• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 925 Views, 36 Comments

Cool Story Bro... But mine has ponies! - Cool writer

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Teaching How to Walk

The first lesson I needed to learn, was that not everypony was happy with this new "arraignment" they were stuck with. Some were distraught, and a few were ready to wither away, while others were a little too eager for their... "rest." I'm not going to go into the grimdark stuff over there, but I will say, it was tough. I admired a few bronies and pegasisters for starting "the equestrian relief," a group helping inform/train people to be ponies. Not everypony knew things like, unicorns could levitate objects, or pegasi could walk on clouds. So, I took it upon myself to start the a branch of the equestrian relief at my school. Me and some kid I converted to the fandom a few weeks prior the the change (but mostly me) were leading it. It hadn't taken long for me to master basic magic, that being levitation and lasers. I created a forum for unicorns to post on about any breakthroughs in magic (connected to a sister forum for pegasi and weather control). So far, we had a way to craft basic spells, but we were nowhere near anything like an "anti curse" spell, or a transformation spell. Better spells would require different methods... or more magic. Considering that for most ponies, crafting a spell drained them, and it only winded me, led me to believe I was more magically inclined... not by much though.

So, I did my part. Helping out at the Equestrian Relief took up most of my time, good thing schools were kaput for the moment.

It was funny when ponies asked about Equestrian culture, and when I got to the royal sisters. I would say that the alicorns had both horn and wings, then flair my wings/ ignite my horn. The smaller ones started hailing me as a prince! I let them do it, because I needed something to smile at, and to take my mind off of the tough things. Well... then again some bronies on the internet joke (or at least I hope they're joking) about making me a prince. They'll say things like: "we can build a real Equestria with your alicorn powers!"

... The more I think about it the more I think they weren't joking.

But any hoo, Me and that kid, Ace Winchester (I made sooooo many supernatural jokes at him, like calling him "Dean" or randomly screaming "SAM!" to get his attention), were at the Equestrian relief meet up on the foot ball field at our high school. He had become a unicorn, and since I had the wings of the two of us, I helped the pegasi.

"Ok, now that we're done with flight warm ups we can begin today's lesson. Today, I'm going to teach you how to make it rain." I said to the group. A few tweens started "making it rain" with their hooves and wads of invisible money. "Boy, I wish." I joked along with them. "But any ways, this is a bit tricky, and I'm still working out the kinks to the technique, so if you have an idea, speak up." I then nodded to a dark cloud hovering behind and above me. "That's a rain cloud, you make them by clumping enough clouds into a small enough space. We haven't got a way to do that without a large group of ponies gathering around the clouds and moving in, these suckers are a lot harder to squeeze than you'd think!"

"Your mom's harder to squeeze than you'd think." A younger tween said. I face hoofed (I'd been around these ponies enough to learn how to do that without a concussion each time).

"Thank you, Tyler, for that unnesisary yo' mama joke. You get to stay and clean up the water after class." I smirked. He looked confused.

"What water?" I flew up onto the cloud, and began bouncing on it (clouds are a lot like trampolines), causing it to rain heavily and the cloud to turn white.

"That water."

"How am I going to clean that up?!?" He squeaked. I'm not evil, he cold just hold a cloud over it and it would do the trick.

"I already told you how." I said, cracking my white tale like a whip. I'm not sure exactly why I did that... but that's not the only thing.

A theory's been running around the magic/weather forums about how we may have some mental pony attributes as well as physical. Those threads had stories of people who'de never even heard of the show saying things like "everypony" without even noticing. But the main piece of evidence is that ponies were hot. They pony body apparently came with pony hormones... so yeah! Ponies are hot now!

... and not in a R34 way. A part of me dies when I need to say that.

So Tyler got to work figuring out what I meant (most of the water was dry before he finally realized he could use a cloud), I got to work teaching all the ways you can buck a cloud, and the many results it has.

"So, hoping on it creates a stream so long as you're hopping... but a kick-"

"Buck," I corrected. The stallion asking gave me glare.

"... a buck makes it rain until it's empty?" He asked. I believe his name was... Richard? I'm not sure, I suck with names (at first).

"Yes sir!" I said, smiling as widely as possible.

Sweet Celestia it feels good to be important.

"You're enjoying this way too much." He rolled his eyes.

"Some one has to." I said, as though it were the only thing I could say right then. He rolled his eyes again. I looked at my watch (which is a pain to keep on, might I add) and noted the time. This was a 2-3 hour thing starting at 12:30 each day, so class was over for today.

"Alright, that's all for today, thanks for coming! See you all tomorrow, when I teach you more about using lightning!" I said. The younger ones murmured excitedly.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Some adult asked.

"If you were a human, yes. But we, are cartoon ponies. Ponies can take lightning, it's happened multiple times and every single one the pony turned out alright. But if your worried, we'll have safety measures, like Tyler will be locked in the closet." I said, turning to the trouble maker.

"What?!?" He shrieked in mock fear. We all laughed at it. I turned and walked over to Ace (aka that kid that I got to join the fandom).

"So, how was today's lesson for you?" I asked.

"It was ok. Wish I had help though, they don't listen to me!"

"Aww... It's ok Ace. They just need some motivation, might I recommend your name-sake?" He gave me a funny look. "I recommend a 12-gauge." He thought for a second.

"Really?" He asked, flatly. "I'll give you motivation if you make another gun joke or supernatural reference! That joke is also out-dated because we can't even use guns anymore! Let alone we don't need to."

"What ever Dean, I gotta go for a run." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"What is it with you and running?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I don't know, it just feels so good to get this new pony heart pumping! And the feel of dirt against your hooves..." I grinned at the thought. "I'll catch up with you later," I said, waving as I went.

"Yeah, later!" He called after me. "We still need to watch more-!"

"We will!" I called over my shoulder, breaking into a gallop. It felt so good! I flapped my wings to give me a speed boost. I couldn't fly fast yet, so this was the next best thing. I smiled and started laughing. And ran. I ran happily until I made it home. The only downside to running, is sweating. It makes the fur pat down against your skin and it's super uncomfortable. But I think it's worth it for the euphoria. I also sweat less than other ponies, making me think that I'm more physically inclined. I wonder if I'll fly faster, or get smarter than other ponies... We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I trotted inside, and waved hello to my mother. My dad, had turned into a pegasus, so I'd came up with the idea of going on family flights sometime, because I love family activities, and we all have wings.

"Hey Liam!" Mom said. "How was the relief meet-up?"

"It was good," I said. "I'm just gonna get in the shower," I said. Let's just say... it was a challenge.