• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 925 Views, 36 Comments

Cool Story Bro... But mine has ponies! - Cool writer

  • ...

Parental Training


"Dad, you need to get better at flying, no if and's or buts about it."

"Yeah! I'm better than you! And I'm a little girl." My sister exclaimed.

"oooh!" I said, mock wincing. "That'll leave a mark on the ego." My dad rolled his eyes.

"Flight is not natural." He stated. I looked at mom.

"HERDAD'SAPILOT!" I coughed, beating my chest for affect. "Sorry, tickle in my throat." I sarcastically said.

"Not like that, I mean with wings!"

"Plains have wings." I counter pointed.

"Not feathery ones!" My Dad shot back.

"Bir- irds." I chirped. He grumbled at me.

"Look, as it stands, I'm either gonna train you like a dog, or drag you to the Relief meet ups myself, and I can do that. So what'll it be?"

"I'm not flying." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't tell me that that flight we went on, didn't even feel a little good." He shook his head. "OH COME ON! You're telling me you don't get the euphoria! Even people with the fear of heights get that! I don't buy it."

"I'm not flying."

I groaned, and face-hoofed. Since last night, I'd been trying to get him to go outside and practice flight. Let's just say... he wasn't being cooperative. Finally, I'd had enough. I grabbed him in my levitation, and walked out into the back yard. I held him over the pool.

"You're gonna fly, or you're gonna fall." I said. He looked at me.

"I can stand being wet. But can you stand being grounded?" He asked.

"ground me from what?" I scoffed. "Video games? I can't exactly do those anymore... Hooves, Remember?" It did suck... that I was bluffing! I could totally play video games! Hooves work... surprisingly well as hands. I just cant type and stuff, making PC gaming a pain... until I realized I could use my horn. So... yeah I can game, better than before actually.

"Fine." I put my dad down on the side of the pool. "But you need to practice flying. It's like working out, if you don't do it, soon you'll be to weak to do it at all!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes. "Look, my longest flight time is... around 10-15 minutes, how long can you fly?" I asked.

"I... don't know." He said.

"Ok, let's time it..." then an idea hit me. "Let's make a bet. If I can fly longer than you, without stopping, then you have to come to 5 relief meetups. And if you fly longer... then I'll never bother you about flight training again. Oh, and interference doesn't count." I said. He thought about it for a second.

"Seems fair." I smiled.

"Alright... 321GO!" I leaped into the air, and began to hover. My dad followed me. I smiled, and flew high into the sky, and dove quickly back down to my Father's level. He was struggling to stay balanced. A few minutes later, he flopped to the ground, panting. Landing next to him, I added up how long he was flying in my head.

"Soooo... that was... 4 minutes, and my top time was 15, and I was doing maneuvers, flying around, and actually moving, which takes more energy, so that's about 20 to 25. You. Didn't. Come. Close. See you at the Relief meet up tomorrow!" I chirped in a sing-song voice, grinning at him as I trotted off.

I looked down at my clip board, reading over the key points to talk about. My Dad sat on the bench, forelegs crossed and pouting. I looked at my clock, and started the timer.

"Alright ponies! Let's begin!" I called out. My dad grumbled, and slowly and reluctantly walked over to the group. "Pegasi with me, unicorns with Ace here." I said, nodding to the other teacher. We separated into our groups, and I began.

"Today, we were going to learn how to glide... but really, all you do is hold you wings out, and fall. Everyone fly up a bit, and do as I do." I said, demonstrating what I just said with ease. The whole class (minus a few people) got it on the first try. "Now, we could do that for two hours... or we could have a racing tournament!" The group cheered as I said that. My dad (on the other hoof) was still pouting. "Alright, everypony find someone to race with, and we'll start!" Every one partnered up, and I checked to make sure everyone had a partner. There were 4 groups, so everything was even. We all trotted over to the foot ball field, and began.

My dad... didn't make it past the first round. At least he put up a fight. His situation didn't become hopeless after 3 seconds (like I expected), It became hopeless after 30! So that's good...

I've got my work cut out for me.