• Published 18th Nov 2011
  • 1,301 Views, 20 Comments

Glitterglen - Khenal

Seven ponies set off into the wildernes to found a new settlement.

  • ...

Prelude to Madness

Friesden's Diary

Dear diary

I can feel something tugging on me, like a puppetmaster on..on strings...I need.. i need help now. I need help i need help need help something's connjrhe euitneuh. Stuehuen qyuens. Duuiįrhłæeę glīēœ fheur jjw eiioo loppp fue kirer ba phn'glui mglw'nafh cthulhu r'lyeh wgah'nahl fhtagn firuhe tzeentch nurgle khorne slaanesh loipuy greuil poesd grhettrolling me. I can't trust anyone. I have to hide only the foals are trustworthy i need them to find whos controlling me somepony of them will know oh ingest above i need help something is grabbing me if you find this help me help me help me help me.

Friesden's New Diary*1

Dear new diary

I spoken to the foals he she he said he she he knowed who did it khenal khenal khenal khenal khenal khenal khenal khenal

Charity's Journal 19th Granite 97

Well, Khenal has finally taken action. This morning, he arrested Friesden, charged her with the murder of Efim, and placed her in one of our cells to await trial. She has been officially placed on leave from her position as Chief Medical Pony. Erok Zephyrcresent, our earth pony doctor, will be taking over Friesden's duties, though truthfully he is less experienced. I honestly hope Khenal is proven wrong in this, though the evidence is clearly against Friesden. Now I suppose we will have to organize a trial. Hmm. I guess I need to find somepony to speak as Friesden's defense, unless she wants to speak for herself. I'll make the appropriate inquires.

Charity's Journal 20th Granite 97

Thundersplinter is moving her carpentry shop into her tower, she's setting up on the third floor just above the fortifications.

28th Granite 97

The Parasprite problem is still extant. Otik has been using this as training for his marks squad. Says if they can hit a parasprite out of the sky then they can hit a Diomedian between the eyes. True enough, but this is taking too long and the area around the outside of the walls is covered with arrows now. I'm asking Starkey's squad to help chase away the filthy creatures.

Starkey's group is practically just running laps out there. Starkey and a few of the others with wings can catch a few of the buggers when they land, but for most of them this is just embarrassing to watch. Turns out it isn't easy to get rid of these things.

1st Slate 97

A single lonely migrant arrived today. Said he was part of a greater party that was ambushed by Diomedians in the jungle. He's the only survivor. He seems to taking it hard. His name is Toltot Glimmerfocuses, he's a pegasus and a bit of a Jack of all Trades. He's a Talented carpenter, a Master Mechanic, a competent Record Keeper, an Adequate Engraver, and studies Military Tactics in his free time. Truly an interesting pony. I will have to ask him more about his past, once he feels a little better.

Venture's Book

Hey book.

I'm feeling a little better now. I wanted to go apologies to little Andy, but hes so scared, he just runs away. It's the same for Daringsky too. It's just horrible book! I don't want to be a bad pony! I don't want everypony to be scared of me. I jus- * The rest of the page is covered in small water stains*


Big brother came to visit today.

I hardly ever see him nowadays. Hes always training or on patrol or something. Recently, the guards are all running after these little bug things. It's so funny! They all run after it around and around the fort! I... also saw the black vines again, but big brother was there and he hugged me tight and said everything was going to be all right until they went away. He also said he would make them go away forever soon! His cutiemark looked different for a second when he said it, like it had blood on it. But my big brother is the best, so hes not bad. Not Ever! He said he can help Dr. Friesden too and get rid of the strings! He is the best most brave guard ever!


I made a new friend today.

He's like me book, a pony that wants to be good but has a hard time doing it. He's name is Toltot. At first I thought he was a pegasus, but then I followed him to his room. I didn't get to say hello with everypony else. When I got there, I found him trying to glue some feathers from a bag to his wings. Big, scary bat wings! He was a Shadowbolt! I got supper scared, but he got down on his knees and said he was supper sorry! He begged and said not to tell everypony. He didn't want to leave just after he got here. He said that he want's to be a good pony like us and he's read an learned everything he could just to fit in and be usefull and stuff.

I know mom and dad said never to trust a domidimi pony, but for some reason, I do! I think he just wants to have friend and not be a monster just like everypony!

