• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 2,676 Views, 39 Comments

Chaos Falls - Black Hailstorm

I've made mistakes before. But this is the worst one I could have ever done.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Mistakes That Cannot Be Undone

The supernatural. A world of mystery and strangeness

Pleasant isn’t it? Some believe that the world of supernatural exists outside the boundaries of our own world, others believe it to merely be another myth. I however, have had the unfortunate chance of not only learning about it, but for meeting it, and discovering what it truly is.

A being who could easily tear my own world apart from the inside out or just as easily from the outside. Disturbing is it not?

Anyway enough with the small chatter.

My name is Hailstorm. And right now, this is my conscience speaking.

“There done!” I said with a smile, as I readjusted my glasses. Getting up with a grin I studied the circle I had drawn on the floorboards of my very own bedroom.

Not too bad if I do say so myself. And as I stood there staring at all 9 symbols I had drawn into each section of the circle I couldn’t help but notice that for once this was actually the first or maybe second time I’ve ever been able to draw such a perfect circle free-handed.

“Strange” I muttered to myself, and merely shrugged.

I immediately got onto one knee and drew in the last symbol required to complete the ancient strange relic of symbolism. Glasses.

Double checking my work just to make sure I hadn’t completely messed up I began drawing the main piece that would finish this circle completely. The living triangle or being known as Bill.

You see allow me to explain something to you. I don’t know how. Nor do I care much about why, but for some reason I’ve had the strange ability to peer into other worlds or even a single world that does not relate to my own when I’m asleep.

I don’t know why it happens. It just happens. And you see for the past couple of months I’ve been seeing these strange symbols in my head over and over and over again, every time I go to sleep. Not only that but I’ve seen some pretty strange things. Like gnomes chasing a golf cart, seeing ghosts and zombies, and constantly hearing the name “Pines” over and over again when I’m asleep.

I sure as hell don’t know what these “Pines” fellows have to do with me a simple 18 year-old boy beginning to make his way through the world but whatever they were doing it was worsening my dreams.

“Every night I have to wake up in a cold sweat due to the multiple horrors I see. The world burning, chaos ensuing, monsters taking over! I’m sick and tired of seeing it every single night” I said with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes.

But that all changed when a fellow called Bill met me as I watched him ruining the world. And he offered me a solution to my problem. He told me to write down these symbols, then summon him. Obviously I didn’t want to. But when I initially refused my head began to ache with such a force I thought for sure it would kill me.

That’s when Bill had a smug little look in that eye of his and said. “It’s the only way to end your living hell Hailstorm.” How he knew my name I will never know, but I decided if this guy could do anything to rid me of this horrible curse, I’d take it.

So I agreed. I didn’t shake his hand like he offered but I agreed. And here I am, “Drawing him on my very own apartment floorboards” I stated as I drew the eye of the being.

“And now I believe I can finally be free” a smile, touched my lips as I drew in Bill’s pupil with the chalk in my hand. Standing back up on my two feet I backed up a few inches. No sooner was I at a safe distance did the symbol glow a luminescent blue.

Then suddenly, I could feel the very fabric of time and space freeze, the world around me turning grey. The birds chirping outside eerily slowing down to an inevitable stop. The symbol I had drawn to summon Bill evaporating into the air in a sparkle of blue dust, before spinning in the air fusing into a ball, and then suddenly creating a small dot that extended into what appeared to be...a pupil.

The pupil blinked at me. I stood there staring back, calmly waiting to see what would happen but at the same time my body and nerves on edge in case something else would happen.

And for awhile in that grey world nothing did happen. There was just that floating eye that stared at me in silence, and me staring right back at it. Then it blinked and suddenly part of my wall collapsed into a triangle forming the eye’s body.

Staring at me now was Bill. Bill Cipher. And for some reason I could get the feeling that he was quite pleased to see me summoning him.

Bill laughed for a few seconds before shrinking his massive form and floating towards me.

“I knew you couldn’t resist for long. Let’s face it Hailstorm you knew you’d eventually cave in and submit to your desire to get rid of this curse” he said with the utmost confidence.

I didn’t reply.

“So” he said turning towards me. “Do we have a deal? I take away your curse. But in exchange you do something else for me” I hesitated, staring at the outstretched hand before me.

Seconds passed and I still hadn’t made my move. Bill’s eye gave me a look of displeasure. His hand retracting back to his side. “I see, looks like you called to waste me time” he said pulling out a pocket watch. “Now if you don’t mind, only call me when you have a real” his eye flashed red, before turning back to normal. “Reason to call me.”

