• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 8,748 Views, 215 Comments

Grandchildren of Discord - MLPRainbowHeart

Screwball and Mothball are Finally married. But Will life change after They find out that Screwy is having a foal? Most importantly, what kind of problems will their kids get into?

  • ...


Luna stared at the eyes she thought she was never going to see again. Those beautiful red eyes. Her own eyes filling with tears as her mouth curved into a smile. Shadow looked at her mother for the first time. She was gorgeous. Celestia was showing no emotion for the first time. Her typical sweet smile wasn't showing. Her beautiful eyes filled with tears. Shadow looked so much like her own dear sister.

"Come near me." Luna said. Shadow gulped and walked near her mother. She sat by her side and looked down. Then she felt something, something that took her chin. Luna smiled and lifted her chin so she could see into her daughter's eyes. She gave her a sweet deep smile. Shadow felt something in her. A warmth in her heart, that sweet lovingly and motherly smile. Her father never did do that. Shadow was strong but this, this was too much.

"P-princess Luna" she said as her voice started cracking. Luna started crying but of joy. She chuckled with some tears going down her cheeks.

"My dear Shadow...please call me, mother." She said with another lovingly smile. Shadow started crying. She threw herself on her mother's lap. Tears rolling down on both ponies cheeks. Celestia stared at the heartbreaking scene. She sniffed and smiled.

"My sweet Shadow.. What a pleasant surprise!" Luna shouted stroking her daughter's mane.

"M-mom..."Shadow cried in joy.

"Shadow.."Celestia said softly. Shadow turned around confused. Celestia chuckled quietly.

"I'm your aunt Celestia.. But just call me Celly.." Celestia said softly. Shadow smiled.

"Shadow. Want to grab some coffee?" Luna said with a smile.

"Actually Lu-Mom. I came here because I need to tell you something." Shadow said looking down.

"Its about father... After you left him his heart turned into stone again. He made me follow his plan.. The plan that is take revenge on the Main 6,and you. After that sink Equestria in darkness. I was blinded a long time. But I met some twins one day. I got blinded again until yesterday A mare called Identity made me change my mind. I decided to follow the good side. My father still doesn't know it. But he will wake up any time now.. To a not so pleasant surprise.." Shadow said. Luna's eyes were filling with tears again. Luna hugged her daughter and kept crying.

Sombra was staring at his roof. He had taken out all of his armor. His flowing black mane wasn't covered by his helmet. His cutiemark showed and his body too. He sighed and looked at his table. Some papers of the plan was all he saw. He stood up and looked at his desk. He used his magic to take a key for out of the drawer. He went out of his room and walked to a room Shadow have never been. Before putting the key in he checked Shadow wasn't there. He opened the big door and when he entered he closed it. He walked in the dark room and looked at a box sitting there on top of the a table. He opened it slowly and took out a piece of paper. He looked at it and his eyes started watering. He was looking at the same picture that Luna had. He felt hopeless. His sweet Luna had left him. Tears going down his tears and the only thing heard were his sobs. He walked to a mirror and loomed at himself. He looked so simple.. Like when he met Luna. His red eyes looking at the mirror. He then saw his eyes change into blue. When that happened he felt so.. empty.

"At least I have Shadow. She reminds me so much of Luna.." He said softly. He smiled softly.

"I miss Luna so badly... I would give anything to get her back..." He said.

When his smile faded his eyes turned red again. His sad eyes turned into anger.

" But she betrayed me.." He said throwing the picture to the floor and slamming the door.

He was heading to his room but he stopped. He decides to check on Shadow. He went to her room and opened the door slowly. But he didn't see her. Suddenly for the first time fear got in his heart. He went inside and looked around desperately. He saw a note laying on her bed. He took it and read it.

Father... I'm sorry but I won't be part of this useless plan anymore. I decided to make my own life. This is the last time you will hear of me. I love you... I Don't think you love me too.. But I do.


Sombra collapsed to floor sobbing. He had nothing.

"Caramel?" A soft voice said. Caramel was laying on his bed. He looked back and saw Identity.

"Dity." He said with a smile. But then his smile faded. "I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to-" he said but was cut short by a kiss.

