• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 2,676 Views, 39 Comments

Chaos Falls - Black Hailstorm

I've made mistakes before. But this is the worst one I could have ever done.

  • ...

Chapter 17

And So The Truth Is Out

You know how there’s always that saying about speaking the truth makes you feel better and less guilty? I don’t think that saying works well with me at all.

In fact let’s just forget about anything relating to me feeling better about myself when I or if I decided to tell the girls about why I was here and how Bill and I got here in the first place. Because if Rainbow Dash dislikes me now, then she’ll hate me when she finds out I set a sociopath out on her world.

Luna and Celestia? I don’t even want to know what they’d do to me if they found out I was the cause of all these magical disruptions in their world. The very thought was horrible enough.

Anyway...enough rambling in my head...it’s time to get back to my current situation; reality.

The world above four ponies was as still as a silent forest. Tranquil and peaceful, yet behind that peacefulness were creatures that could rip you to shreds in a matter of seconds.

Currently at the Ghastly Gorge, four ponies were present. Screwball, Pinkie, Daring Doo and I. And a fifth one there as well. Our unexpected guest. The goddess of truth and misfortune, Athelia.

Her flowing metallic mane was still as graceful as ever even without there being any wind. The giant dark nimbus clouds above erupted with thunder and lightning, but not a single drop of rain ever came down on the gorge and those within it. And if that wasn’t bizarre enough, lightning had etched itself into the sky just above the group and the god, all in the form of a cutie mark.

My cutie mark. The bullseye.

Now that I think about it, this bullseye should have been the first sign. Since when is a bullseye ever a good thing when it’s on your back? Or in my case, my own ass.

“Hailstorm!” Pinkie’s voice called out to me in scolding tones. I turned my head slowly in her direction. It was the only thing any of us were being allowed to move at this point. Whatever Athelia had done to us, she was making sure we wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

When I glanced over at Pinkie she was giving me a crossed stare. I honestly could not tell if it was because of our current situation and she somehow knew I was to blame for it, or if she somehow had used her Pinkie senses to determine whether or not I just swore mentally. Either way it didn’t matter I just wanted to get out of here right now.

“You cannot escape if that is what you are thinking” the soft, calm voice of the goddess spoke.

I looked up at her, and she down upon me. Her expression was calm and stoic. Expressionless I should say would be the better term. Yet behind all the stoic attitude I could see it in her eyes, that anger, that rage.

It felt sickening. I felt like a child again who had just ruined the leather of all those couches we got when I was young and had to face the wrath of my mother when she got back from work.

Ugh, what a nightmare that was.

Athelia continued to stare at me in silence. Daring Doo and the others followed her gaze towards me in turn. It was the only thing they could really do anyway, so I didn’t blame them. But what I didn’t want to happen right now, is for the others to know about my reason being here.

You’re probably thinking why, right? Why have I not said anything and constantly postponed the act of spilling everything and just face the music. It’s probably not something simple that anyone would understand unless they were in my situation, but let me put it this way.

If you, oh I don’t know, were invited to a friend’s place for dinner on a special occasion. You and this friend of yours who’s home you’ll be going to for that special dinner, have had some great times. Bad and good alike, but great nonetheless. Now let’s say you go to this dinner, the main course will be served shortly but it takes a bit longer than originally planned. You go to the kitchen to get something to drink, and then while you’re there you see your friend’s mom. She looks concerned about something so you ask if you can help with anything. She explains she forgot something at the store but can’t leave to get it because of the food. With that being said, you take it upon yourself to help. Appreciative of the offer she tells you to watch the meal as it finishes and when it’s done shut everything off then remove it so it can cool down by the time she gets back.

You stoutly salute as your friends mother leaves to attend to her duty.

Now skip ahead a little, let’s say you do get this meal out, but then by a horrible twist of fate something happens that makes you inadvertently ruin the entire dish. Wouldn’t you try to cover up your horrible mistake so you could spare your friend and all the other guest that fate of witnessing your blunder?

