• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 7,109 Views, 648 Comments

Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia - Aegis Shield

Celestia's ego is shattered after the royal wedding, so Luna promises to whip her into shape.

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Crown and Scepter

Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia
Part 13: Crown and Scepter

They found Twilight Sparkle laying in the ruins of the destroyed throne room, dirty and bleeding and broken. Luna was curled around her, her long wings wrapped intimately around the wounded mare. She’d not died, but she’d come very, very close. Luna magic was steadying her laboring heart and seeing to her vast injuries. But oh, such injuries. Half-dead when she arrived in the hospital, it would be days before much improvement was seen. When she was sure the Element of Magic was in secure hooves, Luna heaved the moon out of the sky as quickly as she could to restore the late afternoon. Nudging the pesky sun towards the horizon, she started it into its dusk cycle before flopping down to rest.

Ponies were all around her, panicking and shouting and flailing about in confusion. Their poor princess! She’d gotten rid of the tyrant, but she looked terrible. Thick woolen blankets were brought and, after Celestia’s throne had been cast aside (smashed to pieces at the foot of the dais), they made a nest for Luna at the top of the platform in the throne room. There, the alicorn rested. All of her servants thought her darling when she meekly put her head under her wing like a swan. They didn’t see her wicked smiling under there.


Twilight Sparkle slowly moaned awake, turning her heavy head slightly. She hadn’t expected to wake up at all, the last thing she remembered was Daymare Sun head-butting her to death. What had happened? Why wasn’t she dead. Thinking hard made her head throb like little white hammers on her forehead, and she gave another loud moan. Her hoof lifted to touch her temple, but she found her head wrapped in bandages and most of her body suspended in slings. She sighed, limpening.

The door opened and a trio of doctors came in with Princess Luna. Twilight noticed the larger and more gem-covered crown on her head. That wasn’t the dainty princess tiara she always wore. “Twilight, thou hast returned to the land of the living!” the dark alicorn smiled in a friendly way. “We art so glad thou survives!” she leaned and nuzzled lightly at Twilight’s cheek. The doctors tittered and checked the medical equipment that the purple mare was hooked up to. Adjusting the medicine drip to her body and fluffing her pillow and a few other things, they bowed and were away.

“Luna…” Twilight breathed, looking up at her with a weak and pathetic gaze of soft eyes. “Is it… over?” she had to know, though she feared the answer just as much as she needed it.

“Yes.” said Luna gingerly. She nodded towards the window, where it was night outside. Sure enough, the profile of a crowned mare was plastered across the moon once more. It symbolized Celestia, who was there now. “I… I had no choice, Twilight. She was out of control, and she would have killed you if left to run wild.” Princess Luna wilted and sat by the hospital bed.

“What about the others?” whispered Twilight.

“Your friends are alright.” She nodded. “We lost a few good stallions, though.” She sighed in a hurt way. “They laid down their lives for Equestria, though. Honorable deaths.” She nodded as though to reassure herself, but her ears were down and sad. Twilight felt a sadness in her heart. She’d never witnessed soldiers being killed before. Much less by their own Princess.

“…how long have I been here?” Twilight was just full of questions.

“Four days, under constant watch.” Luna smiled, reaching and running a hoof intimately through Twilight’s mane. The weakened mare smiled a little, comforted. “But the doctors say you will be okay. And when you are better we shalt restore your tooth as well.” She giggled just a little. Twilight flicked her tongue through her mouth quickly. Sure enough, one of her front teeth was missing, and the sickly hole in her mouth felt very weird.

“Are you alright, Princess?” Twilight looked her up and down. Luna had a few faded bruises, but she’d been scrubbed and tended to by lots of servants no doubt. She still had her black eye, but it was faded as well. The alicorn nodded, closing her wings a little self-consciously. “I can’t believe it…” the mare in the hospital bed said softly, her sad eyes casting downward. “Princess Celestia--!”

“Daymare Sun, Twilight. Celestia no longer.” Luna betrayed just a little bit of acid in her tone. Twilight looked up at her, a little surprised. “She’s on the moon now, just as I was. She’ll have plenty of time to think about what she’s done.” She said just a little bit savagely. Twilight gazed up at Luna, a little surprised at the anger in her voice. Seeing Twilight’s look out of the corner of her eye, Luna lifted a hoof and touched her black eye. The purple mare’s expression softened. Of course she was relieved to see Celestia put on the moon, she’d been abused by her for months.

“Princess…” Twilight said softly, stretching just a little to touch her.

