• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 3,038 Views, 26 Comments

You will be Upgraded - EmperorDalek

One man, one night...And one bullet. These things changed his life...forever.

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*Two months later*

Twilight paced back and forth within the Library. Her mind was focused on the creature she, they had encountered in the Everfree Ruins, the Creature of iron. It has single-hoofed almost defeated her…maybe. She don’t really remember much of her encounter with the iron creature.
‘’Twilight. You’re focusing on this too much. You need to sleep a little, relax yourself.’’ Spike said, as he watched her continue to pace around the room.
‘’I can’t, Spike.’’ Twilight said, not looking up from the floor. ‘’You don’t know what this creature is capable of. If I hadn’t stayed behind to fight it, it might have gone away, and might still be hiding out there in the Everfree. After all, we don’t know whether this thing has the ability to become invisible’’
‘’But Twilight, you told me, or rather us, that it didn’t escape. It was electrocuted, and then collapsed right in front of you…But then, you were struck unconscious – By the time Applejack, Rarity, and the rest came back there was no sign of a struggle between you and the creature.’’ Spike said. He motioned with his claws for Twilight to calm herself. ‘’But that just means that somepony else wants the creature gone. Why are you acting so worried over this?’’ He asked her. She stopped in her tracks, and turned, trotting towards him.
‘’But why then would they knock me unconscious, instead of explaining who they were? Why would they remove it from under my muzzle?’’ She asked, extending her hoof out towards the wall. ‘’They may have wanted it gone…But I don’t think they wanted it destroyed.’’
She lowered her hoof back down onto the floor. She turned, and looked blankly down towards the floor. She let out a depressed sigh as she spoke.
‘’If only you were here…’’ She gave a slight chuckle. ‘’You would know what to do.’’ A slight smile formed in the corner of her frown.
‘’Who?’’ Spike asked confused, not knowing whom Twilight was talking about. She looked up, casting HIM a confused glance.
‘’Oh! Right!’’ She exclaimed. ‘’You weren’t here that week.’’ She said, looking down into his little eyes, that glanced back up at her, wearing a look of utter confusion that seemed to be growing stronger with every word she spoke.
‘’It’s a long story…’’ She put a hoof up under her chin. ‘’But…Eh, I’ve got time.’’

After telling him of the story of the Medic, and the great battle he had fought, Spike’s mouth dropped, unable to believe the extraordinary he had missed out on while he had been gone.
‘’Well, what happened to him?’’ Spike asked her.
She looked up and turned herself towards the wall behind her. She raised her head, and looked up towards the ceiling. Her horn glowed, and in an instant she vanished – Re-appearing, up on the second floor, more specifically, her bedroom. She trotted towards a desk that stood underneath her bedroom window. She looked down at a small rectangular frame that rested atop it. She smiled softly to herself, as she picked it up with her hoof, and teleported again.
She returned back down to the first floor, appearing in front of Spike. She moved the picture frame towards him, he grabbed it, and held it with his claws. His eyes looked down. The picture in the frame was showed Twilight, and a Stallion with a light-brown coat, and a darker shade of brown Mane. He had an hourglass on his flank, and wearing a trench coat that sprouted the same color as his mane.
His arm was wrapped around Twilight’s shoulder, and smiling back at whoever was taking the picture…But the environment behind them was something he didn’t recognize.
‘’That was taken on the Moon of Yavin, a jungle planet which is the resting place to these ancient ruins, left behind by an ancient species called the Eternals, who are sadly extinct now.’’
He lowered the picture, and glanced up at her, his eye twitching. ‘’Spike?’’ She asked concerned, noticing that he was acting a little weird.
He raised his arm, holding it out in front of him. ‘’So let me this straight. You’ve been with some Stallion to another planet?’’ He asked, sounding not too certain of what he was saying. Almost like he was questioning whether or not he was crazy. Twilight nodded her head, smiling back.
‘’Yes…I don’t think I’ll tell you any more than that. I’m afraid you might not be able to handle it, if I did.’’ She levitated the picture out of Spike’s grip, and teleported again. She re-emerged again a few seconds later.
‘’Ok-ay. Whatever you are doing, I want in!’’ He said excited. ‘’So…Where do you want to go now? When can we-‘’
‘’SPIKE!’’ Twilight shouted. He stopped talking, reaching up with his claws, and covering his mouth.
‘’Thanks, Twi.’’ He thanked her, as he lowered his claws, and moved them down. He raised his head, looking back into her eyes. ‘’But when can we leave?’’ He asked. On Twilight’s face, a look of sadness started to take hold. She lowered her eyes, looking down towards the ground.
‘’You can’t…Spike-‘’ she said, her voice beginning to break as she looked back up at him. ‘’He-…He’s-…’’ She hesitated, clearly, not feeling comfortable saying the words she was trying to say.
‘’He’s…Dead.’’ She said. Her mouth started to dribble, as tears started to run down her cheeks. She brought a hoof up to her mouth, holding it. Spike’s mouth, once again dropped, hanging open. On instinct, he guessed. He moved in towards her, unfolding his arms, and wrapping them around her, holding her against him.
‘’There, there, Twilight.’’ He said, gently patting her on the back.
‘’It was my fault.’’ She sobbed, holding him tightly against her. ‘’I-…I wanted to go forward in time and learn about a pivotal moment he told me about, but he told me not to. He went there on his own, and that’s when it all started…The Beginning of the End for my travels with him…
*Some explaining later*
We travelled to a house, it was in the middle of sandstorm, on an abandoned planet, in a forgotten world. We explored the house, it was clear that it had long-since been abandoned…But still, he told me that he could sense something evil about it. But ultimately, we didn’t find anything…Something found us. There was a struggle, but we managed to free ourselves, and escape back here.
He had been fatally wounded. Sweetie Belle, and Rarity helped me get him back into the console room. He told us to leave, I didn’t understand why, and refused to leave him at a time like this. He then materialized the TARDIS away, leaving us in the Library by ourselves. It materialized away, and I haven’t stepped inside it since.’’ Twilight sobbed. She wiped one of the tears from her cheek with her hoof.
‘’There, there, Twilight.’’ Spike tried to calm her, patting her back. ‘’I’m sure he will come back one day. If he has something as powerful as a…TARDIS, which can travel in space, and apparently, also time, I’m sure he can come back.’’
She shook her head. ‘’It has already come back a long time ago.’’ She raised her hoof, pointing it up towards the closet. ‘’It’s been sitting inside my closet.’’ She said. Gently, he pulled away from her, casting a puzzled glance back towards her. ‘’You mean to tell me that he has come back? Then why are you-‘’ She raised her hoof, silencing him. She lowered it back down against the floor. ‘’It came back, but that didn’t mean that he did.’’
‘‘I came home day…’’