Well then again that probably wasn’t the best analogy, but my situation is a bit something like that. I saved my world, but I doomed theirs. Sure it wasn’t unintentional, sure things just suddenly happened and spun out of control, but I’ve been trying to fix it. I’m working to fix it.

I’m not just going to act like it didn’t happen and live a carefree life in Equestria while Bill does whatever he wants. I’d be an irresponsible guy if I did that.

I just needed time. Time to readjust to everything. To Equestria, to my strange shift between human and equus. I just wanted a break so I could wrap my head around things for just a few seconds, but in the end it doesn’t seem like I’ll be getting that break does it.

“No, no you won’t” Athelia replied.

I looked up at her, returning from my thoughts. The others did too. A few minutes of silence had stretched quite thinly between us and her and no one had said a word while I was in thought.

Was she reading my mind?

“Yes” Athelia replied bluntly. “I am and are, always.”

A crossed look slowly began to form on my face, but before I could speak all of a sudden the frozen pressure that held all our bodies was released and everyone fell flat on their stomachs.

“I am the goddess of truth Hailstorm. Your inner desires are always revealed to me, no matter they be your thoughts, or whether you are aware of them or not. I know.” She explained.

“Well if you know everything so much then why didn’t you appear sooner to confront me when I arrived. Surely you must have-” both Daring Doo and Screwball smacked a fetlock on my muzzle to silence me.

Both gave me a look to shut up. Obviously talking back to one of the gods in this world hadn’t crossed my mind as one of the things I’d be doing today.

Athelia merely raised a brow at the two, a look that was obviously telling us to release my muzzle and allow me the freedom to speak my mind.

Smiling sheepishly, despite still being overpowered by everything that was just happening Daring Doo merely said, “I think it's best for both us and him if we keep him quiet for some time while you tell us what we’ve been denied the opportunity to hear. Don’t you?” she asked referring to Pinkie and Screwball.

Screwball nodded immediately, but Pinkie took a few seconds longer to respond. Prompting Athelia to speak.

“Do you not wish to know what he has been hiding from you?” she asked. As said question was voiced all manners of thunder or lightning stopped instantly, waiting for Pinkie’s answer.

Pinkie looked at me, I still had two different hooves over my mouth so I’m not sure how I looked, but if she could see my eyes it was clear I was against her or anyone save Discord, from knowing what I currently knew.

A few more seconds of silence were offered to allow Pinkie to think. This was tough for her. Pinkie always liked knowing everything about her friends. Their favorite foods, their favorite hangouts, when they use the bathroom-- okay not the last one, but definitely everything else.

After a few seconds of thought had turned into a full two minutes, the party planner’s scrunched up muzzle relaxed and she frowned sadly at me. “Sorry Hailstorm, but my Pinkie senses have been bothering me since you got here. And I can’t ignore this whole” she waved her hooves in front of her nose, “tingly twitchy, fishy sensation. So, yes I would like to know” she said with an increase in her frown.

My ears drooped weakly, and my somewhat calm composure fractured just a bit. A muffled sigh came out of my mouth, and I eased myself on my haunches.

“Ok...okay fine. Do it. Tell- will you two get your hooves off my mouth already!”

Complying with my muffled wish both mares retracted their hooves immediately. “Thank you.” I muttered gruffly.

“Do not worry Hailstorm” Athelia said once our little display was over. “I was going to whether I had your permission or not.”

Twilight Sparkle and her friends all sat in the rather large common room. The self-proclaimed goddess in the center. All eyes on her and her majestic figure.

There had been a few moments where Rarity had wanted to comment on how she just loved the goddess’ mane style, but refrained from doing so feeling like it would have been disrespectful or out of place to say such a thing to a god.

Athelia had merely smiled in her direction though when the thought had crossed her mind.

“So” Discord stated. “To what do I owe this wonderful pleasure?” he asked.

The goddess’ expression returned to a stoic form and she once again addressed Discord with a hint of distaste that mixed so well with her soft and welcoming voice. “I have not come here for you Discord. You should know as well as he did, that I only come in moments of dire need or when the utmost unexpected is bound to happen.”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Rainbow Dash cut in. The only one of the group who had been staring at the goddess completely transfixed by her appearance. “Let me get this straight.”

