• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 7,109 Views, 648 Comments

Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia - Aegis Shield

Celestia's ego is shattered after the royal wedding, so Luna promises to whip her into shape.

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Stallion and Blood

Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia
Part 6: Stallion and Blood

“Your Majesty, my report, as you requested.” Stalwart Hide came before the obsidian throne, bowing and laying his wings out upon the floor. It was an ancient gesture, passed down through the generations, to invite Luna to stomp on his wings if he displeased her. Luna stood slowly, regally stepping down the dais and taking the scroll from him by mouth. Gracefully, she tossed it into the air and seized it by magic, unfurling it. She scanned the words, leaving her massive hoof on the crown of Stalwart Hide’s head. He shuddered just a little. “Cherry Ontop… Green Thumb… Cheesecake? Really?” she murmured the names with a slight frown. “Such odd names some ponies have in this era.” She chuckled, patting Stalwart Hide’s head and letting him rise as she turned to go back to her throne.

“Princess Celestia seems… agitated more easily, lately.” Stalwart Hide offered his opinion to her Majesty of the night. Luna seated herself slowly, tossing her mane back out of her eyes. She read the scroll over again, carefully considering how the game was playing out right now. She frowned, deep in thought, so the stallion went on. “She’s growing stronger every day, Princess Luna, but with all the adrenaline and such coursing through her new muscles, she doesn’t have anything to release her new strength on. There is no changling invasion or dragons roaming the skies over Equestria.”

“I agree.” Aegis Shield said from where he stood guard. Luna, again, nodded thoughtfully. “If Princess Celestia has become that much stronger she may be… pent up.” He said after a pause for the right word. “With nothing to challenge her, she may be a little frustrated to try out her newfound strength on some enemy she does not have.”

“She has nothing to raise her hoof against.” Luna agreed carefully, nodding and rolling up the scroll with some concern. “It seems I’ve stoked her fires, but she has nothing to burn.” She rubbed her chin and narrowed her eyes a bit. “If she is striking out at innocent little ponies, it is time to move to phase two of my plans. She must be tempered and sated if she is to remain the same Celestia everypony loves.”

“Phase two?” asked Aegis Shield.

“We have a phase two?” asked Stalwart Hide.

“Yes, my stallions.” Luna smiled a little smugly. “It is time to get my sister laid.” Both stallions stared at her in shock and she burst into diabolical laughter.


Celestia heaved a great sigh of relief as her bedroom doors shut behind her. The royal apartments were simple, personal, and completely lacked the grandeur of the rest of the palace. It was the one place where the white alicorn felt slightly normal. She had a bookshelf. She had a toothbrush. She had a little squeaky toy she sometimes hugged in bed. All the trappings of living a semi-normal life. So long as the room was quiet and the door was closed, she could indulge in a little fantasy of playing house for a bit.

The Princess lowered the sun gently, reflecting on her day. Somepony had wanted to tear down a temple that was part of the Canterlot Skyline, and build a greenhouse atop it. Of course, Celestia had put a stop to that. Ponies got married there, it had served as a place of moon-worship while Luna was gone, and to this day it even served as a small orphanage. Needless to say, she’d not been pleased when the prospect had been brought before her. Celestia had put the upstart in her place after showing her the back of a bit, their unit of money. The building was part of the picture on their money, for Faust’s sake! It was important and was to be preserved, not knocked down for more greenery. The royal gardens covered an entire tier of Canterlot. She could commune with nature there, not displace the dozen or so orphans that called the temple home. To discourage such similar ideas, she’d had Captain Grey show the mare a dusty old dungeon cell. He didn’t put her in it, just showed it to her. That was warning enough for wanting to destroy priceless buildings like that.

Throwing her chest out and surveying herself in the mirror, Celestia smiled and opened her wings. She ignited her horn, taking off her crown and other royal pieces. Setting them gently aside, she looked back and forth at herself. “You look… pretty good.” She admitted to herself finally, pawing at her pink mane and admiring one of her hooves. She wasn’t a vain pony, but she had to admit she did look really good these days. Luna’s training was paying off more and more each night, it seemed.