" It's okay. I know you were upset. I'm sorry I made such a big deal." Identity said looking down. Caramel just smiled

"Is it okay if I visit DJ today?" Identity said. Caramel's smile faded but he nodded.

"Of course. But I want to go too." He said. Identity smiled and took him by his hoof. She dragged him outside of his house and started flying. Caramel chuckled and followed her.

Some minutes later they were standing in front of the door. Identity's hoof was about to touch the door.
Some minutes later they were standing in front of the door. Identity's hoof was about to touch the door, but she froze completely. Her heart beating faster and faster and her breathing getting faster too. Caramel stood my her side and put his hoof on her shoulder. Identity looked at him. She looked scared, fear in her eyes. Caramel gave her a comforting smile and knocked for her. They were greeted by a white coated mare. Her stomach was bigger than an usual mare's stomach. Her red velvet mane was tied up in a ponytail and her warming smile was on her pretty face.

"Hello guys! Are you here to visit RH?"She said kindly.

"Hello Mrs.Velvet! And yes." Caramel said after noticing Identity was still scared to speak. Red Velvet smiled.

"Well I'm glad your here. She has been feeling down lately. And I can't cheer her up thanks to my mood changes. I will just make things worst." Velvet said and blushed.

"Thanks." Caramel said and walked in the house. Identity followed. She felt goosebumps, she visited this house before, but to be with her old coltfriend.

"Umm, Mrs. Velvet. We are also here to visit DJ." Identity said looking at the pregnant mare. Velvet's smile faded. She looked down and just nodded. Identity knew this house like of it was her own. She walked to RH's room and knocked.

"Go Away!!" She heard.

"RH, it's us." Identity said.


"Me and Caramel."

The the door opened. RH's smile wasn't there and her mane was all messy. She invited them inside.

"So, how's DJ?"Caramel asked rubbing his back. He received a glare from RH but also an answer.

" I talked to him. He said he wasn't going to do it. But I'm still not sure." RH said sitting down on her bed. Identity sighed.

" What if.. What if I talk to him?" Identity said. RH's ears perked up and she looked at her best friend.

"R-really?" She asked. Identity noded and RH felt hope in her heart. Identity got out of the room and saw Caramel following her. She stopped and turned to face him.

"I-I want to do it alone.." She said. Caramel raised an eyebrow and felt a little insecure but then sighed in defeat. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and entered RH's room. Identity walked to DJ's door. Her heart started beating faster.

What am I doing??

Identity lowered her hoof and turned around.

No! I HAVE to do it!

She turned around and knocked.

"Come in"

Identity walked in. She looked at the bed. DJ was there laying on the bed facing the other side.

"RH, I told you I won't suicide.." DJ saks , not facing Identity. Identity opened her mouth to say something but the words just didn't come out. She tried walking but she was frozen.

"Any answer?" DJ said turning around. He froze in place and his eyes widened.

"Identity..."He whispered.

"D-D-D-D-D" Identity tries speaking but she was stuck with the same letter. DJ stood up and walked to her. He hugged her tight and started crying. Identity slowly SLOWLY wrapped her hooves around him.

"D-DJ.. Are you r-really going to...."Identity said. DJ then looked at her.

"Well... Not if you don't want me to." DJ said. Identity was speechless. This was the stallion she fell in love with. Not the alcoholic freak, but the honest and kind stallion.

"O-of course I do-don't want you to!" Identity said.

"You are talking to me like if you were scared of me."DJ said.


"Are you scared of me??"

No response.

"Are you!?" He shouted making her jump back. He then lowered his ears.

"Sorry..and if you are, it's completely understandable."DJ said ashamed.

"Well...I have to admit I am a little bit scared.."

"But you are still my friend.." She said.

"Really??After all I have done?" DJ said. Identity smiled and nodded. DJ smiled for the first time in a lot and couldn't resist it anymore. He took Identity by the shoulders. He pulled her in for a long deep kiss. Identity gasped and let go. She looked at him with her eyes widened. DJ lowered his ears.

"I'm sorry.."

Identity nodded.

"F- forgiven.." She said and left the room. She walked to RH's room and looked at Caramel.

