• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 3,039 Views, 26 Comments

You will be Upgraded - EmperorDalek

One man, one night...And one bullet. These things changed his life...forever.

  • ...

At Last

*Five months later*

The alarm blarred, loudly, filling the hallways with flashes of red light. Cybermares were hurrying through the corridors, hurriedly, to reach another section, or corridor.

‘’Alert! Alert! Alert! We have been breached!’’ The electronic voice shouted throughout the base’s tunnels. Alerting, being made-aware Cybermares of the threat. All other current objects were ignored, and their attention was focused towards the ‘’Intruder’’. In ever corridor, every room, basically everywhere, tiny metal shapes moved through the corridors. Covering more ground than their larger, four-legged brethren. Speeding along the floor, patrolling for the intruder’s position to report to Command.

Throughout the tunnels, the sound of clanging echoed, informing other Cybermares, and the intruder of their location. Soft tapping against the metal surfaces of the corridors echoed. This was the sound which the intruder was making, as it made it’s escape.

Through it’s electronic eyes, the small floor-stranded shapes speed. Scanning everything it came across. After hearing movement coming behind it, it suddenly stopped. It turned itself around, facing itself down the corridor it had just come up through. Without a moment’s hesitation. It speed down the corridor. Following the sound. Having directed it’s attention up towards the ceiling. It had discovered that a series of Physical Print remnants could be seen on the ceiling. It tracked the markings, following them to their point of origin.

It rounded a corner. Zooming down the awaiting hallway, and vanished, in search of the hypothetical intruder.

A four-legged form crawled through the base’s internal vents. With the Cybermares using Equine lifeforms to further their plans. Diagoras, and whoever was brought down into the base required air to be able to breathe. It looked up, starring up through it’s path. Making sure that there were no Cybermites in the vents. The Cybermares may not be organic creatures anymore, but that didn’t mean that their thought process was slow, by any means. They had the processing speed, rivaled only by the Cyber-Controller, itself.

The shape moved through the small vents. Reaching it’s limb up, and grabbing hold of the edge, and lifting itself up. With a mighty shove.

The grates in front of the vent were pushed out. They landed with a loud CLANG against the metal floors. In the distance. Several Cybermare Drones heard the clanging. Turning their heads, they looked back down the corridor they had emerged. One of them raised it’s hoof. Placing it against it’s chest.

‘’Unit 300, and 305, reporting in-!’’ The Cybermare said. ‘’The intruder has been detected! All units must report to our position! All units will converge on these co-ordinates!’’ The Cybermare spoke.

‘’Affirmative! Re-laying co-ordinates to other Cyber-Units!’’ The Cybermares at Command said. They raised their hooves. Holding them up against their chest plate. An electronic humming filled the silver chamber.

All throughout the base’s underground corridors. Cybermares patrolled the area, searching for any hint of the intruder. Even in the vents. Cybermites patrolled. Scanning their surroundings for the intruder.

Back up on the surface. The vent lid was pushed up. It fell to the ground, CLANGING upon impact with the grass. Lifting itself up, it crawled out of the vent, and onto the snow surface.

*A month later*

The room was shrouded in darkness, it’s occupant sat on a chair in the middle of the room, it’s arms resting atop the armrests, though, they were a little too small. Well, that at least makes some sense, considering the former occupant. Once they reached the energy source they were drilling for, he was going to re-do that chair, and make it more accurate to his height-size.

Cables went up from the chair, into his chest. There had already been some upgrades to his armor. His torso, now had those things that connected those strange cables to the chair - Just like the Cyber-Controller from that parallel world of Earth. But he had yet to actually put into use the head/helmet of that design of the Cyber-Controller. He looked forward to it. Mostly because he could then use the tactic that the Cyber-Lord had tried to use against him when they were introduced, which was scare him with the lights of its eyes. But his eyes would be much more potent, and much more threatening, or frightening, sitting in the darkness.