Athelia nodded, already knowing what was about to be said.

“You. You are a goddess? Is that right?” Rainbow Dash asked, all form of the word disbelief still in her voice.

“I believe we cleared that up the first six times you asked me, but yes I am” Athelia responded patiently.

“And there are fourteen other gods like you out in our world somewhere just...watching us?” Rainbow Dash asked once more.

Athelia merely nodded to this. “So that means, all those times we were in life threatening danger, all you ‘gods’” she said with distaste, “merely stayed up in your godly world, doing your godly things, while you watched most of us nearly get wiped out?” the pegasus asked. Her wings fluffed aggressively as her tone changed to anger.

Athelia once again nodded, never once changing her expression or reacting to the change of the athlete’s tone.

Silence filled the room after the god’s silent response. Then in an instant Dash was up in the air glaring daggers at the goddess.

“What in the- Where the hay have you all been when my friends and I nearly died multiple times trying to save this world! Are you telling me this entire time there have been gods up there, watching us and sitting back with applecider or whatever you gods drink watching/ laughing, at us while we struggled through or own issues in life?!” she bellowed.

Swift Strike immediately moved to block the pegasus from doing something stupid they’d all regret.

“Now Rainbow Dash I get wh’re you’re comin’ from. But this isn’t the time for us to be asking why or what. This is the time we get to focus on Hailstorm, and figure out why he’s here and who he is? Don’t you-”

“NO!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “This is insane. We’ve dealt with crazier things than this before, but I’ve never been genuinely more surprised than I’ve ever been till now. Are you seriously going to come into Twilight’s castle. The one where she could have died over, Ponyville, the place we have defeated a lot of enemies just to randomly say “Oh I’ve got some important news for you. Then I’m gonna go back up to luxury and watch you equines fend for yourselves, because I’m a god and it’s none of my business!” ” she exclaimed.

Once that lengthy statement was said, the pegasus’ breath was the only thing that could be heard as she took in deep breaths of air. Her eyes still glared daggers at the goddess before them though.

For a while no one said a thing. Dash was right. This is insane. Alicorns were the ones that everyone on their world believed to be on par with the gods. Some even believed the alicorns were gods. Gods and goddesses were all myths made up eons ago, suppositions and nothing more. Not even Starswirl the Bearded’s theory of creation was taken heavily into account. Now all of a sudden they were just supposed to up and believe that a god had appeared to warn them, when they had never done any such thing like this before.

“Dash is right” Starlight spoke up. “This doesn’t make sense. First Jormanzir now you? It didn’t click at first because everything was so sudden but now-... Why warn us now when you’ve never once done anything to help before?” a form of her own anger expressed within those words.

Athelia said nothing. The emotions she could now feel were a lot. Anger came strongly from everyone, excluding Discord of course who remained uninterested in the current display. The strongest spout of anger came from Dash, Starlight, Twilight and Applejack collectively. There were other emotions mixed in as well, confusion being the second top one on the list. That came from Fluttershy.

A full minute passed before Athelia spoke. And by then she had a basic understanding of all the feelings and thoughts that were currently being thrown at her.

“You may think that being a god means we get to do whatever we want, like Discord over there” Athelia said looking in the draconequus direction. But the matter remains that just as mortals have their own rules so do we.”

“What in the hay could be more important than protecting your own kin?” Applejack asked. She too was now on the edge of her seat. Looking just as mad as Dash.

“Respecting what our creators ordered us to do would be one” Athelia stated. “I’m sure you Applejack, one who represents truth, understands just how important it is to honor family. Do you not?” Athelia asked.

AJ’s scowl faltered for a second before she quickly turned it into a frown. “Why are you helping us now, though. What’s so different that you’d particularly disobey your... 'family’s' own orders now at all times?”

This question piqued interest, Athelia could feel it. All the other emotions and feelings like anger, confusion, disgust fading away as a new one took it’s place in each Equestrian before her; curiosity.

“That’s right, didn’t you say you had something to tell us?” Rarity asked.

“Is the world in danger...again? How many times does that make it?” Spike asked. Only to be hushed by Twilight.