"Are you okay? You look like if you just saw a ghost.." He said walking closer to her. Identity just nodded.

"Dity..." He said raising an eyebrow.

"Hekissedme." She said really fast. Caramel raised an eyebrow again.

"Huh?" He said and looked at RH. RH shrugged and looked at her best friend. Identity looked at her coltfriend.

" I said.. He kissed me." Identity said. Caramel's eyes widened and lowered his ears.

"What?"he said, anger in his voice. RH gaped at Identity.

"B-but I pushed him.." She said blushing.

"That son of a-" Caramel said but Identity covered his mouth. Caramel had the hardest glare ever. Identity had never seen this side of him.

"Caramel!" Identity shouted.

"Sorry.." He said.

"Anyways.... Did you convince him not to .. You know.." RH said.

"Yes. I think." Identity said. RH sighed and hugged Identity.

"Thank you! Thank you!!" She shouted.

Caramel stared at Identity. Trying not to glare at her.

Identity lowered her ears and looked at Caramel.

"A-are you okay?" She asked getting out of her best friend's hooves.

"Yeah.." Caramel said and turned around from her.

"Listen Caramel.. I know it wasn't right.. But its completely understandable what he did and-"

" Understandable!? How is that understandable!?" He snapped making her gasp.

"Caramel! You are the one to speak! You did the same when he PROPOSED!" Identity shouted. Caramel shot her a glare and sighed. Identity raised an eyebrow.

" What the hay to have against that stallion?" She said angrily. Caramel turned around to face her.

"Let's see..." He said sarcastically.

"He is alcoholic, he tried to convince you to... You know, he kissed you inappropriately, he almost killed me. Want anymore?" He said again. Identity shot him a hard glare and growled quietly. RH cleared her throat making them look at her.

"So.... I'm going to have a baby sister!" She said with a forced smile. Identity's glare changed into a smile and she hugged her best friend.

"Congrats!" She said. RH chuckled awkwardly and looked at Caramel. Caramel just forced a smiled and then looked down. Suddenly there was a knock.

"Come in." RH said.

Then standing there was DJ. He cleared his throat after seeing Identity with Caramel. He rubbed his back and blushed.

"RH.. I wanted to tell you that I won't suicide.. Identity made me change my mind." He said with a smile. RH shouted in happiness and hugged DJ. Caramel glared at DJ while Identity smiled. DJ looked at Caramel and chuckled awkwardly.

"Hehe.. Hello Caramel..." DJ said. Caran didn't respond anything. But he noticed that DJ still had a cast in his leg.

"You still have that?"

"Yeah.. I'm surprised you are not hurt.." DJ said awkwardly again. Caramel just nodded.

"So.. Are you two together?"DJ said looking at Identity. She opened her mouth to talk but Caramel got ahead of her.

"Yes. Thank you very much." He said with a hard glare. DJ's eyes widened and knew Dity told Caramel what he did.

"Geesh. Look who has a butt attitude." DJ said with an evil smile. Caramel growled but decided not to go any further.

"Dity I'm going home." He said and left. No kiss, no hug, no I love you. Identity looked at DJ.

"What?" He said and chuckled. Identity couldn't help it, she smiled.

"Okay, I got it." Luna said after taking a sip of her tea.

"Well, you already know the plan.. Let's do it." Shadow said taking her crystal out of the bag. She presses a button as the crystal started vibrating.

"What is it doing?" Celestia asked.

"Calling my father." Shadow said.

At the little castle Sombra was crying on his bed. But then he heard vibrating. He looked at his crystal, wiped his tears and answered. What he saw was the crystal like it fell. So he saw Shadow, Celestia,...and Luna. But they were tilted. He gasped as he felt tears again. It seemed like the crystal fell and accidentally called Sombra.

"So tell me, why did you came here?"Luna said in a loud voice. Shadow lowered her ears.

"W-well I didn't have anywhere else to go and"

"Silence!" Luna shouted.

"You are just as dumb as your father." Luna said. Shadow felt pain in her heart even if she knew it was fake.

"B-but father is not dumb.. in fact, he is better than you!!" Shadow shouted. Luna then growled and hit the table.

