• Published 1st Dec 2015
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Made Of Magic - EmeraldRing

Mystic Moon and Shining Star are siblings who share a love for competitive jumping, but when a dark force threatens the animals they must find the last alicorn made of magic.

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Chapter 3: The Red Star Spider's Venom

“Soooooooooooo bored”

“Be quiet Mystic, if we don’t do this what will happen to Red and all the other animals?”

“Sorry, you’re right, let’s keep moving.”

So they did. The siblings walked for hours with only short breaks, not wanting to waste any time. After a few hours Mystic stated that she wanted to rest for a while before continuing. Shining's aching legs were in no position to argue. So the pair sat down for a while, then decided to lay down for a spell and what harm could come from closing their eyelids for a minute or two. Before they knew it they were both fast asleep.

A small way away a tiny little spider was crawling across the grassy field in which the filly and colt dreamed. It's miniature legs moving faster than any pony eye could follow, it's fangs dripping with it's transparent venom. This particular spider was a Red Star Spider, a Star Spider but with a red star on it's back and with a strange venom, and it was out for the hunt. It's method, bite, confuse and let it's victim die slowly. Unfortunately for this spider, it didn't enjoy killing other animals to eat, but it also didn't want to die itself. So it continued to kill, but only to survive, it always ate as little as possible. Today, however, was the one day it would have rather missed. Feasting day. The day where all the Red Star Spiders had an uncontrollable hunger that they had to satisfy or else it could get really nasty really fast (to put it simply, they 'eat' themselves). Fang, this spider, was particularly hungry for pony, his least favourite animal to kill. Looking to the foot of the hill, Fang saw two ponies sleeping, perfect targets. It was only when he got closer did the ravenous spider realise that they were just a colt and a filly! The little spider didn't want to kill children. Then a sudden jolt of pain passed through the tiny spiders body, it had to eat must eat, must eat, must eat, mu-"Alright, shut up already, I'll-I'll eat," Fang sounded less confident with each word. Despite his lack of confidence, Fang knew he would die if he didn't eat soon. So, reluctantly he bit into the golden coat of the colt and then the deep blue coat of the filly. The venom entered their bloodstream.

Shining woke up to the blinding light of Celestia's sun, or was it Luna's moon? For some reason Shining couldn't tell. It seemed as though both were in the sky, but that wasn't possible. Looking up Shining Star's mouth fell open in shock at the sight he saw. The sky was broken. I was cracked with some pieces missing, the violet night visible through the gaps in the sunlit sky. Jumping up Shining looked around to find himself in a completely different place to where he had been resting and his sister nowhere to be found. The area around the colt was barren and lonely, filled with lonely rocks, lonely stones and one lonely colt. Mystic was in the same situation and her brother, only, for her the day was breaking through the night. But, she was just as alone.

"Mystic, you out there, sis?" Shining called out into the empty landscape.

"Over here!" Mystic called back, relieved that her brother was there. However, it wasn't her brother, it was a huge chimera with an oddly similar voice to Shining Star. Mystic recoiled in fear; the chimera, surprisingly, did the same. Why? Mystic didn't know, but she did know that she had to get away from the creature as fast as possible, unless she wanted to be clawed apart. So she ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, maybe even faster.

When Shining heard his sister reply her ran towards the voice, hoping that she might know what's going on. It wasn't Mystic. It was a giant red dragon that sounded strangely similar to Mystic. Shining recoiled in fear; the dragon,surprisingly, did the same. Why? Shining didn't know, but he did know that he had to get away from the creature as fast as possible, unless he wanted to be roasted by the dragon's fiery breath. So he ran. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, maybe even faster.

Tears he didn't even know he possessed ran down Fang's face, he didn't know they were siblings. He had just made siblings run in fear of each other. Siblings! He never wanted any of this, but siblings, he would rather kill himself then break the bond between sibli-. Wait, he could undo the damage, it would mean certain death for him, but it would be worth it.

Mystic couldn't believe it. Tricked! She had been tricked. Sure it was a little odd the chimera had run away too and that it had Shining's voice, but still, no one tricks her. There was no way Mystic was going to let that chimera get away with what it did. So, fear forgotten, the filly raced back in what she thought was the direction she came from. It wasn't. In fact it wasn't the direction she wanted to go in at all.

