• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 12,537 Views, 236 Comments

Lunar Replacement - Pinklestia

I am now Princess Luna, and it’s not as fun as you might think. I don’t know what’s going on, how I got here, or what I’m going to do.

  • ...

I am a lie

Everything had been normal, everything had made sense, my life was just fine, finally getting on track after a rough break up with an my ex boyfriend, getting that promotion I’d been killing myself each night at work to get…

I’d even managed to book a trip back home for Thanksgiving, getting a chance to see my family for the first time in years…

And then… there was darkness.

It felt like I was was trapped in a deep, dark pit, one that I couldn’t get out of, one where I was being taunted and laughed at by some faceless, merciless entity. I was alone, and I was scared, having no clue what was going on. Just what was I to do in a situation like this?

I prayed for salvation, for something to save me from this despair and shadow that seemed to surround and fill me to the depths of my very soul.

And then, as if the heavens themselves were answering that prayer, there was an explosion of colors, a literal rainbow rising forth from some point in the distance. It arced on high before careening back down, slicing through the shadow and darkness before striking down unto me.

You wouldn’t think a blast of rainbow would hurt, but it did. It burned and seared… but somehow, it also soothed and cleansed, the darkness parting and pulling back, pushed back away from me before a bright flash of light sent every last shred of it to the four winds.

It took some time for the light to fade and dim, allowing me sight as I found myself feeling weak, exhausted, like I had just run a five mile marathon with no practice. And there, standing right before me, was a big white horse. One that sported large feathery wings, a long horn, and royal regalia.

I gasped in surprise, for I recognized the being before me, and I had to blink several times, fighting back an urge to wipe my eyes and confirm the sight before me. It is one thing to see a cartoon character while watching TV or in the movie theater and another to see it for real. Mainly, because cartoon characters were, in fact, not real. There was no way I could possibly be seeing this! Especially in what appeared to be a room that was very much not my own.

We were not alone of course… there were others… the mane six? That’s what they were called right? But at the moment, they weren’t important… the large Goddess er Princess that was stepping towards me in an almost menacing manner was.

“It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.”

Everyone, or should I say everypony… anyways, they all were so surprised about ME being her sister. It appeared… it appeared that I had taken the place of Luna… this… this was crazy!


I know what I should say, I watched the first two episodes enough times. But… I am not Luna. I’m not the Princess of the Moon, the Steward of Dreams or anything… this might have been a dream come true for some, but not for me!

“Will you accept my friendship?” She asks and I can just see the hope in her eyes. Even though I feel like I should tell her the truth… the hope in her eyes… it’s too much… I can’t...

“I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!” I shout, rushing forward and hugging the bigger alicorn. Tears stream down my face, but they are not tears of happiness, but of fear. After all, if I told her I was some sort of hairless ape on another planet, one that created the very universe they lived in…

I’d be in the nuthouse faster than you can say “Pickle Barrel Kumquat!”

The rest is a blur, mostly because I just sort of act on autopilot. Two young fillies come forward and place flowers around my head. I smile and thank them, blushing and looking shyly about… though really, I’m more trying to find some sign that this is nothing more than some terrible dream.

The whole party… is kind of surreal. In the show, it took five seconds for the party to be started… here it took closer to five minutes, but even then... that’s pretty impressive. I am at several points in the festivities highly tempted to run away, but seeing as I am the guest of honor, that just isn’t an option.

After eating and drinking too much the party's over and a golden chariot takes me and my supposed sister to Canterlot. It’s amazing she got one big enough to fit two horse sized ponies but whatever. It’s magic and even having like a dozen pegasi pulling it makes no sense to me. After all, we both had wings, couldn’t we fly? I mean sure, I didn’t know how to fly, but couldn’t Celestia? Heck, she should be able to teleport us...

Celestia evidently had a million things to talk with me, her desire to bond, to catch up… to heal the rift that Luna’s… my banishment now I guess had put between us… but I was most certainly not in a sociable mood, and I excused myself as I said that I was tired.

This leads her and a single guard pony to the top of a tower on the edge of the Royal Palace where a room was prepared for me. It lacked anything to declare that it was meant for the Princess of the Night, but as Celestia quickly explained, she figured it would be more fitting for me to choose the decor.

“Good night my dear sister… may your dreams be pleasant… and welcome home.” Celestia said, pulling me into another hug and leaving a small kiss on my head before she turned and walked out.

Only when I was sure I was alone, that there was no one else nearby, I picked up one of the pillows from the bed, and after placing it firmly over my equine muzzle, I screamed into the pillow and flopped myself down upon the bed, sobbing myself to sleep.

My dreams were strange… in part because I was able to realize they were in fact dreams. And nightmares of course… but thanks to being… aware as I was, I was able to ignore them. And instead, devote my time to thinking.

Thinking about how to proceed, what actions I should take… and what consequences might come up from them.

Telling the truth was, most likely, a bad idea. Celestia would probably incinerate me on the spot, even if she’s supposed to be nice and all that. At best, I’d end up banished and thrown in a prison cell in the place I was banished to.

However, I cannot avoid Celestia forever, but until I can say for certain that I know Celestia won’t do something horrible, terrible, or horribly terrible to me… I’m going to have to find some way to make it through this.

I’d read stories about stuff like this, of humans, or in particular, Bronies getting put into the body of one character or another.

But the problem here was how little was known about Luna... I mean besides episode two, she was in that Nightmare Night episode and… well, I’ve heard there was more, but I haven’t gotten that far into the series...

Mmm, there were tons of Luna fics about her having to study to catch up with modern Equestria, I could do that, after all I just know what was shown in the TV show and not much else. That could work… couldn’t it?

