• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 3,038 Views, 26 Comments

You will be Upgraded - EmperorDalek

One man, one night...And one bullet. These things changed his life...forever.

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Upgrade in-progress

Tom walked through the streets by himself. His hands were in pocket, and his head was hung low. He had just experienced what he never thought would ever happen to him. An argument. He had just witnessed his girlfriend, Patricia do the one thing that broke his heart.

She looked up from what she was doing]g, seeing his horrified face as he looked towards.

Before she could say something that sounded like an appolagy - He turned, and left.

The night sky hung high over him, not doing much to improve the terrible state of mind he was in at the moment. How could she do that to him? How could she not tell him that she was...As he had explained to his younger sister when she accidentally found out this specific person? Why couldn’t they have done it somewhere else-…? That was his bed too, for f’s sake!

‘’Whatever…! I’m done!’’ He exclaimed to himself. Moving his arms out to the side. ‘’I’ll get my stuff, and leave tomorrow. Maybe I’ll head home to my sister, and see how she’s doing. Hopefully I can stay there a few days, until I find a job or something – Without Patricia, I won’t last long on my own.’’

He turned, taking a left, and heading inside a park.

Venturing through the darkness at night was probably not the best he could do at the moment, but he was depressed, and sad, so there isn’t really much that could affect him at this point – His sister, was just a theory, and even then it’s completely likely that she’ll want to speak to him again, considering…It was a good effort, though. A nice plan in case he couldn’t think of something.

Suddenly, out from the side, a man walked towards him.

This stranger, whom he didn’t know, reached inside his jacket, and pulled out a small thing from his pocket.

‘’Oh shit!’’ Tom exclaimed. He turned, and started to make a run for it. ‘’Ah! Hold it right there, man!’’ The stranger shouted. But Tom kept running. He sighed irritated, and fired the gun. The bullet hit the ground, and he once again shouted ‘’Hold it!’’ Tom stopped running, raising his hands above his head. ‘’Yeah, yeah. Good boy.’’ The man said. He walked up towards Tom, starring at him in the face. ‘’Now…Be a good boy and give me any valuables you may have, and nobody gets hurt.’’ He smiled deviously. Tom could see it in his face. He had no intention of letting him go…He was going to kill him…But that still didn’t mean that he had to die quietly, or couldn’t attempt to change fate.

He lowered his arms, moving them inside his jacket pockets, making sure to thorough search.

‘’Come on! I haven’t got all night!’’ The man said frustrated. Tom looked up, looking behind the man – He saw something. The man noticed this, and faintly turned his head to look. ‘’W-what? What are you looking at?’’ He asked.

Suddenly. Out of pure desire to survive. Tom charged the man. He swung his arm, knocking the gun out of the guy’s hands. The guy turned, and looked towards him. But before he could react, Tom delivered a painful punch to his face, sending him falling to the ground.

He ran towards the side of the road.

‘’AGHHHHHHHHH!’’ The guy shouted angrily. ‘’Come back here, and let me-‘’ suddenly. He heard a clicking noise. He turned, and saw Tom standing, holding the guy’s gun. It was aimed at the guy. ‘’Don’t you more, motherf-…Or I’ll put you down for good!’’ He shouted. The guy stopped. Like with Tom, he put his arms above his head. A smile formed itself on Tom’s face. ‘’Now, we’re going to go to the Police, and you are going to-‘’ suddenly, a gunshot was fired. Blood squirted onto the ground, and a loud thud of something hitting the ground followed.

The guy lowered his arms, panting softly. A second shape ran towards him. He turned to face it. ‘’What the hell were you thinking, idiot!?’’ The newcomer said angrily. ‘’If I hadn’t heard you, this could have gone down a lot worse.’’ The newcomer turned its head, looking around. ‘’Come! Let’s get out of here. People might have heard that.’’ He turned, and started to run towards the bushes. The guy hesitated for a few moments – Starring down at Tom’s motionless body. He hurried and retrieved his gun from Tom’s hands. Then turned, and started to run after his associate.

