• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 8,748 Views, 215 Comments

Grandchildren of Discord - MLPRainbowHeart

Screwball and Mothball are Finally married. But Will life change after They find out that Screwy is having a foal? Most importantly, what kind of problems will their kids get into?

  • ...

We meet again.

Everypony were helping everypony with their injuries. Suddenly the door slammed opened. Standing in there was Red Velvet with her husband Lemon. Lemon went running to DJ .

" We received your letter! Were is she?" Velvet said. Celestia pointed at RH who ha Chaotic by her side. Velvet smiled a little and then went running to her daughter.

" Rainbow! Are you okay??" Velvet said and noticed the bandages. Then she noticed her daughter's expression. She was covering her face with her mane and didn't answer.

" Did it bleed?" Velvet asked her daughter. Receiving no response she looked at Chaotic who was sitting by her side. He slowly nodded.

" Don' worry. It's not bleeding anymore." Velvet said. Still no response.

" It's going to take a few minutes. She gets traumatized when she sees blood." Velvet said with a smile at Chaotic when she noticed he was worried. Chaotic noticed. There was heard another slam on the door.

" Where is he!? Where is Caramel?" Nightlight said. Discord gasped. Bolt was there but,Nightlight? She never went out since she was a vampire pony. Caramel didn't seem to notice his parents. Nightlight saw her son talking with Identity. He was talking and only receiving a few nods in response. Identity noticed bite and claw marks on him. She gasped and touched them. Caramel looked at his injuries.

" Oh that? That's nothing." Caramel said. Only receiving a frown from Identity. Nightlight went running to her son.

" Caramel!" She shouted. Caramel turned around and gasped. It was his mother! But she never went out!!!

"Mom!?" He said running to her, receiving a bone crushing hug. Identity looked at his mom and smiled. Caramel slowly pushed away.

" Mom! What are you doing here!?" Caramel said.

" Oh sweetie! I was so worried!! Oh gosh! " She said ignoring his question and then noticing the bite and claw marks. She went running to find some bandages. Caramel rolled his eyes and smiled. He then looked at Identity who was smiling. Then her smile turn into a fear face and her ears went down. Caramel turned around to find his father with a serious face.

" Why did this happen?" He asked without changing expression.

" Well. I was trying to protect Identity and..." He said but his father went ahead of him.

" Then it's settled. Your not meeting this mare again." Bolt said. Identity opened her mouth like a gasp.

" What!? NO! WHY!? " Caramel said. Bolt raised an eyebrow.

" Well, for being with her you got hurt." Bolt said.

" No! It was me who wanted to protect her!" Caramel said.

" Yes, you wanted to protect her because you were with her." Bolt said.

" No! It's not true. Your just being a jerk!!" Caramel said and he heard his mother gasp. Bolt raised both of his eyebrows.

" For being with her, you tried to protect her. For being with her, you got hurt. For being with her, everypony know what you are. For being with her, your mother came and had to show everypony what she is. Need anymore?" Bolt said. Caramel just stared at him angrily. Bolt walked to the door. Identity couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and gathered all of her strength.

" H....e..y!" She shouted making a pause after every letter. She coughed as Bolt turned around surprised. Not only him was surprised. But everypony else.

" I.. can't.. believe..it.." She said. It was horribly painful and she stopped for air. She coughed again.

" Your...son...got...hurt...and...you...you.." She stopped and breathed heavily. Caramel tried to stop her but it didn't help.

" You.. Don't care!!!" She shouted which cause her horrible pain and she let out a tiny shout. She coughed and breathed heavily.

" Yes. I do care. That's why I'm not letting him be with you anymore.." Bolt said and walked to the door. Identity could not believe it. She covered her face with her mane and a few tears started filling in her eyes. She stopped them from falling and walked to where she was before. She just laid down and put her face in her hooves.

Four years had passed and the twins were celebrating their 18th birthday. Life had passed for our teenage friends. Since the incident Identity never saw Caramel anymore. Her problem with talking healed some months later. Chaotic and RH were now together. Moonlight always played with her little sister. In fact I never told you when she was born. She was born in Valentine's day. She came out light brown with with purple hair. She had her eyes like her mother's and her cutiemark was a star. For the twins, they had a baby sister. She was changeling black and her hair was like Screwball's. Her eyes were swirly, she was an earth pony and she didn't have any powers. Her name was Galaxy and for a cutiemark, well she was only four years old so she didn't have a cutiemark. But she had a playmate. Aqua Fresh and Lighting had adopted a colt. He was red with brown mane. A unicorn too. He was four years old too and played with Galaxy ALL the time. His name was Spice. Since Identity stopped seeing Caramel she sadly had to move on. But most shockingly, she ended up with DJ.