Shining was so mad at himself for thinking that the dragon was Mystic, surely he should have been able to know that it wasn't his sister. He was so angry at the dragon too, how dare it try to trick him. Shining would show that dragon not to mess with him again, then he could go back to searching for his sister. So, with doubts set aside, Shining charged off to go show that ugly dragon not to mess with him. Fortunately, Shining was heading in the same direction as Mystic.

It took a while, but, Mystic finally ran into the chimera again, this time it looked angry. Well, so was she. With a growl the chimera charged at her with it's claws extended and it's path clear. Mystic rolled out of the way as the claws whipped passed her ear, delivering a few blows to the chimera's side. That stubborn chimera wasn't having it and ran at her again, sliding under her, knocking her legs so that they gave way beneath her. Mystic pushed herself up and twisted herself around to kick away the pouncing animal.

Shining landed flat on his back, he was so sure that dragon was down and out, but it somehow managed to twist itself around to kick him away. No matter thought Shining Star I can still beat this dragon, though, I wonder why it hasn't torched me yet? the colt wondered. The dragon seemed far more agile than any dragon Shining had seen, it was up and on the attack already. But he was ready this time. Aiming for the legs once more, the colt sprung forwards and, while the dragon was aiming low to greet the attack, lept up, landing square on the dragon's shoulders. Shining clung on for dear life as the dragon thrashed wildly beneath him. The dragon managed to throw him off and he landed, again, on his back.

Mystic couldn't believe how light the chimera had been, well, light for a chimera, it was like her brother was on her back, not some rampaging animal, it didn't take much effort to throw it off. No matter, she knew she had to send that beast scurrying back to it's cave. Spinning round on her front leg, Mystic Stuck out one of her back legs, kicking the chimera right between the eyes. It looked like it hurt; Mystic smiled. So far the fight was in her favor, the chimera only landing a few blows on her shoulders and a few bruises from the fall. She had this 'in the bag' as her da- foster dad would say. Wasting no time on her thoughts Mystics instincts kicked in as she saw the beast dodge around her and attempt to attack her from behind. Spinning around again Mystic delivered another powerful kick to its shoulder, never missing a beat.

If the dragon wasn't clearly a dragon then Shining would be nearly 100% sure it was his sister, only Mystic could spin and kick with such accuracy and with such power. But this wasn't Mystic, it was a dragon that was kicking his flank.

Fang didn't know what to do. If he didn't give them the antidote soon then they might end up killing each other, but, if he intervened now then he might be crushed and that would destroy all hope for the siblings. The spider decided to wait until one of them, most likely the colt from what he could see, was down for a while, then he would try to get the antidote to him. Fang only hoped that he would be given the opportunity to help.

The chimera was down. I-I did it! I actually did it! Wait until I tell Shining, now I just have to find him the triumphant thoughts rang through Mystics head like church bells, signaling the next hour. Meanwhile, Fang had found the opportunity he was looking for, the colt was don and the filly was too busy celebrating to be aware of her surroundings. The spider got to work and within two minuets both the filly and the colt were cured and lying unconscious, their bodies recovering.

Fang retreated away, knowing full well what would would happen to him now. He could already feel his stomach acid turning on him, devouring him from the inside out. Well Fang thought at least I died for something good. I'm glad I could help, or, rather, undo my mistake. It was worth it, totally... worth... it

Shining blinked, the world around him normal once again, and, lying a few metres away, Mystic, safe. However, she had some injuries on her shoulders and a few bruises....Mystic was the dragon! Why was she attacking me then? Shining wondered, "Hang on. If she looked like a dragon to me, then what if I looked like a dragon or something else to her?!" Shining figured out it was an illusion as soon as he realised that Mystic was the dragon, "Hey, Mystic, Mystic! Wake up!" Shining Star shouted while shaking his sister in an attempt to wake her up.

"Ah! Don't get near me again you ugly- Oh, hi Shining, what happened to the chimera- and why are you- Are you the chimera?!" Mystic's mind was racing with crazy thoughts.

"Calm down! I-I was the..the chimera, right?" Mystic nodded, "And, to me, you were a dragon. It was, I think, an illusion," Shining explained.

"Well, um... I'm sorry for what I did to you, I thought you were a chimera so..." Mystic trailed off, never being any good at apologies.

"It's fine, just remind me to never make you mad," Shining joked. Laughing, Mystic chased him down the path, the both of them trying to make up for lost time. All the while, a small, insignificant spider smiled for the last time.