Just like me.


"Godkin", that's what every pony called them.

Peytrel muttered it under his breath like a curse. It was a curse a far as he was concerned. That's what his captain had called 'them'. They all thought they were the paragons of truth and harmony they said they were, but he knew better. He had seen first hoof how 'good' they can be, and now it was happening again. Dr. Friesden was arrested shortly after they talked. He had told her who was responsible, and now he was going to make all his problems disappear.

Just like they always do.

"Not this time. Not again." If the captain wasn't going to do anything about this, he would just have to take maters into his own hooves. It was time to 'AX' Khenal a question or two.

"Hold on Venture, big bro's going to make it right."

Khenal's Book, Chapter 29

Dr. Friesden is now in a cell awaiting her trial. I didn't have the guts to go and arrest her personally, I had a few of the Guard do it. Honestly, I'm not sure I could do it myself. Seeing her in there when I go to the barracks to train tears me up inside.

But I won't give up on her. Like many of the ponies here, she kept a journal. I never could figure out a motive for her to murder Efim, and her journal could be the piece that proves her innocence. After all, it only takes one piece of evidence to show she wasn't involved. However, it could also be the final nail in her coffin. I'll have a few of the Guards search her room for her journal and anything else that could be evidence of either her guilt or innocence.

Chapter 30

I don't think Peytrel likes me. I complimented him on the excellent door his father made for him, and he just looked angry with me. When I tried to ask how Venture was doing, he glared at me so hard I didn't even finish my sentence. I miss Venture, it's been far too long since we've talked. Well, she shouldn't be lonely, at least. There's several foals about GlitterGlen now, I'm sure she's made friends and is just busy playing and enjoying her foalhood.

Chapter 31

There was a new migrant to GlitterGlen today. Yes, just one. He said his group had been attacked and he was the only survivor, but something seems off about him and his story. I can't quite place my hoof on it, and it may just be that I'm thinking too much about Dr. Friesden, but I know he's hiding something. I don't think he means anypony harm, but I've obviously been wrong before.

Excerps from the diary of ThunderSplinter:

Late Granite;

Finally. This is the first entry in my new diary while I sit in my new workshop in the Air Control Tower. Everything smells so new and fresh, I can't wait to finish ferrying up my tools, blueprints, and personal effects. Have to move my bedroom up here as well. When Charity has time to spare, I will discuss it with her. For now, have to break in the new workshop by kicking out a few dozen blocks.

Ah, the serenity........

Early Slate;

The brewer kicked me out of the still again. He's getting very precious about that old thing, so plans for the new variant resin recipe have been put on hold until he goes to sleep and I can sneak in and work to my heart's content. Ironya's been a little busy lately so progress has all but stopped from her angle as well. Dr. Friesden's participation has also been curtailed, what with her arrest and all. Fortunately, I know what her wine is so I'll make sure she is properly taken care of there. Personally, I don't believe that Friesden is such the monster the guards say she is, even Khenal seems half-convinced she is part-diomedian or something horrendous like that. Well, I refuse to think that she is capable of such a heinous crime - every time she has instructed or assisted me in distilling the tree resin, she has been pleasant and forth-right, not something one expects from a cold-scaled killer.

Something odd, though. A new pony has been doing odd jobs for me of late and has been taking payment in the form of a failed resin I made some time back. Even though it is sticky as pony-snot, it stays soft and flexible - stocks are getting low, it might be prudent to make a few more jars and continue to figure out how to remove the last of the odor; it still smells a bit like a brewery explosion. A big one.


Notebook of Ironya. (stained with ash, coal and occasional burned borders.)

Entry 1: Acquired this book and feather and some ink when Charity was busy watching Khenal arresting Friesden. I hope that Charity will not mind. I saw she had a cabinet full of them. She will not notice.

Entry 2: We need more weapons. We always need more weapons. I want shiny weapons.

Entry 3: A single migrantpony has arrived. Peculiar. I also have seen the journal of ThunderSplinter by accident when she was at work. How on Equestria others can write so much. My eyes go ouchie when I see so many letters. Why they write so much instead of working. My eyes are ouchie now too. Time to stop writing and go watch pretty hammer sparkles.

Note to self: Ask somepony about other symbols they use in their journals. Shiny symbols are nice.