Despite the Cybermares possessing superior technology, they couldn’t create sound-prof walls to repel the sound of the Drills violently, roaring engines from entering inside the Cyber-Controller’s Chamber.

Like the Cyber-Lord had during their first meeting, he was sitting motionless, his head held low, and staring blankly down towards the floor.

On occasion, a screen was emerge, floating in the air. It displayed the head-shot of a Cybermare, or the Cyber-Lord, or in some instances, a Cyber-Leader, though, that last one was a longshot. The Cyber-Lord must have given it orders, and sent it somewhere else. For the background in its communications with him, never looked the same as the ones with the Cyber-Lord. It looked to…primitive, and not as high-tech as the Control room he had physically visited, himself. It could be inside a Cyber-Ship. But if that was the case, then why had that ship not come and assisted them?

Having been connected to the Cybermare’s Database. He began downloading, and looking up files on the Cybermare’s enemies, potential targets, and weapon designs that might become a reality once their drilling project had been completed, and they acquired whatever form of technology that awaited them.

The Cyber-King, hoof-held weapons, ship designs/schematics, and things he would have never thought possible, were stored within the Cybermare’s Database.

‘Fascinating.’ He said to himself within his mind. ‘This universe also has a version of the Daleks. Remarkable’ He said, as the image of a black Dalek, with orange dome lights, with silver vertical slats, and hemispheres, appeared ‘’in front of him’’. He recognized this image well. He had seen in before in the past, while in the future. ‘Oh! Please tell me that the Supreme!’ He squee’d, happily to himself.

He tried to read up on the Dalek’s History. But found nothing he didn’t already sort of know. They had invaded Equestria in the early 22th century, when Equestria was beginning to develop into the modern era it was currently in…Aside from something concerning a war, and a device of some kind, there was nothing else on their current status in the galaxy. Stolen reports from someplace called Canterlot, confirmed that these Daleks possessed flight capabilities. So at least they weren’t just Pony-looking Daleks…Or, at least he hoped that they didn’t.

Maybe they had fled out into the galaxy, and begun a series of planetary conquests – It was the Daleks, so it would seem very fitting for them to do something like that. From what he had seen, and read about them, the Daleks had gained control of nearly 70 planets in the year 4000. Just imagine what they will have done by now, if the Ponies on this planet are just like this all across the galaxy. It would have, or become a slaughter if that ever happens/happened.

In the Control room. Cybermare Drones, were looking down at screens. Observing the condition of the Drill. The Cyber-Lord stood in the center of the room. Overlooking everything. It turned, and looked towards one of the Drones standing at the controls.

‘’Report status of the Drill!’’ It instructed. One of the Cybermares turned, and looked back towards it. ‘’The distance between the Drill and the Source is one kilometers! Those distances will be reached in five hours!’’ The Cybermare said. ‘’Affirmative!’’ The Cyber-Lord replied.

The Cyber-Lord turned, and looked back out in front of itself. ‘’Raise Communications Channel!’’ It said, raising its right hoof up, and placing it against its chest. There was a soft, humming beeping that sounded from the Controls.

Within his chamber. The lights were suddenly activated. The room being illuminated, alone, was enough to receive his attention. He raised his head, looking out in front of him. A screen emerged, floating, motionless, in front of him. A head-shot of the Cyber-Lord appeared in the screen. ‘’Cyber-Controller…’’ The Cyber-Lord said. ‘’Point Zero has been reached. We await your arrival!’’ ‘’Affirmative. My estimated arrival will be in twenty minutes.’’ He raised his arm, placing it against his chest. ‘’End transmission.’’ He instructed. The screen folded together, vanishing away.

He dis-connected the cables, letting them hang down. Raising his arms, he grabbed the sides of the chair, and stood back up. Taking a step, he started towards the door. The door WOOOSHED in towards the sides, exposing the corridor outside.

Slowly, he stepped out into the corridor. Moving down through it towards the Control room.

