• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 7,109 Views, 648 Comments

Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia - Aegis Shield

Celestia's ego is shattered after the royal wedding, so Luna promises to whip her into shape.

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Mane and Cheesecake

Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia
Part 4: Mane and Cheesecake

It had been 60 days since the start of Celestia’s special training under her sister. She woke with a dull ache in her bones, just before dawn as he internal clock always bade her to do. Sitting up with a sore groan, she rubbed at her right shoulder and tilted her head until the bones in her neck crackled like popcorn. Wincing at the un-lady-like gesture, she rolled out of bed and went to the balcony. Throwing the doors open, she stepped out and headed towards the edge. Heaving a deep breath, the white alicorn smiled sleepily. Streeeetching a bit and flicking her tail, she opened her wings and launched herself perhaps ten feet into the air. Thrusting her hooves skyward and igniting immortal magicks, she pulled the sun from beyond the horizon just as the moon was slipping out of sight.

She landed with a satisfied clop of all four hooves touching the floor at once. Smiling and feeling the sun’s warm rays on her face, Celestia folded her wings and turned to go back into her room. With her god-like duties seen to, she could see to herself before she stepped out to start the day. “Lah-lah-luh-lah-lahhhh… lah-lah-luh-lah-lahhh…” she bent to get her golden regalias from their velvet pillows, then went to the vanity to brush her m—“AAAHHH!” she reeled backward in shock, her royal trappings going every which way.

Hearing the screech and the clatter of metal, the guards posted outside her Majesty’s room jolted into action. One of them bucked the door open and the other rushed inside, followed by his comrade. “Princess! We heard scr—whoa.” Both gold-armored stallions stopped to stare at their Princess. She was splayed out on her belly, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

“My mane!” Celestia stood up, scrubbing her hoof through her beautiful locks. The Princess of the Sun’s mane was… pink. No longer the four vibrant colors it always was, but a pure and whole color of pink and nothing else. “My mane!” she said again.

“Pink.” said one of the two stallions, pointing rather stupidly with a hoof. Both of the guards stared, slack-jawed.

“I-I’m not dressed.” She told them, quickly standing and shooing them out. The stallions quickly retreated to their posts, closing the door. Celestia rushed to the mirror, pulling at her ethereal mane on a magical level. It wasn’t colored, there were no chemicals in it that shouldn’t be there. It didn’t feel stiff or wrong in anyway, it had simply… changed color. Why? Had Luna snuck into her room in the middle of the night and pranked her with an enchantment? No… she couldn’t feel any Lunar magic stuck to her scalp. The Princess puzzled over herself for a long time until a maid poked her head in suddenly.

“Your Majes---pink!” she squeaked, eyes wide.

“Yes, Mint Leaf?” Celestia said, jolting out of her staring at her own reflection.

“Er, breakfast is served at your leisure in the white room. Princess Luna is already there.” She bowed low, but when she righted herself her eyes went right back to the bubble-gum pink of Celestia’s ever-blowing mane. The Princess turned, quickly lifting her horse-shoes, crown and chest regalia to herself. Struggling into them and tapping all four of her horseshoes on the floor quickly, she nodded after running a brush through her bizarre mane a few times. “This way, your highness.” Mint Leaf bowed and began to lead the way. The solar guards followed the Princess and the maid down the hallways. There was dead silence wherever the Princess went, and little shrieks of ‘pink!’ as she passed by. Celestia felt herself blushing, but there was nothing she could do about it. It wasn’t as though she could hide in her room and NOT be the ruler of a nation for the day because of her hair. Sighing and straightening up, she inflated her chest and walked regally. “Princess, you seem different lately.” Mint Leaf said gently as they turned a corner.

“I’m well aware my mane is pink, Mint Leaf.” Celestia smiled gently.

“No no!” The mare blushed a little, looking at the floor for a few moments in a searching way. Then, she finally looked back up at her ruler. “I mean you seem… taller, lately.” She cursed herself with a wince. “Er-well, not taller, but… but… better, than usual. It’s hard to describe.” She fretted a little bit, pushing her mane out of her eyes.

“Her Majesty’s obviously been working on her posture or something.” commented one of the two solar stallions that followed them. “Why else would she look more radiant the normal, lately?”