Twilight shoved the door open with her hoof, it swung open, and she trotted inside. Gently, closing it behind her.
She trotted inside the Library, using her magic to telekinetically move her saddlebag over towards her desk. She placed it down atop it, doing it in such a way that prevented it from falling over. She turned her head, looking to the right corner of the room.
Suddenly, she jumped back, startled, her eyes widened, and her mouth hung open, as she looked out in front of her. She gently started to shake her head in denial, calmly mouthing the words ‘’No.’’ to herself.
‘’No…!’’ She said to herself. Standing in front of her, stood a tall, rectangular shape, with a lone door.
A small smile formed on her face. She trotted towards it, putting her hoof against it. Her eyes, looking up at it. ‘’But how can it be here?’’ She asked herself. ‘’Surely, if he wanted to meet me, he would have come out, and already talked to me, again – Especially after all this time.’’ She told herself.
‘’Medic?’’ She asked, as she slowly trotted towards the TARDIS. ‘’A-are you in there?’’ She asked, keeping her eyes focused on the non-moving, or non-responding TARDIS. Remembering from her first encounter with the TARDIS could operate itself without the need of either the Medic or a crew, as it was completely sentinent.
Her hopes began to grow, as she hoped that the TARDIS had brought the Medic to her in the present, so she could help him with the injury he had sustained in the old, dark, abandoned house in that other world. Her smile grew wider at the thought of the Medic returning to her.
To her surprise, the door opened on its own. That, was the final thing that convinced her to go with what her heart was telling her. She galloped across the floor, and leaped up towards the door.
She pushed it open…But landed down on the floor of the console room, on nothing.
She looked up, confused, seeing that her body had landed down on the floor of the Medic’s ship. Realizing that he hadn’t opened the door, she quickly stood back up. Turning her head, she looked from left to right, searching for the familiar form of the Medic. But from where she stood, she couldn’t see him.
‘’Medic?’’ She called out, as she started to trot back up the small ramp towards the Console unit. Her eyes looked down towards it – Before her head looked up towards the tall, glass thing above her. She raised her hoof, placing it against the console. Smiling, softly.
‘’Hello.’’ She said. ‘’How have you been…Tardy?’’ She joked playfully to herself. There was soft hum that filled the room. She looked around the room, looking up at the ceiling. She giggled softly, putting a hoof to her mouth. ‘’Don’t worry’ ol girl.’’ She said. ‘’I was just making fun. It’s not every day I get to do that…Especially to a sentient machine.’’ She pulled her hoof away from her mouth, and gave the glass a soft pat of her hoof. Smiling as she did so.
‘’Twilight.’’ A voice suddenly, spoke behind her. She suddenly, with a swift shift of her body, turned herself around, and looked back towards the door to the TARDIS.
‘’Medic!’’ She exclaimed. Looking back towards her, he was supporting himself against the little bits of railing. There was blood running down along his hooves, staining his suit. He groaned, as he tried to stand himself up, but still having to rely on the railing. He looked up, starring back into her eyes.
‘’P-please, T-Twilight…’’ He groaned, as he fought back the pain. He moved out from the railing, releasing his hold on the tiny steel rods, and stepped out.
‘’Please…I-I-…’’ He brought a hoof up to his chest, clenching it. His eyes opened, and he looked out in front of him. ‘’I am so sorry…B-but by the time you receive this, I will be long gone.’’
‘’Huh? What are you-‘’ She asked him confused. He raised his hooves, looking down towards it. Something seemed to be bothering him, because when he looked up, he starred back with a blank, softly panting look towards her.
‘’Look…We haven’t got much time. The TARDIS will soon perform Object 02, and I just want to say one last thing to you, Twilight.’’ He said. She gently moved her head, glancing blankly back at him.
‘’W-what?’’ She asked, plastering a confused grimace onto her face. He gave a pained nod of his head, groaning.
‘’I am leaving the TARDIS in your care Twilight Sparkle.’’ He said. Her confusion dissipated, being instead replaced with worry. ‘’What?’’ She asked nervous. He gave another nod of his head.
‘’There is no one whom I can possibly think of to safe-guard the TARDIS, the most powerful, and remarkable vessel in the entire universe. It cannot be allowed to be used to re-write the past, or alter the days of the future. I have activated the Chameleon-Circuit, but I have affixed the image of the TARDIS as it currently is onto your visual cortex, so only you can see it’s true form.’’ He suddenly shook, falling down to the floor.
‘’Medic!’’ She cried out. She was about to gallop over to his aid, but he raised a hoof, stopping her.
‘’No. I’m fine. Just give a minute.’’ He groaned, as he lay down on the floor. He helped himself up, holding once again onto the railing. He let go, standing himself up, again. ‘’Now, what was I saying?’’ He asked himself.
‘’Ah! Right!’’ He exclaimed. His eyes looked down towards Twilight. ‘’You should be able to figure out to access the TARDIS’ Telepathic link to operate it to travel various points in history, other worlds, everything...’’ He said. There was another violent shaking, but this time he was prepared for it, and grabbed the railing, preventing himself from being forced back down again.
‘’BUT…’’ He said sternly. Looking back up into her face, meeting her eyes, as she meet his. ‘’You must do them without me. The end has come.’’ Her mouth dropping, hanging open, as she cast a confused glance back towards him. ‘’N-no.’’ She protested, not wanting to accept it.
‘’But you’ll have to. There is no escape for me, concerning what is coming. Death will take me, but grant me this one last victory. I kept you safe.’’ A gentle smile settled on his face. ‘’All right-y then.’’ He took a gentle step forward, approaching the console. Groaning, as the pain filled his entire body. She stepped to the side, allowing him to reach the controls. He raised his hooves, and pressed a button, and pushed a switch on the console.
He turned, and looked towards her. He panted softly, sprouting a soft smile.
‘’Goodbye Twilight Sparkle.’’ He gave a gentle nod of his head. ‘’Boy, you were fantastic…Simply fantastic.’’ He pulled another lever on the console, the image of him vanished away, leaving Twilight by herself in the Console room.
‘’WH-what the heck!?’’ Twilight exclaimed, jumping slightly back. She looked back in front of her to where the Medic has previously stood…