Scrawled all across the walls of Friesden's cell is a single word, repeated and varied in size and legibility: Khenal. Hidden in the sea of this single name is one other word, written calmly and scratched out vigorously: Self. Wreathed by insanity, a few sentences stand as an island. They read thusly:

My revenge will be had on you who controlled me. I am free from your will. Forever.

Charity's Journal 7th Felsite 97

Charity's Journal 12th Felsite 97

One of our threshers has been taken by another unusual mood. She's flying right down to the craftshops as I write this. We will keep an eye on her further activities.


She has acquired one stack of logs and has started to work on something. She's being awfully secretive about what she's doing in there.

Charity's Journal 13th Felsite 97

A pair of Tentacle ponies a Keshi and two Shadowbolts were spotted across the river. The lead tentapony has a large battle axe, the others are carrying crossbows.


The warning bell sounds from high atop the wooden tower.

*Clang Clang Clang*

The sounds of shouts can be heard. Parents run and find their children, the sounds of crying foals can be heard over the yelling; scared and unsure of what is going on. The brave Commander takes action. Barking orders to his stallions. "Pull the lever! We can strand the grounded ones on the other side of the river! Otik! Get your marksponies to the walls! Everypony else follow me to the courtyard!"

Khenal, hearing the alarm, likewise readies his underlings for battle. Stationing them just inside the fort's entrance for the unlikely case of Starkey's Stallions falling in battle. They are to be the last line of defense.

Meanwhile the Diomedians entertain themselves by taking potshots at a tied down sentry war dog*3, laughing in their own dark way with each shot fired. The dog quickly expires as the metal bolts cut him deeply. After the dogs unfortunate end, the Diomedians make their way towards the bridge. The lever was pulled just in time, as it raises in front of them at the last possible second, stranding all the wingless ones on the wrong side of the river.

The vile force of darkness*4 waits together on the far side. They may be trapped over there, but they're armed with crossbows. However, we have them outnumbered. Otik cautiously moves her archers closer, into a position atop a hill on the fortress side of the river.

A firefight breaks out, missiles of iron, copper, bronze, and bone fly through the air. The first injured. Tecak the markspony, drops to the ground in extreme pain as a bronze bolt chips the bone in his rear right leg.

Too many of our ponies went without sufficient ammunition. They are being overwhelmed as the Diomedian bolts fill the air around them. A retreat is sounded, the marksponies retreat to the walls.

Casualties are: one dead, two injured and still being fired upon. In a desperate attempt to save them, Commander Starkey orders the melee squad to the river, and for the bridge to be extended.

Peytrel and Efim*5 the axeponies are the first to arrive by the downed pegasi. Osal is gravely injured, lying in a pool of his own blood, arrows protruding from every part of his body. His left wing is probably damaged beyond all repair. He lies unconscious, still clutching his legendary bow.

Peytrel jumps in front of Osal, taking two bolts that surely would have ended the pegasi right there. They strike him hard, but his bronze armor holds, though he is bruised and has had the wind knocked from his lungs. Efim begins to charge over the bridge into the waiting enemy lines.

Efim strikes the Keshi thrice with his axe and twice with his bare hooves. The final strike, from the shining steel axe, crushes the invaders helmet and gets momentarily stuck in his skull, before being violently ripped free.

Meanwhile Peytrel kills a Shadowbolt with a single strike to the side of his head. The enemy captain charges the wounded ponies across the bridge, but falls prey to a stray cage trap set to trap wild animals, removing him from the fight.

Only two remain: a tentacle pony bleeding from his tentacle, and another Shadowbolt archer. The tentacle pony lets loose a laugh, fell and terrible*6, dodging Peytrel's imprecise and unskilled swings, before lodging two bolts in the young colt: One in his rear right leg and one in his left front. Peytrel drops to the ground unable to fight any longer. Efim, distracted by the Shadowbolt is unable to help, and the rest of the squad is still lagging behind. The Diomedian Tentacle pony, walks up to Peytrel's form and whispers, "You fought like a little filly." before firing a bronze bolt into the young lad's chest at point blank range. The bolt cuts through his armor and shatters a left true rib.