There was only one problem. The only pony who could figure out any ruse I attempted was the very pony I needed to convince in the first place! Celestia…. A pony over a thousand years old, a troll and a wise ruler. How could I possibly hope to pull something this big past her?

I could just tell her a half truth... aside from the fact she was Luna’s sister, I didn’t know much else, and being locked away for so long had to do a number on one’s memories...

But even then… learning what I was going to need to even keep the pretense of being Luna was going to be difficult… what about things like flying, magic? What was I going to do!?

So many options… so many risks and possibilities… I have to do something… I have to figure something out...

Yes… yes, blame the Nightmare, say it stole my memories and knowledge. Stick to it, and don’t let my fear hold me back. I have to do what I can to keep from being locked up or blasted into the moon.

I just have to hope this crazy plan works. Hooves crossed.

Breakfast was… awkward. Celestia seems to be waiting for me to open up and I have no clue what to say. I’ve already said ‘Good Morning’, wasn’t that enough?

So, out of a random, crazed impulse born from a desire to get her to stop looking at me like I’m some alien, I tackle Miss Sunbutt to the floor, and I start to tickle her with my feathers.

That caught her off guard, but it’s not long before she’s fighting back. Peels of laughter fill the small, private dining hall. Within about a minute though, the tickle fight has devolved into a food fight, after I manage to knock a bowl of cereal on her head.

By the time we are done, there’s food all over the place. Milk and oats are splattered on the walls, the windows… definitively staining the rug. Thank Equestria for my new body being so damage resistant… I’m pretty sure a bowl tried to smash my face in at some point, only to just bounce off.

“Oh beloved sister, that was most refreshing!” I should get a dictionary so I can justify knowing modern words like fun… and well, a lot of other modern words.

“Yes, yes it was Lulu.” She says, pulling me into a soft embrace with a single wing, and making me blush at such tender affections. “I have missed times like this… times when we put aside all royal manners and conduct… just acted like we were those little foals so long ago…”

I just sat there, not saying anything as I tried to figure out whether I should say anything, or simply listen.

“Sometimes Lulu…” Celestia begins, surprising me by how soft her voice is right now. “I wonder how things could be if we weren't who we are. What if we didn't need move the sun and the moon? What if we were just two sisters who didn't carry Equestria on their shoulders? Would two mares named Celestia and Luna have had different lives? Would those two sisters have been better off if their foalhood wasn’t ruined by the truth of what Discord had been doing?”

This… this was coming out of nowhere… and it was making me feel strange and funny… it… it was making me feel guilty. I shouldn’t be hearing something like this… this was something the real Luna should be hearing...

Celestia had continued, but I barely heard any of it as tears began to fill my eyes, and to her surprise, I jumped up, running out of the room as tears streamed down my face.

The instant I reached m-... Luna’s room, I threw myself in and slammed the door behind me.And I bawled… I sobbed… I cried. I was a monster! I had stolen Luna's life and body, and I was making it even worse by not telling my sister what she needed to know the most.

How... how can I fix this?

Wait... that thought... why had I referred to Celestia as my sister? W-What's going on? If I was just a fake, why would I see her as my big sister?

Maybe... maybe there is hope! M-Maybe Luna wasn’t gone… maybe she was buried somewhere deep down in this mind…

'Hello? Princess Luna! Are you there?'

No answer… nothing.


I don’t know how long I had been in here… it had felt like an eternity, but somehow I knew it had only been a day and a half. I had used my magic to lock the doors of Luna’s bedroom, and was pretty much refusing to come out.

I was half-amazed that Celestia hadn’t decided to barge the door down and demand to know what was going on. Instead, she had simply slipped a note in under the door that said she would be here for me if I needed her.

It was comforting in a way… but it only served to make me feel even worse than I was already! Celestia was wanting to comfort me because she thought I was her sister… but I wasn’t! I wasn’t Luna, I was… well… Me!

I was going to have to do something soon… even Celestia had to have her limits. I just needed to calm myself down… maybe… maybe when night fell I would take a walk… a nice relaxing walk… some place peaceful, beautiful…

I pulled my head out from underneath my pillow and walked on over to the balcony, peering out at the massive maze that dominated the view below. The Royal Hedge Garden… yeah… yeah that would work! I’d always been able to figure things out when I was out amongst nature!

The sun was still high in the sky for now, but my body seemed to know that soon it would be time for the moon to descend… and when it did… I would quietly leave Luna’s quarters… and get the break I needed to make some important decisions.

Like whether or not I could really keep this facade up at all… or if I wanted to.

It was somewhat hard to wait, but the sun finally set and the moon rose to take its place. Then it was as if I was in a trance, my horn lighting up as I… as I painted a most wonderful, beautiful star filled night.

Next thing I knew, I was walking on the royal garden, the night calmed me, welcomed me. Maybe I didn't know the stuff Luna did, but apparently my instincts did. I looked at the moon and frowned, it should not be full, I gave it a small nudge and then it was almost full.

Better. Now, what I was going to do? I had Luna's body and her power, and some instincts, or echoes of her knowledge.

Yet... I AM NOT LUNA! How many times must I say it to myself for me to get that!

But... I am the closest pony they have for the job right now…

I cannot break Tia’s heart, I cannot let the six chosen ponies know that all their work was useless. This might not be my world but... I should try to do my best to at least keep Luna’s role going.

So even if guilt consumes me, if nightmares plague my slumber... I will do the best I can to fill this role.

USURPER! IMPOSTOR! YOU ARE JUST A LIE! Some might say... but aren't dreams and nightmares lies in a way?

A mare waited a thousand years to get her sister back, better a lie or a dozen that breaking her. Equestria needs Princess Celestia more that it needs the truth.

And so, I decided to continue my lie.

Author's Note:

Chapter by Pinklestia with the collaboration of Rainbow Sparkle