Everything was black. The world, his thoughts, everything, even himself was dark.

He didn’t know where he was. He assumed this was the afterlife, but if it was wouldn’t it be much more involving? The afterlife didn’t seem so mysterious once you knew that you would spend an eternity wandering an endless, black, void of nothing.

Moving his arms (he thought, he wasn’t sure if he even had any arms now). His found that it was like he was surrounded by water. He tried to move his legs. But once again, all that came to mind was water – The only form of weight-less gravity he had ever experienced.

‘’Hello!? Is anyone there!?’’ He called out. He didn’t expect to be answered, and as predicted…he wasn’t. ‘’Well…that’s just great!’’ He shouted angrily to himself. Throwing his arms into the air. ‘’I try to save my own skin, and I’m killed…What are the odds!’’ He said.

‘’Can this day get any more worse!?’’ He shouted.

Suddenly. Underneath him. A large burst of light was suddenly shined upon him. He looked down – If his eyes were still physically there, they would have widened in shock at the sight he saw. Below him, a swirling vortex of energy was shining towards him…But, strangely enough it looked familiar, like he had seen it before. But where?

Instantly. The weight-less feeling he had been experiencing while in this place, before the vortex appeared. Suddenly, vanished, and he found himself beginning to fall face-down.

At least he now knew where he would be falling. If he had begun to fall upwards, that would disturbed him. But it’s not as if this would save him, he was still going to hit something…Eventually…Hopefully.

He now fell inside the vortex, it’s wonderful, blue, swirling, glow, surrounding him. But again, and more frustratingly, this all seemed so familiar…The vortex especially.

He fell for what must have been a pretty long time...But that all, finally, ended when he saw something. A white light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, an end to either his life, because if this was life, he didn’t want to live it…Or, whoever was doing this to him – If there even was someone or something that was controlling all this, and doing this to him.

The whiteness of the light grew stronger, and stronger…Until finally, it enveloped him.

For a second, there was nothing but white.

Suddenly. A powerful pain shot through him. He leaned forward…Wait? Leaned? B-but, he was dead, wasn’t he? The pain returned without hesitation. Forcing him to lean forward again.

The pain accelerated, and built on top of itself. Getting worse, and worse than he had ever felt anything. He raised his head, and looked up to where he had just fallen from. He opened his eyes, and let out a loud, agonizing scream.

The pitch of his scream started to change. Beginning to sound much less than himself, and more artificial. There was a sudden burst of white light. He clenched his eyes shut, and raised his arm to shield himself from it.

Surprisingly, it started to fade, losing its brightness, and becoming much more tolerable. To that, he lowered his arm, and opened his eyes again. He once again looked out with his eyes, but what he saw made his jaw drop. As a shock, he found that it didn’t drop.

Surrounding him on almost every front, were trees, and mountains in the distance. Had he been sent back to Earth? Had he been resurrected? How was this possible? How could he not only be surrounded by forests, but also feel pain? It didn’t make sense.

‘’W-where am I?’’ He suddenly stopped himself. He brought his hands up to his mouth, covering it. ‘What the hell? Was that my voice?’ He questioned himself. He turned his head, looking at his surroundings. ‘What the hell has happened to me?’

Removing his hands from his mouth, he stumbled upon another discovery – Touch. He felt his skin as it moved, he felt a soft breeze brush against it. He opened his fingers, feeling their movement.

He held his hand up in front of him. He jumped back, as he saw it. ‘’W-what? N-no! T-this can’t be possible.’’ He said to himself. He raised his other arm, holding that out in front of him as well – It was exactly the same.

‘’I-I-…I am a…Cyberman.’’ He said to himself.

Author's Note:

This is my first story, ever.
I have many more planned for the future, but i won't be uploading every one at the same time...Maybe.

Please comment, and tell me about this first chapter - Your oppinions on the idea, and just in general grammar mistakes that i may have overlooked...Though, people do that regardless
