• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 1,621 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony: Outtatime! - Darkblaze15

A crossover fic about ponies getting lost in different dimensions and one person's quest to return them to their own time.

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Back to the Future

Once inside, Bill and Emmet gaze over the hundreds of heads that occupy the theater hall to catch sight of their friend. They eventually spot him making his way towards the stage up front, upon which Hubert Grant is making a speech about his latest achievements in nanotechnology as various clanking sounds can be heard backstage. Bill and Doc try to get to the front without being noticed to grab Doctor Hooves before it was too late.

"Cornelius!" Bill whispers to Doctor Hooves as they sneak backstage, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm looking for ways to sabotage this presentation, of course!" Doctor Hooves says hurriedly, "Now, are you two just going to stand there or will you help me?"

"Neither!" Doc says in a hushed tone, "We're leaving and I'm taking you two back to Equestria!" but Doctor Hooves continues on his search.

"Cornelius, get back here!" Bill says and rushes up to Doctor Hooves. They make contact and roll around until they get tangled in the curtain and pull it down, revealing what was backstage to the audience. Behind the curtain is a cluster of different machines, but they weren't making anything at all - only the noises they heard before.

"Who has done this?" Grant bellows, and he sees Doc Brown standing wide-eyed. "You . . . I knew you'd try to sabotage me eventually."

"Hey, it wasn't him, it was me!" Doctor Hooves says as he lifts himself out from underneath the fallen curtain. Grant is about to turn on him when one of the scientists in the audience speaks up

"Say, what's this, Grant?" he asks, "You told us you had machines making these microchips this very instant."

"Well . . of course I did!" Grant says, looking slightly flustered, "But these machines can only produce one microchip at a time, and here it is!" he exclaims as he holds up a thin piece of circuitry, which Doctor Hooves suddenly snatches out of his hand.

"Truly fascinating, all of that information on such a small piece of wires and circuits," he marvels at the microchip. Just then, Bill pulls out of the curtain in a frenzy and knocks into his companion, sending the microchip flying. Another scientist picks it up and easily snaps it in two pieces.

"This is just made of plastic," she says and throws the pieces on the ground. "You're a fraud!" she adds and soon the entire audience is on their feet protesting the mighty Hubert Grant. Instead of calming the audience, however, he turns to the trio who had ruined his elaborate presentation.

"You . . . . get them!" he shouts to his followers, who immediately storm the stage as Doc Brown, Doctor Hooves, and Bill Neigh scramble towards the exit.

Once outside, the trio make their way to the Delorean as Grant and his goonies get into their SUVs. "Come on, Emmet, get this thing powered up before they get to us!" Doctor Hooves exclaims.

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" Doc Brown says impatiently; soon, it starts up and they speed out of town square with the convoy of SUVs close behind.

"Alright, Doc, I'll admit it!" Doctor Hooves suddenly bursts out as the chase brings them out of town, "I did take the Delorean in my own selfish behavior, and Bill here tried to stop me. I'm a scientist, and figuring out things that don't make sense is my passion. So, when you appeared in Ponyville talking about time travel, I just had to see for myself if what you said was true! Please forgive me!" he cries out with tears in his eyes.

"I'm grateful for your confession, but there's little we can do about that now," Doc says, slightly less annoyed than before.

"Is there any way we can get rid of these guys?" Bill asks Doc; suddenly, Doc's face lights up.

"Yes . . . I know a way to get rid of these losers and get you guys back home!" he exclaims. Doctor Hooves and Bill Neigh look at doc with confused looks, but Doc continues to speed through Hilldale until they come to the railroad crossing. Without warning, the time machine jumps into the tracks and speeds towards Eastwood Ravine - and in the path of an oncoming train! Grant and his gang, who had begun to follow them along the tracks, are forced to turn away, but the Delorean continues on, despite Doctor Hooves and Bill Neigh's screams.

Almost before the train hits them, Doc swerves the time machine out of the way - and right off the edge of the cliff. As the Equestrian scientists scream in horror, Doc flips the time circuit switch, deploys the hover feature and zooms towards the ground. The Delorean eventually reaches 88 mph and disappears in a blinding flash of light. As Grant makes his way to the edge of the cliff, he sees the explosion and, presuming the car's occupants to be dead, simply walks back to his own vehicle.

The Delorean soon reappears on the edge of the Everfree forest, back in Equestria. Doc sets the time machine back down on the ground as they get out to say goodbye to one another.

"Are you sure we didn't cause too much trouble for you back home?" Bill asks nervously, "We did create quite a mess of that convention."

"Don't worry about a thing," Doc says, "I had quite a lot of fun with the two of you. And don't worry about the convention," he adds, "I should actually be thanking you! Now that you've exposed Grant as a fraud, I don't think many people will ever believe anything he says from now on, which is something I've fantasized about for forever."

"Well, I suppose that's good, at least," Doctor Hooves says.

"Also, if Hubert saw us go over the cliff, he will probably think I'm dead," Doc says. "So, when I return, I can't wait to see the look on his face when I 'come back from beyond'," he says as he chuckles to himself.

Doctor Hooves and Bill share his delight as they say one last goodbye to Doc Brown. After wishing them good tidings, Doc sets the time circuits, lifts off from the ground, and speeds into the sky until he disappears in a flash of light and trail of fire. "I wish we could get to see him again, someday," Bill says, reminiscing on their adventures together, "He seems like a really good guy."

"Well, my dear William, that possibility might just become a reality for the two of us!" Doctor Hooves says as he takes out a folded bundle of papers and unfurls them to reveal complicated blueprints and plans.

"What's this?" Bill asks his friend.

"While Emmet was away getting supplies for the repairs, I took the time to copy his notes and blueprints for time travel and the Delorean," Doctor Hooves says eagerly. "We've spent so much time working on that machine that I'm sure we'd have no trouble replicating it. What do you say, Bill? How would you like to have the ability to visit any dimension of time your heart desires?"

Bill Neigh hesitated before giving his answer; "You know, Cornelius," he says, "This adventure of ours made me realize that there are so many eras of time that nopony knows about other than our own time. And, while we were not at all prepared for what we would encounter, I think this experience has enlightened me so that I feel we can do whatever we want in the name of science. Count me in!"

"I knew you would," Doctor Hooves says lightheartedly as the two trot towards Ponyville, discussing the plans for their next big adventure.

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