Luna seemed to be gathering herself for a few moments, then smiled apologetically. “There will be time to mourn, Twilight. I promise.” She whispered, leaning and pressing her muzzle gently into Twilight’s mane. “Until then, thou must heal.”

“Wh-what about Equestria?” Twilight blushed at the kiss on the head. Not even Celestia had ever done that before. “I mean, you’ve been gone for so long, how will you run it all by yourself?”

“Well, to be honest, I think it best that I bring in representatives from all the different regions of the country.” Luna said with some confidence. “That way, I will hear about the events and needs of everypony from ponies that are from those places.”

“Ohhh.” Twilight smiled. “You mean like a Republic? A Lunar Republic?” she teased just a little.

“What?” Luna cocked an eyebrow, her muzzle wrinkling a little. “No no, that would be silly.” She cocked her head at the outrageous idea. As though she would give up supreme power after all of this effort. Pffft. “Equestria has always been a diarchy… then a monarchy, then a diarchy again.” She smiled a little painfully. “Now, a monarchy with myself as Princess alone. The gathered ponies I mentioned will be like… advisors.” She said with a more peaceful expression.

Twilight nodded her understanding. “That’s really smart.” She praised her Princess. “I guess a country wouldn’t turn government types overnight, haha! That would be pretty silly. But yes, all those advisors from different regions would be a great idea!” she winced when something pained her, and tried to lay still again.

“I shalt need a Vizier as well, Twilight Sparkle. A most faithful, trusted advisor.” Luna said with a coy smile. “Perhaps thou…?” she leaned over the purple mare, a twinkle in her eye. Twilight’s mouth went agape and her face blushed. Her? A government official? Oh wow! She stared up at Luna, flattered and silent. “Hehe, I will let thou think on it.” She stood up again, leaning over out of Twilight’s field of vision. “Here. I’ve brought thee reading material for while you are like this.” She smiled, pushing a stack of books onto the end table by the hospital bed. Twilight could have kissed her, she was so happy. She could stay here for ages now, if she could study and expand herself still.

“Thank you, Princess.” Twilight said softly.

“Just Luna when we’re alone, Twilight.” The Princess smiled serenely, making for the door. “I await thy answer when you are able to walk again. But, I must away. Equestria needs me for clean-up and reparation delegations.” She gave a little bow and, waving in a friendly way, left Twilight alone in her hospital room.

The alicorn frowned a bit as she came to a hospital intersection. There were a group of doctors all running about doing this and that, their nurses scribbling on clipboards and tallying things. Many injuries had happened during the fight against Celestia, and the hospital was a madhouse of activity. A few of them stopped and looked up when the Princess stopped at the counter. “Yes your Majesty?” one of the braver nurses came to greet her.

“I want special eyes to be kept on Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said, lifting her muzzle regally. “I want her to have the best treatment. The best!” she pointed a hoof rather threateningly at them, but quickly lowered it so they would not fear her as badly. “She fought for country and Princess. She deserves anything bits can buy.” The nurse nodded dumbly at the passionate words. “Thou shalt see to it that all of her medical bills are sent to the Palace accounts. I will draw the funds from the royal coffers myself.” With a snap in her step, the Princess left the hospital and made for the exit.


Celestia heaved against her bonds, groaning loudly. She was, quite literally, chained to the moon itself. Great ebony locks draped all over her, chains criss-crossing across her breast, and a massive set of weights on her hooves. She could barely walk forward and backward, and flying was out of the question. It hadn’t taken her long to figure out where she was, for Equestria herself hung in the sky above her.

Then, suddenly, with a crack of magic and a shower of purple sparks—Luna. The two alicorns stared at each other. Luna smiled rather wickedly, silent. “Come to gloat?” Celestia said with a scowl. Her solar magic heaved against the lunar steel that bound her. Luna said nothing, only watched her. “This was your plan all along, wasn’t it? You were just waiting for the opportunity.” The white mare struggled forward, within hoof’s reach of her sister now. Opening her wings, she tried to lunge but Luna merely stepped out of the way. The chains and bonds were just too heavy. She couldn’t pounce on a slow-moving wildlife creature, much less on Luna.

Luna cocked her head, watching Celestia struggle and stagger over herself with grand satisfaction. She looked so ridiculous, chained up like that. It was fitting, after all that had happened. After all, how else was she going to keep the terrifying Daymare Sun on the moon? Bind her to it with magic, and weigh her down of course. Still, the Princess of the Night didn’t speak.

“Well?!” Celestia said, frustrated at her.” Say something! You’ve brought me low, sister, the least you can do is acknowledge me!”

