• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 8,748 Views, 215 Comments

Grandchildren of Discord - MLPRainbowHeart

Screwball and Mothball are Finally married. But Will life change after They find out that Screwy is having a foal? Most importantly, what kind of problems will their kids get into?

  • ...


As Caramel went out to Ponyville to get the things his mom asked him he had another plan on his mind. See Identity to tell her the details of their date. He walked out of the Everfree forest and went to Identity's house. Before he could knock a mare appeared. Her coat was pink and her mane was white. She was hiding her cutiemark with a blue dress.

" Are you Caramel?" The mare said. Caramel raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" He said, careful with the strange mare.

" That doesn't matter. I need you to follow me. Your marefriend Identity is in trouble."

Caramel's eyes widened in fear. He then looked at her with a suspicious look.

" Is that so?" He said hardening his glare. The mare gulped.

"Y-yes. She is surrounded by timber wolves." She said. Caramel gulped but didn't change his glare.

" And how do you know she is my marefriend? Nopony knows that."

The mare opened her eyes in surprise. She then glared at him.

" Oh forget it." She said as she used her horn to elevate. She then turned into another mare. Caramel's eyes widened and walked back. This mare... oh he knew this mare.

" It seems your not so easy to fool. Opposite of your little marefriend." Shadow said walking closer to him.

" What did you do to her Shadow!?" He shouted. Shadow laughed.

" Oh nothing.." She said with a smile. Caramel growled. Suddenly the door was slammed open. Standing there was a smiling Identity. As she saw what was in front of her, her smile changed into a hard glare at Shadow.

" I though you said you will leave my family alone!" Identity shouted at her.

" I did. But this idiot is not part of your family." Shadow said. Identity stopped for a few minutes.

" Well, he is my coltfriend." Identity said.

" And?" Shadow said raising an eyebrow. Identity jumped in front of Caramel with a glare.

" That you have to pass through me first." She said. Shadow laughed.

" Oh Dity. I just don't want you to tell him the little secret. Besides, he already saw me. He has to be VANISHED." Shadow said walking closer to Identity. But she didn't move.

" No!" Identity shouted. Caramel touched her shoulder making her look back.

" Dity.. what are you doing!?" He said in a tone of fright and anger.

" Saving you." Identity said. Caramel rolled his eyes and took her hoof. He then took off flying, lifting her into the sky. They stopped in a cloud, looking down at Shadow.

" Identity! If you don't come down, I will take this with your family!" She shouted. Identity gasped. Caramel then hugged her tight.

" She wouldn't dare." He whispered to her. Identity, still scared looked down.

" I won't come down!" She shouted. Shadow then laughed and entered the house. Identity gasped, she opened her wings to go flying but something touched her back.

" Don't. " Caramel said with his eyes widened. Identity shook her head.

" I have to." She said and got off the cloud. Caramel groaned as he followed her.


Galaxy raised an eyebrow.

" Don't you think we are too big for peek-a-boos?" She said. The colt by her side nodded.

" Yeah, we are four years old already!" Spice said stomping his hoof on the floor. Chaotic rolled his eyes. He was sitting in front of the bored foals.

" Yeah, and you can go ride a car already." He said sarcastically. The foals gasped.

" Really?!"

" Yeah of course." He said sarcastically again. The foals went running downstairs. Chaotic smiled and then gasped.

" Wait what!? NO GUYS!!" He said running behind them. He then stopped in shock, the foals had the same reaction. Even if they didn't know who was that mare. Chaotic glared at Shadow.

" Shadow.." He said harshly.

" What's the problem?" She smiled. She looked at the foals.

" You got yourself some siblings already." She said kneeling down and grabbing Galaxy.

" And this one looks just like you!" She said doing tummy tickles to the filly as she laughed. Chaotic then raised an eyebrow as his sister and Caramel tackled Shadow, making her fall to the ground. Chaotic gasped and picked Galaxy with his magic before she fell too. Shadow grunted.

" You little-" She said not finishing her sentence. She then stood up making Identity fall. Caramel got her up. Then Mothball's voice was heard. Shadow gasped as she used her magic to teleport them all out of there. Galaxy fell to the floor.

" Who was that?" She said. Spice shrugged.

As they all appeared on the cave they fought before Shadow growled.

" What do you want this time Shadow!?" Chaotic shouted. Shadow scoffed.

