• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 1,621 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: Outtatime! - Darkblaze15

A crossover fic about ponies getting lost in different dimensions and one person's quest to return them to their own time.

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The Visitor

It is a beautiful day in Ponyville, as ponies scurry about completing errands and enjoy the wondrous summer weather, made possible by the gracious Pegasi of Cloudsdale. At Ponyville Cafe, Doctor Hooves and Bill Neigh, Equestria's dynamic duo in scientific endeavors, are discussing their latest scientific developments and theories over a fresh pot of tea.

"And that's when I realized that my previous formula was false," Doctor Hooves explains, "It was in fact the square root of the space between vectors that provided the key to inter-dimensional travel, thus proving my theory of the quantum leap was possible!"

"Really?" Bill Neigh asks in astonishment, "You always seem to find your answers so easily, Cornelius. I blame it all on your incredibly vast range of knowledge," he says as he takes another sip of tea.

"Oh, why thank you very much, William," Doctor Hooves says feeling flattered, "but I can assure you, this was no easy task. First, I had to--" but he was suddenly interrupted by a loud bang somewhere in the sky. "Great withering stallions, what in Equestrian was that?!" he exclaims.

"Look, up there!" Bill shouts, and as they turn around, they see a strange object fall out of the sky from nowhere and plummet towards the Everfree forest. "Come on, let's go see what it is!" he says and quickly gets to his hooves as he and his companion follow the path of the strange flying object. Together they trot into the forest as they see a column of gray smoke curl up into the air.

When they find the source of the smoke, they are shocked to realize that the flying object seems to be some sort of metallic, horseless wagon with four wheels, an enclosed roof, and fitted with all sorts of different gadgets and glowing parts. The two scientists warily venture closer to the strange wagon and wonder what could be inside when one of its doors opens and out steps a grey pony with spiked gray and white hair wearing a white lab coat and goggles.

"Great Scott, where the heck am I?" the pony says to himself when he sees the other two ponies with him and suddenly back-pedals. "Wha . . wha . . what in the world are those things?" he asks no pony in particular.

"Excuse me, but we are not simply 'things'. We have names, you know," Doctor Hooves says impatiently, which only freaks out the new pony even more.

"You . . but you're . . but you're ponies. Ponies can't talk!" the visitor says incredulously. "Wait a minute, I'm a pony! How did this happen?!" he shouts as he looks down at his own hooves.

"Now, calm down there, sir," Bill says as the new pony calms down and rights himself. "Now, why don't you tell us who you are and what you're doing here?"

"Well," the visitor begins, "My name is doctor Emmet L. Brown of Hill Valley, California. I was testing my homemade time machine, trying to go a few years into the future when the dial board experienced technical difficulties and soon I had no control of where I was going. That's how I ended up here."

"Wait, are you talking about time travel? It really is possible?!" Doctor Hooves asks, about ready to faint in excitement.

"Of course it is!" Doctor Brown says, "Now, you tell me where I am."

"You're in Ponyville, Equestria, where ponies do indeed talk. My name's Bill Neigh, and this is my friend Doctor Cornelius Hooves. Where is this Cali-what's-it's-name?" Bill asks.

"You mean you've never heard of California? It's only the second biggest state in the United States!" Doc Brown says.

"The what-now? What in Equestria are you talking about?" Doctor Hooves asks.

"Ugh, never mind," Doc Brown says impatiently, "Right now, I need to figure out how to get my time machine up and running again so I can get back to my own time, so if you don't mind, I'd better--"

"Wait, maybe we can help," Doctor Hooves says suddenly. Emmet looks at him with a raised eyebrow, but he continues, "My good friend Bill and I are pretty proficient in the sciences and are on the edge of a time-travelling breakthrough ourselves. I'm sure anything we can do--" but just then Bill elbows him in the ribs.

"Um, can I speak with you for a second, please?" he asks Doctor Hooves, who agrees, and they trot a little ways away. "Doctor, what are you thinking? We have no idea what type of machine we're dealing with here," he says in a hushed tone, "I don't even know what it is, and you're offering our help to work in its inner mechanics?!"

"Calm down, Bill, and look at the opportunity presented to us," Doctor Hooves says soothingly, "We've almost perfected our quantum leap theories, and this technology might just be the push we need to finish them. Plus, imagine what all the other ponies in this world would say if he tried asking for their help?"

"Well, I suppose you're right about that," Bill complies, "So, Doctor Brown, how can we help to fix your - um, what is it exactly?"

"Why, it's a Delorean retrofitted to travel through different dimensions of time," Doc Brown begins, but stops when he sees the blank stares on their faces. "Don't tell me you've never heard of or seen a car, before."

"A what?" Doctor Hooves asks innocently.

"Doctor Brown puts his hoof to his face; "Oh, this is going to be fun," he groans as he steps back into his time machine.