“It is alright” Athelia responded, looking at the young drake. “My brother, speaks fondly of you the most” she said with a faint smile.

Spike not sure what to say but still feeling extremely prideful after hearing this, puffed his chest out and smiled boldly.

Athelia’s smile grew for a few seconds. It had been a while since she had genuinely smiled, but the moment would have to end, much somethings in life or at least her long life sweet moments didn’t always last for as long as one hopes. Besides she had a task to complete.

Clicking a hoof against the azure crystal floor, the goddess waited for silence to fall, as well as all the thoughts she could hear to be still so she could begin what she had come to do.

“Now then. I mentioned I was here for a purpose, did I not?” the nods she got in response assured her they were listening.

“As I have come to understand, many questions are going through your minds right now. Many emotions as well. Why I’m here will be revealed but all the others relating to the other gods I will not be answering.”

To that statement Rainbow Dash’s wings fluffed and Swift Strike reflexively moved to make sure she didn’t try anything.

“I also suggest you keep your profanity to yourself Element of Loyalty.” Athelia warned. The only response she received from Dash was a huff.

“So why are you here?” Spike asked in a rather straight to the point manner.

Athelia smiled at this. It seemed like most dragons had at least inherited her brothers frank attitude. How nice she mused.

“You all have met Hailstorm yes?”

Everyone nodded, Discord watched on.

“Then I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that I am with them right now.”

Everyone raised a brow at this statement, it only took a few seconds for everyone to catch on though with what she was saying.

“They aren’t-” Twilight began only for Athelia to cut her off with a shake of her head.

“They are fine. Daring Doo, Pinkie Pie and Screwball are fine. Your abstract friend however is a different story.”

“Why’s that?” Rarity asked.

Athelia merely put on a rather fake smile and replied, “He desires this remains a secret.”

The silence Athelia was met with followed by the fluctuation of each mare’s emotion in the room was enough to tell her that none liked this. Then again that was why she was here.

The two Athelia’s waited. The original with Hailstorm and co, and the copy with Twilight. When enough time had passed and both were sure that there would be no interruptions as she spoke, the two began speaking word for word, synchronously every step of the way.

“Hailstorm as you know is not from our world. At least, this shouldn’t surprise you considering with everything you all have been through. Daring Doo and her travels, you the elements and your journeys, and Screwball with her various adventures across the globe.

“I am not going to lie or sprinkle sugar powder all over what I am about to say. I represent truth yet at the same time I represent misfortune. Sometimes one overpowers the other, so you must be willing to bare with what I will say regardless of how much it may hurt, anger, or upset you.” Both paused and looked at their audience.

They were silent and waiting. Hailstorm feeling extremely anxious at the last sentence especially.

“By this time many of you have heard the name Bill pass by from the lips of our exotic friend.” Athelia stated. The original looking at the former human now who on the outside remained calm, was being torn apart on the inside.

“Bill Cipher, is an interdimensional being not from this world. And while nothing usually can be hidden from my vision, the fact remains that I cannot locate Bill anywhere in this world. Nor do I understand his goals as of yet, but I can tell you one thing that I am sure of.

“He aims to bring ruin to this world. Already I have taken note of the many magical fluctuations throughout our world, and as my brother informed you when you met, it is indeed because of Hailstorm’s appearance.”

Screwball opened her mouth to defend, but the words never got out.

“I am well aware it is not his fault. But Bill’s powers and an even stronger magic next to it are what collide and cause the negative radiation that affects the balance in magic. If Bill is able to gain enough power or even the right resources, he could amplify this, retrieve what I believe could be his physical body and lay waste to all of this world with an iron fist.”

“Wait” Pinkie cut in, both goddesses stopped talking instantly. Allowing the planner to go ahead with her question.

“A while back, four maybe five days ago. We were at, Kangaroo Isles, there was this voice if I remember correctly that said. Huemans weren’t or aren’t affected by some of the laws of magic. Could that also be one of the reasons why Hailstorm keeps emitting whatever is causing this and why he keeps reverting back to his hueman form?”

