• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 1,620 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: Outtatime! - Darkblaze15

A crossover fic about ponies getting lost in different dimensions and one person's quest to return them to their own time.

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Old Ponies, New World

Doctor Emmet Brown was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about going back to the future the next day when he woke to a commotion in the laboratory. He galloped out into the room just in time to see Doctor Hooves and Bill Neigh disappear in his time machine to god knows where and when.

"I knew those two would try and pull something like this!" he says angrily to himself, "Especially that Doctor Hooves character, always asking questions about how time travel worked. They could be anywhere in the space-time continuum by now . ." Then, he remembers something he did before the ponies found him; "Yes, I already locked in the date and time I was to return to once I managed to get the Delorean fixed, so at least I know where and when they are. The question is, how do I find them?" He stays up for the rest of the night trying to figure out a way to get back to the past.

Doctor Hooves and Bill Neigh, after eventually figuring out how to walk with their new legs, they head into a nearby town, which they find out is called Hill Valley. As the duo make their way across town, they marvel at the many sights that lie before them; architecture they have never seen before, other people of all shapes and sizes, and cars that roll around every street corner.

"My word!" Doctor Hooves says, "This is all simply magnificent!"

"I wonder if we're in the past or the future?" Bill Neigh says, astounded by their surroundings.

"Why, it must be the future, of course. Just look at all of these technological advancements!" Doctor Hooves says and points to someone using a water bubbler. Bill Neigh looks over at a group of kids who had been staring at them ever since they had arrived.

"I'll ask them if they know what year we're in. Excuse me, boys," Bill calls out to the kids, "Is this the future or the past?"

The kids snicker amongst themselves. Finally, one of them says "Get lost, freaks!" and they ride away on their two-wheeled contraptions.

"Well, that was rather rude," Bill says to his companion.

"It must be a new sign of greeting others in the future. Hey, you there," Doctor Hooves shouts at an elderly lady, "Go lie in a ditch!" The woman, clearly offended, hurries away as fast as she can.

"I don't think it's a sign of greeting," Bill says as he sees the looks of disdain the bystanders give the duo.

"It seems like we have a lot to learn about the future, my dear William," Doctor Hooves says. "So, let us begin our journey over there!" he exclaims and points to a sign that reads "National Science Conference; Today only, from 1-4pm".

"Are you sure, Cornelius?" Bill asks nervously.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life! Science is something we know, so maybe if we tell people about our scientific endeavors, they might begin to accept us!"

"Well, if you say so," Bill says unconvinced as they make their way to the town hall.

Back in Ponyville, Emmet trots towards John Darkblaze's shop to gather materials for his project. He still had his notes with him, so if he can replicate the Flux capacitor, then he might have a chance of traveling back in time without his time machine. As he trots away from the shop, he let's his mind wander and ends up crashing into a lavender unicorn with dark purple hair.

"Oh, dear! I'm terribly sorry," she immediately apologizes, "I'm usually not this clumsy."

"That's fine, I'll be alright," Doc says as he tries to recover his materials as quickly as possible, but she simply continues.

"No, I feel just awful about this! Here, let me help you," and she uses her magic to put all the pieces of metal and wires in Doc's satchel.

"Thank you. Well, I must be on my way," doc tries to get away, but the unicorn is insistent.

"Are you sure there's nothing else I can do to help? What are all these materials for?" she asks the flustered gray pony. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name's Twilight Sparkle, who are -" suddenly, she gasps as if in recognition. "Wait a minute - you're that time-traveling pony Pinkie was talking about!"

Doc Brown nearly has a heart attack as he tackles Twilight into an alleyway. "How do you know about that? We told Pinkie to keep it a secret!" he demands angrily.

"She told me because she couldn't hold it together; something about making her feel weird," Twilight explains, "Anyways, I haven't told anypony else about it, I swear! Please trust me!"

Doc looks into her eyes and realizes she is telling the truth. "Okay, you're in the clear - for now. How about you tell me what you know, and I'll help fill in the blanks. Not here, though," he says, "somewhere private. where nobody - uh, nopony - can hear us."

At Twilight's castle Twilight listens intently as Doc Brown tells his story, all the while her grin growing wider and wider. Finally, when he finishes, she gazes in wonder at him; "Wow," she says "I never thought about a time outside of our own, what life might have been like in the past." Then, she adds "How can I help you find Doctor Hooves and Bill Neigh?"

"Well," doc says sarcastically, "Unless you've got a spare Flux capacitor in this castle of yours, then I don't see how."

"I don't have . . whatever you just said, but I may have something better. Follow me!" she says enthusiastically as she hops out of the room, with doc close behind her. when she shows him the mirror to Canterlot High School and explains its purpose, his eyes suddenly light up with realization.

"Then . . all I need is to reconfigure the hard-wiring on this so that it takes me back in time instead of to another dimension! Great Scott, this is brilliant! Thank you, Twilight; and here I thought I wouldn't have found any good friends in this world."

Twilight blushes as Doc Brown sets to work, using the materials he bought fro John to calibrate the mirror for time travel. Being an aspiring engineer and inventor, he finished the job in less than an hour and sets the estimated time of arrival based on his assumptions.

Twilight looks in nervously. "Are you sure this will work?" she asks Doc anxiously.

"If my calculations are correct, I should arrive on the exact date and the exact time once I walk through the portal. Well, here goes nothing," he adds as he pushes a button which powers up the mirror. He says one last farewell to Twilight as he gallops through the mirror and back into his own time.