• Published 1st Dec 2015
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Made Of Magic - EmeraldRing

Mystic Moon and Shining Star are siblings who share a love for competitive jumping, but when a dark force threatens the animals they must find the last alicorn made of magic.

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Chapter 6: The Manticore

Even though Mystic had been training her whole life to have great stamina, running through a dark canopy of trees with constant obstacles blocking the way would take a lot out of anypony, and Mystic was beginning to tire, the only thing keeping her going was her anger, adrenalin and fear. The Everfree was definitely not a place for ponies, as Mystic found out when she ran into a manticore. Mystic was terrified, as anypony would have been in that situation, but she wasn't going to give up on her brother because of a giant, ferocious, evil- maybe it would be a good idea to go around it thought Mystic, but the manticore wouldn't let her pass. Then Mystic spied something behind the manticore, a cub. A cub with a wounded wing, tail and leg. Mystic finally understood. This manticore was a mother, not some ferocious beast, a mother protecting her injured cub. Now that Mystic was looking closer she noticed that the cub's mother also had a damaged wing, Mystic had read somewhere that occasionally a manticore's mate will turn on them, it looked like the mother won the fight, but payed a price. Her cub would die without medical help and Mystic had just the thing.

ViperTail had had enough of the strange pony staring at her injured cub. What right did it have to waltz into her territory? Viper could her the ponies thoughts now Look! An injured manticore family, I think I'll kill them, two less manticore to worry about and I'll be named a hero for slaying this mighty beast. It made Viper growl in anger at the pony. Couldn't it see that she just wanted to be left alone with her dying cub!? That she new her cub was dying and wanted to be with him in his dying moments!? That she didn't want the last thing her saw to be an unnecessary fight!? Apparently not, as it just kept standing there, staring. Right, times up pony.

Mystic was frozen. The manticore was charging and she didn't know how to tell it she meant no harm to her or her cub. So she stood there, not knowing what to do, accepting that this might be the end. Worthless, useless, failure, all these words echoing in her mind and the manticore ran. Tears began to fall again, she made no effort to stop them, why bother? She had failed her brother, friends and parents. Mystic was full on crying now, the pain in the wounds in her mind were being stung by the salty water. Maybe it's good that this is the end for me Mystic thought, now I can't fail anypony again. Mystic had given up. What could she do against an angry manticore? Nothing, she was as useless as always. These thoughts only spurred on the lines of tears as if it was a race to the growing puddle by her hooves.
Tears? Viper hadn't seen a pony cry before, usually they just pull out a weapon after she starts to attack, tears, that was new. Viper stopped, this creature was wounded like her cub, though it was more of a mental wound than a physical one (manticores are far more intelligent than ponies give them credit for). Viper looked back at her sleeping cub and frowned at his jagged movements, then looked at the pony again and frowned and the tears streaming down her face. Viper didn't like to frown. So, carefully, she used her tail to pull the pony closer and hugged her.

Mystic suddenly felt a powerful tail wrap around her and pull her close to the manticore, she didn't fight back. Mystic opened her eyes wide when she felt the manticore, hugging her? Yes, it was definitely a hug, but, why? Mystic looked up at the manticore, it had tilted its head towards the cub, a frown plastered onto her face, then turned back to Mystic and smiled a bit. Mystic realised that the manticore had understood her feelings.

"I have something that could help, help your cub that is," Mystic gestured to the cub and then to her saddle bags incase the manticore couldn't understand her. Viper could clearly see what the pony meant, and slowly let go of her and led her over to her cub, claws sheathed, just incase the pony tried anything. Mystic shoved of her saddlebags and pulled out the first aid box that took up most of the space in the bag. After rummaging through the box for a minute Mystic found the bandages and antiseptic for the cub. Being as careful as possible Mystic put some of the antiseptic on the wounds and then softly wrapped the bandages around the injuries.

After she was finished, Mystic stood up and nodded to the mother of the cub to show that she was finished and would take her leave, realising that she had to be quick if she wanted to get to Shining without wasting any valuable time. However, the sun was just peaking over the horizon and was clearly getting ready to leave the sky so the moon was free to rule during the night. Just as Mystic was about to foolishly try to travel through the Everfree at night, Viper wrapped her tail around her, again, and pulled her back towards them. After a firm 'talk' Mystic decided that she'd stay with the manticores throughout the night. Mystic tried to escape a few times in the night, when her worry for Shining Star peaked, but Viper kept her in check, she owed Mystic that much for saving her cub.

Morning. It didn't come early enough for Mystic Moon. ViperTail growled a thank you to Mystic before she left, wishing her luck on her journey and hoping that she finds what she's looking for. Mystic wasted no time and headed straight in the direction she had seen the illusions go last.

"Must-keep-going," Mystic panted. She had been running for 3 hours straight and she was beginning to feel weak in her legs, but she wouldn't give up. She couldn't.

"So, that silly little pony thinks that she can stop me! Hahahahaha, this is too rich! How could that pony stop me if she can't even find her bro- Wait! Don't go that way! Or you'll get to- the base," the shadow roared in anger at the pathetic pony that had somehow found the base that had been hidden for eons!

“That’s it. They are finished. Now they’ve done it. They made me mad, no one wants to see me mad. No. One.”