Athelia remained silent for a few seconds mulling the question over. Back at Twilight’s Swift Strike had asked that Athelia why she had stopped talking.

“Your friend has asked my original a question. Here” she said, a white silver glow came from her horn and a small ball of pink light emerged. Pinkie’s question was then repeated for all to hear.

“That is a good question” Starlight mumbled.

A minute later the original came up with a response to Pinkie's question. One both Athelia’s responded to.

“I do not know. While I may be able to get answers quickly, I do not have all the answers in my disposal. And besides out of my four parents, he was the most mysterious out of them all.”

“Who’s he?” AJ asked.

Athelia raised an amused brow and responded. “Save any further questions till the end.”

A faint smile threatened to cross the goddesses lips as she felt the curiosity levels of the group spike, before resuming their normal levels.

“As I was saying” both Athelia’s continued. “The disruptions in our magical balance are minor, these aren’t what you need worry about. Bill Ciphers is who you should focus your attention on. And while the only thing I can gather is that he is not from this world, I do know he does come from somewhere.”

At this point, a loud swallow could be heard from the orb that now floated beside Athelia. It would serve as a beacon for the mortals to hear their comrades, but not her original.

“And that must be...oh no” Athelia merely nodded at Rarity’s deduction.

“Yes” Athelia looked at Hailstorm. “Bill Cipher comes from Hailstorm’s world. And therefore, he was brought here by Hailstorm. And mind you” Athelia stated, "while Bill may not be at his full potential now, from what Hailstorm’s mind tells me. I know no other ways of defeating him in his current state.”

“So that means” Spike said with a hint of fear and a lot of cringing.

“Yes, whatever happens next is once again up to you all to figure out.”

“Now wait just a second. Ah thought you said you could get answers.” Applejack said hotly.

“I also said, not all answers are revealed to me.”

“If you can go into Hailstorm’s head and tell us this then why don’t you tell us how to stop it.” Starlight chided, though unlike AJ she did it thoughtfully. Athelia was also the god of misfortune, and Celestia knew Starlight had had enough of that.

“I can’t” the goddess answered.

“And why’s that?” Daring Doo questioned.

“Because” she looked at the stallion whose head was now in his hooves. “His mind won’t let me in.”

The truth will set you free they say. But right now it’s making me look like a monster. What’s next? Another god visits to tell me how bad I am at trying to fix what I started.

Wait. Athelia’s practically doing that now.

It took a second for me to register it but after hearing Athelia’s last comment all thought process I had froze. What? “What do you mean my mind is-”

Rainbow Dash’s voice abruptly cut in. “Hailstorm quit messing with us and give her the answer! We can put an end to this now if you quit being so bucking secretive and tell us the truth!”

My ears twitched, that sounded like Dash. I didn’t answer, nor did I move. I just sat there frozen, trying to think. The answer. If I give them the answer this will end, the guilt, that disgusting feeling would finally be gone. And what’s more is I’d be doing my part, I’ll be free and then-

My brain stopped once again. All thoughts going out of the proverbial window and into an incinerator.

“The answer....to stopping Bill.” No.

“Yeah that’s right. What’s the answer to stopping Bill!” Dash yelled through the orb, though it was softer now. Not as angry or full of...Dash as it usually was.

Pinkie, Daring Doo and Screwball along with the others back in Twilight’s castle waited. Athelia however must have known what I was painfully coming to realize though.

I don’t know how to stop Bill.

Immediately fear was forced throughout the endocrine system and into me as I began trying to think. Trying to remember how to defeat him. I knew I had it at some point in my head. I remember vague images of seeing the Pines do it, but why couldn’t I remember it now. What was the problem?!

“Hailstorm” Twilight’s voice said. It was gentle. Kind, and I really needed that friendly tone right now.

“Hailstorm” Twilight said again. I managed a “yeah” as best I could. “How do we defeat Bill?” she asked.

I said nothing. And that silence alone was probably an answer enough.

My eyes darted over to Pinkie, she was expectant. Looking at me with empathy, I looked at the infamous explorer, Daring Doo. She gave me one glance and in an instant her expectant expression turned into a displeased frown. She knew.