Raising his hand the interdimensional being was about to snap his fingers and disappear out of existence but a firm hold on a wrist stopped him from doing so.

“Wait” I said, my hand tightening on his wrist. “I’ll...I’ll do it, but you have to promise me. Not to take over my world when I shake your hand.” Bill’s eye narrowed as he stared at me, noticing I still had my hand firmly grasping his wrist I released it.

“Alright then” he said rubbing his wrist. “I agree” his hand glowed with a burning blue flame. “As long as you agree to my conditions, your curse is gone.”

“And what are those conditions?” I asked with a skeptic look through my glasses. My hand was now up but it was away from the powerful being’s hand.

Bill chuckled, “Hailstorm. You know I don’t do things that way.” His voice suddenly growing dark with the next words out of his nonexistent mouth. “Now do we have a deal? Or not?”

I bit my lip, sweat slowly forming on my brow. What choice did I have? I couldn’t deal with this curse for another couple of months, they were too much. My parents had nearly sent me to a mental hospital because of them.

Then do it my conscience advised. Do it and get it over with, you’ll be free-- we’ll be free. No more worries, no more pain, no more screams of agony into the night. You won’t wake up in a cold sweat several times into the night one day, and refuse to get some sleep on others.

You won't need to stress anymore on those images of suffering, those symbols in your head. It'll all be over if you just shake his hand. So JUST. DO IT!

I closed my eyes and exhaled. Dropping my hand next to Bill’s the being’s eye seemed to gain a more cheerful mood. “It’s a deal I said.”

Bill quickly grabbed my hand before I could change my mind, and shook it. The blue flame burning a bit brighter between our hands as we shook. “Good” his voice said.

Then a burst of blue flames encompassed my apartment. In shock I watched as everything around me, slowly melted or burnt away into nothingness as the flames revealed a growing portal behind Bill.

“What are you doing?” I turned to him in anger, his hand still firmly grasping my own.

Bill’s laugh only got darker with every cackle. “I’m abiding to our deal. You said I couldn’t take over your world. But you never said, they couldn’t take over your world” he said with maniacal laughter.

And as I looked into the portal I peered into it to see that indeed heading towards us were vehicles made of nothing but what I could assume to be bones. And they were all on fire.

“You tricked me?” I said unsurprised but fury still in my voice.

“Of course Hailstorm” the being said as he grew larger. “I’m a trickster, it’s what. I. DO!” he said releasing my hand with another laugh.

I snarled in rage, the vehicles were coming closer and I was running out of time. The portal didn’t look stable enough yet.

Maybe if I..! A thought popped into my head. Moving towards the ever laughing Bill I grabbed a steel baseball bat banging on my wall and swung it directly into the being back. He let out a painful yell as he fought to reach the burning mark that the bat now left on him. I glanced over to the portal.

My plan had worked, in that brief moment of agony Bill had let his control of the direction slip. And now the portal showed a completely different world altogether. A castle that seemed to be suspended in the mountains.

The portal had changed dimensions or rather worlds it would lead to. I dropped the bat, Bill was starting to turn red. If I did nothing now he would lash out at me with every fiber in his being. And I, being a human could do nothing.

Taking one last glance at the castle held by mountains I crouched into a tackling position, and waited till his body was slightly turned towards the portal.

“When I get out of this Hailstorm I’m going to rip you limb from limb!” he shouted through the tear that fell from his eye.

I gulped. He was now directly in front of the portal.

I only have one chance. Slamming my foot on the ground I propelled myself forward, rushing at the interdimensional being with as much speed I could muster in that large bedroom, Bill was still in slight pain from the bat to the back so I was in luck. I leaped forward allowing the laws of friction to do it’s work as I propelled myself forward.

Using my shoulder like a spear I jammed my entire weight on Bill’s body propelling us both into the portal, and as we flew through I watched the portal slowly close with a burp, then fade out of existence behind us.

....”There goes home.”

Bill and I were falling through the sky, the interdimensional being was obviously in a daze. I was still falling to the ground and my entire body was stretched so that way my descent would slow down as best it could.

Bill turned to me, veins on his body as his eye glowed red and his pupil glowed green. His voice resounded with others that accompanied it. “I’m going to kill you one way or another for sending me into the world of Equestria Hailstorm.”

