone for good. The supplies we were promised have not yet arrived. We were promised them by the end of winter, and while they are not technically late yet, I would have expected them by now. I hope for our sake that they have not run into misfortune. The jungle is a dangerous place, full of creatures capable of killing anypony wandering around carelessly. Or they might have been ambushed by Diomedian***** ponies. Cryptson says I'm just being paranoid. I hope he's right.

10th Obsidian 94

Avan Loelfotthor, that earth pony farmer, spotted a flock of Honey Badger Pegasi. Starkey, Khenal, and Otik ran to deal with the problem. Almost immediately, a war dog that Khenal had trained was struck down. Khenal took a blow to his left front leg at the start, but then he displayed a level of ability I would not have expected from a raw recruit in his first real battle.******

According to the others, Khenal killed 5 of the flying bastards himself. Afterwords the battlefield was soaked in blood.

That spear Ironya forged for him is truly exceptional. I'd love to see what she could do with some proper steel.

14th Obsidian 94

I am relieved. The caravan of supplies has finally arrived. I'm having them deliver a special package to the Princess for me: a statue of me carved by my dear friend Pillomino and a pair of puppy tallow cupcakes, the first attempt Khenal made in the kitchen. I hope she chokes on them.

Trading went fairly well overall. Traded most of Pillomino's statues for a pair of Apple Ents*******, one red delicious and one golden. Also, got a stray grizzly bear in a cage. Will discuss with Starkey how best to weaponize it.

I requested more metal bars/objects/anythings for next year, along with a few other odds and ends.

1st Granite 95

Hard to believe we've been here an entire year. I've filled up my journal, I'll have to get a new one. Looking back this first year here has been more successful than I could have ever hoped. We've set up a functioning community, have three of the bravest ponies I've ever seen watching over us, and I've met my love Cryptson. Praise Igest.*8

Here's hoping the coming year will go as smoothly.

Author's Notes

* Flier pathing in Dwarf Fortress has an interesting flaw in it: Fliers can get stuck on walls. Basically, they only try to go somewhere than can walk to, but will take a route over walls since they can fly. If they stop to consider their path while on a wall with no ramp down, fliers will get stuck.

** Sunshine is a particularly rare, potent and expensive alcohol.

*** The months are named after various types of rock.

**** If you take too long to bury any dead, they may come back as ghosts. These vary from fairly benign to absolutely deadly, depending on how the pony was feeling before they died.

*****Based on the legend of Diomedes, these are evil and twisted versions of the ponies in the show.

***** Units in battle can occasionally enter a martial trance, granting them unparalleled prowess in battle. It is temporary and depends on the training of each particular pony.

******* Livestock that act like trees. Actual fruit bearing trees aren't in the game, so the ents were made in an effort to get things like apples in game.

*8 One of the deities generated for this world. Ingest is a deity of love and is typically depicted as a male earth pony.

From here on out, I'll be labeling the notes as *number, instead of tacking more asterisks on. I didn't expect to need this many notes in one chapter before.