• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 925 Views, 36 Comments

Cool Story Bro... But mine has ponies! - Cool writer

  • ...

Family Flight

I had taken a lot of begging and pleading on my part, not to mention a few weeks of it, but I finally got my family to agree to go on a flight together. By this point, I was pretty apt at flight so I could go pretty fast. Nowhere near a sonic rainboom, or even a regular sonic boom, but I can still go fast. As things are turning out, I am faster than the average pony... still not by much though. That is leading me to believe I don't constitute a "natural alicorn," in layman's terms: I'm not immortal.

... Well I dodged that bullet pretty well! It was dusk, and we walked out into the back yard. I flaired and flapped my wings excitedly.

"ooooh! I can't wait! This is gonna be so fun!" I cheered, jumping up and down excitedly. My dad looked at me weirdly.

"Yeah, being trapped as characters from a little girl's cartoon and going for a flight... that's 'fun'." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You'll love it." I said, waving a hoof dismissively. "I love flying, and so dose everypony-" My dad groaned at my use of the "p word," "... That I've met loves it too." I continued right on with my sentence. "It'll be great!" I said, nudging my dad in the shoulder. He rolled his eyes some more. They... weren't enthusiastic about the change. They (rather grudgingly) accepted things and moved on. This (for them) was a huge step forward, especially considering they would never practice flying, let alone move their wings. I would occasionally catch them trying to walk and sit like a human. But, enough about that, we've got flying to do.

"Alright! Up up, and away!" I said, assenting into the sky and doing a cork screw. I started laughing, as I was filled with euphoria. It took me a moment of doing loop-d-loops to figure out that my family hadn't taken off yet.
"Come on guys!" I called, motioning for them to follow me with my hoof. Mom and Dad looked at each other uncertainly. "Come on, we won't go fast!" I said. Dad looked a little nervous. So, I decided to mess with him.
"What's the matter? Chicken?" I asked him. His uncertainty was wiped off his face, and he looked at me. So, I made a few "bwak!" noises. He flapped his wings, and started flitting up to me. I smiled. "There's the spirit!" He wobbled uneasily in the air, so much so, that I could tell he wasn't practicing. Sure, he didn't want to come to the Equestrian Relief meet-ups, but I guessed he was at least practicing flight, the most basic of pegasus skills. "You should really fly more." I said. He looked at me, in a way that said: "Shut up before I ground you." That's one thing I dislike about my dad, he's hard to talk to sometimes. Really hard to talk to sometimes. Like, sometimes I felt I was wearing formal attire when I'm around him, a bottle-neck on the faucet that was my personality, so that only a little bit of me comes through. Sometimes it's loosened a bit, but I never feel safe in those moments. Always like I'd say something he'd think was weird, and think about and judge me on. But, there's no use thinking about that now, it's time to go flying!

"So mom," My sister called out. "You gonna come up here or what?" Mom flapped up to us, looking a little uneasy.

"You two really need to practice." I joked. I backed away and did a flip.

"Be careful!" Mom squeaked. I grinned at her.

"Unlike you, I'm good on my wings, so I can do stuff like that." I boasted, puffing out my chest. "It pays to practice." I breathed a breath on the side of my hoof, and rubbed it against my chest as if I was shining it. My dad rolled his eyes.

"That's weird, considering you'd fight us on practicing piano." I sighed.

"Come on, that was at least 6 years ago!" I laughed. My parents rolled their eyes. "Oh, whatever!" I laughed some more.

"So, where we going?" My sister asked. I thought about it for a moment, before responding.

"I was thinking... to town square, look around there for a bit, then come back." I said, tilting my head from side to side.

"Sounds good," Mom said, wobbling. I laughed a bit. I started flying off, and motioned for them to follow.

"Like seriously! Have you used your wings at all sense I trained you? If I were you, I'd fly every day! ... Oh wait, I don't need to be, and I already do!" I joked. "But for real, get out and fly some! It's not natural for a pegasus to spend so much time cooped up, or not flying."

"I'd say it's not natural for a pegasus to exist." Mom interjected. I rolled my eyes.

"Well they do, and you are one. So deal with it." My sister said, before I could.

"Nooooooo! You beat me to it!" I said, in mock anguish. "I was gonna say that!" They laughed. I flew silently for a while, doing flips and barrel rolls (screaming: "Do a barrel roll!" before each one, naturally) the whole time.

"Stop doing that!" Mom snapped, nervously.

"Please mom, I'm not a foal anymore." I said. Mom looked confused.

"You never were a foal." She corrected.

"I never said I was." I counter pointed.

"Yes you did, just now! When you said 'I'm not a foal anymore'." I cocked my head at this.

"I said that? Huh... I guess I did." I decided to shrug it off. "Meh, not the weirdest thing that's happened," Before they could say anything, I added: "... Post- ponifing." So, that's how the rest of the flight progressed, us laughing and talking, and a few tricks thrown in. Pony bodies are a lot more dureable than human ones, a fact that had taken a lot use to convince my mom to go faster than an elderly pony. But, all and all, It was a good night.