But then quite suddenly he calmed down. Realizing something. “The world of Equestria...” he thought touching his none existent chin in thought as we continued to fall towards the castle.

“Yes...This could work” Bill muttered to himself his expression brightening. “Hailstorm! You insufferable genius I could strangle you!” he said patting me quite hard on the back and making my descent even faster.

Tears had now begun to fall behind us, since the air had been whipping my eyes, and my glasses didn’t really serve as the best windshield.

“What did I do?” I asked with fear barely audible due to the wind speed.

Bill gave me a smug look. “Why, you’ve given me another world to conquer! And it’ll probably be, ten times” -he brought ten fingers into existence- “as fun as laying waste to your world and Gravity Falls! And I’ll even get to mess with someone who used to be into this kind of stuff like I was!” he said with a small chuckle.

Fear and anger rocketed into me as I turned my body in the air and began trying to grab the floating being beside me, but he easily evaded.

From there he simply stayed above me, watching me fall to what would most likely be my death.

“Once again Hailstorm I must thank you for giving me such an entertaining opportunity!” he said waving goodbye. “Oh yes and in exchange allow me to give you a present.” His finger glowed orange, and he shot a beam of light at me.

Instantly I felt pain surging through my body, as I could feel my skin peeling off, and my hands and fingers collapsing and crunching into what I could now see as hooves, I watched my entire body go from human...to horse.

NO! I mentally screamed, but judging from Bill’s look he seemed pleased as he could watch me fall to my doom as the animal he most likely now saw me as. Waving goodbye with his hat the triangle zoomed towards me his entire body glowing red.

"I’ll see you later Hailstorm, that is if you survive this fall!” Bill’s body slammed into me, I went spiralling out of control as my shoes fell off what were no longer feet but hooves, and I could now see the castle’s balcony no more than 15 feet in view.

This truly was my end. And what was worse I would die a horse and not a man. I sighed, feeling pain shake me to my core, as I realized I would never be able to fix the wrong I had just layed out to the people of this world, called Equestria.

The pain I had felt now extending, the rest of my skin peeling off, I passed out, the last thing I could hear were the sound of wings, then it was lights out.

The only thing that went through my mind as I thought I was dying was one word. “Sorry.”

My eyes shot open. I was in a bed, and it was strangely warm outside. I froze not sure where I was then looked around to see my room.

“Strange” I said. “Was that just a dream?”

I got up but froze to look at the mirror. I still had my body. My human body.

“...Was that really a dream?” I thought, but my thoughts were soon destroyed by an explosion that shook the entire building.

I quickly put my shoes on, and rushed outside only to see that my world was in utter chaos. No longer were the streets, clean and well established, but broken and shattered with the debris of various homes that seemed to be no where as nearly well constructed as the homes we had on earth.

I heard a scream and turned to look behind me. Floating there in front of what looked to be two queens or princesses were two winged unicorns.

A fuchsia gray one, and a dark blue one. Both were severely injured and beaten. Both were being held in the arms of two cyclops.

Floating in front of them was Bill Cipher himself as he stared at them then pointed to a group of younger looking equines beneath them.

My eyes followed his point. Right there, were six mares. A yellow pegasus with a butterfly tattoo. A cyan pegasus, with a rainbow mane and cloud tattoo. A white unicorn with a posh mane and diamond tattoo.

“What is with the tattoos?” I asked but brushed it aside.

A bubblegum pink mare who was shaking uncontrollably, she had balloons for a tattoo on the same spot as the others had their own tattoos; their rumps. Or at the very least somewhere close to their asses.

Finally leading the group was a younger looking princess with a lavender coat. She glared at the interdimensional being with a look of both hate and fear in her eyes, for laying at her forelegs was what appeared to be the body of a baby dragon.

“Why are you doing this?!” the young alicorn asked as she gingerly held the unconscious dragon’s body close to her embrace.

Bill seemed to give a chipper expression. “Why because I can Twilight Sparkle.”

“We don’t deserve this you know!” the white unicorn yelled, and the rest of the group shouted their agreement.

Bill continued to give them that creep chipper expression. “Of course you don’t Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy” Bill let out another chuckle. “But if you want to blame someone. Blame him.”

Bill pointed to me, the person standing at the foot of the stairs where the group of mares were trapped and two others were suspended by their prisoners.

The group of mares stared at me with a look of both pain and hate in their eyes. The pink one who had now stopped shaking stared at me with tears welling up in her eyes.

