• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 490 Views, 4 Comments

Lady Rarity - Aegis Steelshield

Story inspired by the song of the same name.

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Mountain Climbing

Chapter 3

And so our hero, the hunter, Aegis Steelshield, left his sanctuary to avenge Lady Rarity's family.

The cold was hell on his hooves. He had needed them uncovered so that he could climb, but still wished he had been able to bring socks. At least his magic cloak kept him warm.

His thoughts went to earlier that day, back in Ponyville...


He had entered the small town when the sun was in it's zenith-

Don't speak fancy.

She means it was noon.

-and the first thing he noticed was that the market wasn't as busy as normal. He supposed that with the storm the previous night, others might stay indoors to avoid the mud, but it still seemed somewhat empty. He sighed as he approached a guard he recognized.

"Hello, Lucky Spear. How goes life?"

"The same as always, Steelshield. What brings you to town?" Came the guard's gruff response.

"I was thinking of going mountain climbing, and needed the supplies. Is the gypsy still here?"

"Where else would she be?" As Aegis turned away, the guard stopped him, "You wouldn't happen to know about any missing fillies lately, would you?"

'Damn them to hell', the hunter thought, however, "No, but I'll keep my eyes open for you." was what he said.

He walked through town, doubling back several times until he arrived at his destination. His supplier's tent wasn't that hard to miss, if you knew what to look for, but he liked to be safe. He felt the beads pass around him as he entered.

To his surprise, a young filly ran up and hugged his leg, crying her eyes out. As he scooped her up in one leg, he whispered, "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

"My... my daddy... my daddy was ta-taken... Miss... Miss Glimmer told me to... to tell the next young pegasus who walked in..."

He rulfed her mane, "I know it doesn't mean much, but I'll see what I can do, 'kay?"

"Tha-thank you..." With that, he put the mare down, and went in deeper to find his co-worker.

"Hello Aegis." She said without turning around.

"One day I will find out how you do that." He grumbled as he entered, "You know why I'm here, don't you?"

"And you know my price."

"Yes, I'll help the girl. But now I need-"

"On the counter to your left. I hear Dragon Mountain has a view to kill for."

"One day, I'll surprise yo-"


Aegis was thrown out of his thoughts as his hoof slid on a patch of ice, and fell, his wings useless in the blizzard...

He supposed it was a good thing that Glimmer had packed him a grappling hook, and several lines. The rope stopped him after only a few feet. and he climbed back up. He avoided the ice this time.

After a while, his thoughts went to the mare in his sanctuary. He wondered what her family was like. He wondered if she had a good life. It was strange how she occupied his thoughts. He had saved others before, but she was the first he hadn't sent away.

He got to the top of the line, and shot out another.

But he hadn't made her leave, and was even climbing up this mountain to avenge her family. He saw a trail nearby, and went in another direction. They'd be watching those.

He knew that Dragon Mountain got it's name from the proud beast that had once made it it's home, and-

This is boring, where's the action?

That was rude, now shut up.

The hunter stopped. He could of sworn he heard-

There. A crash nearby, somewhere to his right. He shifted, ready for an attack. He tried to see it through the blizzard, missing the magic bolt coming from his left.

It flung him like a discarded doll, smashing him face first into a snowy cliff. He landed right on the pegasus he had heard. It had tried to bite him, but couldn't untangle it's self from his cloak and the ropes.

The hunter however, had gotten one of his knifes free, and raised it to stab his attacker. Before he could, he felt magic jerk the safety rope. He landed on his face, and blindly searched for his now lost knife. He felt something get stuck in the leather covering his back, and went still as an illusion took hold.

"That was to easy, brother," the now visible unicorn mare said, "He was suppose to be nigh unkillable."

"Well sister, he sure looks dead to me. Go find a stick so we can poke him," Yelled the pegasus over the storm.

He felt the mare's leg bump up against his side, before she said, "I have a better idea." He noticed that despite how softly she talked, he could still hear her. Must be magic.

His thoughts were cut off as he found out her plan. He spasmed as electricity flew though his body, and he gasped at the shock of it. He leg shot out, kicking her in the ribs. He reached for the knife from his back, dispelling the cloak's deathly illusion.

To his surprise, the mare still had it. The pegasus tackled him from the side, and they wrestled. The hunter broke its nose before moving to snap the neck.

"Wait! Don't kill him!" The mare shouted in panic, "We're not monsters!"

"We-we're normal ponies, please... They have our parents!"

Aegis paused, "Show me your teeth. Now, both of you."

He saw they were indeed not vampires, but instead rather sloppy and amateur assassins. He laughed as he briefly considered killing them. After all, they did just attack him. But, on the other hoof, it was his duty to help those harmed by vampires.

"Please..." He realized that he was choking the pegasus as he thought.

"I'll fuck you, just let him go!"

What is it with you and sex?

"Leave, the both of you. Do not return. If your parents yet live, I will retrieve them, and bring them safely to Ponyville."

"Tha-thank you sir..." The mare went to her brother, before turning to Aegis. "We're Pineapple and Cupcake Cake. Our parents are both light brown with darker hair."

As she took off with her brother, Aegis planned a jailbreak. It was another thirty minutes before he realized she had stolen his knife.

Author's Note:

I mention sex a lot, but right now I don't intend to write clop. As this story mentions it, but does not contain it, I have not marked it with the sex tag. I hope you guys are enjoying, and remember this:

Comments, ratings, and favorites make an author's day.

And wow, I actually hit a thousand words in one chapter. Amazing.