“Captain Grey!” Celestia chirped, a heat going across her face. The stallion shrugged, smiling good naturedly.

“Has something besides your mane changed lately, your highness?” asked Mint Leaf with innocent curiosity. Celestia smiled in a mysterious way, and the little mare knew she would get no answer for it. “Well, either way, I was just wondering.” She said, bowing and pushing a grand door open for her.

Beyond was the White Room, or more often than not the Royal breakfast room. Luna sat at one end of the table as always, and she stood when Celestia entered. “PINK!” she squawked without thinking. Celestia gave her a look. “Er, I mean--” Luna quickly contained herself, folding her wings down and looking more regal. “Good morning, sister!” she greeted more properly.

“mumble-mumble-pink-mumble.” Aegis Shield whispered to Stalwart Hide from the shadows where they watched over Princess Luna. Celestia gave them an honest scowl and they quickly silenced themselves.

“I woke up and my mane was like this.” Celestia said, taking her place at the table. The usual hay bacon stripes, juices, cereals, and other things were waiting. Luna, as usual, had not touched a thing until her sister arrived—but was now buttering toast.

“It looks good on you, much like the rest.” Luna smirked a little, gesturing with her spoon as she helped herself to some sugared hay rice cereal. Scooping up some into her mouth, she watched Celestia look herself over again.

“My maid and guards said the same thing this morning…” the Sun Princess mumbled in a troubled way. “Do I look that different, suddenly? Other than my mane, I mean?”

“If you’ll forgive the term, you have been looking a bit more radiant lately. Healthier, if you will.” Luna winked mysteriously, gesturing at her chest and fur with her spoon. “One might think you were having a second youth, with your complexion suddenly turning that color.”

“My complexion?” Celestia looked down at her white fur.

“Look closer, sister.” Luna said bemusedly. “Normally you’re a milky white, yes, but look even closer.” She watched her sister screw up her eyes and lift one of her legs, looking a bit closer. She gave a slight start when she saw it. There was a certain… sheen, to her now. Not that she hadn’t been clean, white and virginal-looking before. Now, there was a certain otherworldly shine, just on the bare edges of perception for even her, to her fur. “See it?” Luna asked. Celestia nodded slowly, mouth a little agape.

“Oh my.” Was all Celestia could think to say. She didn’t look around the room, but she could feel the eyes of every pony else boring into her, trying to see what Luna had seen. She still looked white to them, what was different…? Cocking her head and lighting her horn, the sun Princess fixed a plate of mounded food and began to eat.

“You have been eating quite a bit more lately, Tia.” Luna chirped, finishing her bowl and reaching for a potato hashbrown. Celestia looked up with her mouth full, mildly offended. “Oh no no, nothing wrong with that.” The dark alicorn said with a smile. “I just mean, you’re getting stronger and…” she paused to word it carefully. “You need more fuel. It’s a healthy sign!” she said with a grand smile.

Celestia swallowed and wiped her mouth daintily, “Oh.” She said softly, not sure what to make of Luna’s words. Sure, she’d been training for two months, but now her body seemed to be… what, awakening? She didn’t wake up feeling dead like she had the first few mornings. She was eating more, now her fur and mane were looking like she was centuries younger… was she finally getting back into shape? “Well, I do feel a little more energetic lately.” Celestia admitted.

Luna smirked with approval. “I’m glad.” She tilted her bowl to drink her sugary milk, then came up puffing. Very un-princess-like, but both Lunar Stallions chuckled at the cuteness. “You know, sister, I can sit on the throne for a few minutes more if you’d like to fetch a bath and tame your new mane.” The Princess of the Night offered.

Celestia considered, then smiled and nodded. “Alright.” She said, rising when her third plate of food was half empty and she was full. “I think I will. Mint Leaf?” she called to the maid, who appeared at her side with a little squeak of attention. “Call for Bubble Bath and his team. I want a morning bath.” She said, standing regally and tilting her head up a little bit like royalty.

“Yes your highness!” Mint Leaf galloped away to make it so.

