• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 490 Views, 4 Comments

Lady Rarity - Aegis Steelshield

Story inspired by the song of the same name.

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My apologies for the delay. I, um, I got lost looking for the bathroom in the dark. Now the hunter had entered the lair of the evil vampires...

The Hunter hugged his body to the wall as a patrol went by. As the last passed, he discretely grabbed it's set of keys, and snuck down the hall towards the dungeon. The door wasn't well oiled, and started to creak.

Seconds passed as he waited for a shout. When nothing happened, he opened the door and walked right into the trap. He lept over the first to charge, and landed behind the second of three, before flicking his remaining knife into the third.

"Just as good as the stories said," the first hissed, "But you will sururk-" The word was cut off by a thrown knife, and Steelshield charged the second.

The second, an unicorn, teleported behind him, and the hunter lashed out with a kick. One satisfying thump and crack later, he had crushed the third vertebrae. He retrieved his knife before ending it's wretched life.

Reaching for the stolen keys, he looked to the prisoners, "Are any of you Guardponies?"

Lucky Spear stepped forward, and started, "Steelshield? Wha-what are you doing here?"

"I'm rescuing the missing fillies, colts, and other assorted cattle. I assume you tried the same?"

Lucky nodded, "I brought down a few before they overwhelmed me." With a click, the gate opened, and the prisoners shifted nervously.

"Take this knife, and defend them. Don't be afraid to kill these monsters, they are not ponies."

"But what about you?"

"I always carry two."

But the assassins...

That's about to be important.


Aegis sighed in relief as he watched them leave. He knew his job just got harder since he was now unarmed, but he was happy that they would be spared a life as slaves to the vampires. Nopony deserved that. He sent a warm smile and kind words to the assassins' parents, but didn't tell them everything.

He slipped back into the shadows as guards approached.

"This way! I can smell them!"

The hunter smashed into the earth pony's side, sending it into a wall. He was flung to the side as a magic bolt slammed into him, and was back up in a second. The unicorn was swinging a sword, but the hunter tossed something at it. Expecting a vial of holy water, it recoiled as the stone went into the sword hilt, causing it to fall.

With a roll, Aegis had it in hoof, and made short work of the unicorn. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the earth pony charge him again, and ran it through.

Author's Note:

Birthday updating spree!!!!

Now mentioned in the first, but I think it's important to mention here too.

The mane 6 are stuck at Twi's during a storm that knocks out the lights, so they tell stories to entertain each other. The main parts of the story are in black, but the comments are in italics in the colors of the main six (except Rarity, she's black italics), and this is Rarity's story.

The framing device is the same used for The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.