• Published 1st Dec 2015
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Made Of Magic - EmeraldRing

Mystic Moon and Shining Star are siblings who share a love for competitive jumping, but when a dark force threatens the animals they must find the last alicorn made of magic.

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Chapter 11: The Attack

"They're coming!"

"We have to leave!"

"They have weapons that can destroy us!"

"What are we going to do?!"

"ENOUGH!" Pine Needle bellowed over the panicking timberwolves, they were immediately silenced, "Now, what's going on here?"
Forest Fire stepped forward, deciding that she would give the news, no one protested, "We were patrolling the border between the village and the forest when we saw the ponies in the village making weapons, we thought nothing of it because ponies fight a lot, but then their leader made a speech...

"Come on ponies, those timberwolves have had that forest for too long. I say it's time we got the forest for ourselves!" A cheer rose from the crowd of ponies, "We have weapons that can destroy them, but only because of Trixie Lulamoon, this towns very own unicorn trained by Princess Celestia, I do wonder why the princess stopped teaching such a talented unicorn. But now, she will help us defeat the timberwolves!" A light blue pony stepped up onto a stage and bowed, clearly enjoying the attention...

"Then we ran back to camp as fast as we could, but they're on their way now," Forest Fire stepped back, waiting for her leaders words. Pine Needle growled; the timberwolves had never had much trouble with ponies, because of their ability to put themselves back together, but, with their new weapons and Timber and Black Paw in camp, even though they were both excellent fighters, the ponies were a real threat.

"We will not run. While these ponies may have weapons that can destroy us, we are trained fighters, they are not. We are bigger, stronger and faster than them, they will not drive us away from our home! Now, I need Juniper Berry, Forest Fire, Tall Reed and Red Alder to guard the camp entrance and the forest surrounding it, no pony is allowed in or out other than Black Paw," the timberwolves in question raced out into the forest, "Black Paw," the mare, who had been sitting a few paces away, listening to the conversation, galloped over to her mate and sat down next to him, "Black Paw, could you attempt to change the ponies mind? I don't want any unnecessary woodchipping or bloodshed," Pine Needle asked.

"Of course, I'll do my best," Black Paw nodded and was about to leave when she felt a familiar pelt brush up beside her.

"Listen. I-I don't know how today is going to turn out, but, please, promise that you'll come back. I-I d-don't know w-what I'd d-do w-without-" Pine Needle was cut of by a hoof on his muzzle.

"Shh. Don't worry, no pony's been able to get the best of me. I'll be fine, I promise," Black Paw reassured, brushing away her mate's tears softly with one hoof. Pine Needle leaned in and embraced his one true love in life, wrapping himself around her as she embraced him in return, both of them knowing that they might not see each other again. Red Alder raced in through the camp entrance.

"They *pant* are *pant* nearly *pant* here!" Red Alder said between breaths, "If Black Paw wants to talk to them then she had to leave now," Red Alder then directed his gaze at the mare, "If you hurry then you could meet them at the flaming tree," Black Paw nodded.

"What's going on here?" Timber demanded, not knowing that the camp was going to be under attack.

"Timber, the ponies from the village are leading an attack on our camp, they want to drive us out," her father explained.

"How dare they! This is our home!" Timber growled, silently promising to tear of the limbs of anypony who wanted to hurt her friends or family.

"Timber, I must leave now. You are to stay inside your den unless it's an emergency. Do I make myself clear?" Timber nodded, and watched as her mother sprinted out of camp. The filly walked dejectedly back to her den, not wanting to let the others fight the ponies alone.

The pack was alerted and all the warriors, apprentices and even some of the older 'cubs' were practicing any battle or defence moves they knew. The camp was buzzing with fear and tension, everyone knew the direness of the situation and no one wanted to leave their home. Willow Root searched around the camp for Timber, wanting to see her, for, what might be, the last time. He spotted the timberpony sitting at the edge of her den's entrance. The timberwolf raced over.

"Hey," Willow Root said softly, "What are you doing over here, don't you want to practice with the others?"