My eyes glanced over to Screwball finally, who’s usual goofy expression was gone and replaced as her now straight eyes stared at me with concern and something else....sadness?

Athelia opened her mouth to speak. To say it, tell them that I didn’t know. That I had no idea how to beat the guy I had just a day or maybe even hours ago told I knew his weakness and now for my own very life couldn’t even remember what it was.

People screw up, but jeez. I’m going for the record aren’t I?

“He doesn’t-”

Wait!!” I yelled with a force but in reality it was more of a plea out of pure desperation.

“Give me a second, I- I need to think.” I said more to myself than to anyone else.

You’re lying. My conscious told me.

The others gave me some space, but Athelia stood her ground watching me.

“I just need a bit of time” I said with exhaustion. “To think, I'm a bit tired so give me a little time to gather my thoughts.”

Stop lying and tell the truth you fool, a different voice said within me.

“I just-”

You can’t win the voice chided.

You brought this on the world and now karma's come back with a force.

“to think”

A light giggle echoed in my head and I thought for sure I was hearing things now. That is till I heard a voice say, “Oh Hailstorm, you really should stop lying to yourself.”

“Hailstorm!” Pinkie’s voice called through the noise, and in an instant everything went silent. I didn’t even realize how tight my eyes were shut till I opened them again.

I looked down only to see Pinkie staring at me with a lot of worry in her eyes. I don’t know when I did this, but my hands were now covering my ears. At some point I had changed forms and not even realized it, but I suppose that’s what happened when you begin arguing with yourself and the world gets filled with different voices shouting in your head.

“Wha- what?” I asked. My left eye twitched slightly, the pains from changing were starting to take their effect now.

“You don’t know how to stop Bill do you?” Pinkie asked gently. She still stood on her hind legs, both forehooves now on my chest as she stared at me. Waiting for an answer.

Again, my eyes looked around.

First at Daring Doo, who now I couldn’t tell what she was feeling. Be it anger or disdain she simply wouldn't look me in the eye.

Screwball as usual, looked concerned. Her lopsided eyes only increasing this along with my own conflicted emotions.

Then there was Athelia.

The goddess of truth and misfortune had said nothing the entire time I went through my own minor mental battle, all of which she had just watched. I very well doubted she had been able to hear it but if she did why did it matter. She represented misfortune as well, so perhaps this was her form of giving me my just deserts.

A second of silence passed as she and I stared at each other. A moment later Pinkie’s question ringed in my head and I recalled how her hooves still rested on my bare chest.

The look in her eyes made me feel a bit less tense. I can’t explain it, I just felt a bit at peace. I remained staring at Pinkie and she at me for several seconds before she nodded understandingly and moved away. Resuming her natural standing position she faced Athelia and shook her head.

Athelia nodded, understanding what I had just said to Pinkie. Words weren’t needed to describe what I just said, neither did she need to hear my thoughts to know either.

The Athelia with Twilight and the others looked up from the ground she had been staring at, as her original and her spoke simultaneously.

“He does not know.” The god said.

The dejected look on a few and the angered expression of one from the entire group was clear enough. Discord raised a curious brow at Athelia’s reply and said nothing.

“So does that mean we can’t beat this Bill Cipher fellow?” Rarity asked with a frown.

Athelia nodded. “I’m afraid so. At least for now.”

“For now?” Twilight asked hopefully.

“According to Hailstorm, it seems that he can learn how to defeat Bill.”

“How would he do that?” Spike inquired.

“The answer lies in his head” the goddess stated.

No one said a word after that. Thoughts began to bubble on what this meant and as these thoughts continued to grow Athelia knew more questions would be asked. But she had already overstayed her welcome long enough.

“Well then” the copy stated. “It is time I take my leave.”

“WHAT?!” Dash snarled. “You’re just going to ditch us after throwing this load on us? What is with you and-”

The entire castle shook with a force that only an earthquake could make. The whole castle itself getting thrown into more fits of chaos than before the god’s arrival as furniture itself overturned and shelves fell to the ground.