“I agree.” A deep, syrupy voice made Celestia’s head snap around with a slight yip of surprise. “Hey there.” He was big. Very big. That was the first thing to come to the white alicorn’s mind. He was a large, muscled earth pony with a mountain-climber’s kit on his flank. He was chocolate brown, and midnight brown in the mane. That, and he was splayed out on her bed like he owned the place. And there next to him? A chilled cheesecake with strawberry sauce dribbled on it.

“Wh-what… who…?” Celestia’s eyes were all over him without her even realizing. That back. Those withers. Those big hooves! And you know what they say, if he’s got big hooves…

“M’name’s Mountain Hide.” He said, turning lazily to subtly flex at her. His tail flicked while his undercarriage rippled with a wonderful sort of velvety strength. He was quite possibly the most studly looking pony she’d seen in ages. “And I hear from Princess Luna,” he turned again to show off his strong back and shoulders. “That you’re in need of more private attention than your servants can give, your Majesty.” He winked at her so lewdly Celestia literally FELT the explosion of heat on her face.

“I… er…” her mind was a swirl of confusion and embarrassment and oh my, muscles. The scent of his virile musk swirled up into her nose, and she felt a heady sort of haze surrounding her. Leaning, he rather erotically teased her by gesturing at the cake. He put his mouth over it, nomming a single bite off. Celestia felt her back legs shiver. “Uhm… uhm…” her wings were slowly rising, completely without her knowledge. The studly stallion turned, smiling in a warm and sexy way. Leaning, he blew out the nearby lantern and cast the room into a sensual half-light. He backed up, pulling the curtains around the bed nearly closed. He became a black shape and the cake was lost in darkness too. The white alicorn didn’t know which one she wanted more. She cocked her head, sticking her nose into the darkness. A dark, sensual chuckle sounded from within. She lit her horn and found him laying on his side, his whole… virility, on display for her. Celestia’s wings ached, and she clambered into the bed and closed the curtain behind herself with a chuckle. The stallion coo’ed, opening his arms to embrace her as she came closer.

Outside Princess Celestia’s apartment rooms, Captain Grey studied his hooves. He was squinting at his fetlocks as he did so. Was that a hair growing out of place? He would need to trim that when he got off of work. A royal soldier needed to be the picture perfection of military discipline, after all. Hundreds of recruits and even low level officers looked up to him. If he didn’t look his best all the—CRASH! He whinnied and reared when Princess Celestia’s doors flung themselves open and crushed him against the wall! Bucking wildly, the stallion roared and righted himself, looking up to see a dark brown stallion splayed against the wall with a massive pink erection hanging out from between his hind legs. “The hell…?!” he said, turning quickly to rush into the room and check on the Princess.

Captain Grey’s journey was short, however, for the Princess emerged from the room herself. Next to her floated a cheesecake, and he rammed himself right into it in his flustered rushing. Splat! Celestia’s face fell while the cake dribbled all over him. She sighed. “Captain Grey, please deliver this stallion to my sister Luna, and ask her not to leave her toys in my room anymore.” The tone was a little playful. She leaned and swicked her hoof across his face, tasting the remains of the cake. “Mmm--” she eyed him a moment, up and down. “Neigh, strike that. Striking Spear, you deliver him.” She licked her chops just a bit, and grabbed Captain Grey by the front of his breastplate. “Captain, come with me.” She grinned in a way that made the grey stallion go white.

Striking Spear watched the wary Captain follow her Majesty into her royal apartments and cast a fearful look over his shoulder as the doors snapped shut. “Er… you heard the Princess! Move along, y’great sausage!” he rudely shoved at the painfully aroused stallion until he was on his hooves. “Guh, have some decency would you?” The brown pony walked to the side of him so the solar stallion wouldn’t have to look at the dangling… thing. “In the Princess’ bed… meh!” the guard spat after a time, moving quickly and quietly to take the boy toy back to the shadier Princess.