Opening upwards, the door vanished into the ceiling. Stopping what they were doing. The Cybermares backed away from the control consoles. Turning themselves around, and facing the newcomer. Even the Cyber-Lord turned to face the new arrival. Behind it, several Cybermare guards had escorted it to the Control room.

The Cyber-Lord approached the Cyber-Controller. Raising it’s head, and looked up towards the giant Humanoid Cybermare. His head was turned, looking downwards. Meeting the Cyber-Lord’s gaze, as well. ‘’Has the protocols been activated, Cyber-Lord?’’ He asked. ‘’Affirmative! Point Zero awaits you!’’ The Cyber-Lord said. In the back of his digital mind, he knew that whatever prize they had been drilling for a long time now, was finally within their grasp.

Shifting upwards, the door ascended up into the ceiling. The figures behind it, strode into the large, open space before them. Trotting/walking atop the grating, as they approached a small platform. Out in front of them, they watched as the giant machinery of the Drill’s body was lifted upwards. Vanishing upwards, into the large crack in the ceiling.

They stopped onto a platform, the Cyber-Lord, the Cyber-Controller, and the four Cybermare guards that accompanied them. The Cyber-Lord raised it’s hoof, touching it against a small control console. It pressed a button. The platform, gently, shook as it started to move, descending downwards.

Looking around the room, but not averting his gaze from out in front of him. Watching through several of the wall mounted security cameras. He managed to get a better look at his surroundings. As far as he could see, the walls around the room were mostly covered in machines, steel, and other forms of Cybermare technology, though, most of it had been added recently, as the Cybermares gradually expanded their base as the digging continued. From the reports he had of the Cybermares’s ‘’ways’’, he knew that they took advantage of whatever situations they entered into.

The platform CLANKED as it made contact with the surface underneath. There was soft hiss, as a small door opened, and swung out. The small group of Cyber-…Beings-? Moved off the platform. Stepping down onto the stone ground, and trotting/walking towards the central point in the middle of the large crevice.

The group came to a halt. Standing in front of them was a large, still half-buried in the ground was a large block shaped object. The Cyber-Lord stopped. Raising it’s hoof, signaling for the others to do the same. The Cybermares obeyed their superior’s orders. Coming to a complete halt. ‘’Behold, the prize of the Cybermares!’’ The Cyber-Lord said.

He stepped up towards the large box-shaped thing. He raised, and held out his arm towards it. The surface of his metaling hand touched against the square’s surface. He noticed some strange symbol, though, it was partly obstructed from view by dust. Moving his hand, he brushed the dust away, revealing more of the strange symbol

Suddenly, from inside the square, he suddenly felt a powerful surge. He instantly backed away from it, startled. The Cyber-Lord turned away from one of the other Cybermares, directing it’s attention towards the Controller. ‘’Report! Identify!’’ It instructed. His moment of being frightened by the thing from inside the giant cube vanished, as a revelation dawned on him.

Slowly, he turned around. Casting a blank expression down towards the Cyber-Lord. ‘’Report!?’’ He asked, suspicious. The Cyber-Lord didn’t move, even as it’s rightful superior stood. ‘’You don’t give me orders…Cyber-Lord.’’ He said, putting emphasis on the fact that it was just a Cyber-Lord. He raised his arm, holding it against his chest.

‘’I am Cyber-Controller. I am the Supreme Commander! You are a servant, a servant of the Cybermares!’’ He said. ‘’You will heed my orders without question…Unless you are unfit for service.’’ The Cyber-Lord, through all of this was left unaffected, as if he was not speaking at all.

‘’Incorrect!’’ The Cyber-Lord said. It raised it’s head, and looked into the blank eyes of the Cyber-Controller. ‘’W-what?’’ He asked, nervously. ‘’Affirmative. I am without fault…’’ It said. ‘’You are the fault!’’ It stepped towards him, holding out it’s hoof, preparing to fire it’s hoof-mounted weapon. ‘’System diagnostic on your condition reveals that your programming is insufficient. Therefore, you will be deleted!’’