" Oh I don't know... you guys! I have a mission. And it is to destroy you all! " She said lighting up her horn and throwing a blast directed at Chaotic. He gasped and jumped the other side, falling on top of Identity. He helped her up.

" But Why!?" Identity said taking the dust of her.

" Once, my father wanted to take over the crystal empire... but the main 6 didn't let him. Years later my mother fell foolishly in love with my father, so she helped him escape. Then they had me, until my mother decided she wasn't ready to me a mother, so she left us. And from that day, my dad's heart turned into stone again.. making him want to take revenge on the main six and my mother.." Shadow said with her eyes closed and tears in her eyes. Identity looked at her with her ears lowered. Shadow then looked up like if she said nothing at directing her glare at Identity.

" But, I decided to help my father." Shadow said.

" And part of the plan is not only the main 6... but what they love. " Shadow said walking closer to Identity.

" Then... take me.. and let my brother and Caramel alone!" Identity shouted.

" I can do it with Caramel.. but your brother is part of my plan dear.." Shadow said as she teleported Caramel back to his house. Before he was teleported he said 'No!'

Identity looked at her brother as they both walked back, bumping with a wall. Shadow growled as she got closer to them.

" It doesn't have to be this way...you can have a happy life.." Identity said making Shadow stop. The smoke in her eyes vanished leaving her with a confused expression.

" No! There is no other way!" She shouted as the smoke came back.

" There is. You are old enough to start a new life. Just escape.." Chaotic said. Shadow looked down and the smoke vanished again. She then looked at them, for the first time with hope in her eyes.

" You really think so??" Shadow said.

" We know so." They both said. Shadow smiled.

" I-I.. give me a few days to think about it." Shadow said as she teleported them out of her castle. She sighed and went to her room. She then took her crystal. Then the hologram appeared. It showed princess Luna crying on her room.

" First stop....mom." Shadow said with some tears in her eyes. As she packed the crystal in a bag she went out of her room silently. She opened the door to see her father sleeping. She then went to the exit. Before putting a hoof outside she took a deep breath. And she finally headed to the outside.

Identity and Chaotic appeared in the Everfree forest. They hugged each other smiling. Then something hit both of them, making them fall. It was Caramel. He gasped and picked them up.

" Sorry.. I was in my way to help you... But how did you escape?" He said rubbing his back.

" We made her change her mind." Identity said smiling. Caramel raised and eyebrow but smiled.

" How about that date?" Identity said.

" What?" Chaotic said. " Oh right. You are dating."

" It's more than that."

" We are a couple now."

" Congrats!" Chaotic said with a smile.

" Come on, let's go to our house." Identity said giving Caramel a light kiss and going by her brother's side. Chaotic smiled and poofed them out of there.

Caramel entered his house throwing himself on the couch. Without knowing, he made his mother bounce when he threw himself on the couch. He then let out a huge sigh. Nightlight smiled.

" Anything's bothering you?" She said with a grin. Caramel looked at his mother and sat down.

" Not really. I'm just thinking." He said then resting his head on his hoof. Nightlight grinned again.


"Well, about Identity."

" What about her?"

"Do you think it would work out? I mean our lives are not a fairy tale." He said sadly. Nightlight then raised an eyebrow.

" Maybe in the future we would grow sick of each other. " Nightlight then raised both eyebrows surprised.

" You know, what I'm seeing is that you don't love her." She said with a motherly tone.

"What!? I love Identity! More than anything!" Caramel said turning to his mother. She had a smile on her face.

" What I'm saying is... well she was with DJ. She may somehow get feelings back for him." He said. Nightlight then had a confused look on her face.

" And I wouldn't blame her... he is perfect. I'm just.. a monster." He said looking at the floor. Nightlight then gasped. She stood up with an angry look on her face. Her eyes were about to get watery. Caramel then realized what came out of his mouth.

" You are NO monster!!" Nightlight said, not to high but she still was raising her voice. " You are PERFECT, and you have to be grateful for how you are!" She then sighed and took his chin making him look into her eyes. Her expression then turned into a sweet lovingly one.

" Where did you get this ideas?" She said softly. Caramel then hesitated for a moment.

" Just....thoughts." He said. Nightlight smiled. Bolt then sat down in the middle of them with a grin.