"My mother doesn't want me to fight. But, I don't want to sit here and do nothing! I am the future leader of this pack and I'm not even allowed to defend it?! I shouldn't be sitting here doing nothing! Look at these markings, is it not clear that they show I am the future leader, does that not mean I should defend it?!" Timber shouted, thankful for how high up they were, no one heard her shouting or see her tears.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I understand how you must be feeling, I know I would feel the same if I were in your position. But, as you said, you are the next leader, if something were to happen to you and your father, then we have no successor, do you know what happens then?" Timber shook her head, " Well, the pack hold a...competition to see who's be the next leader. A fight. To the death," Timber gasped in shock, "It's terrible, I know, and that's why no harm must come to you. Do you understand now?"

"Yeah, I guess. It makes sense that I have to be kept safe, but, I want to help, and I don't know how," Timber looked away and at the camp entrance, "I don't know if mum's coming back and dad might be killed by the new weapons the ponies invented. I don't want to become the leader of this pack because my parents died in a fight that I was forced to watch."

Black Paw was running as fast as she could, knowing that, if she didn't make it in time, the pack might be destroyed. There it is! The flaming tree. The mare could see the tree up ahead, it's namesake bark almost glowing a vibrant orange, it's branches dancing in the wind. The ponies! She could hear them approaching from behind the flaming tree. Their weapons clashing, making a noise that would scare away prey for miles. If it she wasn't greatly outnumbered, Black Paw would have beaten the will to fight right out of them, but, she was outnumbered and was supposed to convince them to leave by their own accord, no bloodshed.

Excuse me, could I speak with you?" Black Paw called out, getting the attention of the leader of the 'army'.

"Yes, what do you want? I'm in the middle of an attack!" The leader, who was also the mayor of the town.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Why do you need to drive away the timberwolves?"

"We want this land!" The Mayor shouted, believing that he and the town deserved it.

"But it belongs to the timberwolves," Black Paw said, she was going to win this argument, she had to.

"That's it. We've wasted enough time already, if you won't join us..."


"Then, we will have to dispose of you," the Mayor nodded to a group of ponies who then started to advance towards the mare. She didn't
move an inch, she knew what she was doing.

Suddenly, one of the ponies sprang towards Black Paw and attempted to hit her in the face, she jumped back only to find herself dodging another attack from behind. The mare spun around on one of her hooves and kicked the surprised pony on her legs, causing her to fall. Then, after ducking under a hoof that came flying at her stomach, she, while reared up on her hind legs, lept behind one of the ponies and punched him right in the middle of his back, causing him to fall to the forest floor. One down.....7 to go?! Black Paw was sure there hadn't been that many ponies trying to stop her at the start. Well she thought to herself this is going to be fun if she were talking aloud the ponies would be able to hear the sarcasm dripping from her voice. Black Paw whipped around to find one of the other ponies heading straight for her. The pony's pose suggesting that she wanted to knock Black Paw's legs out from beneath her. The mare lept into the air to avoid the incoming attack, but she had forgotten to see what the other ponies were doing. *Thud* Black Paw hit the ground hard, she had been hit in the head by a pegasus who had predicted her jump and moved accordingly. She lay unconscious on the floor.

"Take her back to the town, and throw her in the deepest prison we have."

"Yes, Mayor. Right away," they dragged Black Paw away.

"Now, Onwards, to the timberwolf camp!" The ponies charged, no more walking, they were close anyway.

Back at the camp, Pine Needle was organizing the timberwolves into pairs, if the ponies had weapons that could destroy them, then it would be better if the timberwolves fought in pairs.

" Twisting Ivy, you will be paired with Forest Fire (who had returned from patrolling the entrance). Bay Pool, you will fight with Grass Blade. Dew Drop, you will work with Fallen Log. Autumn Leaf, you will fight with Crescent Moon. Other than those timberwolves, you may all choose your own partners," Pine Needle informed the pack. Each timberwolf found their partners, and not a moment too soon.

"They're here."

The ponies came crashing through the entrance, destroying all the work the timberwolves put into building their entrance. The battle was upon them. The timberwolves training gave them the advantage against the ponies, but the newly developed weapons weren't for decoration. Pine Needle couldn't see Black Paw anywhere. She was supposed to be back, but, she wasn't. Pine Needle's heart roared with anger towards the ponies and his voice echoed what his heart felt. A great howl of sadness and anger washed over the camp and all was still. The timberwolves recognised the howl as their leader, and immediately knew what had happened. They all growled at the ponies, they had all come to love Black Paw like she was family. The ponies had the nerve to try and drive them away from their home and now, they had taken away a very special pony, who was loved by all the timberwolves, none more so than Pine Needle. He would have his revenge. They all would.