Luna’s horn lit with magic. In her mind, Celestia heard, <There’s no air in space, sister, I can’t hear what you’re saying.>

Celestia lit her horn, but it spark-crackled out. The Lunar Steel holding her was impeding her magic greatly. “This isn’t fair, Luna!” her mouth moved, but now she understood. Her ears weren’t picking up the sound of her own words. “Auugh!” she cried out in frustration, but Luna only stood there and smiled.

<I imagine you’re wanting to vent your frustrations at me. Too bad.> Luna thought-spoke with a light chuckle. Celestia glared at her, eyes flashing into their pink spectrum. <Heave and throw yourself against your bonds, sister, it will do you no good.> the dark Princess knew it was safe to gloat on the moon. There was nopony else around to hear it. She opened her wings, lifting herself up a few feet with magic to aid her. <Enjoy your time out here. Perhaps in a few thousand years when ponies invent space travel, you’ll be able to come home again. By then, I shall have consolidated my power.> She grinned at Celestia from under her eyebrows. <And do not worry,> she thought, turning to return to the planet and enjoying her victory. <I’ll take very good care of Twilight Sparkle.> With that final heart-wrenching sentence she flapped her wings hard, just once, and rocketed away.

Celestia gave a wounded cry, trying to fly after her. Not Twilight! Luna would poison her innocent, most faithful student! But no, her bonds were too heavy. She couldn’t even get off the dusty grey ground. Her ebony chains glittered as she screamed silently at the heavens. “No! Luna! Don’t leave me here! Luna! Don’t leave me here! Luna! Luuuuu-nahhhhhhhhh!” In space there was nopony to hear her scream, and she could only watch the bright star that was her sister shoot down to the surface again. She fell to her knees to weep.

Some Time Later…

Princess of the Night walked regally down the royal hall of the palace. By her side was Royal Vizier Twilight Sparkle, decked out in sparkling lunar garb. She’d given Twilight and all her friends medals of bravery, and had taken the brilliant scholar under her wing to serve as her most trusted advisor. She did look quite good in the dainty bits of metal and sparkling horseshoes. The dark, sparkling cape and flared collar looked good on her too.

The double doors opened as they came near, and Luna nodded to the two Lunar guards that had heard them coming and made way. Twilight peeled away from Luna and to a low platform, leaning slowly as she lay on her belly on a plush sitting pillow. Luna ascended, pairs of Lunar guards at either side of her bowing as she went up the dais stairs. A great onyx throne melted out of the floor (her own design, thank you very much), up into the place where Celestia’s throne once stood. Turning as a pillow popped into existence, she savored the moment. She looked about the room, then slowwwwwly sat down. Ohhhh, gods yes. The moment was almost erotic. Taking the throne. The only throne. Hers. All hers. Mhhh!

Cocking her head a little, she folded her wings in an elegant manner and tilted her muzzle up regally. Very princess-like, she heaved a quiet breath. She looked down at her servants, her guards, her vizier. It was all hers. All the planning and silent suffering and everything in between. At last, it was all hers. “Captain Stalwart Hide.” She turned her head, calling one of her Lunar Stallions. He snapped to attention, stepping forward and saluting. “Send for the first ponies. It is time to begin the Midnight Court.” She bade him. He nodded, cantering away with an air of authority about him.

Twilight Sparkle shuffled a few papers she’d had in her saddlebag. “Ahem,” She said, drawing the Princess’ eye. “The first appointment is a land dispute between two stallions and a--” The purple mare laid down a list of details, and Luna only smiled serenely. Even her sister’s most faithful student was all hers now. She briefly entertained the thought of seducing Twilight to her bed, but it would have to wait for awhile. The wound of losing Celestia was no doubt still fresh. Perhaps a decade or so down the line, they could be lovers. Anything to ruin any remnant of Celestia’s presence. Well-- that and she did have a cute butt, hehe.

The Princess turned her head when a pair of sleepy-eyed stallions came into the room. It would take Equestria some time to get used to their government running itself at night. Ah well, they would get used to it eventually. She didn’t have any delusion about nighttime eternal like she once had since, well, crops and such. But, it didn’t keep her from performing her royal duties strictly at night. She was an alicorn, she could do things her way. Both stallions bowed, and began to lay down their sides of the case for the Princess to hear. Luna smiled patiently, listening to both of them and almost jittering in excitement. She looked over at the moon, out the window and high in the sky. Celestia’s profile was stark against its milky surface. A light smile lifted on her lips.

It was good to be Princess.