The tentacle pony then makes his way across the bridge toward Osal's defenseless body. But then Efim finishes the Shadowbolt, severing it's wings and then spilling it's guts, and charges the tenta on the bridge. With the rushing water underneath, the two do battle. They make a circle around each other, putting Efim's back to the fort and the Diomedian's to the jungle. Suddenly a bolt flies over Efim's shoulder. It's captain Otik! The marks squad has returned to defend their fallen fellows! The bolt strikes the Tentacled bastard in his guts, but he merely suffers bruising as the bolt fails to penetrate his armor. Knowing he is definitely outmatched, the Diomedian turns to run. Despite the best efforts of Efim, Otik and Psycho Carrot*7, he is lost in the thick trees. Now is time for the ponies to tend to the wounded.


Charity's Jounal

The battle today has taken it's toll on all of us. One dead. Three badly injured, with no guarantee of survival, (plus one war dog but those are expendable). I just finished helping the injured to the hospital, and now I have the unhappy task of telling Peytrel's family about his injuries. They are quite serious, but not nearly as severe as Osal's.

Charity's Journal 20th Felsite 97

During the battle our thresher finished her object. It is a masterful carving depicting the founding of Glitterglen.


Though her walls are cleaned every evening, they are covered again with writing come morning.

I know you're watching me, Khenal, behind my eyes. But I know you're there now. You may have used me before, but never again. I'll die before I do your dirty work for you.

Peytral said he'd visit me, Khenal. Where is he? Have you killed him too?

I know you're there, Khenal, stop hiding from me. You can't get me again. Never. You'll never succeed again. Never again.

Khenal's Book, Chapter 32

Ingest above! The other guards found Friesden's journal, and I couldn't believe what it contained! The first entries seemed almost manic, exactly what I would expect from a pony who could murder. But, around the middle, the real Dr. Friesden started poking through. Towards the end, it seemed like two ponies were trying to write in the same space, with sentences mashed together and flowing into each other. I think she's either possessed or somepony, or something, is using long-term mind affecting magics on her. I don't know the specifics of what's wrong with her, but I do know this: She needs help.

And I can't give it to her myself.

The last time I passed her cell, I saw she had scrawled my name all over the walls. I don't think she trusts me to try anything magical to help her. Even if she did, I don't think my magic would be up to the task. I'm pretty good at telekinesis, but I am absolutely lacking when it comes to the more subtle magics. Venture has the talent and ability, but I don't know if she has the skill yet. But I fear she may be the only pony who can save Dr. Friesden.

I'll try to find a way to explain the situation to her parents and get their permission to ask Venture to try to save Dr. Friesden. I'll have to be delicate, I've heard rumors her family doesn't like alicorns. If Peytrel is any indication, I'll need to choose my words very carefully.

Chapter 33

Debrief first; always debrief first while the details are still fresh. A small squad of Diomedians was spotted on the far side of the river. Commander Starkey ordered the river bridge raised and the markspony squad into position to pick them off before they could harm anypony. I assembled the Guard inside the walls and tried not to think about what it would mean if we saw any action today.

When the sounds of fighting ceased, we were down another brave pony and had three with serious injuries. Including Peytrel. I have to ask his parents about Venture and Dr. Friesden right now. She's the head medical pony for a very good reason, and I fear her replacement may not have the skill to save all three of the injured.


Yet again, the walls were cleaned. Yet again, writings were there to greet the dawn.

Khenal Godkin, in fealty to the Princesses, our undying ladies, and by the grace of the God Ingest, I call thee diabolis, and in the testimony of thy crimes, I submit this carta. May holy justice account in all balance. The Princesses protect.

Venture's Book

Guss what book! I threw a party today!

It was a birthday party for Toltot. We were talking and I told him about the birthday party we had for my friend Andy and he asked me what a birthday was! Can you believe it book? He didn't even know what day he was even born on! I decided that we were going to have a party right then and there! I got up on the table and told everypony there that it was Toltot's birthday today and that we needed to party. He was so nervous, but once it got started he loved it! He said it was the most fun he had ever had. He even said it was his first party ever! We all had a supper fun time!


Some ponies say that after a battle, a dark graveyard silence descends over the fields, and that there is not a sound to be heard. At the moment this... was most assuredly not true.


The leader of the Diomedian attack had stumbled into a cage trap during the battle, and during the tending to the wounded, was forgotten in his cage. With his ax knocked out of his reach and his knife lost in a dice game days ago, he was trapped.