"GUARDS! Take this fool away!"Celestia shouted. Shadow gasped and was taken away by the guards. Then the crystal turned off. Sombra was gaping at the scene. He couldn't believe it.

How can Luna be so cruel.. With her own daughter? Sombra growled and hit the crystal making it fall and shatter into a million tiny pieces. He gasped and got off the bed. He used his magic to bring it back together and used a spell to fix it. He sighed and colocated slowly the crystal on the table.

Author's Note:

Yaaaay!!!! Update!!!!!!! So my computer damaged....again
I'm waiting till my father gets back from vacation so he can fix it. Pleaseee give me some feedback. I did this on my phone so spelling errors are in here more than words X3.

Chapter Questio : " Do you think it was a good idea to trick Sombra?"


Comments ( 32 )

I liked the chapter :pinkiehappy:and no I don't think it was a good idea to trick Sombra something might go very wrong:fluttershysad:

6898958 I'm glad you did:pinkiehappy:

Let's just see what happens..

6901916 Uh.. Ohhh right lol. Your in the first chapter. *chuckles* Back in the old days... ( Lol I'm talking like if that was years ago) Well thanks!

6973409 XDXD (It's me the author, I got banned for personal reasons but I'm thinking on re-uploading the story)

Comment posted by Prince Jules Moonshade deleted Mar 6th, 2016

6898962 Grate story I love it so far oh and...I NEEEEEEED MORE CHAPTERS I BEG YOU!!!!!

7003331 Thanks! I know I know... BUT I have just been banned.... Do you have Deviant Art? I can always post the story there :D (It's me the author)

7004903 I can make my self a Deviant Art account quickly if I don't have one yet I may but not sure i'll do that now.

7004903 Ya I got one I made it awhile back and the username is "Prince-Rainbow-Blitz" Without the " of course but ya I got one.

7005716 Oki Doki! I'll start writing when I have time then :) I'll send you a message.

7005716 Can't find you >.< You search me: "xXMLPRainbowHeartXx" Without ". You can see in my page some art of me and my friends and some fanart of GD.

7078224 I'm glad you do, here: http://xxmlprainbowheartxx.deviantart.com/

This is my Deviant Art account. As you know the author (me) has been banned, now I'm writing the story there. Just click the button "Journals" and scroll down a bit. I'm writing chapter 4, and it will take me some time to get to a new one, but be patient! It means a lot to me that you like it.

That's ok :3 I might do fan art, If I can, too :D

7093651 That would be amazing! ^^

7095979 When I finish it, I'll put it on my deviantart page. Here's a link: http://thediamondocelot.deviantart.com/

7095979 HELLO! Me again. I'm making a story about my Oc (Cola Bubbles) and was wondering if your Oc could be in it? I would be grateful if so :3

7097841 Omg Suuuuuuuuuure! That would be amazing! <3

7099188 Thanks! The story involves time travelling, by the way.

7156945 Hm... All depends, but what do you mean?

(Yes. I'm the author)

7257073 I completely understand. As you may know, I got banned, and started reading this again. I noticed many many mistakes and they were all really cringy... XD But thanks

Well guys. Grandchildren of Discord is now cancelled. Sorry to disappoint you all.


Love it but please when will you update it like you are dead... I love reading this over and over I'll put you on number 2 on my favourites the first is DisneyFanatic but please continue the series T-T I love this fic I just want to read it till the end.... please update it soon...

From A Loveable Brony.

Nope definitely not a good idea

I absolutely love this story!!! Keep up the good work and I think it was a good idea to trick Sombra so he and Luna can see each other again:pinkiegasp: and I can't wait till next chapter :pinkiehappy:

How can Luna be so cruel.. With her own daughter? Sombra growled and hit the crystal making it fall and shatter into a million tiny pieces. He gasped and got off the bed. He used his magic to bring it back together and used a spell to fix it. He sighed and colocated slowly the crystal on the table.

absolutely love this part!!! :pinkiehappy::twilightangry2:

I loved it!!! Please write something soon!!! You can't stop now... I sooooooooooooo wanna know how it ends.... please

Hey can I keep it going please

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