The fighting resumed, the timberwolves attacking with more force than before, blood ran like rivers through claw-scraped ridges in the ground. However, the ponies were still killing, their weapons making sure that they scored some points against the pack.

Timber could hear the battle going on outside. She had promised her mother and Willow Root that she would stay inside unless it was 100% necessary that she left her den on the side if Grea Rock. She couldn't stand it. While she was proud to be the next leader of the pack, sometimes she just wanted to be a normal timberwolf, she didn't mind the fact that she was half pony, but, she did mind being fussed over because she was the next leader. If she could have it her way, she'd be out there, fighting of ponies and doing something for her pack instead of waiting for the fight to be over. The sounds of battle radiated it like the small beams of sunshine that still shone through the gaps in the cave wall. Then, Timber heard an all too familiar voice cry out for help, Willow Root. I'm coming Willow Root. Timber ran out her den, promises forgotten. Well, not entirely, it was 100% necessary that she left.

Willow Root was backed into a corner, too many ponies to fight off, all of them with weapons and his partner, Summer Storm, dead. He had no way of getting out of the situation he was in, so, he hung his head in defeat. Then, he saw Timber crouching behind them as if she was hunting a squirrel. She leapt into the air silently and punched one of the ponies on the back of the head; she fell to the floor. Before the others could react, Willow Root took advantage of their distraction and kicked another pony in the forearm. They all cringes at the sound of bone breaking. The one pony remaining realised that she was outnumbered when Timber came round to stand next to Willow Root. At the sight of the timberpony she fled, not knowing what the 'horrid' creature was. Timber turned round to face Willow Root and he nuzzled her, a gesture of love and thanks.

"I know I was supposed to stay in my den, but when I heard you I cou-"

"Shh, I understand. Thank you for saving me, I love you," Willow Root said, while continuing to nuzzle Timber.

"I love you too," Timber replied, the battle, death and destruction forgotten; the only thing important in that moment was the love that the two shared.

Pine Needle knew he had to calm down. His mentor had always told him to never fight with anger, but with drive to do what's right. But Pine Needle was too far gone, too engrossed in grief and anger to think clearly. He slashed left and right with his claws and never once stopped to consider the lives he was tossing aside like rotten prey. In the midst of his fury he did not notice the pony creeping stealthily up behind him. It was the Mayor, or Golden Bit. Golden Bit leapt up onto Pine Needle's back and, with greed blinding his heart, stabbed the leader of the timberwolf pack with his enchanted spear. Time stood still for Timber. She had just been running through the fighting, trying to find any ponies who weren't already fighting a pair of timberwolves or any outnumbered timberwolves who needed help, when she saw it. Her father, stabbed. He was falling. Collapsing to the ground. The pieces of wood that made up his structure fell apart like a jenga tower, Pine Needle had lost the game. Timber rushed over to where the remnants her father were lying on the cave floor. The timberwolves all fled, their leader gone, their hope gone with him. Only one timberwolf and one timberpony remained.

"No," Timber said, all hope and light gone from her eyes.

"I-I don't b-believe t-th-that h-he's g-gone," Willow Root choked. Timber started to sob, leaning over the sticks and pieces of wood that once made up her father. Willow Root pressed himself against her. On the other side of the camp Golden Bit was watching the two weep over the dead timberwolf and he was saddened by the sight. Realising there was no way he could ever make up for what he did he led the ponies out, telling them that he would explain why they were leaving later. He wanted to leave the two to mourn.

"Come now Timber, we have to go," Timber followed Willow Root silently, her head hanging low, tears still pouring from her eyes. Both of them unaware of what was waiting for them outside.

Seven of the ponies had decided to stay, not wanting to give up the cave that they nearly died for. They soon heard the sound of Timber and Willow Root approaching the entrance.

"3...2...1!" They leapt out of their hiding places, Timber managed to dodge and was free, however, Willow Root was held down by three grown ponies and couldn't get them off. Timber was going to try help when she heard Willow Root's voice telling her to stop.

"Timber, you have to get out of here, there's too many of them. I-I promise I'll find you, or maybe you'll find me," Willow Root attempted to laugh, but he was being crushed, laughing was nearly impossible, "Run," and Timber ran, she ran as if running would get her away from her problems, but, when she was in the middle of the Everfree Forest if finally hid her. She was alone....