Having given up on trying to undo the cage lock himself, he instead decided to pass the time showing off his mastery of the traditional royal speaking tone.


Nopony in the fortress was particularly eager to collect the raging Diomedian. That is, nopony but one.

"COME ON YOU FLUTTERY LUTTERY LITTLE PISS! I'LL ROOKER YA UP ALL KROVVIER! I'LL... what's this? Horrorshow! If it isn't me new chelloveck. Here to get your droog out of this staja? Real dobby!"

The pony before him stood his ground a few feet from the cage, carefully taking the crossbow from his back.

"Sorry droog, got meself a new way now. Don't want to muky-up."

The caged pony was perplexed at this statement, and voiced his concern.

"What ya mean new way? Whats dat on your flappers? Is that flipy-fluff you got sukky on? Have you gone bezoomny? Your mozg fall out your gulliver! What's that pooshka for?"

The free pony, for his part, seemed to ignore the other as he loaded his crossbow with a salvaged Diomedian bolt.

"Can't have you govoreeting and creeching all me malenky see-me-nots away can I? That would be baddiwad. Very baddiwady."

The bow was raised and aimed towards the imprisoned and soon to be silenced pony.

"Bye-bye me droogy."

The other never got the chance to retort.

He would say it was the one that got away, most likely to get revenge for something or other. Eveypony knew how vile their kind can be. They would believe him. After all, Toltot had proven himself the honorable stallion. Why would he lie about this?*8

Venture's Book

My big brothers hurt! He's hurt super bad book! It's so bad, hes all bloody and he wont wake up! Daddy says the doctor will make him all better but mommy is just crying and... and...

Everything was going so well again. My friends came back and forgave me, we had Toltot's party and...

Why does the bad stuff always come when things are just getting good again! It's not fair!! I just-

got to go Khenal says I can help!

Khenal's Book, Chapter 34

That could have gone better. Venture's Mother was curled up and crying over the news of Peytrel's injuries and her Father looked ready to physically toss me out of their apartment. Before I could try explaining myself further, Venture came rocketing out of her room talking a mile a minute. I only caught Peytrel's name before the little filly almost literally dragged me out.

Well, her parents didn't try to stop us, go that's good, right? I explained to Venture that Dr. Friesden seriously needed her help, and that if she helped her, Dr. Friesden would be able to help her brother. We stopped in my office to grab a few of my relevant books, Venture is reading the spells that I think will help, so I'm using this time to write in you, my Book.

Looks like she's about finished and is ready. It's her show now. I hate to put this much pressure on somepony so young, but there is simply no choice. Time to lead her to Dr. Friesden's cell.*9

Author's Notes

1 Yes, New Diary.

2 Ponies can hold parties at designated meeting areas. Well, some meeting areas. Areas expanded from a table or a statue will allow parties, while zones designated freehand from the zone menu will not have parties. Personally, I use the zones. Parties keep useful ponies from doing useful stuff, and I am apparently a harsh dictator. Huh.

3 An effective, if perhaps cruel, way of spotting ambushes early is to chain animals in key locations about the map. The animal used varies, as they are most often just there as a sacrifice to discover invaders. Chickens and other poultry make excellent sacrificial sentries, since egg-layers reproduce very quickly if given the chance.

4 The alert for a siege tells of a vile force of darkness. This, however, is an ambush, and the phrase is simply used to show the seriousness of this particular ambush.

5 A new Efim, not the murdered fisherpony. I was tempted to mark each instance of his mention with the same note, but decided against it. Also, KingStrongBeard never capitalizes the poor guy's name, not even the old Efim. Efim gets no respect.

6 Your ponies can do this as well, signaling a fell mood. Think "Cupcakes", but they can't make foodstuffs. Here, the Diomedian is just being a jerk.

7 This is The Master's pony. As has been hinted at in the comments, things will be taking a turn for the...interesting very soon.

8 I still have no idea what they are saying, but I love how Thetyler decided to give the DIomedians character with the nadsat talk. I should put the names and characters of the ponies and people rping them into the long description. Expect to see that soon.

9 This marks the point where the thread shifts from mostly doing journal-style posts, and changes into a back-and-forth with responses flying rapid-fire. Consequently, the chapters from here on out will be largely from Khenal's perspective, with occasional perspective changes and/or journal entries from the ponies as needed. Hang on to your seats, it's about to get very interesting.