Luna’s eyes narrowed in bemusement, watching her sister stride confidently to the end of the table—pause—consider—then grab a banana from the fruit bowl and continue out. The yellow fruit followed her, levitating along by magic. The Princess of the Night shook her head proudly. Now her sister was acting more and more like a healthy Princess. The pink mane was unexpected, but still. Celestia of centuries past had had a pink mane, so maybe that was a sign of healthiness to her body? She didn’t know. But hey, if a pink mane was what it took to show she was getting healthier and stronger, then so be it. “Pink.” She mumbled, shaking her head. Stalwart Hide giggle-snorted, rushing a hoof over his mouth to shut himself up.


Celestia was stewing in the hot bath while Bubble Bath fussed over her mane. He cocked his eyebrow at her silently, then pawed at it some more. A team of four mares, two on each wing, were using the usual special oils and preening her wings. But, none of them could take their eyes off of Celestia’s newly pink mane. Shrugging a little, Bubble Bath lathered a brush and began to work at it with his usual strength. “My tail too, Bubble Bath.” The white alicorn folded her arms over the lip of the bath and rested her head on it blissfully. “Don’t forget my tail.”

The stallion nodded, working at her bannering mane for a long time before moving around to the rear. Bubble Bath was very professional when it came to his job, so it was not a sexual thing for him to literally grab the royal tail and lift it up into his hooves. It was his job, after all. Celestia startled a little, not used to the motion, but stayed relaxed. Dipping the brush into the water, he lathered it down and began to smooth and straighten it with the cleaner. The alicorn purred while he worked. The pairs of mares were impressed while they worked at Celestia’s great wings. Usually they found at least a couple of broken or misaligned feathers. This morning, however, there was almost nothing for them to do. Yes, they oiled and lightly brushed the beautiful flying span, but the individual feathers looked… great. Their stalks were strong, and their color vibrant. Perfect.

Bubble Bath worked Celestia’s tail a bit more, moving to the over and under of the dock, or base, of it. Though it flowed as though caught in an eternal breeze, he could still hold the thing in his hoof while he worked. But, the moment the brush stroked the underside of the base of the royal tail, Celestia jittered and giggled aloud. Her wings RUSHED upward, bodily tossing all four of the mares working on them. She turned about ticklishly. “Bubble Bath! At least give me wine and dinner first!” Celestia laughed. The team of five ponies felt their jaws drop in sudden dead silence. The Princess’ hoof jumped to her mouth in horror. Had she just SAID that?! “F-forgive me!” she quickly rose from the bath with a splash. “That was inappropriate! I’m sorry, my little pony! I-I’ll do my tail from now on, I should not have asked--!” she begged her servant, her face a lovely shade of crimson. Bubble Bath nodded slowly, his face still one of open shock. The bath team watched the white alicorn struggle up and out of the tub, shake herself like a dog, then use magic to super-heat her body to dampness. “I-I must away! Noonday Court will start soon!” Celestia rushed away, astounded at herself.

"Bubble Bath? Did you just goose the Princess, working on her tail back there?” one of the mares asked with a cocked eyebrow. Bubble Bath scowled and pelted her with the soapy brush. The blush on his face didn’t help.


Princess Celestia was more than a little distracted at the Noonday Court that day, her cheeks a rosy sort of pink that matched her mane so well nopony mentioned it. Everypony seemed to think the Princess was either making a fashion statement, or had simply reinvented her image into something more pure and radiant. After all, she did look so much better with a single-color mane, right? Right? Of course she did!

Celestia was troubled at her comments at Bubble Bath. She would need to stay out of the Royal Bath House for awhile, that was going way over the line and she’d not been so embarrassed in ages. She couldn’t say such things to her subjects! They were all safe and equal in her eyes, and she was supposed to be--

They see you as a white, virginal goddess.

Luna’s words suddenly rang true in her head. Celestia frowned at nothing, cocking her head. When had been the last time she’d had a stallion to warm her bed, even for a night? She thought for a bit. It was before Luna’s banishment, she winced. That was a long time to have no masculine company at all. Sure, a raunchy romance novel and thick enough curtains could make for a pleasant evening of stress-relief. But, one’s own hoof did not kiss your cutie mark and purr your name when it was over.

Captain Grey looked up at Princess Celestia on a whim, and cocked his eyebrow. She was grinning a very bizarre grin, and her cheeks were a little rosier than before. “Er, Princess?” he called up to her. “Are you alright?”