“Why...” Pinkie Pie asked. “We just wanted to help...but you didn’t do anything to help us...what did we do to deserve this Hailstorm?” she sniffed. “Why did you leave us to die?”

My heart leapt to my throat. I was frozen. My body shook, with either fear or rage I could not tell. I took a hesitant step forward only to be yelled at by the mare I had now come to discover was Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t come any closer” Dash yelled. “We trusted you! And you-” she turned away slamming a hoof on the ground in disgust.

My eyes widened, and for some reason I could feel pain hitting me in the chest, despite the fact that I did not personally know these mares.

The orange equine with the stetson lifted her hat up a bit to reveal her tearstained face. “We don’t even know if we can ever forgive ya for this Hailstorm.”

That sent the knife into me. And when I looked back at my hands I saw that I now had hooves.

Bill had been watching silently with great interest. “I’m sorry to ruin this little moment” he said as the cyclops dropped the two regal equines on the ground.

“But I have a world to roll in chaos, and this is cutting into my time.” Bill pointed at the mares, a spark of blue light left his finger slowly growing into a ball of light at the tip of his index finger.

“NO!” I shouted in attempt to move, but it was too late. The light exploded from his finger and enveloped the group of ponies in it.

I watched in horror as the sentient aliens were evaporated into nothingness. Bill floated towards me, patting me gently on the back, my look of shock still present.

“It’s alright Hailstorm. They don’t know it’s your fault” he said with a reassuring pat before leaving my side. “That is they don’t know it’s your fault.

YET!” he turned his eye red, his triangular body steaming, and then a flash of light.

Everything went dark soon after, and I couldn’t help but hear voices.

“He’s coming to give him some room!”

I gasped, reality soaking into my vision as I looked around. I was on the ground.

Wait. “I’m on the ground?” I said perplexed. The sound of clicking made me take notice of my surroundings.

Standing in front of me was the cyan pegasus I had seen seconds ago in my dream. Beside her was the orange country equine as well, both having looks of concern on their faces.

“Rainbow Dash! Did you catch him?” I heard a familiar voice, ask with great concern. The voice was gentle, soft and kind...meek almost. A yellow pegasus landed by her two friends side. Looking at me with nothing but concern.

“Oh thank goodness you’re alright. We were quite surprised to see a earth pony falling from the sky like that” she said moving towards me.

Applejack let out a small weak chuckle. “What were you trying to do fly?”

I didn’t respond. My mind was probably still in shock from that what I had just experienced. You know, watching these same ponies die and all just to have them casually walk up to me after they had just blamed me for their own world’s destruction. A lot to take in when you just wake up.

“Is everything alright here?” I heard another voice say behind me. I lifted my head to look up and see the smiling face of one of the regal ponies staring at me.

“Princess?” I asked, the alicorn smiled.

“Call me Celestia” the princess of the sun said.

“I’m glad to see you are unharmed, though” the tall white alicorn said with concern. “You gave us quite the fright when we saw you falling out of the sky. Luckily Rainbow Dash here is our best flier” she said with a smile to the rainbow maned pegasus.

Rainbow Dash merely waved her hoof with a giddy smile. “No problem princess. Anytime.”

“Which brings to question” Rarity said trotting up with the baby dragon and Twilight in tow “Why were you falling from the sky?”

That was the million dollar question wasn’t it. Why?

Why had I done something so stupid like make a deal with the devil himself, when I knew that it would only lead to large consequences. Even now as I stared into the faces of the equines that had by luck alone managed to save me, I couldn’t think of a clear answer to it.

A voice brought me back from my thoughts. “Um sir? What’s your name anyway?” the baby dragon asked.

Twilight seemed to have shot the dragon a glare for the manner he had asked but he either noticed and didn’t care or simply didn’t care.

I licked my dry lips, as I struggled to find ground on my hooves, before after a few feeble attempts I was able to stand and look at them.

“I’m...my name’s Hailstorm.”

The group smiled. I tried to do the same, but only managed a very small one.

“Well Hailstorm, we’re glad you’re alright. But you must be quite shaken up after that plummeting to your near death experience. Why don’t you come to the castle and rest a bit?” Celestia offered.

Slowly I nodded, the group smiled in return leading me towards the castle that was only a few feet away.

And as I climbed up those steps and went into the castle I swore I could hear a voice whisper in my ear.

I'll be watching you.”