‘’I closed the TARDIS doors, locking them shut with the key that was left on the console.’’ Twilight continued. ‘’I locked the doors shut, and haven’t stepped inside it since.’’ She said. Spike’s jaw hung open, as he starred back at her awe-stricken by her story. ‘’Well, where is it now? What did you do with it?’’ He asked, curious.
She turned her head, looking back up towards her bedroom. Spike turned, directing his eye’s attentions towards the bedroom as well. Twilight’s eyes looked towards a closet that stood close to the window. ‘’Nothing.’’ She said. ‘’I moved to my bedroom, where I could watch over it. But I never went inside, ever again.’’

Far away. Deep, at the core of the New Cyberman Race, as Tom called it, he stood beside the Cyber-Lord. Standing within the control room, they overlooked the state of the Drill.
For about two months now, he had endured an eerily-repetitive schedule: Wake up. Meet with the Cyber-Lord, and discuss the daily schedule. Overlook that schedule with the Cyber-Lord. It was simple, but in this case it was TOO simple. He wanted that they constructed elevators to bring him to the surface. But the Cyber-Lord insisted that once the Drill reached its eventual location, they would recover the technology within it. There was no need to reveal themselves before the time had come, was it?
Due to being the newly appointed Cyber-Controller. Tom was given the Cyber-Lord’s chair in that chamber. It would have to be completely re-designed to fit with his tall stature, but aside from that, it was pretty much perfect. Also, the armor had still not been upgraded. But then again, the Cyber-Lord might just insist that once the technology they were looking for had been recovered, that he would be given the new armor that the Cyber-Lord had promised when they first meet. He swore on it.
Figuring that there wasn’t much he could do down there, he spent much of his time in the Cyber-Lord’s Chamber. Remaining in Stand-by. There was no need to waste energy if he had someone to do the work for him.

Author's Note:

I appolagize for this chapter being WAY late :ajsleepy: I have had internet problems recently, and it hasn't been getting better. I have only now been able to post anything because my internet is workin' allright...For the time being.
I will post the rest of the chapters tomorrow just to wrap it all up.