Celestia flinched a little, then looked down the dais stairs at him. “Of course! Send in the next pony, please.” She gestured, straightening herself and pushing her mane out of her eyes. Calmly as she could, she served the rest of the Noonday Court until it was time to stop for a break. It was, for lack of a better term, snack time. Celestia had always insisted to give her attendants snacks or little sweets to reinvigorate them in the late afternoon. The work day was literally as long as the sun was in the sky, after all, they deserved treats! Most of them chose things like fruit smoothies, chilled raw vegetables, or small cakes. The Sun Princess, however, had had a particular craving lately and had voiced it to the kitchen staff. Cheesecake. Cold, chilled cheesecake with a drizzle of strawberry sauce.

“Your majesty?” A stallion chef with a white hat on approached with a covered silver platter.

“Ah, Chef Cherry Ontop!” Celestia was delighted to see him, very much looking forward to her afternoon snack. “I’ve been waiting all day, do you have my cheesecake like I asked?” she said with a wide, wide smile.

“Er.” The stallion wilted a little, looking to one side. “I… no, no I don’t.” he lifted the lid to reveal a chilled slice of carrot cake. Celestia cocked her head, her smile falling. “I could find no proper ingredients, and the resupply carts do not come until tomorrow.” The chef said a little shamefully. “But, I did remember your highness has a like for carrot cake as well. I had enough materials for that!” He perked up, holding up the perfection that was the slice he held.

You wanted something, you got it. Why? Because you could.

Luna spoke in her head again. “Hrm.” said Celestia with just a tiny twinge of disapproval on her face. The stallion looked at his Princess a little nervously. “The supply carts that stock the palace pantries come tomorrow, you say?”

“Yes, your Majesty.” Cherry Ontop said, looking side-to-side and sweating a little.

“And I had asked for a cheesecake yesterday evening, to be served today, yes?” Celestia asked. The stallion nodded again and the white alicorn heaved a patient sigh, like a mother reasoning with her foal. “In the half day or so since-- what kept you from visiting the market-- or a bakery, my little pony?” she asked serenely.

Cherry Ontop’s ears wilted down, his eyes went soft and he looked at the carpet he stood on with utter shame. “W-well I… I…” he didn’t have a single reason and wilted down even further, red in the face. His chef’s hat deflated into a pile atop his head.

“You are a royal dessert chef. You must be adaptive when the situation calls for your special talent.” Celestia said, smiling on only one side of her mouth. The stallion gulped, not daring to look up at her. “Please serve that carrot cake to one of the palace staff. I shall go without today.” The white alicorn said with a sense of finality, no longer looking at him. He was dismissed.

Every guard in the room could pinpoint the exact moment when Cherry Ontop’s pride got punched in the eye and his heart snapped in half like a Twix bar. He looked positively destroyed. Ears wilted, trying not to cry, the poor stallion turned away, “Y-yes, your Majesty!” He choked out. He covered the carrot cake slice with the silvery lid and bore it out. He was trying very hard not to break down and flee, some of the throne room officials could see.

Captain Grey eyed his Princess out of the corner of his vision. That had been just a little bit… cruel? No. Surely not. That was not the Celestia they all knew and loved. The kitchen had just gotten lazy when the Princess had asked for something specific (for once), of course she was going to scold them. If he, a mighty solar stallion, showed up for work with shoddy armor, unshorn fetlocks, and no snap in his step—he’d be laughed out of the palace! Working for the royal family demanded only the very best from ponies who were good at their jobs. Yes, “snack time” wasn’t super-important, but if you had only one thing to do for her Majesty you’d better Faust-damned get it right! Captain Grey withdrew his sympathy from the bumbling dessert chef, no longer worried about Princess Celestia’s behavior.

“Captain Grey!” Celestia called down the dais after everypony had had their fifteen minute break and tasty afternoon snack. The solar stallion snapped his head around to her. “Send in the next pony, please.” The white alicorn was smiling, clearly in a very good mood. The solar stallion sighed with relief as he went to the great double doors to summon the next appointment of the day. Of course her majesty wouldn’t dwell on something like cake. There were more important things to worry about, and her subjects didn’t need to see her scowling over something so trivial. He found his respect for his Princess renewed.

End of Part 4