They were all at the pool celebrating the twins 18th birthday. The adults were talking in the gazebo while the teenagers were splashing and playing in the pool. Even though they were 18 well, 17-18 they still had a cute childish spirit. Almost everypony had forgot about Caramel, everypony except Identity.She almost never thought of him. Only when she saw the sunset.

Identity was in the edge of the pool moving her back legs in the water.


One second she was sitting there, and then at the other she was under water. When she went to the surface of the water her brother was standing there with a mischievous laugh.

" ITS COOOLD!" Identity shouted.

" Well that's because you haven't got in yet silly!" Chaotic said and laughed. Then somepony pushed him. He fell in the water too. And went he got up he saw the to most important mares of his life, (besides his mother) laughing. RH was laughing and Identity too.

" That's no fair! I didn't see you!" Chaotic said.

" Well that's how you do a push." RH. said.

" Well fine you win, but give me a kiss." Chaotic said swimming to the edge of the pool. RH smiled and lowered her head. Chaotic took her hooves and pulled her in.

" AHH" She shouted before falling and filling her mouth with water. Chaotic was laughing his head off when RH spit the water in his face. Identity splashed him too. Then they found themselves splashing each other.

"WATER BOOOMB!" Somepony said and threw himself in between the three. Then in the surface came DJ laughing.

" Jajaja you should have seen you faces!!" DJ said laughing. Then he felt something grab his hoof and pull him down. Before ending up under water her screamed like a girl. Daisy came to the surface laughing. Everypony ended up laughing. DJ came out.

" Jaja, very funny." He said.

" It is." Identity said smiling and giving him a nose kiss. He smiled.

" Am I the only one that comes in normally?" Moonlight said entering the pool. Everypony nodded and she smiled. Some hours later they were playing volleyball and then the ball went to the street.

" I'll get it!!" Identity shouted and went to look for it. She then saw it and grabbed it. When she put her hooves on it she saw other hooves on the ball. The hooves were brown. They both looked up and found themselves staring at each other. The stallion was light brown... And with light brown hair like blonde... And blue..eyes......

Oh my gosh..... They both lowered their ears.

" Hey Dity what's taking so lo---" Chaotic said running to his sister when he noticed Caramel. He lowered his ears.

" Nothing! Come on!!" Identity said snapping out of it and running back to the pool. Chaotic stared a few second at Caramel and followed his sisters.

" I just wanted to help.. and I got myself a huge problem." Caramel said as he stood alone in the street.

" Blow the candles!" Screwball said as they twins blew the candles. " What did you which for?"

"I..." Identity was to distracted to wish for anything.

" I wished for a kiss." Chaotic said making something up, he was distracted as well. RH smiled and kissed him lightly. Wow, this excuse end up real well!

" I wished for cookies?" Identity said. Mothball gave her a plate of cookies. She smiled and ate one.

" We will eat cake later, go and play a tiny while." Screwball said. They nodded and went to the pool. They started playing volley ball again. Daisy threw the ball. It went to Chaotic. It almost hit him but he reacted quickly. Then it went to Identity, she was distracted as well. Suddenly she felt a hard kick in her face. She fell under water but got up quickly. Chaotic knew she had the same problem.

" You okay!?" DJ said.

" Ya." Identity said rubbing her head. She the saw Caramel looking from a little farther. She gasped

" What? Need a kiss??" DJ said smiling.

"What? No n-" Identity said but received a kiss. DJ smiled. Identity looked at Caramel who looked like he just saw a ghost. He went running away. Identity lowered her ears.

" What's wrong." DJ said.

" Nothing.." Identity said. Then she went to talk to Chaotic in private.

" I think we have a huge problem.."

Author's Note:

Hi guys!! I have been writing a lot lately! And publishing quite fast. Lol well, hope you enjoy this!:pinkiehappy: Anyways, Merry Christmas.

If you are interested on doing a in-chapter art PM me. Or a cover art.

Well enjoy this chapter. And I know this is not so long, but I hope you like this. Bye!!

Random Question: What would you do if you were in Caramel's position?