Meanwhile in Celestia’s room, she was eying her Captain up and down with a wry smile. “It doesn’t become you, my little pony.” She chuckled a little. “I must admit it was a little security oversight on my part, but it’s not often I retire for the night and find a stallion waiting in my bed.” Captain Grey smiled painfully, but it was hard to tell under all the cake globbed on his face. She ran her hoof across his cheek and tasted again, chuckling. “I can move the sun and all the heavens, but a decent cheesecake escapes me these days.” She sighed and shook her head.

“Well I’ve got most of one.” The Captain joked, his tongue coming out and licking around his lips. Celestia giggled despite herself, and it was only then that he noticed her full wingspan on display. His brow rose and his cheeks colored. “Er, that-that-that is… Princess…” he couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t be serious with a face full of cheesecake on him. His military might and stoic ways were breaking down at the ridiculousness of it all. “Maybe I can go fetch you one? When Striking Spear gets back to watch over you?” She ran her hoof slowly over his face again, tasting. She giggled a little more, and then quite suddenly eyed him up.

“Well, I cannot have you and your armor in such a state. Strip.” She commanded him. The stallion jolted like she’d slapped him, his eyes turning into little pinpricks of panic.

“Y-your Majesty?!”

“I’m not going to molest you, Captain Grey!” she laughed her same tinkling laugh. Turning, she gestured with her horn. “I’ve a private bathroom you can use to clean up. Meanwhile, I shall see to your armor with a few spells. I cannot have a private guard covered with cake following me around.” The pegasus deflated in vast relief. Well of COURSE she wasn’t going to pounce on him. She was the Princess after all, not some slutty mare from Manehatten’s underbelly. She reached to get a little more cake off of him, but he jittered away playfully. She laughed, shooing him into the bathroom.

…It didn’t keep her from secretly peeking at him while he showered, though. Just a little peek. She was too distracted to see the Lunar Stallion hanging, upside down and bat-like, from her ceiling behind a column. He watched Princess Celestia with golden, glittering eyes of stoic intelligence.


Luna crashed wildly into the ground, yelping doggishly as she bounced across the cobblestone like a skipping stone and landed in a heap of flailing hooves and oddly-positioned wings. She felt the bruising before she even started moving, and moaned just a little bit. Celestia rushed over, thrusting her horn almost up her nose. “I yield!” Luna grunted painfully, putting a hoof up to stop her attacker. Their training had moved to open, undiluted combat between alicorns, and Celestia had just thoroughly bested her sister. "I yield!" she said again, panting raggedly.

Celestia relaxed, the flicker of gold in her normally purple eyes fading. Peering at her from above, her face turned pleasant again. “Luna? Are you alright?” she said with just a little bit of concern. The dark alicorn blinked up at her, panting a little.

“I’m alright, Tia. I think we’re done for tonight.” She said, not rising.

“Do you need help?” Celestia said, offering her a hoof.

“No I’m fine, sister.” Luna said just a little bit savagely. She quickly wiped the angry look from her face. “I’m just going to lay here for a bit and… and… collect my thoughts.” She forced up a thin, reedy smile.

“Thinking up the next part of our training? Excellent! Alright then.” Celestia said carefully, backing up and closing her wings. “I’ll return to the palace. I’ll see you at breakfast?” she smiled. Luna nodded, just once, not moving from where she lay. The white alicorn ignited her horn and, with a crack of parted air, vanished back to Canterlot.

The dark alicorn suddenly gave out, in all of her strength, her hooves bicycling lightly. She couldn’t rise. Not at all. “Aegis Shield! Stalwart Hide!” Luna was gagging in pain. If there was one thing she was good at, it was hiding pain. Both Lunar Stallions exploded out of shadow, galloping onto the dueling platform. “My balm, fetch my healing balm.” She whispered to Stalwart Hide, who rushed away to the medical supply hut on the edge of the training ground.

“Princess, are you alright?” Aegis Shield fell to his belly and extended one of his powerful, bat-like wings over her to protect her from the cruel night. “What can I do?” he said worriedly.

