• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 490 Views, 4 Comments

Lady Rarity - Aegis Steelshield

Story inspired by the song of the same name.

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Chapter 2

Now our hero, a famed hunter of vampires has brought the fair lady to his sanctuary...

With a groan, the hunter awoke and took stoke of his surroundings. He had slept on the floor, give his bed to the traumatized mare. He nosed open the door to his room, and observed her sleeping form. It was... cute, the way her chest rose and fell. He closed the door, softly, and turned away.

He wondered if he'd ever stop being amazed at the beauty of this place. He could only imagine what it was like in it's prime. He, like always, payed special attention to the portrait of Luna, his patron goddess.

He snapped out of his momentary reprieve, and went to collect water for when the mare awoke. As he returned, he heard the groans of one not yet ready to awaken.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he gave her the water, "No cuts or scrapes? Or, Luna forbid, bites?"

"I... I'm fine. Where are we? Are... are you going to hurt me?" She responded as she greedily drank the water.

"We're inside an abandoned church of Luna. And don't worry, I will not hurt you."

"A church? Comment suis-je en vie?"

We don't all speak fancy.

She said, "How am I alive?"

You... speak french?

Duh! Now hurry, the readers are getting bored~

"Yes, I brought you hear so you'd be safe," the hunter bowed, "I am Aegis, and I am pleased to meet you Miss..."

"Rarity. My name is Rarity."


"How is this place safe?" The mare inquired, "Can those... things not enter it?"

"They can, but will not. They believe that Luna would strike them down, and condemn their souls to Tartarus. It's likely she would."

A few moments passed before the mare looked into her savior's eyes, "We should discuss... things. You have risked your life for me, and I will not have you go unrewarded.But..." She brought her face close to his, "I have naught to offer. Except..." Their lips briefly touched, "My body..." She whispered into his ear.

You go girl!

Aegis's mouth watered as he looked the mare over. She was quite beautiful, and was certainly willing. He sat still as she reached down. Her breath smelled of lavenders and...

As much as you love romance, is this really nessicary? Can't you just say they did it and move along?

Fine, they "did it." Moving along.

Aegis collected himself and climbed out of bed, intending to make Rarity breakfast before sending her home. To his amazement, a lavender and daisy sandwich was already on his table.

"I know breath may not be an issue in your line of work, but it's important to me." The white mare whispered into his ear.

He took a bite before saying, "Where do you live? Any family looking for you?"

The sorrow on her face made him regret asking, and as their eyes met, she started to cry.

"The-they tried to protect me... Those... Those things killed them! They..." She sniffled, "They gave my little sister the worst. They... raped her." Her voice turned cold, "They deserved to die. Thank you."

"Do you know if any got away?"

"I... I think one or two might of left. They said something about a mountain... And about a temple."

Aegis finished his sandwich, and thought it over. He did have some allies, maybe they'd-

"Please don't send me away..." He was assaulted by an incredibly sad puppy dog face, "I feel... safe here. And I can cook, clean, and do other things... "She said twisting her hips, "Just... let me stay. Please."

The hunter thought it over. She would be safe here, and the pantry did have enough for two. And the days would be less lonely.

"I will consider it, and give you an answer when I return. But for now, what did they say about this mountain temple?"

"They were returning to their leader... I think they said dragon mountain."

"Then I must be off. There is running water, and food in the pantry."

"Where are you going?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Mountain climbing."

And with that, he left.

Author's Note:

See what happens when I get bored at school? Also last chapter wasn't long enough.