When all had settled, Discord lay in a tangled knot, Twilight lay on top of Fluttershy, Fluttershy Starlight, Rainbow Dash Rarity and Applejack on top of Spike. Swift Strike had somehow found his way to the ceiling where part of Twilight’s old treehouse formed a chandelier.

No one took immediate notice of the slight red glow in the room till they had regained their wits and senses.

Athelia stared at the group with narrowed eyes, her mane that had flown with a mixture of anchor, ash and argent now burned a blinding flame of white and gold. And her coat now a light cerise red.

“I have said it once before that being a god is not about what we can or cannot do. We have our rules, just as you mortals have your own. Element of Loyalty, I will not tolerate insolence a third time. It is best you know your place when speaking to a deity. I am sure you would not talk to Princess Celestia or Luna in such tones as you have spoken to me, or do pegasi show disrespect to their elders in this age now?” Athelia asked with wavering tones of anger.

Rainbow Dash managed a glare in return only after she had regained some of her composure. This continued for seconds before the god merely sighed returning to normal form.

“As I said, I must leave.” With that said the copy’s horn began to glow.

“Wait!” Starlight called. “One quick question.”

She raised a brow and the light of her horn dimmed. “What is it Starlight Glimmer?”

“It’s about Hailstorm and what you said relating to that other god in Starswirl’s theory. There are four gods: Destiny, Magic, Entropy and the fourth one who was never named. What was his name?”

To this Athelia’s stoic expression gave way to a small smirk. “His name was Sapience. And as I said before he was always the most mysterious out of all four creators. And while I may be unable to help you with your predicament I can at least tell you why.

“Eons ago when Equestria was being formed, my brothers and sisters, along with I myself were given the orders to never interfere with the ways of mortals but only to watch. Only one of the Big Four gave us this command. Can you guess who?”

Starlight and the others who had now straightened themselves, and Swift Strike who had returned from the ceiling all began thinking of the answer.

“Destiny?” Twilight replied.

“Magic?” Rarity answered.

“It’s obviously Sapience” Spike intoned. Everyone looked at him, and despite being just told Equestria was going to be doomed yet again the young drake shrugged. He was used to it at this point.


Athelia giggled. “I can see why my brother likes you young one. Now all you have to do is figure out the rest for yourselves.”

Before another question could be asked, the copy disappeared in a burst of light.

Back at Ghastly Gorge the original Athelia reopened her eyes. Her conversation with Twilight and the others now over she turned her attention back to the group that had come to meet her.

Daring Doo stood away from Hailstorm by herself. Athelia could tell the mare was the most angered out of the group. Hailstorm would have to sort things out on his own with the other members though. She had done her duty, and that was all that mattered.

That hint she had given was even dangerously close to breaking her word with one of the Big Four.

Looking at the kneeling figure of the dark skin male, she approached him as Screwball and Pinkie gave him comfort with gentle pats on the back.

“Hailstorm.” I looked up. Athelia stared slightly down at me, even on my knees we were almost the same eye level. I sighed. This was bound to happen. Keeping lies only hurts not helps. “I’m not mad at you if that’s what you’ve come to confront me on.”

“I can’t say I’d be concerned if you were mad at me.” I winced at that. She was like AJ but blunt.

“I will tell you this though” she paused then looked at Pinkie and Screwball as a sign to excuse us.

Both mares looked at each other, looked at me then nodded.

We were excused or at least given some space where the others weren’t in earshot.

“While things look dire now, I can tell you have been trying to fix things yourself. But I’m sure you know, that not everything can be done alone or by yourself. You’ll need help. Especially with what you’ll be facing now, so do yourself a favor” a hoof found it’s way to my shoulder.

“Trust your allies.” The tension in my shoulders weakened and I could see a very faint smile on her face. Reluctantly I nodded.


A blinding flash of light later, Athelia was gone and I reverted back to my equine form. It was time to head back to the castle and face the music.

I sighed as the others moved on ahead of me. "Nothing ever goes well here does it."

Author's Note:

Finally got this chapter out. Should have been out yesterday but stuff happened and I got sidetracked.
Anyways enjoy.