" So Caramel, when are you moving out of here? You are almost 19!" Bolt said as his wife broke in laughter. Caramel rolled his eyes at both of his laughing parents.

It was a nice evening in the Canterlot castle. Princess Celestia walked to her room. As she opened the door she heard sobbing from the room closer to hers. Her ears perked up and a worried look appeared in her face as she realized who was making those sounds. She walked to the room only a few feet away from hers. She knocked slowly, and when she did the sobs went away.

"C-come in." The miserable voice said sadly. Celestia entered the room. There was a bed in the middle. It was really dark blue and had a roof. Some princessy bed to be exact. It had moons and stars. Then it had some other things a princess room would have. Celestia looked at the bed and saw another young alicorn with the bed sheets up her nose. Her skin was dark blue, similar to her mane. It was flowing and it looked like the star sky. The alicorn noticed her sister and removed the bed sheets.

" Oh, It's just you Tia. " Luna said rubbing her eyes.

" Yes dear sister. What is bothering you?" Celestia said sitting by her side.

" Oh quit the princess the talk. "Luna said rolling her eyes.

"Fine. But why were you crying?"

Luna looked down and sniffed. From under her bed sheets she took out a photo. It was well disposed in a golden framework. Celestia took a long moment to stare at the picture. It was a picture of Luna and two other ponies. One by her side kissing her cheek and another much younger in her hoof. Kissing her cheek, was Sombra. He looked peaceful and much less threatening. His eyes were blue and his mane was calmer. He had a sweet smile on his face like if his heart was soft and sweet. In Luna's hooves was a little filly covered in light blue blankets. Her coat was dark grey and her mane was dark purple. In the tip of her mane she had sparkles and the color dark blue. It flowed like Luna's hair. It was like if they cute the point of Luna's mane and put it in there. She had a long horn with red in the tip. Her eyes were a tone of cute red and her smile was heart warming.

Celestia stared at the picture sadly. She knew her sister had lots of trouble moving on with this. She and Sombra were a couple. They loved each other deeply. Then Luna found out she was pregnant. They both were over joyed. After Luna having her sweet Shadow, she started thinking it was too much work. She loved both of them deeply but she sadly wasn't ready for a filly, with her royal duties and young age, it was far too hard.

Luna started sobbing again.

" I regret it! I regret it so much! " Luna said sobbing like if somepony was murdering her. Celestia sighed and put her hoof on her back.

" Luna, it was the right thing to do."

"NO! You made me do this! You said I was too young! You-" Luna snapped at Celestia, as she gaped at her. But Luna was cut short by a knock on the door.

" Come in." Celestia said, not noticing Luna's make up running down her face. As the door opened a guard was standing there sort of confused. He cleared his throat before speaking.

" Your Majesties, there is a... rather.....unique pony saying she is related to you. She wants permission to come to you." He said then directing his statement to Luna. Luna raised an eyebrow. There was some minutes of silence.

" Let her in.." Luna said. The guard nodded and slowly closed the door. Luna brushed her mane a little and took a towel to clear her makeup. She took a deep breath and she looked like if nothing happened. Some minutes of awkward silence later the door was opened slowly. As a body walked in, the door shut closed. The pony stood there looking down. Luna raised an eyebrow.

" Who do you claim to be?" She said in a princess tone. The pony looked up with some tears forming in her eyes, she never thought she would see that face again. She only saw Luna in pictures and wondered, if she would ever meet her. But there she was looking into the eyes of her dear-

Shadow's thoughts were interrupted by a loud gasp. Celestia was with her mouth opened in a huge shock. Her eyes to the size of ants and her mouth to the size of a plate. Luna felt her eyes water and in a matter of seconds she was crying again. Rivers of sadness filling her soul. Sadness, regret, and shock. She was there staring at the eyes she never thought she see again.

" Mom."

Author's Note:

Hi guys! I'm so sorry this took so long to update! School started to day and my writing has decreased a lot. Anyways, I hope you like this. Live life to the fullest and always smile! Btw: I changed Caramel's mom a bit: Her coat is light brown like always. She is a vampire like always. But her mane is dark blue with the tip grey. That's what changed. Her eyes are green and she has no cutiemark. BYE BYE!

RandomChapter question: If you would be Shadow, would you choose the light side?

( It's now called Chapter question)

Well bye!