‘’Your armor may have been upgraded with our Cyber-Technology, but it has also been fitted with a self-destruct mechanism.’’ The Cyber-Lord said.

He held out his hand, pointing it towards the rest of the Cybermares behind the Cyber-Lord. ‘’Halt! Stop him! Obey me!’’ He cried out. But they remained motionless in place, just looking back at him. ‘’Resistance is useless...Divergence-!’’ The Cyber-Lord said. ‘’They, like all Cybermares, obey only their superior, and the truth of their superiority over this world’s inhabitents. Soon the world be ruled by the Cybermares!’’

‘’No. I won’t let you. You will stand down, or be punished, immediately!’’ He demanded, taking a defensive stance in case these treacherous traitors were not bluffing, though, knowing the Cybermares he knew what to expect. ‘’Negative! There will be no negotiations. You will be deleted!’’ Mentally grinning, he reached his hand back behind his back, loosening the grip in his hand.

‘’Aim!’’ The Cyber-Lord ordered. The Cybermares raised their hooves, pointing their hoof-mounted weapons towards him. ‘’You may destroy me, but there will be consequences for you all.’’ He said. ‘’Incorrect! We outnumber you five to one. Escape is not possible!’’ It replied.

‘Got ya!’ He exclaimed to himself inside his mind, as he looked down towards them.

‘’Delete the Traitor!’’ The Cyber-Lord ordered. ‘’Delete! Delete! Delete!’’ The Cybermare Drones chanted in unison.

Within his metal skin, he closed his eyes, preparing for it to happen. The sound of laser fire being shot interrupted the silence. An explosion of sparks shot out from his chest, as the beams hit him. His chest exploded, dis-connecting the torso from it’s limbs. The wires connecting his head to the torso were severed, it fell back, falling down against the ground. What remained of his body fell forward, clattering down against the rock ground.

Up from his devastated corpse, smoke moved up. Lowering their hooves back down, the Cybermares became motionless. The Cyber-Lord turned itself back around, starring into the black, expressionless eyes of it’s Cyber-Bretheren.

‘’The Traitor has been deleted!’’ The Cyber-Lord announced to the Drones present. Raising their hooves, they placed them against their chest plates. ‘’All hail the Cybermares!’’ The Drones chanted in unison.

‘’Now, prepare to-‘’ suddenly, the rest of the Cybermares clutched the sides of their heads, screaming out in agony.

In the Control Room, the Cybermares were caught in the same situation. They too were clutching at their heads, crying out in pain. One of them, though, that was not in the same amount of pain as the others. Noticed something up on top of the control boards. One of their Cyber-Mats was connected to the main computer. ‘’Del-ete!’’ It said. Firing a beam from it’s hoof-mounted laser weapon. The Cyber-Mat exploded, scattering around to various parts of the room. But the damage had already been done, and could not be reversed. Bringing it’ hooves up to it’s head, and letting out another loud cry, the Cybermare fell to it’s knees.

‘’What is happening!?’’ The Cyber-Lord cried, worried…Wait, worried? It wasn’t supposed to be able to feel emotion. ‘’Wh-wh-what…I-i…a-ppening!?’’ The Cyber-Lord protested, as it’s speech pattern was suffering interruptions. Suddenly, it raised it’s head, looking out in front of it. ‘’AHHHHHHH!’’ The Cybermares let out a final cry, as their heads exploded. Their bodies fell forward, clanging loudly against the ground. ‘’AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!’’ The Cyber-Lord cried out, itself, as it too clutched it’s head in pain.

Finally dropping to it’s knees, the Lord raised it’s head up. ‘’NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!’’ It shouted out, as it let out a final scream. It’s head exploded, spreading bits and pieces of it around the ground. Creaking, the Lord’s body fell forward, crashing down against the rocky surface.