“Turn me over, I think I’m bleeding.” Luna panted. Using the crown of his head, the Lunar Stallion gently pushed at her side until she turned with a loud whimper of pain. He recoiled in horror at what he saw. Drips of something bright and silvery were falling from Luna’s wounds, and there were definitely wounds. She’d struck the ground so hard that it had ripped her skin open in a grand laceration that even made her private soldier gasp.

“Princess, this will need stitches!” Aegis Shield shouted, recoiling from the wound. “She’s ripped you open!”

“No!” said Luna savagely, then wincing in agony. “No. I can fix myself, I just need the balm for a cataclyst.” She lay there, breathing, for a long time. Aegis Shield fretted over her, pacing back and forth like a worried foal for his mother. There was a long silence while they waited. “She’s strong, Aegis Shield.” The Princess whispered in a vulnerable way, looking at the stars in the sky instead of him. “She’s so strong… three months and she’s so, so strong…” Stalwart Hide suddenly arrived back, letting out a cry of obscenities when he saw his Princess’ side too. “Put it on me!” Luna commanded. “I can use it to boost a healing spell. Be quick about it.”

The stallion nodded, “Yes, Princess Luna.” He knelt down, screwing the top off of the container. Balm mixed with alicorn blood as he applied it generously. Luna gritted her teeth, trying very hard not to whimper. When he was done he stepped away. Luna gritted her teeth and, using the moonlight to help too, began to heal herself. Before their eyes the long laceration began to close and the bruises began to melt away. Luna quivered with effort, for there was much to be seen to. She’d only struck the ground three times, but the duel had been going on for some hours. Celestia gaining the upper hand so suddenly had been a shift in power. Luna was quivering by the time she was done, and flopped down to breathe some more when the spell ended. Her Lunar Stallions settled on either side of her, their wings extended to shield her from view.

“Time to go home for now.” Luna slowly, agonizingly, turned herself upright. She wasn’t in pain anymore, but she ached and she was magically exhausted. She stumbled to her hooves like a newborn foal, and her guards supported her when she fell one way. They helped her gingerly into her chariot, which she collapsed into, and they began to bear her home to the palace. She found an emergency blanket tucked in a panel and pulled it over herself.

There was a long and awkward silence between the three of them as the stallions flapped their wings and took off. Luna lay on her back, staring up at the stars. It was Stalwart Hide who broke the silence at last. “Princess, I’m worried.” he said softly, looking over his shoulder at her. “I heard the other day that Princess Celestia stopped a colt putting graffiti on an alleyway wall, and had him arrested like a stallion. He’s sitting in jail for the next week, shaking like a leaf in a jail cell. I think perhaps you’ve created a monster.” Luna only smiled tiredly at those words. The two Lunar Stallions worried over her for the rest of the night, but when they arrived home she slept deeply with a content half-smile on her face. Everything was coming together.


When Princess Luna awoke alone the next morning, still sore, there was a scroll on her bed. She broke the seal and opened it, eyes flicking down to the signature. A cruel, and rather dark smile twisted its way across her muzzle. “Ahhh, Twilight Sparkle…” her eyes raced back and forth across the letter itself. The young unicorn mare was voicing her concern for strange rumors she’d been hearing about Princess Celestia. It also told of the events that happened in the royal gardens with Green Thumb. Even out in the tiny town of Ponyville, according to the scholarly mare, some rather strange stories were going around regarding the day Princess. “Right you are to be concerned.” she said in a whisper. Luna rolled the letter and, with a flick of magic, made it burst into ash. Conjuring parchment and quill, she composed a brief, concerned-sounding reply to Twilight Sparkle. They would meet in secret soon, to discuss her sister’s recent strange behavior. With a quick sending spell, she vanished it. She rolled out of bed, cursing softly at her limping. Stopping to check herself in the mirror and adjust her pointed crown, she strode out of her chambers to join her sister for breakfast. “I have created a monster.” She whispered to nopony at all, smiling from under her eyebrows.

End of Part 6